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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. @bmercier @Michel Kohanim Maybe take a look at DUO.com for 2FA integration, then let the users signup for a free account to not incur any fees on the UDI side.
  2. I agree 100% with you. However as a company it should be added because this is becoming standard practice. I for one and I am sure most here don’t use the same passwords so for me this feature would be well welcomed.
  3. That makes two of us! [emoji13]
  4. I am not disagreeing with you regarding the channels. “Neither Atmos nor DTS:X are channel based. The information a receiver requires to create the additional channels is supplied via the metadata associated with Atmos and DTS:X soundtracks. Atmos encoded discs don't come with both an Atmos and a TrueHD soundtrack, they come with just one 7.1 TrueHD soundtrack and the Atmos metadata. What diffentiates an Atmos enabled AV receiver from a non Atmos enabled receiver is that receiver's ability to read and interpret the associated Atmos metadata streamed along with the 7.1 TrueHD audio. There are no additional discrete channels included that correspond to the additional Atmos speakers and the channels are created by the receiver according to the information within the Atmos metadata.” BUT your still “up-mixing” by “faking” the additional other ATMOS channels if you only have 5.1 setup. From Klipsh https://www.klipsch.com/blog/upmixing-with-dolby-atmos From the Yamaha RX-A3070 website: 11.2-channel processing (up to 7.2.4-ch expandability with external 2-ch amplifier) - which means it can decode ATMOS to full spec BUT it needs two more AMPS/Full channels to work. Therefore while it maybe can “fake” ATMOS by, yes up mixing, but it needs 7.2.4 aka 11 powered channels with two subs, amplified & powered to properly be ATMOS. YAPO does do a good job calibrating the speakers. https://usa.yamaha.com/products/audio_visual/av_receivers_amps/rx-a3070_u/index.html Edit: So I do see some of the newest Denon X amps have 13 powered amp channels with up to 150W @8ohms. I think these just became available in the newest 2018 models. https://usa.denon.com/us/product/hometheater/receivers/avrx8500h I haven’t used those is a long time so I need to look at them. Then again TBH clients are not requesting ATMOS installs yet or UHD Blu-ray. Everyone is streaming now. I have noticed Amazon Prime original shows like Bosch are in UHD and Dolby Digital 5.1. Edit 2: Looks like I need to refresh myself with the new 2018 models. Marantz also has a 11 channel SR8012 AVR http://m.us.marantz.com/us/mobile/Products/Pages/ProductDetails.aspx?CatId=AVReceivers&SubCatId=&ProductId=SR8012
  5. If you can wire it, then it will be awesome. Upmixing is like saying a sound bar is true 5.1. I think you would be shocked to hear the true difference. Make sure your receiver has enough channels otherwise you might have to add another small amp. They are cheap for decent stuff now but it is an investment.
  6. I am not talking about “decoding” ATMOS, although *I think* only 2016 and newer AVRs started allowing decoding of ATMOS. As far as true spec I don’t recall any AVRs that have full 11 channel AMPs to power each speaker. You need a second amp for the additional two channels. For example the Yamaha 3080 is an amazing AVR and can decode all 11 ATMOS channels HOWEVER it can not power all the speakers. Sorry if I wasn’t clear. All anyone is doing is playing ATMOS via 5.1 or 7.1 is upmixing but this not spec. Your system is “faking” it. That’s why I stand behind my comments that DTS MA or DD/TrueHD will most likely sound better. I have ATMOS demo disc from Dolby labs and IMHO even my home theater I don’t up mix because I think it sounds better in DTS MA/DD TrueHD. At the end of the day you can do what you want and people debate this stuff all day long on the AVS forum till death. If you want to learn more or get crazy check it out there.
  7. Right, your explanation is better than mine. I was trying to keep it simple. EDIT: I have had awesome experience with Klipsh ATMOS speakers. https://www.klipsch.com/dolby-atmos-speakers Also there is no AVR right now available that allows full 7.1.2 ATMOS speaker setup without a second amp.
  8. Only half right. Think of it this way - with any of these Digital Encodings (DTS, DD, ATMOS) whatever, each speaker has its own “soundtrack”. That’s why I said going back to a 5.1 or 7.1 DD or DTS may actually sound better. BTW what AVR do you own? Make and model? Only newer AVRs have true ATMOS and only newer titles are encoded via Blu-ray. Are you sure your hearing ATMOS?
  9. Check out the Dolby website https://www.dolby.com/us/en/brands/dolby-atmos.html Then go to “Home” for full speaker setup. https://www.dolby.com/us/en/technologies/home/dolby-atmos.html You can half *** anything...lol On most AVRs you set the speaker setup either 5.1, 7.1 or full ATMOS 7.1.2 Check this out for speaker setup https://www.dolby.com/us/en/guide/dolby-atmos-speaker-setup/index.html Then on newer AVRs if your watching an ATMOS movie with a 5.1 setup it will down-mix. Sometimes though as I said going to the DTS soundtrack sounds better. Each setup/room varies though. As mentioned ATMOS does use “reflections” of sound - which so do soundbars which try to fake Dolby Digital 5.1. Sometimes it’s fine and other times it sounds terrible. All depends on the room size, dimensions and materials. For my personal home theater I have Kinetics sound baffles on my walls and ceiling, so no sound is getting reflected, so ATMOS won’t work for me. My room dimensions and decor would not allow ATMOS. Such is life. I am happy with my 7.2 setup and ATMOS is only on newer movies. A properly setup 5.1/7.1 still could give a half assed room a run for the money. I personally have heard a “true” ATMOS in a theater here in the Seattle area and the effects are truly amazing. It makes home theaters cool again bringing sounds within the “3D Space” of the room. Going from top right to bottom left smoothly and helicopter sounds going in a smooth 360 pattern using the Dolby ATMOS Demo disc. John Wick ending fight is crazy good as well as Mad Max Road Fury. Just add a JVC PJ and a Screen Innovations Black Diamond screen! I have both and install these a lot and I and my clients LOVE them!
  10. ATMOS requires more speakers than 5.1 - so if your upmixing or doing ATMOS with only 5.1 your actually loosing sound for the rears and side. IMHO it would sound better just at 5.1. Otherwise looks good!
  11. So I finally left the house and everything worked as smooth as butta. However no notifications were received from Locative, BUT maybe that’s bc they shut their servers down which also stopped notifications? Not a issue, Pushover worked as expected through the ISY Portal. Not sure why geofencing with MobiLinc via variables stopped working, however this solution works perfectly. I asked to be a beta tester for the new MobiLinc and MobiLinc Connect so we will see if it resolves things. I want to do a side by side comparison of features vs price for MobiLinc Connect and the ISY Portal.
  12. If notifications are important you can use Pushover with ISY. Then when you leave IF Locative changes as expected then just use Pushover to notify you via a program. Or you can use one of the other notification services. I recently reduced the amount of notifications on my devices because I seemed to get flooded with them. Now I only important things like my alarm being armed and disarmed when I leave. I even set that notification to a special tone so I don’t even need to look at the phone.
  13. Didn’t work in safari, just brings up a blank page. No errors. Copied the link from within Safari in the iPhone too. No notifications from Locative. MobiLinc is working fine with the ISY portal and I can control my lights on WiFi and LTE. Strange eh? Edit: OK the ISY Portal was showing me out. I sent the copied “in” link via Safari as suggested, refreshed the ISY portal webpage and it’s now showing me “in” and “in” on my ISY. Not sure what’s going on, still zero notifications from Locative though. I’ll play around and test more. MobiLinc geofence stopped working for me when I switched to the ISY portal and I would like to have this work again. So nice to leave and the arm system arm and disarm when you get home.
  14. I tried to do this and I see everything in my ISYas expected from the wiki, however when I hit the test button on my iPhone I don't see the status change in the ISY nor do I get a fail or succeed notification on the iPhones. Tried on two different iPhones, the ISY shows "false" still when doing a query. Guess I will have to try when I leave to see if it actually works. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Node_Server_Occupancy_and_Locative_app_Instructions
  15. Paul, if he has a ZWave ISY wouldn’t a Aeotec MultiSensor6 work well for this?
  16. Check into IFTTT using web hooks to do what you want. Maybe a MP3 Sparkfun device via a distributed audio or AVR? Touchdown, trigger the MP3, turn on Amp, play sound.
  17. Agree, my home right now is all Insteon with a handful of ZWave thrown in like door locks and Aeotec Multisensors. That said all new home client installs I tend to use ZWave now or Luton RadioRA for larger more expensive and large houses since it just works. Everyone has different needs.
  18. ... and Apple has billions in the bank to invest in R&D to grow, unlike Insteon.
  19. Funny how that works out but Apples HomeKit chips can’t be as universal.
  20. Do they actually own the patent(s)? Even so, ZWave was under a patent or similar and once it expired we saw more companies and products. I honestly don’t know the legality of it all but I don’t believe they “own” it all in the normal sense where they can monopolize ZWave or anything else for that matter. Stranger things have happened and again I am not 100% certain.
  21. IMHO I think this is fluff marketing BS. I think there are plenty of good solid ZWave plus certified devices and manufacturers. The key is the ZWave Plus cert, so it adheres to a standard that all devices can work together. I have been very happy with Aeotec in my home.
  22. All valid concerns however if you have a security system and or other notifications this greatly minimizes the risks. IIRC the homelink in any car would need to be on or accessory on. Second I personally always lock and secure my cars when they are parked either in my driveway or garage regardless. That said with everything there are risks, even anything automated.
  23. What is an Indian Trail Marker Tree? Wait I’ll Google it lol [emoji23] Edit: Google is my friend. What I did today...Today I learned what a Trail Tree is! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_trees
  24. Did things freeze up or??? Maybe pickup a Webswitch from Digital Loggers. It has an auto ping feature (easy to setup in the config page) so if the router or ISY doesn’t work (can’t be pinged) you can remotely/manually turn off and on the outlet. You could port forward to the outlet and reset things yourself if needed too as long as the modem is online. Another idea is scheduled reboots of both maybe once a week just in case it can be pinged but is still frozen. Just a few ideas. Depends how important it is, visit frequency etc. Web Power Switch Pro https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0765NCB2L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YY46AbHKQRFYB
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