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@jim_ Glad you got it working again. There's also been numerous reports about a repair service that somebody is offering on ebay that has had good results if you're not able to repair it yourself. https://www.ebay.com/sch/nilachidatasystems/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from= There's hope for the PLM though. In the Insteon area here the link to the most recent "Lunch with Insteon" showed an expected date of March 2023 for the product to return to inventory. Fingers crossed, in a few months PLM might be available from Insteon again.
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There are some old videos showing the install. I know there were some topics earlier this year saying that something in a current/recent release for RPi changed the process. Having never attempted such an install I can't tell you what to watch for. Check the PG2 area of the forums. Here's the GitHub for PG2 - https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2 Videos - https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/158-instruction-videos/ Found those posts from earlier this year that might help: Good luck. Know that PG2 is no longer being developed so support could be limited.
Not specific to your thought of how it would work, but here's what UDI posted about the new board back in July. Read through that. The way I interpret this is that the matter/zwave board would be able to talk to other matter certified devices. But again, having just been released who really knows (at least among us users) how and what will work? The way I see it is that the Polisy/eisy would be able to control Matter while maintaining all the systems it controls now (either natively or through Node Servers). I don't know if some other controller would be able to talk to the Matter board on a Polisy to tell it to do something on the Insteon (or Node Server) side. We all would need more information from UDI on that regard.
Make sure the iOS devices are using the same version of the app. I saw mention of that in a reply from @Javi a few months ago.
You cannot. You need either a Raspberry Pi system to run PG2 (no longer being developed) or would need to find a Polisy to run PG3 and run node servers on that. Otherwise, there's no current way to get node server (and therefore weather) information into an ISY994. Check this post from @larryllix about having a spare Polisy if you wanted to venture into that realm. PGC went down in February. At that time there were probably a fair amount of Polisy available (and UDI offered a discount for those relying on PCG). Since then there has been a big demand on Polisy and they've been out of stock since the summer. Now, there's a new device coming out (the eisy - find posts about it in the Coffee Shop section of the forums), but don't wait for that to be available soon if you're needing something for system critical use. Good luck.
Read ALL the words in the link you provided. Don't believe what you think you read... This doesn't mean there's 190 devices out in the wild now that are "matter certified". There might be a few, but I'd hazard to guess that 99% are still being developed to hopefully be certified and most of this 190 are probably still being tested for certification. So...don't believe the hype. It's just released. You can't expect everybody to have an answer right away. Even Hue said it would be early 2023 before they'd start rolling out updates to their hubs to be able to "talk/work' with Matter. It's still way to early to tell. Besides, who is ready to run out and spend a ton of money to replace stuff that's probably working fine just to work with a new made up "Standard"? Sure, if you've broke stuff you need to replace it might be nice to get something a little future proof, but if not...why worry about it? I think the biggest thing is NOBODY really understands what Matter is and too many are using it as a buzz word to suddenly think everything can talk to everything. Sure, somewhere down the road maybe that's what it means, but now...life as usual for most of us. Good luck to the poor saps on the bleeding edge of technology wanting to have stuff work to be let down when it's really not much better than they already have. Just my 2¢ (with inflation is probably worth less than 1¢ these days)
Quickest and easiest…. ISY Portal account… https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Admin_Console Plus, MobiLinc works with ISY Portal for remote access… https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_MobiLinc_Configuration And to fix your default email issue you need to update to 4.9 if you’re running 4.x firmware. Otherwise setup a Google account and use that. Directions also in the wiki. Finally….read the information in current release area (on the forums) for ISY Launcher for current/best way to access ISY locally (the “old” method of a browser and Java don’t work so need to learn the new way). It’s simple if you’re as tech savvy as you say you are.
