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Hello everyone,

Since we are getting into beta for 5.0.x, we decided to change ISY Finder such that it will figure out which version of the UI to use based on ISY's firmware. So, you don't have to keep reinstalling the Admin Console. Furthermore, you can launch the Dashboard from ISY Launcher.


1. Clear your Java Cache
2. Go to https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
3. Click  on the desired ISY row and, from the menu, choose the Admin Console or the Dashboard


1. For additional instances, you need to start another instance of ISY Launcher
2. For 4.6.2 firmware and below, as well as 5.0.12 firmware and below, you will get the original ISY Finder when you lauch


Looking forward to your feedback.

With kind regards,


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Hello Michel, 

My Win 10 install worked fine.  On Mageia 6 Linux with Iced Tea cleared, finder installs.  Had to add isy manually 5.0.12.  Unable to launch dashboard or Admin Console.  Removed, added back, same result.  I can try again at your convenience, no hurry.  Thanks...


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My wife's MacbookPro OS 10.13.5 with java 8 51 can access our isy994i ver.4.6.2 with admin.jnlp icon, but on my Macbook isy finder gets a blank,and won't let me add the isy ip address either. I get the following:

Java Web Start x86_64

Using JRE version 1.8.0_171-b11 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

User home directory = /Users/ronaldreynolds


c:   clear console window

f:   finalize objects on finalization queue

g:   garbage collect

h:   display this help message

m:   print memory usage

o:   trigger logging

p:   reload proxy configuration

q:   hide console

r:   reload policy configuration

s:   dump system and deployment properties

t:   dump thread list

v:   dump thread stack

0-5: set trace level to <n>


java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/ronaldreynolds/isy/udi_launcher.state (No such file or directory)

at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)

at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)

at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)

at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:93)

at com.universaldevices.isyfinder.ISYFinder.restoreState(Unknown Source)

at com.universaldevices.isyfinder.ISYFinder.restoreState(Unknown Source)

at com.universaldevices.isyfinder.ISYFinder$7.run(Unknown Source)

What amI doing wrong?

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no, I get:

Last login: Fri Jun 29 11:15:47 on ttys000

MacBook-Pro:~ ronaldreynolds$ hostname


MacBook-Pro:~ ronaldreynolds$ Open /private/etc/hosts

MacBook-Pro:~ ronaldreynolds$


# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##    localhost    MacBook-Pro.local    broadcasthost
::1             localhost 


ie., I get "local" not "interbel",  I'm not understanding what is going on??

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Works perfectly with my Win10 and ISY 5.0.12. I'll try my linux fedora machine later on.


Edit July 2:  Fedora 28 Linux offers same results described by scotnor.

Edited by glarsen
Add fedora test results.
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If it's helpful, I'm getting a few errors today when using the new launcher (see screenshot).  The Admin Console will connect to the ISY, then toss up this error message, then disconnect.  Sometimes it will display the dialogue asking for login credentials again, sometimes not.  I suppose it's entirely coincidental, but it seems to happen more often when using http instead of https.  Below is the error log for today.

Mon 2018/07/02 05:36:09	System	-5012	27	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:09:48	System	-100	[DHCP] state=RENEW	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:15:10	System	-5012	29	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:16:23	System	-5012	30	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:19:17	System	-5012	31	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:30:50	System	-5012	33	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:55:28	System	-5012	34	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:55:39	System	-5012	35	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:57:42	System	-5012	36	
Mon 2018/07/02 06:58:07	System	-5012	37	
Mon 2018/07/02 08:24:35	System	-5012	39	
Mon 2018/07/02 08:30:29	System	-5012	40	


Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 8.30.42 AM.png

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3 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hello Bumbershoot,

All these error are because your computer is blocking ISY to publish events and thus ISY expires the subscription. Did you ever have to configure your firewall or did you use https by any chance?

With kind regards,

Thanks, Michel, I'll see what's going on with the firewall - this machine was restored from backup fairly recently, so something might have changed.  This error doesn't appear if I use the https link, so I'm using that.

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3 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hello Bumbershoot,

All these error are because your computer is blocking ISY to publish events and thus ISY expires the subscription. Did you ever have to configure your firewall or did you use https by any chance?

With kind regards,

Hi Michel,

It looks like explicitly allowing incoming connections for the "ISY Launcher App" in macOS High Sierra appears to have solved this issue.  Below is a screenshot of the firewall configuration that made it work, in case anyone else using macOS runs into this issue.


Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 4.38.35 PM.png

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I owc you an apology, but sometimes one  really does have to take us old codgers by the hand, all the way.

 After struggling with administrative console, and with ISY finder for a week, following all the hints and guides, etc. for hours and hours, I was sitting there, head in hands. I absentmindedly closed the “failure to find” ISY window, bemoaning my delima when “what to my wondering eyes should appear “ but THE window with my isy discovered!  All I needed to do was to close the no find window and wait patiently for your new app to work its wonders.  You had alluded to this, but I missed it.  I hope this confession might help some others.

 I am ever grateful for your patience and technical savvy.


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So, I'd love to use the start.jnlp, but no joy.  I've edited the hosts file (windows 10) to ensure the device I'm working with is known, I've also tried to add the IP address of the ISY with no success.  I've been ale to get the console to start and added the IP address of the ISY (http://<ip address>) to the console, but it's still not connecting.

I'm a bit confused.  Last time I tried the admin.jnlp it worked, now - not so much - simply says, Not Found.

My ISY is working, the ISY portal is working, I can use voice commands with Google Home - all good.  I just can't change my scenes!

How do I start the admin console?

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Michel -- one thing that I noticed with the new launcher is that if you make a mistake on the login window (when using the Admin Console(), it won't allow you to re-enter either your username or password.  You have to close the login box, and then select logon from the file menu on the AC.

I was trying to access from the WAN, via the Portal, have not noticed if same behavior exists when accessing on LAN.  

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