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Ubi is here


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Thanks hbsh01

I did see where an HTTP post can be entered into the Ubi. As I know little about REST I was wondering if you could supply a simple example of what the command would look like and what I would need to do at the ISY to turn on an Insteon device.

I tried searching but didn't find any clear examples. I do have the network module.

Thanks very much.


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Hi Gary-


Download the WSDK documentation from: http://www.universal-devices.com/developers/wsdk/4.0.5/ISY-WSDK-4.0.5.zip


Read the /REST section.


Rest is pretty simple and once you have set up a couple of calls, you will get it.


Lets say you have a Switchlinc dimmer at address 11.22.33 and you want to control that with /REST:

To turn On:



or turn off:



or 50% dim



The first time in a session that you isse a rest command, the ISY will prompt for user/pass authentication. Since you want the Ubi to send these commands and it won't be able to answer that login prompt, you will have to pass that info with every command. Your urls will look like:



I am still waiting for my Ubi. I expect it will be a few more weeks before I see it as my order # is 1100-ish after the backers get theirs. I am looking to do exactly what you are trying to do. Can't wait to play with it.


Hope this helps.



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Xathros is correct except you have to put the last digit of the node in. The node as listed on the device usually has a "1" after it.


For example, this turns a light fast on in my house where the isy is at 24 95 1/cmd/DFON


This is the device whose address is 12.24.95 But it has a "1" after it. don't know why? You can query the ISY using rest


And it will list everything and the node.


Your web browser will replace the space in the address with %20, so no need to do that.


Now, the tough part will be figuring out how to get Ubi to put you user/password in. I can't help you on that.

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Thanks apostolakisl.


I missed that when it typed out the first one then copy/pasted the error to the rest :\


I included the %20's not knowing what the Ubi command entry field would do with a space and figured this would be safer. But yes, in a browser, - not needed. Also should mention that any Insteon address that have a leading zero in an address segment, you would leave out the zero:

11.0F.33 1 = 11%20F%2033%20%201 = 11 F 33 1



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Thanks apostolakisl.


I missed that when it typed out the first one then copy/pasted the error to the rest :\


I included the %20's not knowing what the Ubi command entry field would do with a space and figured this would be safer. But yes, in a browser, - not needed. Also should mention that any Insteon address that have a leading zero in an address segment, you would leave out the zero:

11.0F.33 1 = 11%20F%2033%20%201 = 11 F 33 1





Yeah, I would first type it into a browser using spaces and test it. Then you can cut and paste into UBI with the %20 instead of a space letting the browser do the swap out for you. It gives me a headache looking at it with all those %20's.

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Thanks all for your help.

I am able to send the REST commands via a browser but haven't had any luck so far using the Ubi. I assume the login is the problem. I did try (http://isyusername:isypassword@/rest/nodes/11%2022%2033/cmd/DON) but on the browser I just get cannot find the URL. I assume the Ubi would have the same problem. If there is a way to logon using REST then a voice command could be set up to do that assuming it would stay logged on and not time out. Any help with the logon would be greatly appreciated.

Xathros, I believe they are hoping to ship all the Ubis before the holidays.

Thanks again for all the help.


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Thanks all for your help.

I am able to send the REST commands via a browser but haven't had any luck so far using the Ubi. I assume the login is the problem. I did try (http://isyusername:isypassword@/rest/nodes/11%2022%2033/cmd/DON) but on the browser I just get cannot find the URL. I assume the Ubi would have the same problem. If there is a way to logon using REST then a voice command could be set up to do that assuming it would stay logged on and not time out. Any help with the logon would be greatly appreciated.

Xathros, I believe they are hoping to ship all the Ubis before the holidays.

Thanks again for all the help.


Are you able to send the command with the user and pass included from the browser or is that what failed for you? If that is what failed, post the URL you used - replace the user, pass and ip with bogus info but keep the formatting so we can see what might be wrong.


If it is the Ubi portal that complained, it may be that it needs to access from outside your network in which case, you will need port forwarding and will want to use https:// instead of http. Even with SSL, I don't like using my user/pass combo embedded in the URL as I think that is sent in the clear before the SSL handshake. My impression and hope has been that the portal would program these commands into the Ubi and they would work on my local network without the portal being involved beyond the initial configuration of the command.

Do keep us posted.



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Have you changed the default http port 80 to 5010 in the ISY? If so, set that back to 80 and test again without the port specified in the URL. The error "Windows can find..." makes me think it's not interpreting the URL correctly as is.



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What browser are you using? I get an error when using IE 11, but Chrome works fine.


Chrome and Firefox work for me but I'm also on a MAC so ...



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Good news.

I was using the latest IE browser (11) where it didn't work. Tried it on Firefox and it worked fine.


Awesome! Now see if you can get Ubi to use the same command.



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No luck with Ubi. After giving the command I don't get any response. Maybe it encounters an error.


Is your ISY set up for remote access? If so, try it with https:// and your external IP:port and see if it works.



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IE exploring stopped supporting the username pasword in the url several versions ago.


If you can post your rest commands from a browser on the same network as the UBI, I doubt it has anything to do with your ISY or your network.


I would put my money on the username password issue. The UBI would have to support that function in the URL and I bet it does not. No doubt there has got to be a way to authenticate your UBI to the ISY, but I don't know what it would be. You would really need to get on a UBI forum to work that out.


I don't believe there is a way to turn off ISY's authentication, but if someone knows of a way, it would be worth turning it off temporarily for testing purposes.

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Happy to help.


I recall them saying that the ability to add custom commands was one of the shipping features on the first round.


What have you been able to do with it so far?



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