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PG3 backup - nothing happens after hitting download

Chris McKean
Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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I have the following in the log file.  Looks like it is getting an error.

10/21/2022, 18:34:26 [pg3] info: Starting Backup Creation 10/21/2022, 18:34:26 [pg3] error: Backup: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CHAR]: Invalid character in header content ["content-disposition"] at ServerResponse.setHeader (node:_http_outgoing:606:3) at Object.set (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa/lib/response.js:467:16) at /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/lib/routes/frontend.js:130:18 at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:42:32) at /var/polyglot/node_modules/@koa/router/lib/router.js:372:16 at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:42:32) at /var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:34:12 at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@koa/router/lib/router.js:377:31) at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:42:32) at allowedMethods (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@koa/router/lib/router.js:433:12) at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:42:32) at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@koa/router/lib/router.js:353:32) at dispatch (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:42:32) at jwt (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-jwt/lib/index.js:73:16) at async /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/lib/services/https.js:54:9 at async compressMiddleware (/var/polyglot/node_modules/koa-compress/lib/index.js:52:5)
10/21/2022, 18:35:12 [pg3] info: set to expire on 2023-07-10T11:58:24.000Z
10/21/2022, 18:35:12 [pg3] info: set to expire on 2023-07-10T11:58:24.000Z
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21 hours ago, Chris McKean said:

Backup: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CHAR]

Do you, by chance have any strange characters in your Polisy name? Any punctuation or characters that might make a file name invalid?

Something seems to be triggering the backup to fail because of an invalid character. I wonder if might be in the Polisy name since it doesn't seem to even get to the node server level to backup.

Just ran a backup in Chrome and this is in my log:

10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] info: Starting Backup Creation
10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Creating DB Backup...
10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Creating DB Backup: Done
10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Backing up node servers
10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: All node servers added to backup -- finalizing
10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] debug: Removing Backup Archive from filesystem after download
10/22/2022, 16:00:16 [pg3] info: Backup Successful

Please post back once you get help from support to tell us what resolved the issue. 


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