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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @Voluntario What are you running the Node Server on? You mention ISY 5.4.3. That would be ISY on Polisy (IoP). Do you perhaps mean a standalone ISY994 running firmware 5.3.4? What weather node server are you wanting to install? They all setup a little different. Are you trying to run PG2 on a rpi (raspberry pi) or are you running PG3 on Polisy? There's no longer Polyglot Cloud (it shutdown last February). And now PG2 (Polyglot 2) that is able to run on non-Universal-Devices hardware is no longer supported by UDI, but would still be available if you had the ability/skills to run/setup. You can find more about that process in the Polyglot area. If you indeed have a Polisy you can run Polyglot v3 (PG3) and install any of the available weather node servers to fit your need. All will/should have a "more info" link to documentation that facilitates the setup process. If you do mean that you have a standalone ISY994 (running Firmware 5.3.4) note that PG3 can push node server information to the ISY994. You would need to have either the Polisy (no longer available for order) or eisy (just released and currently shipping) and run PG3/PG3x and setup the node server to push weather information to the ISY994. Final note: The current version for ISY on Polisy or ISY on eisy (both now referred to as IoX) is 5.5.
  2. Yes. It does. Can confirm after setting mine up today. You had good experience with that upgrade. I had to go a more brute force approach, but got it upgraded without much fanfare. Thanks to @Beaker for his thread that @Michel Kohanim posted steps that resolved my issue. 👍
  3. Geddy

    ISY Launcher

    @smokegrub are you connecting locally or remote? Are you sure you're on the same network as an ISY? What computer OS are you running (Win, Mac, other)? If the portal is able to connect you either have to add them manually (if you're local) or almost certainly need to add them manually if you're remote. Otherwise, if you've saved the finder information in the past you can reload a saved state file (File might look like this: ISY-Finder.<Day Date Time>.state) Have you updated Java recently that it might have lost key files/history? It might be good practice to clear Java cache and download a fresh start.jnlp (IoX Launcher) to put a new icon on the desktop and try finding them again when it opens up. Usually this happens to me when I'm connecting while remote. Since finder doesn't find anything on the local network it wipes out previous entries. I have to add the ISY manually or reload a saved finder profile.
  4. Interesting. I haven't had problems supporting it, but I only support for me and my in-laws. It's simple, easy and works. Even able to access it easily from halfway around the world. Seems like your experience has been more challenging. One great thing about the stability of the ISY system has been its reliability. So really haven't had much need to change it over the years.
  5. Geddy

    IR with eisy

    Nope. Just another user, like yourself. Thus the suggestion to contact UDI through their site. That's always the most direct route. Especially during times like this where their attention is placed more on getting devices and getting things to other users.
  6. Geddy

    IR with eisy

    Since I don't use IR I guess you're right. Nothing "receives" this. Perhaps you can contact UDI directly via their web contact options to express your thought over missing IR. Figured it was answered fairly obviously above and in the years since Polisy was released. Didn't see the need to beat the dead horse.
  7. Geddy

    IR with eisy

    IR was removed in Polisy and not available in eisy. There are alternate options using node servers and IR devices as @lilyoyo1and @gzahar point out above. Doubtful it would ever be added back in.
  8. Yes, for admin console access...just as ISY systems all have. It's been said that UD Mobile will certainly be an option and the goal is to have a Windows and Mac (M1/M2 chip) version (already running on macOS). Admin Console with IoX Finder (as we all know and love) will remain for quite a while.
  9. Geddy

    EISY shipping info?

