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Everything posted by Geddy
@Wes Westhaver I’m not sure if you can still add the Network Module. I know it’s now included if you get the ISY Portal license. So if you already have an active portal license you should have the same network module function. But here is the info you’re asking about: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:Networking (some info might be outdated or written for old firmware versions, but most functionality should still be there.)
Make sure you search for "pin out" information. This is one that I book marked a while back from @Brian H to help describe what connects where: There are a lot of posts. Perhaps the easiest way to find them/others is using Google Site Search since some might be archived and not showing up in the forums search function.
I have contacted Somfy several times about the ZRTSI product to see if it would work better than their MyLink and would give me a method to incorporate into the ISY. At the time I didn't have Z-Wave running on the ISY994, but would have it the shades could have been incorporated. I have 4 shades using Somfy RTS motors with a MyLink so I could automate the shades, but their process is rough. Somfy directed me to use the Tahoma product to make it more "automation friendly". It's ZIgbee and Wifi based. I got it and couldn't ever get it to connect to a network. I finally got it, but at the time didn't have any Zigbee option to make things operate any different so I have remained with the MyLink. I've never been happy with any development information from Somfy. They seem to be scattered that nobody knows what direction they are going. Now looks like even Tahoma is EOL. I don't know for certain, but last time I had a support case they said there was no current support available for Tahoma. Would be great if they had a 700 series Z-Wave controller on the horizon, but figure the 300 series might be all they produce and support until it's really dead. About the time I was trying out HomeAssistant the Somfy MyLink integration was removed. I think HA still has a Tahoma integration, but I didn't keep HA to try that route out. I was hopeful that with the ZMatter board that perhaps it would help with the Zigbee side of the Tahoma to allow me to link the RTS motors to the eisy. @BigMojo interested in if you can get the ZRTSI to work with eisy+ZMatter. Take your time testing though...I'd have to get the ZRTSI device if it were to work, and just not sure I'd be willing to spend the money on it at this point...what we have works. At the moment.
@richtimpa 3.1.18 is only for Polisy. If you're on eisy you should be on 3.1.22 (as of current release posts). If you're on eisy make sure you can log into IoX Admin Console. Then use that same user/pass to log into PG3x on eisy. If you're still having issues please power cycle the eisy by removing the power plug, waiting ~20 seconds, plug it back in, allow ~5 minutes for full boot. Then log into IoX before attempting to log into PG3x. More than likely if you ran an update and didn't allow enough time before trying to access the system it could create a conflict and UDX did not start correctly. From other posts it seems to correct itself after a power cycle and allowing it to completely boot up before attempting to log in. PS: Nice auto correct on "eisy" to "Etsy"!
I agree. Glad they were able to try to help. Hopefully when you get home it will be as simple as swapping out the cable. I tend to make a habit out of using new cables when I connect new devices. So perhaps that will be a simple fix for you. Thanks for the update
Doubtful anybody here would know about any update for Roomie Remote testing. You should contact UDI directly from their website https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/. We're just a bunch of users helping users support their systems. You appear to have misunderstood the previous reply (mostly based on your post on the other forum). Nope. You need to be on 5.3.4 (if you don't have Z-Wave or have Z-Wave 500 series board). There's no migration path from Z-Wave 300 Series board. And not sure if 5.0.16C will migrate. Why did you stop upgrading at 5.0.10? There's been a lot of releases since then. Seems pointless to stay on a really old build when lots of improvements were introduced in later builds.
