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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @zxplod it’s in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#eisy_(PG3)_Dashboard
  2. @trevorst Glad you got logged into PG3. On the Polisy it's really hidden to change the password <grin> Click on "System" then "Account Management" Enter admin for user name create password It should log you out, bounce back to portal login then back to PG3 login window. seems like you need to read the wiki for the Polisy from top to bottom. It takes you through all the install and setup steps. Once you read through the wiki let us know if you have more questions. That's the plan. Looks like you've setup the ISY994 in PG3 since your screen cap shows ISY Firmware 5.3.4 (which was one for ISY994). If you're using the local host IoP then you should be 5.5.0 (or above) as long as you've run "upgrade packages" from the admin console on IoP.
  3. My understanding of the eisy is if you connect a network wire the wifi disables itself. Then if you unplug the wire it would re-enable wifi. I have not tested this, but know @Michel Kohanim and @Javi commented on this behavior elsewhere.
  4. @trevorst based on your initial screen shot above (I didn't look at it closely before so didn't notice this), you're accessing the Polisy via PG2. Make sure that you've got it up to date and you should be going into PG3 (http://polisy:3000/ or http://polisy.ip.address:3000 (replace the crossed out part with your actual IP)). ISY on Polisy should be running by default if you've got a current version of operating system running. Have you ever connected to the Polisy via SSH? If so, connect and run: sudo uname -a The OS should be 13.1 Mine shows: FreeBSD polisy 13.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 releng/13.1-n250174-753d65a19a55 POLISY amd64 Check this section of the wiki if IoX Launcher doesn't automatically find the ISY on Polisy (IoP) process: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Can't_Find_Polisy Once you get into admin console for IoP the next time you need to update the Polisy you just need to go to Admin Console -> Configuration Tab -> Update Packages
  5. Top notch support right there! Glad you got it resolved quickly!
  6. You need to clear Java cache (selecting all 3 options) then load a new start.jnlp (or admin.jnlp for mac if you can't get IoX Launcher to work). Sounds like you're getting launcher to work though if you have the option of Lan or Cloud so that's great. You just need to clear cache to get the local one to match what's on the ISY currently. No headache at all. It was a very simple, painless update. You can knock it out without problems. Glad to hear you've got things sorted out.
  7. Yes, you just have to download the 4.x you were on. I'd say probably 4.9. Why did you "stop" at 5.3.0? 5.3.4 is the "current" release for the ISY994 and should be used, especially if you're just running Insteon and no z-wave devices. Download 5.3.4 from the release thread found here. Make sure you've read all the steps to complete. There were a lot of manual manipulations needed when going from 4.x to 5.x. It's possible you have a lot of programs stuck in states that need to be edited before they will work correctly. In the Program tab look at Status. Do you see any yellow (?) programs? They might say "out of memory". Check out these troubleshooting tips (might be a little dated, but through here and other posts on the forums a lot of mac users have given tips and tricks): https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#MAC_OSX
  8. Interesting...I wonder if this is something that the new PG3x might be blocking it. I know on PG2 it does point back to local IP, but does generate an output and node server began working. Did you happen to have anything in "code" in the URL it sent you to? @Jimbo.Automates - Any reason this wouldn't work with PG3x (eisy)?
  9. You appear to be correct that when you "add new ISY" it does seem to default to port 80. I think that might have been remaining from when it was being used to point to standalone ISY994 that might have been on port 80. But the Polisy User Guide clearly shows setting the port to 8080 (in the image). And I guess the eyeball there is whatever system being used to capture that image. I do not see that on Chrome when I attempt to add a new ISY. Please do! Good luck.
  10. @bwade913 sorry couldn't give more help here. Let us know what they have you do to fix this issue so it might help others if ever face similar issue. PS: Current version for ISY994 is 5.3.4. You might consider updating once you're stable again. A few minor bug fixes between 5.3.2 and 5.3.4.
  11. No, I don't. Sorry. Just to make sure that your FW/UI match when you're in admin console what shows in Help -> About? If those don't match then something could be goofing you up in the backup process. I'd open a ticket to get the best help and right answers to get you to your next step.
