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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. None of the above, hence my “for sale” post. Going to be using Lutron Homeworks QS (or RadioRA2), RTI remotes and Elk security. Everything is going to be hardwired with conduit everywhere. There will be only one load switch, any three ways will be via a scene controller (virtual). Edit: Electrical so far (maybe 25%) Low volt so far (maybe 20%)
  2. Have a good friend that got a job at Snapchat and moved to Los Angeles so he is letting me live at his place in Seattle rent free. I have VERY good friends! New place maybe done by October. Lots of interior design choices still to be made. Selling all the furniture in our current home and going to do all new. HVAC is done, electrical and low volt is going in now.
  3. Sold my home. https://www.windermere.com/listing/WA/Redmond/10609-Elliston-Wy-NE-98053/93309332 https://player.vimeo.com/video/327407073
  4. Cleaning out the shop... All items used in good/new condition (tested and working) unless otherwise noted, most everything is in original boxes, packaging, etc. PM me with an offer for what you want. Looking to sell items at 50% off retail. I will update this post as things sell/change. So if its listed, its available. Hopefully I can help another member and a member can help me clear out some unused items. Everything is ready to ship. USA shipping only please. I ship via UPS insured with tracking. I can accept PayPal, Apple Pay or Zelle. My direct contact info is in my profile so feel free to contact me whatever way is easier. Insteon (1) Insteon v1 Motion Sensor 2842 (1) Ceiling Fan Module 2475F (1) Micro On/Off Module 2443-222 (7) Insteon On/Off Module 2635-222 Elk Products Alarm System Items (1) M1 Two-Way Wireless Transceiver (ELK-M1XRFTWM) (NEW FROM KIT) (1) Elk Echo 73 Compact Speaker Siren (NEW FROM KIT) (1) Elk Honeywell Transceiver v1 (USED) (1) Honeywell 5809 Wireless Heat Detector (USED) (2) Honeywell 5816OD Outdoor Sensor (NEW) (4) Elk 4 button keyfobs older style v1 (NEW FROM KIT) (1) Elk 4 button keyfob (NEW FROM KIT) WEATHER FLOW V1 - AIR/SKY/HUB/SKY SOLAR ADDON - COMPLETE IN BOX (USED) - $120 Shipped via UPS with tracking and insurance??
  5. @IO_Guy thanks for sharing!
  6. This may help, https://pushover.net/api#urls - specifically "Supplementary URLs"
  7. Look at the Pushover service. Then like Michel said using a url to trigger what you need using a NR via the proper command. The UDI Wiki shows how to setup Pushover notifications and create urls to trigger ISY functions.
  8. I agree with@lilyoyo1 about installing and testing what you like first. For the times I use ZWave I like Aeotec products. Solid support and quality devices. Check out their “WallSwipe” switch. I haven’t gotten one yet, but they look nice online. I love the Aeotec water leak detectors, multisensor 6, recessed door sensor and range extender. I have used all these items personally and professionally and have nothing but good results. https://aeotec.com/z-wave-wall-switch
  9. Same type of bulbs (recessed Cree LED with trim - Ecosmart Cool White by Home Depot) for all my lights in the sunset scene I have. I am comparing only recessed LEDs in my kitchen, family room, great room, upstairs hallway and foyer, nothing outside that ie lamps or other surface mount lights. Total is 9 loads on different circuits, over 37 led cans. PLM is next to the panel and on its own circuit, whole home surge, phase coupler, with all load circuits on the same panel. Not sure how much better your going to get than that. The event viewer scene test does show a few lower hops. The only thing that could possibly be an issue is line noise (which I suspect MR16s to be) however I have filterlincs on all UPS, fridge, freeze, wine fridges and washer/dryer. Again zero communication errors. Thats as close to perfect as you can get if you ask me. But even then thats a lot of stuff to try and make Insteon perfect. Lets remember I am not complaining or bashing Insteon just was commenting on what I know to be true based on my home and what I seen and done for my clients.
  10. Which is to our point, it can cause devices not to respond at the same time in a real life situation. Call it what you will, I’ll call it[emoji897]
  11. Thanks for the link and info. Things constantly are changing and sometimes when you use something that has been working, you never think about changing until it breaks. Quick read I would say the Eaton looks nice plus due to the extra protections and as of this post, it is half the cost of the Leviton.
  12. I may agree with you that IF there were multiple Insteon devices are on the same circuit the COULD turn on at the same time, however I am not going to get into the semantics with you. In the real world Insteon with scenes can have a popcorn effect. If you like your welcome to come over to my place and see for yourself. Not all devices (loads) for a scene are on the same circuit therefore the popcorn effect can be seen. Lutron does not have this, and I am not trying to sell anyone to Lutron as its an installer only product and expensive. I am just saying that you can get the popcorn effect on ZWAVE AND INSTEON.
