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Push notifications to all your IOS and Android 2.2+ devices


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Many thanks for posting this - it works great!

You're welcome!
Is there a way to embed other input into the Post message, such as an ISY Program status or variable?


I not really sure. I don't believe that calls to network resources can have parameters passed to them. I think you have to create a separate network resource to notify each specific message. For example, 'Motion Detected - Garage' and 'Motion Detected - Back Yard' would need to be two separate resources - rather than something like 'Motion Detected - $varDevice'.


Likewise - I don't think that the current implementation of variables is capable of being used outside of programs.


I do realize this would be much more useful with these two features:


Allowing parameters to be passed to network resources

Using variables everywhere - SMTP messages, as a part of programs (for instance - turn on the device identified by the current content of a variable) and (of course) as parameters when calling network resources


Of course - I'm still very much a noob at this. I am probably very much mistaken! Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can enhance our understanding? The main thread I'm looking at is http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=5987. I know that variables are still very young and developing. I (for one) am looking forward to them growing up!



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  • 10 months later...

I am a new ISY994i user, and I was investigating this issue.


I have an iPhone. I was looking at Prowl.


But after a bit of research, I discovered a free and easy solution to this. Create a gmail account for your ISY994i, send notifications via email, and configure gmail to do push notification to your phone.


Details on how to do this on Google's website.


An additional advantage: If Apple messaging is not available, it falls back to SMS. This solution just always uses email.


I get nice popup notifications on my phone when an email comes in. For best results, use the gmail address for the ISY994i only.

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I checked out the website & they now support sending emails using the API key as an email address. This means that you don't have to bother with setting up network resources for each notification, you can just use the standard send notification from the ISY.


Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

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I checked out the website & they now support sending emails using the API key as an email address. This means that you don't have to bother with setting up network resources for each notification, you can just use the standard send notification from the ISY.


The point of doing it this way is to send direct to the prowl server without the need for an intermediate SMTP server. Fewer points of failure this way. Downside is since we cant use variables in the network resource module, we need to create numerous resource rules to cover what a variable could do in an email notification.


I just finished converting all of my High Priority/Emergency notifications to resource rules that include the priority parameter=2 so that I can take advantage of the Quiet hours feature in prowl and mute the low priority notifications when sleeping and still have emergency notifications make sound. The rest of my low priority notifications are still using the email to prowl method and arrive as "Normal / 0" priority.



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Has anyone seen this site & app? https://pushover.net/ I been using it with http://www.ifttt.com - Pretty nice setup as well. The more the merrier right? Especially for other platforms.



Thanks! I like the IFTTT. Now I just need to figure out if I have a use for it or not. I'd actually prefer to use the ISY for this sort of thing rather than involving a third party to tie "My" things together but it does look like a cool solution!



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  • 1 month later...



Workin like a charm! I haven't seen any changes recently. I have even implemented alert priorities so now only VERY important alerts make noise while I'm sleeping.


HTTP 401 is an authorization error. Double check your user/pass for prowlapp.com, change if necessary. Verify your API key and make sure you have included the authorization header in your network resource.




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Here are the details from one of my prowlapp resources:


I notice that I don't have the authentication header on this one but it still works anyway.


Protocol: Https

Method: post

Host: api.prowlapp.com

Port: 443

Path: /publicapi/add

Encode Url Checked

Mode: C Escaped

Timeout: 4000

Body: apikey=&application=ISY994i-Pro&event=Home Mode Set&description=The system is now running in HOME mode.&priority=0\n


Hope this helps.



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Hi saidmacias,


401 is authorization issues. Somehow somewhere you are missing userid/password information. Do you know if it expects them in the header? If so, in your network resource click on Add Header, choose Authorization, enter your userid/password and then click Update and Save.


If not, do you know how userid/passwords are communicated to this service?


With kind regards,


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Thanks to all of you who have taken interest in the issues I describe. The service, Michel, uses the API key as the only authorization, according to the Wiki article and every other post I have read.


There's a weird issue also with the email notifications. When I 'test' them via the admin console, everything works fine, but when a program calls for a notification, they don't work at all.



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Hi saidmacias,


In this case I suspect your API key is invalid because 401 simply means unauthorized. So, the server does not like your API key OR you are using an invalid path.


As far as notifications, it's quite possible that the notification you are sending has blank subject/body in which case it shall not be sent. To test, right mouse click on the program and then choose Run Then from the menu.


With kind regards,


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  • 9 months later...

I have run into 1 problem that I haven't been able to figure out with Pushover. I can get everything working when I just use http on port 80. When I try to configure with https on port 443 I get "Subscriber didn't reply to event:1" or most of the time I get "Request Failed" I tried putting the timeout to 4,000 ms. No dice.


I have the isy99i pro.


I saw this in the "wiki" On the ISY - there are potentially some issues with SSL negotiation depending on if you have the PRO version or not. Go into the dashboard (http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/dashboard.jnlp‎) and in the network settings make sure 'HTTPS Client Settings' is set to 'SSL 3.0' 'Medium Strength' and uncheck 'Verify'. Other settings may work - this is just what works for me.


However, I can't find any settings like this for the isy99i.


Suggestions? Can I use https?

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Please make sure you are using the dashboard - not the admin console.


The URL I placed on the wiki is probably for the latest version of firmware. You posted that you have a 99i - so you cannot have the latest version (since 4.x won't work there). You will need to use a specific URL for the dashboard for your version. You didn't say what version you are running - but according to a document on UDIs site you can use http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/3. ... board.jnlp - where 3.3.10 is the firmware version. Replace for whatever version you are currently running.


You should be able to find the settings described in the wiki then to change the crypto settings for the SSL client to support pushovers server.



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