Sounds like the IP address for the ISY wasn't restored. If the port is pointing to the old IP make sure the ISY is at the correct IP. With the ISY994 there's no need for certificates if you're using port forwarding. Do you have an ISY Portal subscription? It's been the much preferred method to contact the ISY remotely. Poking holes in a consumer level router makes a lot of security issues. Trying to fix with port forwarding: In Admin Console: Help -> About - Make sure the "My URL" is the IP address you have the port directing to. Click on Configuration Tab and check "HTTP Port" and "HTTPS Port" - confirm those ports are what your directing the open port to. Otherwise, if you have ISY Portal you should setup Mobilinc with the ISY Portal access with the directions found here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_MobiLinc_Configuration Make sure you use your ISY Portal credentials and NOT your local Admin Console credentials. Should end up looking like this: Works perfectly every time and don't have to poke holes in the router. Here's where it gets fun! If you have ISY Portal then you also can use the URL in there to access Admin Console from any computer remotely. You don't use a browser (that's not been the method for many years now). You need the ISY Launcher and add the remote URL to connect to the Admin Console. In the "ISY Information" is an address for "Admin Console URL" - Add that to ISY Finder and use your ISY Portal credentials to log into the Admin Console from anywhere. ISY Portal also allows you to integrate with Amazon or Google (with supported skills).
Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know. Good luck with UD Mobile! It's a good one that's still being tweaked.
Hopefully you're not doing this in a room that is naturally dark at night. Kind of safety issue to turn the light off as walking into/through a room. You'd be wise to add a delay to turning it off once motion was triggered so you could completely clear the room/area in question.
Sorry couldn't get it sorted out for you. Hopefully support will get you all setup soon. Happy Friday to you as well! Enjoy the weekend ahead! It's a hour longer!
Why did you do this step? If you deleted the node server from PG2 and uninstalled it you could have just re-launched Admin Console (if it was open) and the node server should have gone away on its own. I wonder if you've caused some sort of conflict in PG2 now. Especially since it is still showing as unmanaged in PG3. Close Admin Console (if you have it open) for the time being. Let's keep that closed while you work on Polyglot side. What does your dashboard in PG2 now show? Is it showing anything for iAquaLInk? While in PG2 make sure you uninstalled iAquaLInk in the "Polyglot NodeServer Store". If it just shows "Install" button then that's okay. Check the Log just to see if there are any errors being made. You might need to run a "Restart Polyglot" from the PG2 side to possibly clear out anything processing in that system. Check the log again after you restart Polyglot. NOTE: do NOT restart the Polisy! (not at this point yet) Were there any errors in the PG2 log? No, go back to PG3 dashboard. Is iAquaLInk still showing there? If it is at this point there's a possibility a dictionary might be corrupt and not clearing that slot. That's a job for UDI Support. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Glad you got this part cleared up. Good luck! Let me know how it goes.
@jr2 what operating system are you on? Windows or macOS? When you're logged into admin console go to Help -> About and look at Firmware and UI and make sure those version match EXACTLY. This sounds like a Java memory error. What version Java are you running? If you're on Java Version 8 Update 351 make sure you clear the java cache (make sure you select all 3 options Delete any admin.jnlp or start.jnlp from anywhere on your computer. Then download a fresh copy of the ISY Launcher from UDI's website. Run the launcher and it should install the ISY Launcher icon on the desktop. Now run the ISY Launcher and access admin console through that process. If you still have issues then increase the memory. (Note: if you are on a powerful system this "512m" can be increased to 1024m) The above instructions work best for Windows users. MAC users tend to have hit and miss success with Java and ISY Launcher. So fingers crossed your a Windows user and this gets you going. Please note that in the 4.x branch you will only be able to auto update to the 4.9 version. If you try to venture into the 5.x branch it is a manual upgrade and requires a lot of attention to detail. Get to 4.9 first then if you think you need to go further you can read more about that in the Current Release posts.
