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Support Thread: 5.0.16C (ISY994)


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3 minutes ago, Mecheng70 said:

Under Install instructions there is a note under step 7:

  Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link to install the admin console and then upgrade with that program:

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.0.16/admin.jnlp

I saw that, what was confusing is the part that I would need to download a different file after installing the update.

At that point I would already be by 5.0.16 not 5.0.8 or lower .

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17 hours ago, pikach said:

What does verifying scenes mean?

I suspect that since changes were made to the "Adjust Scene" functionality, any scenes/programs that use that functionality will have to be looked at and/or modified.

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OK, now I'm officially confused. ?

I upgraded to 5.0.16.  Installed a Z-Wave internal add-on in accordance with the instructions on the Orchestrated Home web site.  Everything comes up except the Z-Wave add-on so I figure I need to get the software module.  Go to Help > Purchase Modules, which takes me to the Universal Devices Log on page.  Click on the "Login with ISY Portal" button that sends me to my account page.  Where do I go from here?  When I click on "My Products" it shows my ISY994i with the correct serial number.  But what I click on the "Modules" button I get "Not a valid serial number".  Nowhere can I find the $1 software to purchase.

Can someone please tell me where I've gone wrong?  TIA.

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20 hours ago, nickster said:

OK, now I'm officially confused. ?

I upgraded to 5.0.16.  Installed a Z-Wave internal add-on in accordance with the instructions on the Orchestrated Home web site.  Everything comes up except the Z-Wave add-on so I figure I need to get the software module.  Go to Help > Purchase Modules, which takes me to the Universal Devices Log on page.  Click on the "Login with ISY Portal" button that sends me to my account page.  Where do I go from here?  When I click on "My Products" it shows my ISY994i with the correct serial number.  But what I click on the "Modules" button I get "Not a valid serial number".  Nowhere can I find the $1 software to purchase.

Can someone please tell me where I've gone wrong?  TIA.

@nickster When Universal Devices updated their site, the serial numbers are now the full Mac address.  You have to re-add your device using that number.  

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Looked around but didn't find anything specific. I noticed that some of my notifications weren't being sent. The programs ran when they should, but the notifications didn't arrive. When I looked a configuration , Emails/Notifications, Customizations...  There are exactly 20, when there should be ~ 4 dozen? Some of the customizations are no longer there.

I hadn't opened the admin console for a very long time and many of my key notifications are in the 20 and this problem wasn't easily apparent. Not a big deal to recreate them or get from a backup, just wondering if anyone else had this problem? I've been on 5.0.16, no suffix letter.


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1 hour ago, Michel Kohanim said:


That's really odd. So, they just vanished? Have you tried taking a backup? Does it succeed?

With kind regards,

Hi @Michel Kohanim

Yes the backup succeeded. I rebooted the ISY and it came back the same way. The other thing to note is that they are numbered 1 - 20. The assignment seems off in that I would have created certain sets of customizations at the same time as I finished certain activities and they should be in order... most of them are not in a logical sequence in that way.

All other tabs at all levels appear to be normal

I have a backup from last december and last november. Since I'm on "corona time", I can start later today by restoring those and seeing what happens. Not much, if anything, changed during that time that I couldn't add tweaks back for.



Edited by paulbates
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BUG Report: Outlet Fast Off.


I just found this out, and it is weird.

On the OUTLET.

Physical buttons on/off work as expected.

Physical buttons fast on/off work as expected.

Admin Console - on/off work as expected.

Admin Console - Fast on/off on TOP outlet, works as expected.

Admin Console - Fast on/off on BOTTOM outlet, changes the TOP outlet.


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9 minutes ago, nickp said:

BUG Report: Outlet Fast Off.


I just found this out, and it is weird.

On the OUTLET.

Physical buttons on/off work as expected.

Physical buttons fast on/off work as expected.

Admin Console - on/off work as expected.

Admin Console - Fast on/off on TOP outlet, works as expected.

Admin Console - Fast on/off on BOTTOM outlet, changes the TOP outlet.


I have no Insteon outlets but that sounds like a messed up link. Factory reset the device and then use the ISY admin console to Restore it, writing proper links back into it.

If you didn't factory reset it before connecting to your ISY,  this is quite common to find problems with any Insteon device.

Edited by larryllix
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13 hours ago, nickp said:

Admin Console - Fast on/off on BOTTOM outlet, changes the TOP outlet.


Just speculation here -- if this is a dimmer outlet, then that might make some sense, as only the dimmer receptacle would respond to a fast on/off command appropriately.  If it's an on/off outlet, then a fast on/off command wouldn't provide any change in function to either receptacle over an on/off command.

I'll bet that Insteon (not UDI, as fast on/off are available out-of-the-box in Insteon devices) uses the same firmware for both outlets, understanding that users probably wouldn't use the fast off/on commands where they wouldn't provide any change in functionality. 

The fix should be simple: don't use fast of/off commands against the bottom receptacle on a dimmer outlet, and don't use fast on/off commands at all on an on/off outlet.

Edited by Bumbershoot
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Please forgive what may be a silly question.  I installed 5.0.16C. (No problems so far.) I reinstalled the admin tool and then checked versions.

While I have 5.0.16C firmware, the UI is still at 5.0.16. (No 'C.') Is it just the firmware that was updated, or should I have a 'C' on the UI version as well?

Thank you.  :-)


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19 minutes ago, chris.com said:

While I have 5.0.16C firmware, the UI is still at 5.0.16. (No 'C.') Is it just the firmware that was updated, or should I have a 'C' on the UI version as well?

The C shows for me. 


Follow the instructions in the first post of this thread:


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Question about Scenes and if this is part of the 5.x updates.


I have a scene with two Insteon 2477D dimmers, Dimmer 1 and Dimmer 2

They are both responders and controllers for the scene, and only Dimmer 1 and Dimmer 2 are part of the scene.

The scene is currently off and both dimmers are off.

If in the Universal Devices Administrative Console I send a "on" command to Dimmer 1, I was expecting both would be on.  However only Dimmer 1 is on, and Dimmer 2 is off.

That is normal?  If so, could someone point me to the documentation that explains the details of this so I can better understand what is going on?

Edited by toddhutch
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That is normal behavior for all isy branches. If you want to control a scene you have to control that scene. Controlling the individual device in the AC will only control that device

You'll find the information in the isy wiki and cook book

Edited by lilyoyo1
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I was hoping someone could provide a link to a page or a link to the cookbook with a page number.  I've looked hard for this information, but I've not found it using google searching the wiki.


I've read the section for scene's in both the wiki and the cookbook, could someone point me to where the information is?  Sorry, I've pulled my hair out on this one.




Edited by toddhutch
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12 hours ago, MrBill said:

The C shows for me. 


Follow the instructions in the first post of this thread:


Thank you for that.  If I replicated the steps, I am able to get the 5.0.16C UI, but getting there takes more steps than it used to.  Thank you for pointing me to the thread on this exact topic.  I shall pore over that thread and post further questions there. :-)

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16 minutes ago, gduprey said:

On the same topic, one of the steps is reviewing all the programs.  I have north of 200 of them. 

Is there any way to know which ones to look at? 

Is there any way to compare/review a listing from the the "old" programs so you can figure out what broken programs should be.  For example, I have one program where I have an IF statement that reads" "if Status (Old) <Not Specified> null"....  How can I figure out what that used to be (these programs have all been written over a 6+ year time span and there is no way I can "just know" what would have been in each of them.


There isn't. Take pictures of the existing programs that are flagged, revert back, and compare them to the old programs. Take pictures again so you have a reference point and then upgrade

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Questions/Problems with Migration from 4.7.3 to 5.0.16C

- All my ZWave devices seem to exist, but have no names or notes.  I have 60+ devices and no reasonable way to really know what every single one of them was named or what notes and location settings were.  Beyond obviously wanting names, the notes/location data is vital to my REST based apps that interface with the ISY.

- I have over 200 programs.  I'm committed to reviewing each one, but in cases where something has "gone wrong", I have no way of comparing them to the "old" program or even listing it.  For example, one program has an IF statement like: "if Status (Old) <Not Specified> null" - how can I resolve what that was supposed to be? 

- All my ZWave battery powered devices are just showing up with a "disabled" symbol (red circle with a slash) and no details at all other than saying they are "not initialized".  How are you supposed to "revive"/initialize such devices?

Is there any way to use the 4.7.3 backup I made before as some human readable version of the device names and programs that I could restore from?

I've made a huge mess of a perfectly working system.  I've read everything I can on this and been following it for a while.  I have upgraded smaller 4.x system to 5.0.x before without any real problems, but this is the first of 6 larger (150+ device, mixed insteon/zwave, 150+ program) systems.

I have to believe others have had similar problems and have figured things out, but searching through all the 5.x stuff, I'm not seeing a lot in terms of workaround/solutions.  Any help would be appreciated!


Edited by gduprey
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27 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

There isn't. Take pictures of the existing programs that are flagged, revert back, and compare them to the old programs. Take pictures again so you have a reference point and then upgrade

I appreciate the advice, but what you are describing is a herculean task and extremely error prone. I'm really hoping there are better options out there from UDI

Edited by gduprey
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@gduprey See if this helps.  Right click your master programs and copy to clipboard.  Paste it into Notepad and it gives you something like this for ALL of your programs.  

Smoke Alarms - [ID 0018][Parent 0017]

        'Support Devices / Smoke Alarm / Smoke Alarm-Smoke' Status is On
     Or 'Support Devices / Smoke Alarm / Smoke Alarm-CO' Status is On
     Or 'Support Devices / Smoke Alarm / Smoke Alarm-Test' Status is On
        $Notifcation_Smoke_Alarm  = 1
        Set 'Scenes / All Lights' On
        $Notifcation_Smoke_Alarm  = 0



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11 minutes ago, Whitehambone said:

@gduprey See if this helps.  Right click your master programs and copy to clipboard.  Paste it into Notepad and it gives you something like this for ALL of your programs.  