  12. What are the lights on the front of the ISY994 doing? Troubleshoot here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Unsure what that file would be and not sure if it would block you from a successful backup. Have you power cycled the ISY994 during any of this? It's possible during the power cycle the SD Card could have been corrupted. If you hadn't perform a power cycle just on the ISY994 (leave the PLM plugged in). Observe the lights as it boots up. Best thing might be to start a support ticket with UD and get their input. Note though that there's a lot of moving parts right now so support might be a little slower than normally expected. Start a support ticket here: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets If you do need to replace the SD card read the wiki directions (but I would suggest running a support ticket before jumping to this step/process): https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card Be sure to note this in the info:
  13. As @bgrubb1 states this should be port 8080. See the wiki Polisy User Guide for setup help. Also, just use HTTP and NOT HTTPS. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs This is normal. It shouldn't display the password. Once it's set/stored then it's kept in PG3 system and will connect to the ISY without issue. On the web dashboard for PG3 if you click "ISYs" you should have an active ISY with a checkmark next to it if it's communicating correctly. You can also review the PG3 log files to be sure there are no authentication issues with the ISY. If you're logging into SSH then yes, you should probably change that. If you're not using SSH then don't sweat it for the time being. But the steps are: Just type: passwd Strange...are you local or remote/different VLAN from your Polisy? I usually only see that when trying to connect remote because it isn't finding any ISY/Polisy/eisy on the local LAN. If you're able to connect using the IPs you have shown then don't worry about that. It's usually just a UI anomaly, but usually appears if logging in remotely. If you're able to access admin console (and you included that in the screenshot) then certainly not an issue. If you're unable to actually get into admin console then there are other issues that need to be addressed.
  14. @awysocki Might want to read some other posts on the forums before jumping too far into this. This might help: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/39795-iox-release-v553-is-now-available/ But there are lots of threads in the same area you posted that have discussed your question. Ultimately the wiki (eisy User Guide) is also probably a good place to find information. It is still being worked on (best I can tell) to cover issues that have popped up along the way, but reading is always helpful.
  15. @cswelin please try to update Polisy IoX firmware to 5.5.3 (just released) and attempt to add again. Please report back if still having issues or if resolved with Firmware update.
  16. You've got to slightly "clean" the drywall first. We have the command strips holding up picture frames and framed posters in various rooms and they work very well. We usually wipe with damp cloth of 409, allow it to dry for a bit (~1 hour), wipe with dry cloth (just to be sure), place 1 side (apply pressure for a few seconds), allow it to "be" for a few hours before applying what you're trying to hang. I think the 3M instructions actually suggest 24 hours, but that's bogus (IMO). Great suggestion @jec6613!
  17. @endobiker do you have firewall between the subnet blocking traffic? It would probably be easier to use the portal process to access as though you were remote. You probably don’t have traffic configured to cross between the two. Directions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Admin_Console
  18. Personal preference as to upgrade or not. Though honestly, many have seen that keeping the Polisy updated is better than falling behind and risking something breaking in a future update along the way. This update brings some bug fixes in general, so nothing too major (on the Insteon side) from reading the release info.
  19. Yes, that’s always been a suggested step in upgrading firmware….at least one I usually follow. When firmware is updated clearing Java cache was once the normal. Sure, IoX Launcher should match firmware, but this time it did seem necessary again. Kind of strange, but was my normal process so wasn’t something I noticed.
  20. @SSamuels take a look at this solution. Step 2 helped me. If you are familiar with SSH access and commands good luck. Otherwise, proper update methods is in Admin Console -> configuration (tab) -> update packages (button)
  21. @ronbo take a look at this solution for similar issue. Option 2 worked for me and several others. If you’re familiar with SSH access and commands give it a try.
  22. @beachfront71 doubtful that just updating broke the process. It’s been covered numerous times that email to text has been impacted by the carriers. VZW seems to be one of the worst delaying emails to text. Depending how long your message is you might try sending to number@vzwpix.com (MMS) and seeing if you get it through. Otherwise, there are methods discussed in the forums of how to use UD mobile and push notifications or Pushover and network resources to get push messages. You will need to search for alternate options. UD Mobile has notification setup help in the UD Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  23. Sounds like the perfect time to take a picture and create an album on your phone or in a cloud photo storage system for "Matter QR Codes". Then you could open the image on a monitor and scan it with your phone should you ever need to scan it again (and not be able to remove the device from the wall/socket, or if the sticker falls off or fades). PITA possibility for sure! Hopefully there's an automated process that the QR code isn't fully required. Thank goodness we don't have to only rely on entering the Insteon address to link it to the ISY/IoX! Reading those "B/8" and "D/0" is torture!
  24. Matter on Polisy isn't even going to be something until at least March. Do you mean the ZMatter card? Do you have z-wave devices? Otherwise, Polisy has been fully tested.
  25. Geddy

    PLM Shortage

    @upstatemike - Try the "Contact Us" on Insteon's site and ask them: https://www.insteon.com/contact-us
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