@SSamuels (first, to tag/mention somebody in the forums start with the @ then type their name and select it from the list below. It will put the blue oval around it as seen above for your name. This sends a forums notification to the person you mention to check the post. Otherwise, it is just luck that some return to prior posts if they don't know/think replies have been made.) There are several places to enter credentials and different logins for different functions. So it's not all the same user/password combination (sadly). ISY994 has a user/password ISY on Polisy (IoP) has a user/password PG2 has a user/password PG3 has a user/password Each of these could be different if you've set them up to be different. So just logging out of PG3 and logging back in does not mean that PG3 knows the user/pass for ISY994/IoP. First, let's get PG3 talking to the ISY correctly. When you're logged into PG3 web dashboard/user interface (whatever it's called) Use the "ISYs" menu and "Edit Current ISY" You should now have this window: THIS is where you put the username/password for the ISY that you're using with PG3. It can either be a standalone ISY994 or the IoP service. This IS the username/password you use when you open Admin Console to work on the ISY. This IS NOT your PG2 or PG3 user/pass combination. (unless you've made them all the same!) Review the wiki for how to add ISY information: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs Click "SAVE" and now PG3 should be talking with your ISY process. Confirm with the log that you no longer get the 401 errors or timeout errors I think you were getting earlier. Now, for PG2 logging in - that is NOT the same as the PG3 login. To access the PG2 dashboard use the same process you used to access PG3, but leave off the :3000. PG2 listens on standard :80 port. So just type this: https://polisy/ (or https://<your.polisy.ip.address>/ ***NOTE: Remove the portion of <your.polisy.ip.address> and use your actual Polisy IP address) If it's been a while since you've been in PG2 dashboard you might get a security error. Hit details and proceed (or whatever your browser options are to proceed to the site). This is mentioned here for PG3, but applies to PG2 also in this case: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Polisy_(PG3)_Dashboard (I don't think this is an issue since you say it's giving you error when you try to log in on PG2, but just making sure) Now, on PG2 it's a DIFFERENT password than PG3. So if you don't remember it then you need to reset the credentials for the Polisy. That process can be found here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Reset_Credentials Make sure you know this only resets the credentials for PG2, SSH, and IoP. It does not reset PG3 or standalone ISY994 credentials. Now, to "fix" the PG2 node servers. Once you're logged into PG2 you have two options. 1) You can keep managing them in PG2 if they are working for you. 2) You can remove them through the process on PG2 (remember, it's a two step process - you have to delete them then uninstall them from the NodeServer Store menu). If you remove them from PG2 then you can add them in PG3 if you wish. This way you would only maintain the node servers in the PG3 dashboard. I know you said somehow you've managed them before in PG3, but @bpwwer has always said that PG3 CANNOT manage PG2 Node Servers. So it's doubtful that you've actually managed any PG2 installed NS from the PG3 dashboard. Who do you think is the administrator of PG2 or PG3? That is usually yourself. Unless you've had somebody setup the Polisy for you and they have an admin account and you're not admin user. The above steps should clear this up for you. But up to you to make the choice of what to do with the PG2 node servers you have installed. Oh....one more thing...the ISY setup in PG2 is a little different than in PG3. That information is entered under the Settings -> Polyglot Settings tab Then entered in the "ISY Settings" area: Enter the Address/Hostname of your ISY (Use just the IP address of standalone ISY994 - no "http" needed. I think "localhost" will work for IoP, but I don't use IoP on PG2 so cannot confirm.) Enter Admin Console User/Password credentials. Leave HTTPS UN-CHECKED. Scroll to the bottom and hit SAVE Hopefully this helps you out! Let me know how it turns out.
I'm not local so can't show screen shots, but when you click on the "details" of the node server one of the options in the details page is to restart.
Yes...I am indeed. Best band ever! As for your issues...if the node servers were installed using PG2 they've never been "managed" or showing working in PG3. You would need to log into PG2 web interface and either remove them there then install them again in PG3. Or leave them in PG2 and manage them from there. If they're working it should be okay until something else breaks. PG2 is no longer supported and most developers have moved on to focus on PG3 development and ongoing support for node servers. Not sure if you changed user ID for PG2 login, but try user = admin / pass = admin. If can't log in with that you might need to reset using the button on the front. Read the Wiki Polisy User Guide information about the multi purpose button. I'm not a professional log reader either, but looks like PG3 isn't talking to the ISY correctly. I think @bpwwer would be better able to review the log and give you further pointers on what needs to be updated/changed.
FYI - The site appears to be working now.
@tjkintz if you go here - https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/339-current-release-announcements/ Click on "Follow" and then select "A notification and an email when new content is posted" you'll get an email (and forum notification alert) that something has been updated. This covers PG3, IoP, UD Mobile - any Universal Devices release that gets posted there. Perhaps future Polyglot development can somehow push a notification within the system that an update is available, but right now the easiest way is to follow the forums and get the alerts. Polisy is in active development so there are regular updates ongoing. The current problem with automatic updates is that things might break if the unit updates without the user knowing it. It's completely different than thinking about a Router that might just update some internal security setting. This is a slightly higher complex system.
@Ross - According to the release for PG3 v 3.0.63 IoP was running once installed. So as @MrBill says you've probably had it running. It's fine to run without adding anything to it (that's how mine is currently). Are you comfortable with SSH access to the Polisy? If so you should check out the wiki link I posted above and let us know what you get for the OS version result. I also think it should be current enough. (sudo uname -a) Are you on Windows or macOS? If on Windows and running ISY Launcher method you can probably just refresh your ISY Finder window to find the IoP process. That information is also seen in the wiki linked above. If it doesn't load on refresh try adding it manually as described -> https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Can't_Find_Polisy Since it's a new(ish) hard drive with 3.0.63 installed I think it's safe bet that IoP is running and you should be able to access the "Update Packages" button as @MrBill shows above. I think with the level of development around the Polisy keeping it updated is key. Otherwise, there appears a higher risk of issues by just letting it sit and churn. It's a living system that the developers have been making requests to help themselves, but also just overall making the whole system operate better (for all the users) as more, and more node servers are being developed.
@SSamuels is it possible the other two node servers are installed/managed by PG2 and not PG3 node servers? Or are you certain they're all PG3 node servers? If they were installed in the PG2 side they cannot be managed in PG3 and will show up this way. Otherwise, since you've done the restart of PG3 try to restart each node server individually? Can you see the logs of either to see if you notice any errors? Or look at the main PG3 log to see if any errors are seen to lead you toward resolution.
@Illusion probably something @bpwwer or @Michel Kohanim could better explain. However, my "simple" way of looking at it is: Polisy = Device = Reboot Polyglot = Service = Restart IoP = Service = Restart (although this doesn't appear to work when given the command from PG3 interface) I'm not clear why there's an option to "reboot ISY", but it might have been to reboot an ISY994 that the Polisy could talk to. I don't think it works. Something with trying to restart or reboot ISY (either IoP or ISY994) from the PG3 web UI doesn't work and just flashes an error in the lower right of the screen. IMO best way to reboot the IoP is through admin console. Same way as done previously with the ISY994.
@Goose66 This is the closest thing I've seen to what you're looking for... There was an older post for in the "geek batch" area:
Bummer...seems like UDI's site might be having issues. That's something @Michel Kohanim will need to review. Try emailing as @MrBill says, but I think there might have been some recent changes to the ticket platform since @Michel Kohanim removed the email method from his signature. But should still work to get something started. If you read the information in the wiki it will give you the commands to use via SSH login. Please note the default SSH login are admin/admin for user/pass. If you're not comfortable with logging in via SSH please wait for support to work on your ticket to assist with the process.
@Ross since your issue is more with upgrading PG3 than the issue being discussed where you originally posted it, I split it out so you could get more help for this specific issue. Since you're on an older version of PG3 at this point you need to open a support ticket to get the options for your specific device. Please review this information in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Polisy_OS_Versions_Below_13 Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
Have you tried adding the other items mentioned in the configuration as "Custom Configuration Parameters"? Since in the read me it says "User Provided" I wondered if the whole parameter has to be added. https://github.com/simplextech/pg3_docs/tree/main/ST-Inventory#user-provided I don't use this Node Server so can't help with the setup. And think @simplextech commented that they only get notifications from PMs, so perhaps send a PM to them referencing this topic.