That is helpful - and will be quite a bit quicker than take 200+ pictures ;-)  With luck, I can get my unit to restore back to 4.7.3 and I'll do that. 

I've also started writing a program that will query the identifiers for all devices and store them locally and then restore mismatches after the update.  It SHOULD also restore programs being enabled states.  Unfortunatly, contents of the programs are not really meaningully available (or I can't see how), but a text listing like you mention is definitely a workable solution.

Edited by gduprey
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In our laundry room we have a door to the outside and I have a motion sensor that is programmed to turn the ceiling light ON upon motion. However whenever someone is the laundry room for a longer time than just passing through, the light, after the set period of 2 1/2 minutes, goes OFF and then goes ON straight away. This is a bit annoying. What I want is that when someone has already turned ON the Laundry Ceiling light, then the motion sensor does not turn On  the light.

I designed 2 programs :


Program 1

IF :  -empty-

THEN : set laundry ceiling ON

              wait 2 minutes and 30 seconds

             set laundry ceiling OFF

ELSE : -empty-

Program 2

IF :  ceiling light Status is OFF

       and Motion Sensor is ON

THEN : Run program 1

But this does not seem to do the job.

Would an alternative something like the following do the job ?

Program 3

IF : Motion sensor is ON

THEN : Laundry Ceiling Light ON

             Wait 2 minutes 30 seconds

            Laundry Ceiling Light OFF

Program 4

IF Laundry Ceiling light is switched ON

THEN :Disable Program 3

Program 5

IF : Laundry Ceiling Light is switched OFF 

      or Status Laundry Ceiling Light is OFF

THEN : Enable Program 3


I look forward to any ideas and insight,


Edited by asbril
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5 minutes ago, asbril said:

In our laundry room we have a doot to the outside and I have a motion sensor that is programmed to turn the ceiling light ON upon motion. However whenever someone is the laundry room for a longer time than just passing through, the light, after the set period of 2 1/2 minutes, goes OFF and then goes ON straight away. This is a bit annoying. What I want is that when someone has already turned ON the Laundry Ceiling light, then the motion sensor does not turn On  the light.

I designed 2 programs :


Program 1

IF :  -empty-

THEN : set laundry ceiling ON

              wait 2 minutes and 30 seconds

             set laundry ceiling OFF

ELSE : -empty-

Program 2

IF :  ceiling light Status is OFF

       and Motion Sensor is ON

THEN : Run program 1

But this does not seem to do the job.

Would an alternative something like the following do the job ?

Program 3

IF : Motion sensor is ON

THEN : Laundry Ceiling Light ON

             Wait 2 minutes 30 seconds

            Laundry Ceiling Light OFF

Program 4

IF Laundry Ceiling light is switched ON

THEN :Disable Program 3

Program 5

IF : Laundry Ceiling Light is switched OFF 

      or Status Laundry Ceiling Light is OFF

THEN : Enable Program 3


I look forward to any ideas and insight,


@asbril, I think I have programs doing something similar to what you want to accomplish. 

Bathroom Fan MS  ON - [ID 0030][Parent 0001]

        'Bathroom MS-Sensor' is switched On
        Set 'Bathroom Fan' On
        Wait  10 minutes 
        Set 'Bathroom Fan' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
When bathroom motion is sensed, this program will turn on the bathroom fan, wait 15 minutes and turn off the bathroom fan.


Bathroom Light Stays On - [ID 0015][Parent 0001]

        'Bathroom Light' is switched On
        Set 'Bathroom Fan' On
        Disable Program 'Bathroom Hallway Lights Night'
        Disable Program 'Bathroom Fan MS  ON'
        Disable Program 'Bathroom Lights On Day-Evening'
        Wait  1 hour 
        Set 'Bathroom Light' Off
        Set 'Bathroom Fan' Off
        Enable Program 'Bathroom Hallway Lights Night'
        Enable Program 'Bathroom Fan MS  ON'
        Run Program <Not Specified> (Then Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
If bathroom light is switched on, this program turns on bathroom fan and disables bathroom light and fan programs. 
Wait 1 hour. 

Bathroom Light Off - [ID 004B][Parent 0001]

        'Bathroom Light' is switched Off
        Set 'Bathroom Light' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'Bathroom Fan' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'Hallway Light' Off
        Disable Program 'Bathroom Lights On Day-Evening'
        Disable Program 'Bathroom Hallway Lights Night'
        Wait  10 seconds
        Enable Program 'Bathroom Hallway Lights Night'
        Enable Program 'Bathroom Fan MS  ON'
        Enable Program 'Bathroom Lights On Day-Evening'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
If bathroom light is switched off, bathroom light, bathroom fan and hallway light are turned off. 
Bathroom lights on day-evening and bathroom hallway lights night programs are disabled. 
Wait 10 seconds. 
Enable, bathroom hallway lights night, bathroom fan, and bathroom lights on day-evening programs.


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