As I said, I do not have this error. Did you clear java cache and attempt with new install? Might go as far as uninstalling Java or at least making sure you have a current version of Java (Currently on their site is Version 8 Update 361). I only get this error (from your screenshot) if I put in an invalid email. It still adds it to "add/edit/remove" line and adds it as a group. If I try to then edit it I get the error again, but I am able to remove it and add another address without issue. It seems you either have an invalid address added to the group you're trying to edit. Check all your existing entries. As long as you always clear java cache and download a fresh admin.jnlp from the IoX after firmware updates you should be okay. The start.jnlp (IoX Launcher) was designed to try to eliminate the need, but I have also experienced with recent updates that the "Local" option did not update correctly so reverted to clearing cache and running start.jnlp again to get IoX Launcher icon on Windows desktop. What OS are you running? (Win (#?), maxOS, Linux) Since seemingly limited to your install I would try removing Java from the computer and starting fresh or opening a support ticket to get direct assistance for your issue. There are not more reports of this so doubtful that it's a IoX bug.
Not experiencing any issues. Just added 10 test entries and all acted as expected. Also added 5 emails to a couple existing entries to test. When you say "I cursor to enter information" what do you mean? I've always clicked on "Select to Edit Content" under Recipients in order to get the "Add/Edit/Remove Recipients" window to popup. I can then add emails or phone numbers just fine. Seems isolated, but if you think it's different than before, and not happening every time, perhaps make a video of the screen and submit a support ticket to explain your situation. Might be a Java issue and clearing cache, making sure Java is updated, rerun fresh start.jnlp and test again.
It might seem like an odd question, but it impacted my house within the last few years... Do you have above ground or underground power coming to the house? The reason I ask: About 2 years ago some lights were flickering randomly. A day or two later half our house lost power. It was almost a whole side of the breaker box. My utility company showed up, without me calling, saying half the supply to my house had failed. They connected a contraption to the meter until they could send a crew out to splice the buried lines. Ends up after about 20 years two little nicks in the supply lines shorted out causing the loss of power to almost half the house. (I don't know all the technical stuff, but that's the basics of my situation.) As @lilyoyo1 suggests it's unlikely that an ISY994 will cause lights to flicker. It could be that some of the Insteon switches are going bad and causing power fluctuations since it goes away when you replace with standard switches. But you say it remains when replacing with other Insteon switches makes me question the strength of the power through the "smart" switches. If they're having any power drop the additional usage of the Insteon switch could cause issues down line. I would suggest opening the event viewer, set to level 3 and see if there is any Insteon traffic when you see the flicker happening. It could be that there's suddenly a lot of Insteon traffic and it's impacting power just enough to be noticeable. More common with LED bulbs than Incandescent (from memory of other posts). Only other step of troubleshooting I would suggest is take an Insteon switch that appears to have a flickering light on it and install it on a different circuit. Does the light that it power then flicker?
I don't see how your post helps. Plus, this is not correct (just tested...sends just fine with 10 digits). OP is clearly sending an email to text number (the @pcs.rogers.com). However, that wouldn't (shouldn't) result in errors on the admin console side as described above. @K-bert - Since it's ongoing, and you've tried additional troubleshooting steps, I would suggest (again) opening a support ticket to get direct help on this issue. Please update this thread with the results and fix from the support ticket. Good luck!
Are you adding a "FROM" in each custom notification? In this: Why not just omit it and it will use the default that is setup in the Settings/Groups tab? That is just another place to have issues, sure it might have worked for you before, but could also have not been working and you never received the notifications so you didn't know it wasn't working. I guess it could have thrown up an issue if you had admin console open or an error in the error log, but I've normally seen people comment about leaving that out in the individual custom notification window. Seems very strange to impact something in those settings/customizations with this update. I would think that area had worked fine for so long that it wouldn't have been what caused you issues.
In prior posts this was classified as an "information only" type error. Indicating that it is not a real error and could be ignored. I am not sure if this has changed in Polisy/eisy era, but feel that if things are working well then it continues to be information only and could be ignored. You reference a -70001 as Vector error, but you seem to have just left out the first "1" from the actual error code. I also get a lot of the -170001 "errors" and don't worry about it. And that's just a small section of the error log from this morning.
