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Help with getting ZS upgrade running


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Hi, I just installed my new high-power Zigbee smart meter module into an existing ISY994i. From the documentation I can find, I am looking for a new "My Electricity" panel that has the relevant numbers I need to give to PG&E to provision it. But after changing the firmware and clearing java/browser caches, I'm still not seeing the expected UI.


Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Here are the specs:


Firmware: Insteon_UD994_OADR v.4.2.30 ( 2015-04-02-09:09:20 )

UI: Insteon_UD994 v.4.2.30 ( 2015-04-02-09:09:20 )

Product: ISY 994i (1120)

 - OpenADR (21010)

- Weather Information (21020)

- Networking Module (21040)

- Irrigation/ETo Module (23000)


Thanks for the help!




Hello Scott,


As part of the hardware upgrade you need to purchase the software for the electricity module. Please engage UDI and they will get you squared away because it should have included it in the price.


Create a service request sending them your invoice and the UUID from the Help -> About.



Michel, thanks a ton for your help. PG&E's "Stream My Data" web page was not working for my account so I had to give them a call. It's up and running!


For others who might be reading this thread, PG&E asked me for the MAC address. I gave them the Ethernet MAC address and that isn't what they need. They need the Euid from the AMI meter page on the ISY. Once we had that figured out everything went smoothly. Someone on another thread noted that the PG&E call center folks were very helpful. I also had a good experience with them, kudos to their help line folks.





  • 1 year later...

I also have a 994i-ZS already paired with our local utility's bi-directional smart meter on the side of my house. I can see the demand signal and summation received reading on the meter in the ISY.


I am also a solar customer and deliver considerable energy to the utility during parts of the day.


I believe the SEP 1.x protocol sent from the meter has the delivered register, but the ISY does not grab it as a value.


Can someone from ISY tell me if it is possible to grab the delivered register from my meter in the ISY?



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I know the information is being sent from the utility meter, because I have also tested a Rainforest Automation energy gateway and it can see both the delivered and received registers. This appears to be an ISY limitation.



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Fort Collins Utilities in Colorado




<AMIMetering status="--" uom="kW-kWh" multiplier="1" divisor="1000">

<currSumDelivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="6" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">1536000</currSumDelivered>

<currSumReceived type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="6" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</currSumReceived>

<maxDemandDelivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxDemandDelivered>

<maxDemandReceived type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxDemandReceived>

<dftSummation type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="6" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</dftSummation>

<dailyFreezeTime type="UINT4">0</dailyFreezeTime>

<powerFactor type="UINT4">0</powerFactor>

<readingSnapshotTime type="UINT4">0</readingSnapshotTime>

<maxDemandDeliveredTime type="UINT4">0</maxDemandDeliveredTime>

<maxDemandReceivedTime type="UINT4">0</maxDemandReceivedTime>

<maxCurrTier1Delivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier1Delivered>

<maxCurrTier1Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier1Received>

<maxCurrTier2Delivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier2Delivered>

<maxCurrTier2Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier2Received>

<maxCurrTier3Delivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier3Delivered>

<maxCurrTier3Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier3Received>

<maxCurrTier4Delivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier4Delivered>

<maxCurrTier4Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier4Received>

<maxCurrTier5Delivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier5Delivered>

<maxCurrTier5Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier5Received>

<maxCurrTier6Delivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier6Delivered>

<maxCurrTier6Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier6Received>

<maxCurrTier7Received type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</maxCurrTier7Received>

<instantaneousDemand type="INT4" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">-645</instantaneousDemand>

<currDayDelivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">5000</currDayDelivered>

<currDayReceived type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</currDayReceived>

<previousDayDelivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">21000</previousDayDelivered>

<previousDayReceived type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="3" digitsRightOfDecimal="3" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</previousDayReceived>

<currParProfileTimeDelivered type="UINT4">0</currParProfileTimeDelivered>

<currParProfileTimeReceived type="UINT4">0</currParProfileTimeReceived>

<currParProfileIntDelivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</currParProfileIntDelivered>

<currParProfileIntReceived type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</currParProfileIntReceived>

<lastIntervalDataValue type="UINT4" digitsLeftOfDecimal="0" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</lastIntervalDataValue>

<lastIntervalDataEndTime type="UINT4">0</lastIntervalDataEndTime>

<deltaEnergyDelivered type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="6" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</deltaEnergyDelivered>



<currSumReceived type="UINT8" digitsLeftOfDecimal="6" digitsRightOfDecimal="0" suppressLeadingZeros="false">0</currSumReceived>


The value I am interested in is the current summation received (see quote above). This is the meter register that shows how much solar energy was delivered. I can get this value from the Rainforest Automation device paired with the same meter, so I know it's available and being sent by the utility.


I am already using the instantaneous demand signal.



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Hi Tim,


We do not query and of the xxxxReceived points (they are commented out).


With kind regards,


Is that a hard policy? For someone with solar and the ability to deliver energy back to the grid, the received points are very valuable. I can't figure what my bill might be without them.



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Tim, no, it's not. It's based on our work with NVE, PG&E, and SCE neither of which had this requirement and we simply comment out points that are not used to reduce traffic.


With kind regards,



Tim, no, it's not. It's based on our work with NVE, PG&E, and SCE neither of which had this requirement and we simply comment out points that are not used to reduce traffic.


With kind regards,


I'd like to make an official request to include the received data. As an ISY user myself, and as our local utility manager that will be rolling out OpenADR this year and already has Zigbee enabled meters.



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Hi Tim,


Of course. Please read my response to your PM. Since we already have a working relationship with your team, it would be best to continue going that route so that all features can be properly tested.


With kind regards,



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