    @PGannon have patience! Original expected ship date was 12/27. @Michel Kohanim posted that they got a shipment in early and processed orders. Perhaps based on quantity received only a portion of orders were able to ship EARLY. Others will process as supply allows. It's the holidays! Do you really want to be spending time tinkering with home automation? The process UDI has usually will send an alert when a shipment is sent, but you can also keep checking your order status and it should update soon enough. Note too that the holiday shipping crush and now the nation wide winter storm will probably have elongated negative impact on shipping. Just let the process work. Happy Holidays!
  10. @SSamuels I guess I'm glad it's working, but what you're saying is working now is not the issue you posted as your thread title. You were saying that PORTAL was down. And the file of screen shots showed that the Polisy was "offline" according to the portal. But now you're just saying that Polisy works with node servers. What happened to your Portal issue? You've simply ignored that. 😠 I'm so confused by what you think your problem was and how it magically resolved itself. Glad it did though. So guess you didn't follow any suggestions. It's just a Christmas Miracle. 🎄 You still need to use a different version of Java (current version is 8, update 351) not sure what you're saying is version 1.8.x. 😕
  11. Geddy

    What is the EISY?

    Locked thread as original question had been answered. Tagging onto old threads tend to cause questions (and solutions) to be hidden. Use the "Start New Topic" button to begin a new post.
  12. I think you need to update Java. What OS are you using? If Windows the Java version downloaded from Java.com should be Version 8 Update 351 (currently). Step 1 - clear Java cache (select all 3 boxes so it removes IoX Launcher from desktop) Step 2 - remove/uninstall the current Java version and possibly run the remove all old Java versions (see Java.com site for this process). Step 3 - download Java from Java.com Step 4 - download new IoX Launcher from UD site (see wiki for link) When you get current version of Java and get logged into Admin Console make sure FW and UI match (Help -> About). Set memory setting again if needed….I’ve not needed it on current desktop or laptop Win10 systems.
  13. Sorry...can't help specifically for Android devices. Perhaps others can. I know for the iOS world the Alexa app has some included geofence options to trigger lights when users arrive/depart depending on how the routine is setup. But I know others say that Android has been known to kill the background running apps so I'm not sure if that's a viable option. I think there has been some talk about tasker running something that's triggering as you enter/exit the geofence. Actually, I remembered a post earlier this year and found that @Jimbo.Automates posted this note about using wifi to trigger tasker. Not sure if this still works, but perhaps reading the comments in that thread would help. I know @Javi has commented that geofencing is in the plans for UD Mobile, but think it's still a ways off from being implemented. Hope that helps.
  14. @SSamuels why hide generic screen shots in a PDF? Very unhelpful to have to download a file to only have screen shots. You can paste screen shots directly into your post (if on a computer). When posting you can double click the image after pasting it to make it smaller on the post and still be clickable (by the reader) to see a larger image (that has better quality than the images in your PDF). When you're logged into the Admin Console (locally) click on the configuration tab. Is Portal showing active? You might need to revoke and then re-add the IoP to the Portal to send approval to the device again. Please review: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Cannot_Communicate_with_ISY_Portal
  15. @EWhite a bit confused by your post. What is it you're trying to accomplish? What do you mean by "basic location services"? Yeah, what you describe will fail because ping is probably unreliable for what you might be attempting to use it for. Need more information to be able to help give options for what you're trying to monitor/do.
  16. @waffles was going to reply sooner when I saw this, but was on a mobile device and was difficult to type. Was going to suggest doing just that. Especially the trouble devices. Typically I suggest people log into https://alexa.amazon.com/ (Smarthome -> Devices) and remove devices from there then tell Alexa/Echo to discover devices and try it out. If still trouble then remove again (if they appeared on the site again) and then perform a refresh/sync from UD Portal (button on the far right) If it was a few weeks it's possible that it could have been during one of the few outages that hit earlier this month. Then @bmercier suggested to re-enable the skill to re-link the portal account should have fixed it.
