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I don't get a web page on port 3000 after upgrading to the newest version (2.2.5_1):

sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade
Updating udi repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.txz: 100%    820 B   0.8kB/s    00:01    
Fetching packagesite.txz: 100%   45 KiB  45.8kB/s    00:01    
Processing entries: 100%
udi repository update completed. 156 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.
Updating udi repository catalogue...
udi repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (1 candidates): 100%
Processing candidates (1 candidates): 100%
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
	polyglot: 2.2.4_2 -> 2.2.5_1

Number of packages to be upgraded: 1

17 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Fetching polyglot-2.2.5_1.txz: 100%   17 MiB   9.1MB/s    00:02    
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Upgrading polyglot from 2.2.4_2 to 2.2.5_1...
===> Creating groups.
Using existing group 'polyglot'.
===> Creating users
Using existing user 'polyglot'.
[1/1] Extracting polyglot-2.2.5_1: 100%

Polyglot appears to be running, however:

[admin@polisy ~]$ ps aux
root       11 393.9  0.0      0     64  -  RNL  06:12   25:55.93 [idle]
root        0  14.7  0.1      0   4640  -  DLs  06:12    1:02.02 [kernel]
mongodb  1001   0.3  1.2 821000  48500  -  I    06:12    0:07.56 /usr/local/bin/mongod --logpath /var/db/mongodb/mongod.log --logappend --config /usr/local/etc/mongodb.conf --dbpath /var/db/mongodb -
root        1   0.0  0.0   9556    980  -  ILs  06:12    0:00.21 /sbin/init --
root        2   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [crypto]
root        3   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [crypto returns 0]
root        4   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [crypto returns 1]
root        5   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [crypto returns 2]
root        6   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [crypto returns 3]
root        7   0.0  0.0      0     32  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [cam]
root        8   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [soaiod1]
root        9   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [soaiod2]
root       10   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [audit]
root       12   0.0  0.0      0    320  -  WL   06:12    0:02.44 [intr]
root       13   0.0  0.0      0     48  -  DL   06:12    0:00.01 [geom]
root       14   0.0  0.0      0    160  -  DL   06:12    0:01.59 [usb]
root       15   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [soaiod3]
root       16   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [soaiod4]
root       17   0.0  0.0      0    160  -  DL   06:12    0:00.39 [zfskern]
root       18   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [sctp_iterator]
root       19   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.29 [pf purge]
root       20   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.09 [rand_harvestq]
root       21   0.0  0.0      0     48  -  DL   06:12    0:00.15 [pagedaemon]
root       22   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [vmdaemon]
root       23   0.0  0.0      0     48  -  DL   06:12    0:00.09 [bufdaemon]
root       24   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.02 [syncer]
root       25   0.0  0.0      0     16  -  DL   06:12    0:00.01 [vnlru]
root      670   0.0  0.0      0     64  -  DL   06:12    0:00.00 [ng_queue]
root      701   0.0  0.1  11308   2612  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 dhclient: system.syslog (dhclient)
root      704   0.0  0.1  11504   2692  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 dhclient: igb0 [priv] (dhclient)
_dhcp     705   0.0  0.1  11672   2816  -  ICs  06:12    0:00.00 dhclient: igb0 (dhclient)
root      785   0.0  0.0  10552   1500  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 /sbin/devd
root      824   0.0  0.1  10916   2160  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/rtsold -a
root      865   0.0  0.1  11276   2620  -  Ss   06:12    0:00.03 /usr/sbin/syslogd -s
root      993   0.0  0.1  12292   3452  -  Ss   06:12    0:00.26 /usr/local/sbin/powerd++ -a hadp -b hadp -n hadp
polyglot 1009   0.0  0.1  10768   2188  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64[1010] (daemon)
polyglot 1010   0.0  2.5 705696 103592  -  S    06:12    0:07.75 /usr/local/bin/polyglot-v2-freebsd-x64 -w /var/polyglot
root     1032   0.0  0.1  11108   2320  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/hcsecd -f /etc/bluetooth/hcsecd.conf
ntpd     1062   0.0  0.5  18632  18712  -  Ss   06:12    0:00.27 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/db/ntp/ntpd.pid -c /etc/ntp.conf -f /var/db/ntp/ntpd.drift -g
nobody   1069   0.0  0.1  10892   2196  -  Is   06:12    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/sdpd -c /var/run/sdp -g nobody -u nobody
root     1089   0.0  0.2  17596   7872  -  Is   06:12    0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sshd
root     1092   0.0  0.1  11268   2656  -  Is   06:12    0:00.01 /usr/sbin/cron -s
root     1135   0.0  0.2  17896   8380  -  Is   06:13    0:00.07 sshd: admin [priv] (sshd)
admin    1138   0.0  0.2  17900   8400  -  S    06:13    0:00.02 sshd: admin@pts/0 (sshd)
root     1134   0.0  0.1  10804   2380 u1  Is+  06:12    0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty 3wire.115200 ttyu1
admin    1139   0.0  0.1  12828   4064  0  Ss   06:13    0:00.04 -bash (bash)
admin    1149   0.0  0.1  11548   3012  0  R+   06:19    0:00.00 ps aux
[admin@polisy ~]$ 



This is from the polyglot log after a reboot:

2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.5
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: Running in Polisy mode
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: MQTT Client Service: Started
2019-10-29 06:09:57 [polyglot] info: HTTPS Interface Service: Started - Address: Port: 443
2019-10-29 06:09:58 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot authenticated successfully.
2019-10-29 06:09:58 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
2019-10-29 06:09:58 [polyglot] info: ISY: Got Version 5.0.16
2019-10-29 06:11:59 [polyglot] info: Caught SIGTERM/SIGINT Shutting down.
2019-10-29 06:12:59 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
2019-10-29 06:12:59 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.5
2019-10-29 06:12:59 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
2019-10-29 06:12:59 [polyglot] info: Running in Polisy mode
2019-10-29 06:12:59 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
2019-10-29 06:12:59 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
2019-10-29 06:13:00 [polyglot] info: MQTT Client Service: Started
2019-10-29 06:13:00 [polyglot] info: HTTPS Interface Service: Started - Address: Port: 443
2019-10-29 06:13:00 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot authenticated successfully.
2019-10-29 06:13:00 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
2019-10-29 06:13:00 [polyglot] info: ISY: Got Version 5.0.16
2019-10-29 06:25:12 [polyglot] info: Caught SIGTERM/SIGINT Shutting down.
2019-10-29 06:29:08 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
2019-10-29 06:29:08 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.5
2019-10-29 06:29:08 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
2019-10-29 06:29:08 [polyglot] info: Running in Polisy mode
2019-10-29 06:29:08 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
2019-10-29 06:29:08 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
2019-10-29 06:29:09 [polyglot] info: MQTT Client Service: Started
2019-10-29 06:29:09 [polyglot] info: HTTPS Interface Service: Started - Address: Port: 443
2019-10-29 06:29:09 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: polyglot authenticated successfully.
2019-10-29 06:29:09 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
2019-10-29 06:29:10 [polyglot] info: ISY: Got Version 5.0.16

Still, nothing on port 3000.

Posted (edited)

Okay, it appears that the new version of Polyglot is indeed running, but apparently not on port 3000, but on the default https port of 443. ' https://polisy' gets me in.  'https://polisy:3000' produces nothing here.  The "Settings" page indicates this.

Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 7.36.26 AM.png

Edited by Bumbershoot

FYI -- I discovered something interesting this morning that might save some folks a little time: I installed my new Polisy PRO in the same cabinet as my ISY, as that's where most of my hardwired networked gear goes.  In fact, I set my ISY directly on top of the Polisy.  I began to notice issues with my previously rock solid Z-Wave devices, specifically, communication errors.  After a bit of fussing around, I powered off and removed my Polisy from the cabinet, and Z-Wave began acting reliably again.  I replaced the Polisy without the screw-in antenna, and the Z-Wave issues returned, though maybe not as bad as before.  Removing it from the cabinet entirely and placing it elsewhere caused my Z-Wave devices to begin operating normally.  Polisy now has a new home...


Can't find my PolISY online!!

I checked my router and found no IP address. I tried the admin console standard IP address and port 443  and still no success!

Eventually I did find my PolISY via another URL,
….it was just  released from Canada Customs in Toronto and out for delivery!! :):) ? ?

  • Haha 1

I am unable to access Polisy using https://polisy:3000 or using 443

I was able to locate the Polisy IP address and I am able to access Polisy using SSH. I assigned the local IP address to Polisy and added port forwarding. Still, the only way to access Polisy is using SSH.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Bumbershoot said:

Okay, it appears that the new version of Polyglot is indeed running, but apparently not on port 3000, but on the default https port of 443. ' https://polisy' gets me in.  'https://polisy:3000' produces nothing here.  The "Settings" page indicates this.

Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 7.36.26 AM.png

Interesting.  My 2.2.4 does not have a GUI option to change the port.

I have it in my config .env file though (because I prefer port 443). That being said - did you restore from another install? I wonder if the option could have been set via that process. 

Edited by MWareman
2 minutes ago, MWareman said:

did you restore from another install?

Nope, I didn't.  This appeared with Polyglot version 2.2.5_1.  That said, there's another Polyglot update available this morning: 2.2.5_3.


Just a couple of suggestions. Would be nice to have a shutdown button to shutdown Polisy for relocation or other reasons. I hate to just pull the plug. Right now I do it through SSH but I know that won't be available later. The ISY also lacked that ability.  Maybe pulling the plug is just fine. The other would be to have the ability to clear the log rather then having it scroll though the entire log each time just to see the latest entries at the end.



  • Like 1
16 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Please do:
sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade

There's one more bug: the Polyglot daemon might be running twice. So, please do this:
sudo killall daemon
sudo service polyglot stop
sudo service polyglot start

With kind regards,

no  dice... tried 2x

"Server not found"

Interestingly enough the 442 is my media center Pi


[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo killall daemon
[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot stop
polyglot not running? (check /var/polyglot/polyglot_daemon.pid).
[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service polyglot start
net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh: 442 -> 442
Starting polyglot.
[admin@polisy ~]$


  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, garybixler said:

Just a couple of suggestions. Would be nice to have a shutdown button to shutdown Polisy for relocation or other reasons..........

That would be a nice since enhancement add to that an automatic shutdown in case of power outages. 

Since January 1st, we have had at least 15 or more power outages down here in Florida. Although, when I move the Polisy, Isy, Gem/DataBox, NAS, Pi's Arduino's and router to their new panel, it will have battery backup/SOLAR so that should make it easier on the equipment.



Good idea. This said, one of our mail goals was that you could simply unplug the unit without having to worry about things going awry. That's why we use ZFS + SSD. During the development process, we deliberately unplugged Polisy during a variety of operations and nothing got damaged. I am relatively confident that, simply unplugging would not have adverse impact on the operation of the unit except for periodic logs that have not been flushed. In all cases, it's a good idea.

With kind regards,

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Can you please do:

ps -aux | grep poly and post the result?

With kind regards,

Here it is


[admin@polisy ~]$ ps -aux | grep poly
polyglot 1624   0.0  0.1  10768   2332  -  Is   08:26     0:00.00 daemon: /usr/
polyglot 1625   0.0  2.5 708452 102192  -  S    08:26     0:09.30 /usr/local/bi
admin    1718   0.0  0.1  11248   2696  0  S+   09:10     0:00.01 grep poly
[admin@polisy ~]$





So, it's running. Do you know the IP address for your Polisy? If not, please do ifconfig. igb0 is the Ethernet port and wlan0 is the WiFi (if you have one). Once you get the IP address, please try https://<ip>  or https:<ip>:3000 … please make sure it's https and not http.

With kind regards,


Posted (edited)

It worked, but only if I used the IP address of the Polisy without the 3000.



Edited by Mustang65
Posted (edited)

Got my PolISY today. Thank you very much!! Avoided customs, brokerage fees, and taxes. Shipping appeared to be about 7-8 days.

WLAN board had fallen out. Placed back in the edge connector and it kept springing back up. Partially snapped it down. On closer examination one of the fastener clip's metal spring was flattened down. Bent it out of the way and bent it over the board once snapped down into the good clip. Not sure if I damaged the clip or it was damaged, letting the WLAN PCB loose. Working temporarily now.

Powered up but could not get it to respond to https://polisy:3000. I have no DNS server on my LAN so I don't know how this could possibly work. Accessed my router, and found new connection/MAC address. Assigned it in my DHCP reservation table. Repowered up Polisy and it came back with my assigned IP address.

Browser connected to polisy using assigned Browser complained of no certificate, with all the silly negative advice about not connecting...ignored! as I also do with RPi  PolyGlot. Polyglot admin console came up, reported it found an ISY on different subnet @ but required security details. Corrected IP address and installed security details for ISY connection.

Upgrades are offered to PolyGlot but will not install, as I receive the complaint "platform not recognised - freebsd" each time this is attempted with the built in method. The attempt cannot completed and fails each time. I assume this may take some SSH access with the appropriate updating, at this point in development..

Swapping  polisy in for my RPi polyglot needs to be investigated yet, and I am not sure what I can experiment with and what I require to be completely solid yet. I don't use many NSs so just manually replacing devices in programs wouldn't be too much work, so far.

Report more later.


Edited by larryllix


Thanks so very much for the feedback!

What you need to do:

1. ssh to polisy
2. sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade
3. sudo pkg install py37-netifaces
4. sudo pkg install py37-cryptography
5. sudo reboot

If you upgrade your Polyglot on Pi to 2.2.5, you can back it up and try the restore button.

With kind regards,

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Thanks so very much for the feedback!

What you need to do:

1. ssh to polisy
2. sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade
3. sudo pkg install py37-netifaces
4. sudo pkg install py37-cryptography
5. sudo reboot

If you upgrade your Polyglot on Pi to 2.2.5, you can back it up and try the restore button.

With kind regards,

Thanks Michel!

It appears that all went OK (have to spell 'cryptography' correctly :( )
However, I seem to have lost my PolyGlot auto-launch. I can get no response from the now.  Rebooted from PuTTY a few times.
Can't seem to navigate around the polisys without some standard linux basics, to investigate further.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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