Beyond what others above have all helped out as troubleshooting methods...if it is a power supply here's the info From the Wiki - "You can try any power supply that outputs anywhere between 5 volt and 30 volts,center positive, 2mm barrel connector" No, because of the changes from 4.x to 5.x the only way to migrate is from the 5.x branch. If you have Z-Wave installed on the ISY994 you need to be careful which version of 5.x you would upgrade to. Presuming that you get the ISY994 operational again upgrading might be in your future. But it takes a little bit of effort so don't attempt it randomly and without reading all the directions and posts about the update first. Highest priority is getting the current device operational again. Then you can consider updates and new hardware. Good luck!
@K-bert It's very strange to get a successful message then nothing. It might be time to submit a support ticket on this to see what's happening. I know with my Gmail settings I can send a test and it works in back-to-back attempts (I allow about 20-30 seconds between presses). When you're using Gmail make sure you are using an app specific password. It will NOT work if you're using your usual user@gmail.com password. Gmail changed last year to require higher security settings and not allowing random apps/services to just use user@gmail.com/password to log in. Be sure to follow these instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_(unique)_App_Password I doubt it matters, but maybe put something in the "From". It isn't required, but adding something might help. I just tried with mine and it sent fine with or without something in there and I'm using Gmail. My screen looks this way:
I think you're misinterpreting the meaning of "run" in your situation. Programs always run unless they are disabled. If you didn't want something to "RUN" then you could handle that in two ways... Split this into 2 programs and disable the 2nd program and only call on it from the first program. Put program in a folder and then set folder permissions to only evaluate during the schedule. This is tricky and should only be done in rare cases and by advanced planning and understanding of folder conditions. (See section 9.5.7 of the ISY cookbook for discussion of Folder Conditions) The program "evaluated" the IF portion. It didn't "RUN" the "then" portion because it was "False". With nothing in the "Else" there was nothing to "RUN". Are you saying that the lamp was on and turned off at a time you were not expecting it to turn off? Both @dbwarner5 and @Javi have explained the program will always evaluate the "if" and react accordingly. In your program both events must be true for the "then" to trigger. Otherwise, the program is false and the "else" would trigger. With nothing in the else then you don't perceive the program ran unless you look at the summary tab in admin console and see the "Last run time" as you are showing. To test this you can set a random light to turn off in the else then manually trigger the program "run if" while the lamp is on. The random light should turn off. Now...delete that from your program because you don't want it randomly turning off later! Additionally, you can test the current program while sitting at the computer by right clicking the program and selecting "run if". The program would trigger and set a "Last Run Time". The "Status" should also remain "False". While still viewing the summary tab, use UD Mobile, admin console, or other method to trigger the lamp on. You should see the "Last Run Time" update again. And it should still show status = false. This means programs always evaluate the "IF" statements. To stop that the programs need to be disabled or in a folder with conditions met to stop programs from being evaluated. Lastly, if you indeed come back and say, "yes, my lamp turned off at 7:05am" then you could have an issue with another program. The program you pasted would not have turned the lamp off at 7:05am.
@K-bert thanks for updating with the info from the support ticket. That's helpful! I had been suspecting that many of the problems being faced with ZMatter are due to how different device manufacturers incorporate things differently. With the rapid growth of "generic" devices coming to market being touted as "z-wave plus" I'm sure many meet the bare minimum of any z-wave "standard". That's got to make it difficult for a controller to try to handle every little difference. Hopefully there's a solution soon!
Command Class Hail (0x82/130) Version 1, Controlled This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library to trap unsolicited reports via Hail in legacy devices. Data holders: hail: Updated every time Hail command is received (Source: https://z-wave.me/manual/z-way/Command_Class_Reference.html#SECTION0016530000000000000000) I don't use z-wave (at least not much...yet), but seems that it is/was a way that ISY would update the device status if the device didn't report status naturally. There was an old post that used a program to query the device when "hail" was sent so that the status in the ISY would match the switch/device status.