  17. The email information you reference is with regard to z-wave migration from 500 series z-wave to ZMatter board. That's still in development/review. I'm not sure about an upgrade path for smart meter and might be something you have to contact UDI directly. Probably best to go through sales for this, or you can open a support ticket. sales@universal-devices.com Support Ticket process -> https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  18. @jzh as suggested above point of service UPS or Surge Protectors tend to block the Insteon traffic and does not reliably allow the signal to reach wireline devices. Better option would be whole home surge protection, but still wouldn't entirely protect the point of service location. The new owners of Insteon expect to have PLMs in stock again soon and there are repair services (both by Insteon and found on ebay) in case something should happen to your PLM. Are you just trying to hedge your bets now or are you having symptoms of questionable PLM behavior? Depending on the age of the PLM some of the more recent builds did appear to last longer than prior versions. Don't worry too much about it at this point. The time to worry might have been the last year or more. At this point I think there's plenty of options for repairs and new stock available soon.
  19. The only way I'd see to be able to remotely restart anything would be through the admin console in the Polisy System Settings there is a "Reboot" button. I presume that would reboot the entire Polisy device. As @Bumbershoot points out you'd need to have port forwarding open to possibly connect to the device itself. Otherwise I've seen some comment on using Teamviewer to connect from a remote location to the local network (i.e. leaving a computer running 24/7 w/ Teamviewer running). You would then access it as though you were local. Otherwise, you would need a router that could handle inbound VPN system to put a remote computer on the local network.
  20. Don't sweat it. Remember you can RENAME the device/item whatever you want it to be. You've left the default name of Polisy. The image you posted came from somebody that named it IoX. Just don't rename it "silly blue box". It will crash and take over your house and never give back control! If you're waiting for the eisy to show up then I'd sit tight on what you're running. Let things settle a little bit before you upgrade and have to fix what had been a working system just to convert to an entirely new system.
  21. @Silversop As @lilyoyo1 pointed out, but might have referenced too generally is that what you've done is add the z-wave controller to your Polisy. That will only add z-wave devices to the ISY on Polisy (IoP) system. That will not feed/push devices to the separate controller (your ISY994). For you to have everything in one ISY system you would need to migrate the Insteon to ISY on Polisy (IoP) per the information in the wiki (Polisy User Guide) . Otherwise, you could run IoP only managing the z-wave network from there. Just know that the IoP and ISY994 systems do not talk back and forth so you wouldn't be able to maintain Insteon+Z-Wave devices with one program. Once you migrate to IoP then all Insteon and Z-wave devices would be on the same ISY system (IoP). Please make sure that you have been updating your Polisy along the way. If it is very out of date you might need to open a support ticket to get assistance bringing it current. Please pay special attention to the section about if your Polisy OS is below version 13 (in the wiki). Just for reference, log into Polyglot (hopefully V3) and take a screen shot of your version. I believe the latest version should show 3.1.16 for Polyglot (PG3 version). Should be http://polisy:3000 or http://##.##.##.##:3000 (where the #s are your ACTUAL IP address for your Polisy).
  22. "membership" is better described as developer status. For verified/approved developers there is a discount. This has been asked and answered several other posts, but difficult to find. Also covered in this post from @lilyoyo1.
  23. Here's the announcement - https://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=925049a46bfb51d5dae90f527&id=3510fad785 Preorders are currently open on the UD Store site that @tazman linked to.
  24. Just the usual UD Portal subscription. Still a steal at $20 for 2 years! Yes, should be. Haven't seen/heard any difference. Best I can tell is that ISY is now IoX and should run just like it always has. Of course there might be some differences, but I'm sure between what is being worked out from UD the HomeAssistant folks will get things working if something breaks. Doubtful at this point. That would be a major rewrite for how to access/program/manipulate the ISY (again, now IoX) functions. The major change has been what the UD Mobile app is capable of, but for bigtime setups I suspect that Admin Console will remain accessible through the IoX Launcher for the time being. Shouldn't be. Everything the ISY can do now should remain available through eisy+IoX. Programs seem fast enough as it is now...doubt there's much way to speed that up. The key features the eisy offer build on what Polisy offered by running node servers and allowing the ISY to control many different systems on one platform. You can see the list of current available node servers here. This gives you an idea for what all can be controlled through the eisy+IoX platform.
  25. Might be best to wait and see how the migration process works out before planning further move. From the comments it sounds like they're very focused on getting z-wave migration worked out as soon as possible. 🤞
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