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Release 5.1.0 (RC2) is now available

Chris Jahn

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On 8/14/2020 at 12:22 PM, blueman2 said:

When you do go to 500 series, I just recommend you put the ISY into a vertical orientation (not flat on the table, but rather on it's side with z-wave module at top).  For some reason, that helps a lot for the 500 series.  

I second this...I moved some equipment around a while ago and the ISY went from vertical inside a panel to flat on a shelf...and my Zwave devices stopped working.

The range went from "no problem" to literally 5 feet.

The flat orientation doesn't work...mounted it to a wall vertically and all was good again.

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As a heads up, if anyone is having troubles doing a z-wave dongle restore (Z-wave => Tools => Restore), I found that having active z-wave device queries can cause a restore to fail.  So disable any programs that might automatically query a z-wave device while doing a restore.  I had to do this to allow me to do a restore to my Series 500 dongle.    

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@Chris Jahn  @Michel Kohanim  V5.1.0


Looking for advice please...

I moved back to my 300 series dongle many months ago and recently upgraded from v5.0.15 to v5.1.0. Although I have over 60 zwave devices I had minimal issues with the upgrade and now everything works great except for a persistent green update icon associated with one zwave device.(the device works fine and my OCD is about over it)

Now I see "Please Note:  Due to reported issues, if you are not using a 500 Series Z-Wave board in your ISY then we do not recommend you upgrade to 5.1.0"

Going forward was wondering if it would save me problems if I went back to v5.0.15, put my series 500 dongle in, then upgrade to 5.1.0?

( I fully intend on moving back to the 500 in the future)

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@drprm1, if you made it to 5.1.0 on the series 300, then I recommend doing a z-wave backup (Z-wave => Tools => Backup), make sure it took (you will get a dialog box after a while saying backup success or backup failed).  If it was successful, then do a regular ISY backup.  That will give you everything you need to restore your working system.  If the z-wave backup was not successful, try again and again until you get a good backup.  You might need to disable any programs that query z-wave devices.  

So long as you have that good backup of the dongle and the ISY, then no need to worry about going backwards to 5.0.15 in my view.  My issue was that I could not get a good backup of my Series 300, so when I tried to do a restore it erased my z-wave dongle but did not re-write it.  So I ended up with a blank z-wave dongle which was not fun.

My only warning is: DO NOT RESTORE A Z-WAVE DONGLE BACKUP MADE WHILE YOU WERE ON 5.0.16b OR 5.0.16C.  In fact, just do not do a z-wave dongle restore at all right now until the next release from UDI.      

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I have a few strange things happening with my two Schlage Z Wave locks. I am using the 500 series adapter with version 6.81.00. Both locks are now showing with the green write updates to device icon. One of them now has a sub item called Multilevel sensor which I normally only see on my Aeotec devices. They do seem to be working normally. If there is a way to fix this without having to bring the locks close to the ISY that would be great because it's a pain to move them, but will do if thats the only fix. 


Also, when I do Help -> About, my version is only listed as v.5.1.0, there is no RC2 indicator like the title of this post suggests. 

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Forgive me if this is obvious.  I read through this whole topic to find the answer and may have missed it, but how do I know what series Z Wave dongle I have?  My isy has Z Wave built in, and my "about" page saws Z-Wave (21100).  Z-Wave version is 4.55.00.  Is any of that relevant to figuring this out?  Does the fact that z-wave is built in mean I don't have a dongle?  (And does anybody else here giggle like a child when typing or saying the word "dongle"?)

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13 minutes ago, jaydrosy said:

Forgive me if this is obvious.  I read through this whole topic to find the answer and may have missed it, but how do I know what series Z Wave dongle I have?  My isy has Z Wave built in, and my "about" page saws Z-Wave (21100).  Z-Wave version is 4.55.00.  Is any of that relevant to figuring this out?  Does the fact that z-wave is built in mean I don't have a dongle?  (And does anybody else here giggle like a child when typing or saying the word "dongle"?)

You have the old one. The 4.55 is the firmware for the old version

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@bobchap There were 2 versions of the Z-Wave dongle released by UDI.

 The first version was based on the 300-series Z-Wave chip. This version had FW version 4.55 and sported the ability to connect an external antenna and had a blue LED on the dongle which protruded through the rear of the ISY case.

The newer version of Z-Wave dongle release ~ July, 2018 was based on the 500-series chip. This version had FW version 6.81.00. This version does not support an external antenna and there is no blue LED on the dongle. 

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19 hours ago, gviliunas said:

@bobchap There were 2 versions of the Z-Wave dongle released by UDI.