@K-bert Make sure that you have at least one "group" in the lower section of that setup screen. Also make sure one group is selected when you run the test to. I just tried from my eisy with the default server settings checked and don't get an error. If you continue to have issues you might want to try setting up a dummy Google Gmail account and use that for sending. Note that Gmail now requires higher security and an app specific password. The instructions on the wiki will walk you through setting that up to be sure it will work. If you still get the error take a screen shot of the SMTP area and group area (white out personal contact info) just to confirm it's saved correctly. Double check that the test message didn't go through. It could be showing up in your junk mail of the address you're sending it to. Sometimes the test message goes to Junk but actual notifications don't. It's possible the system thinks it was rejected, but it actually connected and sent the test.
Home Assistant / Polisy ISY Node Server vs HA Integrations
Geddy replied to stevehoyt's topic in Home Assistant
In addition to videos read a lot of the posts here in the forums about what's going on with ISY (eisy) and HA. @shbatm is the developer for the ISY integration into HA. He's got great plans in a post he made last month - https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/39772-home-assistant-integration-updates-coming/ There's also been a lot of discussion about how other UD users are incorporating with HA (as @asbril outlines above). It would be wise to review some of those posts. -
Correct. That's always been the case for anything using the ISY Portal to connect to the device. Just like if you used the Admin Console URL found in the ISY Portal to access Admin Console while remote. You need to use the credentials for ISY Portal if using that method. The local credentials are only used when directly connecting to the device (either locally or if remote direct connection through port forwarding).
@K-bert This is another one that probably the best way to get the attention of UDI at this point is through a support ticket. It seems the biggest issue is indeed z-wave/ZMatter related so individual devices probably need to be handled through bug tracking, and that's best handled through the direct support process. Good luck! And if you get any tricks/fixes in the support request please update here in case others need assistance similar to this.
Some problems after going from Z-wave to ZMatter......
Geddy replied to johnmalachowsky's topic in ZMatter
@K-bert please review post above yours from @DennisC. A support ticket is the best way to get info to UDI if you consider this a bug or other issue. -
@FerventGeek seems more like a developer question than general user support question (the primary function of these forums). Perhaps this would best be something you ask UDI directly through the "contact us" found on their site.
I think your questions are best asked directly to UDI. You should contact them through their website: https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/ As for the forums this is more for user-to-user support and UDI does help out with keeping things in line from time to time, but currently the focus is on sorting out the eisy release and keeping IoX moving forward. @BWalsack I think your primary question (related to PLM) is deserving of a new post, but will leave here so you can "follow" the prior questions. Best way to "follow" a thread is clicking the follow button () at the top and setting up how you get notifications from the site. But, for your issue of connecting the PLM to the eisy you need to get the Serial PLM kit that UDI offers to handle taking the PLM signal from the rj45 jack (really a modified cable using serial signals) to a serial DB9 then the DB9 to USB cable. This is mentioned in the eisy page under "Device Support". There are numerous other posts about how to connect the serial PLM to the eisy. Additionally, there was a rj45 to DB9 cable included in all serial PLM boxes. Many long time users might have tossed the cable since the ISY994 accepted the modified rj45 connector and didn't realize the Serial cable was also in the box. If you still have your packaging look in there. Please note it's NOT the same as just taking a standard network cable and going from PLM to DB9. This information has been posted in many other threads. Use the forum search or Google Site search to look for "pinout" configuration. A lot of this was covered in the pinned post by @lilyoyo1 in this area. Should you have further related sales questions I suggest you use the "contact us" link provided above to directly pose these questions to UDI. These forums are more for after purchase support rather than sales support.
Insteon Thermostat -- Clock Incorrect -- Time in GMT Only
Geddy replied to jaydrosy's topic in IoX Support
If this was an issue in prior releases it might not have been reported through the support ticket method to alert UDI that it might have been a bug. If you're still seeing this issue please submit a ticket to get specific review of the issue. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets