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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Nice work @Panda88! The new area to discuss YoLink can be found here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/395-yolink/
  2. @Illusion since you went the new hard drive approach I would suggest opening a support ticket to ask this specific question before proceeding. Since it warns you that you could brick your system you don't want to mess up what you just got updated. So better safe than sorry at this point just to confirm the steps to update from where you are currently. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  3. @MrBill a little lost gem in that reply here. I 100% agree wish this (automated + cloud backups) would become an option in future development. I'm sure it's got some issues trying to program, but it would 100% make things a lot easier on the rare occasion that something does go bad. Not having to rely on a good/recent local backup for the old ISY994 method in the new fangled Polisy/eisy devices. @upstatemike and @Illusion I can understand your thoughts and hopes of having a system to "set it and forget it". That is if it truly is considered an "appliance" device. However, my view of it is a working computer system. Much like Windows (or macOS) there are updates that are needed along the way. Either feature, safety, or stability. Since being an ISY user I see the ecosystem being a living computer that requires some monitoring and upkeep. It's very minimal (for the most part), but also during the ISY994 5.x firmware development there were endless updates and releases. Same seems to be true for the Polisy as PG3 is fleshed out and development of the interaction with the Node Servers changes and continues to evolve. For those reasons I think it's too simple to just consider this system to be a "set it and forget it". It does appear to be a desire to get there (as @Michel Kohanim posts), but even then, updates and features are always welcomed additions that some users might look for. Especially as new users come into the ecosystem of the ISY/IoP.
  4. @someguy PG3 current version is 3.1.12 - release announcement here: What Techman gave you is Firmware for ISY on Polisy. You can find all current release information here - https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/339-current-release-announcements/
  5. From their reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OrroHome/comments/yetc3f/orro_shutting_down_operations/
  6. Apparently "computer people" alphabetize capitalizations different than normal humans. Same reason some of the other node servers that are in all caps get put before others. That's "computers" for you. Are you running ISY994 or IoP? Your screen shot above is showing the ISY is at 5.3.3. ISY994 current version is 5.3.4 IoP current version is 5.4.4 I don't think that makes a difference for what you're experiencing, but is just another update needed somewhere.
  7. @apostolakisl what version of PG3 are you running? Are you on 3.1.x? If on an older version (like 3.0.x) then there's apparently something not allowing it to show the actual version of node server you're running. It's only going to show the last version that is supported by your version of PG3. I saw @bpwwer mention this somewhere. It was a change in the PG3 3.1.x update and would break the older versions if handled differently. So make sure PG3 is updated and it might fix your issues with other node servers you say you're having the issue with. If you're current then it could be the other developers have not updated where the version numbers are since the 3.1.x update in PG3 purchasing process.
  8. @kaplansa not noticed any issues with it and this is one node server I have run in PG3 for a while. Take a look at the logs to see if you can see any errors coming when you try to operate something. Have you made sure you have an IP reservation for the Hue bridge in your router? Or else setup the bridge IP as noted in the settings (and mentioned in this post). Just knowing what kind of errors are seen in the log will help with further troubleshooting.
  9. @TVC15 There have been a lot of posts about this through the years. Info about the power supply can be found in the wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Quick search of the forums found this topic:
  10. @Illusion moved your post above into this thread as it appears to be your same issue. Please review replies above. @Chris McKean did you get help from your support ticket? What resolved your problem? Please update here so it might help others.
  11. @Illusion make sure your ISY Portal is an active subscription. Can you log into my.isy.io and confirm your license for ISY Portal is current? Once you confirm the access license is still current then it should work. Make sure you're using your ISY Portal email and password (same credentials used to log into my.isy.io). Also while in the ISY Portal make sure the setting for "My Preferred ISY" points to your active ISY (either ISY944 or IoP) Just double check the information needed to use ISY Portal with Mobilinc (Pro or HD) can be found in the UDI Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_MobiLinc_Configuration
  12. Take a look at this recent post...doubt the ultimate issue will resolve your issue (was GFCI outlet), but perhaps the information from @Brian H might help.
  13. @Illusion I'm not sure what you're doing (or not doing) at this point. But I might suggest you read the Polisy User Guide to help in some ways: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide Any node servers you install with PG2 can only be managed by PG2 and will show up as "unmanaged" in PG3. And vise-versa. PG2 can only point to one ISY. PG3 (I believe) can point to multiple ISY. So, are you working with a Polisy and trying to send node servers to an (external) ISY994? Or are you on a Polisy and trying to send node servers to ISY on Polisy? If you want to delete Node Servers you need to access the dashboard that installed them and uninstall and delete from there. PG2 is a two step process. PG3, I think, is a more simple solutions, but haven't gone through the process in a while to give you step-by-step. If your Polisy is "old" and you're waiting for a new drive then I wouldn't do anything with it now until you get the new drive. You're going to cause more problems than good at this point by randomly trying to flip between two entirely different systems.
  14. @Illusion sounds like @bpwwer would need to step in to answer your questions. Or others that use this node server. Not sure what would cause it not to work through switches unless they changed subdomains somewhere along the route.
  15. @CPrince "Find/Replace" is only found on the Programs tab when you right click on a program. You can search for devices from that screen.
  16. @Illusion Have you installed any other PG3 node servers? Do they show up in the ISY? Sounds like you might not have the PG3 pointing to the ISY process correctly. Are you running ISY994 or ISY on Polisy? Make sure you've added the ISY to the PG3 dashboard - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs If you do have other NS installed and appearing in ISY then perhaps PG3 needs to restart. Make sure you've also closed admin console and re-opened for new NS to be loaded to the admin console.
  17. @Blackbird There have been lots of questions/comments on this subject through the years. Either searching the forums with the search bar at the top of the page might find the posts or using Google Site Search will find you several comments. What @kzboray states is the typical answer for the issue. Surge protectors or UPS devices tend to filter the traffic for larger system installs. While it "might" work sometimes it could be problematic. Best practice has always been to suggest plugging directly into the wall. I had a whole home surge protector installed (about the time I started installing Insteon), but also use point of service surge protection for high value equipment. However, the PLM is plugged directly to the wall outlet. Think of it like a Powerline Wi-Fi extender. Those have to be plugged directly into the outlet to propagate the network signal to other parts of the house.
  18. It's more than likely Java related. How long have you been an ISY user? It's likely a very old cache still in the system somehow, but Java 6 would have been very old (2006~2011). But I searched for macOS and Java 6 and it seems that it's more recent (stupid macOS+java!). So it seems to be a Java related cache. You should remove the old cache. See if there's anything else in that directory. Also, reading some of these tips from Java might be helpful: https://www.java.com/en/download/help/java_mac.html You might also want to look at this for removing cache after Java was removed: https://www.java.com/en/download/help/deployment_cache.html But again, you appear to have multiple installs of Java. Maybe you need them for something. If not, I'd remove them and just use the standard release. If you need them...it might be advisable to setup another account on the Mac that doesn't have all those java versions installed and only use THAT account to run basic Java and access admin console. I guess this brings me back to your first post...are you having issues now? Your last statement really is a loaded statement... If it's working now...why wouldn't it work "down the road"? I mean, sure, macOS sucks for some people and makes things unbearable...but I think if it's working for you now, and you've got that much "junk" (java installs) working against you...what makes you think it wouldn't work in the future? Do you have that little faith in Apple that their macOS will go funky? I mean...it's Apple. It's just supposed to work, right? (Sorry...a tiny anti-macOS rant there...it's silly how users have such different experiences and abilities with macOS+java+ISY. Don't get me wrong...I am 100% in the iOS/iPadOS world, but macOS (issues) baffle my mind.)
  19. Always the best. That sucks. Hope support will get back to you soon and it's an "easy" fix. What do you mean by this? How does the portal display readings of the thermostat? Do you mean through Web Access or something? I don't run any Insteon thermostats so don't know how you're seeing a reading on the ISY Portal site (my.isy.io). Strange to just "stop working", but Amazon/Echo is known to update stuff that might break connected items. Glad you can operate locally. Chalk another one up for local control!
  20. Do you, by chance have any strange characters in your Polisy name? Any punctuation or characters that might make a file name invalid? Something seems to be triggering the backup to fail because of an invalid character. I wonder if might be in the Polisy name since it doesn't seem to even get to the node server level to backup. Just ran a backup in Chrome and this is in my log: 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] info: Starting Backup Creation 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Creating DB Backup... 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Creating DB Backup: Done 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Backing up node servers 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: All node servers added to backup -- finalizing 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Removing Backup Archive from filesystem after download 10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] info: Backup Successful Please post back once you get help from support to tell us what resolved the issue.
  21. @webminster what is the brand/model of thermostat? Log in on https://alexa.amazon.com/ click on "Smart Home" then "Devices" and confirm you see the Thermostat in that list. If it's controlled by a different Skill in Echo (depending on the brand you have) you might need to disable/enable the skill. If it's an Insteon thermostat then I'd remove it from the site/app, check the setup in ISY Portal, then run device discovery again.
  22. @Lore Also - split your post out to get more attention. The thread you posted to originally had basically been resolved or was dead.
  23. Not that I can help, as I don't use a mac, but what version macOS are you running currently? ISY Launcher works best with the default Java that you download directly from https://www.java.com/en/download/ (currently Version 8 Update 351). All your other Java installs could cause issues with ISY Launcher, especially using macOS. macOS users seem to have hit or miss problems with Java and ISY Launcher/Admin Console due to some safety settings in macOS. There are a few posts regarding macOS and getting into admin console that you should be able to find on the forums if you're having other issues. You should clear the java cache for your current 8.x install (be sure you select/check ALL THREE boxes in the "Delete Files and Applications" screen). You should delete any downloaded copies of admin.jnlp or start.jnlp and download a fresh copy from the UDI site. I'm not sure if there's actually anything in the cache directory you mention above, but if it's 6.0 you should probably delete anything in there also.
  24. Do you have the Hue Hub with an IP reservation in your router? Take a look at this thread for setting up bridge/hub IP address: If this doesn’t help look at the log for the Hue node server and post any errors you might have.
  25. Geddy

    E-mail TLS 1.2

    It seems to come and go. Some (like @Techman above) say it works well, but just as many (or more) have come here to complain about not getting mission critical texts for hours, days, weeks later. There have been news reports of email to text messages taking months to deliver. (Not just ISY notifications) So, while is HAS worked well it’s a risky option that most would not suggest people use…especially alerts you might deem “mission critical”. Glad you got UD mobile alerts working, and yes…they are very quick! One thing people like about using Pushover is if you’re on iOS you can have different alerts and urgent delivery types that will come in through Focus times if necessary and setup that way, Just some different options for new ways to get alerts.
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