 The first version was based on the 300-series Z-Wave chip. This version had FW version 4.55 and sported the ability to connect an external antenna and had a blue LED on the dongle which protruded through the rear of the ISY case.

The newer version of Z-Wave dongle release ~ July, 2018 was based on the 500-series chip. This version had FW version 6.81.00. This version does not support an external antenna and there is no blue LED on the dongle. 

Thank you for this useful information

So, is the dongle upgradable from 300 to 500, and if so should I care if things are working on the current beta release?  I have not upgraded to the RC yet and I guess I will stay away for now. 


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3 minutes ago, jaydrosy said:

Thank you for this useful information

So, is the dongle upgradable from 300 to 500, and if so should I care if things are working on the current beta release?  I have not upgraded to the RC yet and I guess I will stay away for now. 


You definitely have to upgrade to the new firmware in order to swap your 300 series to 500 series dongle

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2 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

You definitely have to upgrade to the new firmware in order to swap your 300 series to 500 series dongle

I guess I’m asking a different question which is whether I have any need to the 500 series dongle.  Is support for 300 ending / phasing out?  

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Just now, jaydrosy said:

I guess I’m asking a different question which is whether I have any need to the 500 series dongle.  Is support for 300 ending / phasing out?  

Directly no. Indirectly yes as there probably won't be any updates to it ever again. It's not worth swapping out unless you have all 500 series (or above) devices. It won't stop working with your devices 

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Updated to 5.1 from RC1, and now I'm running into this after I've installed the admin.jpln from the device so I can launch into the ISY Admin Console directly.

Using the http://myipaddres/admin.jpnl in the browser to download the install file locally

I've go through the steps to upgrade, deleted my java cache and tried it again and it didn't work.  It opens the app automatically after the initial installation is completed, but then upon exiting the app and then trying to launch it again I receive this message.


Anyone else having this issue?






JNLPException[category: Launch File Error : Exception: null : LaunchDesc: 
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href="/admin.jnlp">
    <title>ISY Admin Console</title>
    <vendor>Universal Devices, Inc.</vendor>
    <description>ISY Admin Console</description>
    <homepage href="https://www.universal-devices.com"/>
    <description kind="short">ISY Admin Console</description>
    <shortcut online="false">
      <menu submenu="(1120) ISY 994i 256"/>
    <icon href=""/>
    <icon kind="splash" href=""/>
  <update check="background" policy="prompt-update"/>
    <jar href="/web/insteon.jar" download="eager"/>
    <jar href="/WEB/CE.JAR" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/web/chart.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <jar href="/WEB/RXTX.jar" download="lazy"/>
    <j2se version="1.8+"/>
  <application-desc main-class="com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet">
</jnlp> ]
    at com.sun.javaws.security.JNLPSignedResourcesHelper.checkSignedResourcesHelper(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.security.JNLPSignedResourcesHelper.checkSignedResources(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareResources(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareAllResources(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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Last week I did bite the bullet and I upgraded from 4.7.3 to 5.1.0 and it has been nothing short of a disaster.. it all seems to work and than suddenly I'm not even able to add something as simple as adding a new folder or adding a new scene ("Request Failed"). I keep going back to a backup and than it works for a bit until I run into this situation again.. has anyone experienced this?

Now I do have the 300 zwave board, but no devices.. can this be related? (I did realized the big disclaimer re the 300 zwave board.. after I upgraded)

Can I downgrade to 5.0.16 from 5.10?







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1 hour ago, AStarink said:

Last week I did bite the bullet and I upgraded from 4.7.3 to 5.1.0 and it has been nothing short of a disaster.. it all seems to work and than suddenly I'm not even able to add something as simple as adding a new folder or adding a new scene ("Request Failed"). I keep going back to a backup and than it works for a bit until I run into this situation again.. has anyone experienced this?

Now I do have the 300 zwave board, but no devices.. can this be related? (I did realized the big disclaimer re the 300 zwave board.. after I upgraded)

Can I downgrade to 5.0.16 from 5.10?


Take one for the team. Contact UDI support. They will want to know about this and will help you quickly.

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2 hours ago, mitch236 said:

After I upgraded from 4.8.0, I had to "Save Changes" in my programs and the Query All command is missing the "Then" instructions.  Should I fix the Query All?

Yes, I also had this happen several versions ago.  Just add "Query All" back to the then statement.  make sure program is still enabled to run at 3am.  

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In regards to the following:

 Please Note:  Due to reported issues, if you are not using a 500 Series Z-Wave board in your ISY then we do not recommend you upgrade to 5.1.0

What is the recommended process to upgrade both z-wave and the isy? Ie: I am on 5.016c with the 300 series.. should I first upgrade the zwave board and then migrate to 5.1? Is there a thread on how to do this? thanks.

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