  13. For the phase coupler I been using the... Leviton 39A00-1 Phase Coupler https://www.leviton.com/en/products/39a00-1 For the electrical panel, Smarthome tech support years back recommended and preferred the... Leviton 51120-1 Panel Protector, 120/240-Volt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00081K55Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_cQ2CCbS15B7A0 Both items have given me solid results.
  14. A business colleague of mine has access to QS and I think your right the only difference is the size of the system (and access to a couple other devices). I am sure I could get him to test or supply me with the required devices if need be. Most installers don't go out and do the QS Homeworks due to the even "higher" cost of the system, plus would that installer really be putting in a ISY too? I think Caseta Pro, RA2 Select and RA2 would be sufficient.
  15. @larryllix I can easily take and post a video from my home where Insteon has the "popcorn effect" It happens everyday for my "Sunset Scene". Not sure if its the size of the house or the scene.
  16. That is correct. Lutron has some proprietary "magic" that stops the "popcorn" effect from happening. If you do some research elsewhere you will find many posts about this. Also Lutron shades will open "in sync" of each other rather than Hunter Douglas Powerviews even if they are grouped as one. What I have found is it all comes down to the communication path for these devices. Since Insteon and ZWave jump to each other and communicate via powerline/rf the devices are not getting the signal at the same time. The "magic" in Lutron is your sending all the commands to the devices at the same time via RF and when you program the Lutron main hub (from what I can tell) it can sense the time needed for the device to respond back and automatically calibrates for this. Don't mean to take this off topic but if I was doing a new home, depending on the size and budget I would go with Lutron Radio RA2 for larger home. For a smaller install Caseta or Select may work. I spoke with @xKing last August about possibly supplying him with a small Lutron RadioRA2 system so that he and I could create a NodeServer for Lutron. Michel also liked this idea and I think it would be a great "addon" for the ISY going forward to be compatible with more devices. I just haven't had time to circle back around to @XKing to move forward.
  17. I disagree with@lilyoyo1 about the phase coupler. I recently installed Insteon on a customers home outside Seattle with dual band devices, but his basement was having issues (3 exterior walls were concrete). He had a phase coupler and a whole home surge installed and now his system is rock solid. The house was 3-stories and 2300 sq ft, so nothing huge but there was an issue that a phase coupler resolved. I can’t say with certainty when a home would need one, but I have seen it help more times than not.
  18. I was not referring to zwave, Insteon has this too. Your an installer so you know regardless if its a Insteon or ZWave scene you get a popcorn effect. The only protocol that I found that works 100% is Lutron RadioRa2 which is not DIY or cheap. I have Insteon installed in my home right now with filters, phase coupler, whole home surge and I have no communication or plm issues, but the “popcorn effect” does also happen with Insteon. Within the next couple months I am removing my Insteon devices and going with Lutron RadioRa2. Lutron Select and Caseta also don’t have this issue and are cheaper, DIY and work in smaller installs.
  19. Insteon has the “popcorn effect” too. I have it in my home. Ramp rates help some but with larger homes like mine with an open floor plan it’s noticeable. I have used this one personally and have recommended it to many customers. Leviton 51120-1 Panel Protector, 120/240-Volt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00081K55Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_cQ2CCbS15B7A0
  20. I haven’t tried anything like that however Google has their “Google Cloud Print” service that may help bridge the gap. https://www.google.com/cloudprint/learn/ Maybe an IFTTT or Network resource in conjunction?
  21. I would go with Elk as well but I am biased as I sell them . [emoji3]
  22. I am pretty much in the dark myself as I struggle with debain/linux. I may revisit again soon since I want to get this working myself but gave up as I got frustrated. I went to GIT and the “issues” postings are locked and the OP hasn’t been back here. So...
  23. There has been a few updates on the GIT so maybe that could be the problem? Take a look here at this thread. I have yet to update and try it myself. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17112-nodejs-library-for-isy-including-websocket-updates/
  24. Yeah I have had some of the glue unstick from the strips but at the end of the day I feel like its all the same stuff coming from China. So I just get a bit of glue and stick it on. My LEDs are bright and with the MagicUFO NodeServer they have been working well. -Mr Cool White [emoji41]
  25. Can you post your program and I will test it on my side? I don’t see why a “IF Zone X is triggered” “THEN turn on light” “WAIT X” “THEN turn off light” shouldn’t work. Not sure why you don’t want another program but you could have the first program to say IF zone is triggered enable program 2 (leaving it disabled) then turn on the light, use the wait command in that program and turn off the light. You will also have to disable the second program in the then section too.
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