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Everything posted by Scottmichaelj

  1. If you have ZWave, then IMHO a better motion would be the Multisensor 6 by Aeotec, which is supported by the ISY. http://aeotec.com/z-wave-sensor
  2. [emoji1303]
  3. Lol oops! Glad Gary got you sorted out. Also look at "auto ping" [emoji3]
  4. DLI WPS7s are great product. Can you post the url and what your trying to do? For example power on switch 4.
  5. The only use for the on/off modules would be as you said virtual scene flag. The code above you quoted was my two programs for the hallway not turning off automatically during the evening.
  6. For for the first question: I installed a few on/off modules in a few areas for 'unique' devices. So just add it to the other scences programming to turn on, then add a line to the sunset programming if that unique device is off then run sunset otherwise skip? Sound right? For the second question: Would this be better handled into two programs which are almost the same? Do one program for during the daytime hours to turn on the hall then from sunset to sunrise do a second program leaving out the hall being turned off? EDIT: My second question, 2 programs. Thoughts? Program 1 = Server Room Motion and Doors (Day) If From Sunrise To Sunset - 3 hours (same day) And Elk Zone 'Garage Bomber DR' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Server Room Door' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Motion-Server Rm' is Violated Then Set Scene 'Workshop' Fast On Set 'Hall (Foyer-DS)' 75% Set 'Hall (Garage-DS)' 75% Else Wait 15 minutes Set Scene 'Hall (Downstairs)' Off Set Scene 'Workshop' Off Program 2 = Server Room Motion and Doors (Nite) If From Sunset - 3 hours To Sunrise (next day) And Elk Zone 'Garage Bomber DR' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Server Room Door' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Motion-Server Rm' is Violated Then Set Scene 'Workshop' Fast On Set 'Hall (Foyer-DS)' 75% Set 'Hall (Garage-DS)' 75% Else Wait 15 minutes Set Scene 'Workshop' Off BTW I have removed all my amazon devices due to privacy. The devices are nice however I am moving away from cloud dependency and want everything local when possible.
  7. Based on his first picture his neutral wires are grouped already on the left side of the switch with duck tape? lol EDIT: Just got off the phone. I think he is headed in a good direction. I told him to add one switch at a time now that he knows whats going on. I suspect one of those lines go to something else like an outlet.
  8. TBH I think I only have two KPLs in my home. Maybe I should add a few more in key areas. My home is pretty automated and its very rare that I actually use a switch. I been living with this sunset issue for a while now trying to sort a good way to do it. Its been on the to do list but low priority, but its finally bothering me enough to look at it. [emoji53]
  9. I was trying to find "unique devices" but my sunset scene is also the same as relaxing but lower levels. In the summer I am usually using relaxing more than sunset due to sunset times being so late. The easiest solution probably is like you said, to just add a on/off module to create a "unique identifier" then sunset turns it on one, relaxing turns it off and another on, and so on as required. See you read my mind perfectly! Lol Thanks.
  10. Note to self - file a feature request with Michel to work on the ISY mind reading capability.
  11. Sent you a PM. Give me your number and Ill try and help you out.
  12. Question 1 = I am not always in bed BUT maybe on the couch or in my Home Theater watching a movie. So theres no real pattern. Question 2 = I never have used the folder conditions, I'll check out the wiki for how they work. The issue still is that I dont want to have to override it. I will be out of the area (hall) after closing the door and if its sunset I want the light on. As it is now it turns off and I manually have to turn it back on, which is what I am trying to not have to do (the manual interaction).
  13. First question, is yet another sunset programming question. Here in the PWN sunset gets late, at mid summer its around 9:30-10pm. By that time I already and well in my Pjs and in bed. I have a motion using dusk/dawn sunset program: Sunset [inside] If From Sunset - 3 hours To Sunset + 2 hours (same day) And Status 'Kitchen-Motion-Sensor / Kitchen-Motion-Dusk.Dawn' is On Then Set Scene 'Sunset' On Wait 5 seconds Resource 'HD Shades - ALL (Close)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') But sometimes I'm all comfy tucked away in bed and the sunset scene will run and I cant turn it off unless I disable the program. I thought about using variables and two programs instead of one but I have a large install so not sure how if I turned on another scene I could easily change the variable since theres no way to know the "scene status" is truly ON/OFF unless you use a unique device. Using if "switched on" per device would be a huge mess. This can also become a pain if you make a change. There has to be a better way. I also thought about "disabling" the program when another scene ran but again no clean way to know. Suggestions anyone? ------------------------------------------- Second question, 2 Doors, 2 lights, 2 motions. When either door is opened both lights go on, and then if no motion detected they all go off. Works perfect "most" of the time. Program is: Server Room Motion and Doors If Elk Zone 'Garage Bomber DR' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Server Room Door' is Violated Or Elk Zone 'Motion-Server Rm' is Violated Then Set Scene 'Workshop' Fast On Set 'Hall (Foyer-DS)' 75% Set 'Hall (Garage-DS)' 75% Else Wait 15 minutes Set Scene 'Hall (Downstairs)' Off Set Scene 'Workshop' Off HOWEVER, I don't want the hall lights to turn off if they are ON manually or by a scene. Example, Sunset scene turns those hall lights on like I want them to be, then I walk out into the server room, lights turn on, I come back in, I just want the lights off in the server room not the hall. Right now the hall will just turn off. Again two programs? Variables? Argh. Suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance for the help, suggestions. Maybe I am making this harder than it needs to be?
  14. I detailed all the info in the thread Larry linked to. Lets keep this on topic to cool things you did for the day. Can be anything you want. Edit: Here my my personal link and details. Magic UFO Controller for RGBW https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?share_fid=23986&share_tid=19913&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum%2Euniversal-devices%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ephp%3F%2Ftopic%2F19913-Magic-UFO-Controller-for-RGBW&share_type=t
  15. These have been mentioned before. The second version with the levers might be best if you need to change out a switch and short on wire since since the other ones are use once and done.
  16. So this specific seller has "SuperNight" which was the "name" of the LED 4in1 strips. At the end of the day its all the same stuff just another brand sticker stuck on it. I bought one of these mini LED controllers to test and they work exactly like the "Magic UFOs" but much smaller, and bc they are so small they ca. work pretty much anywhere. I documented the size etc in my RGBW thread before. I also looks up the dog vision. Looks like Blue and Yellows they can see well with other colors coming in grey or white. So "Mr Cool White" it is for me.
  17. Not sure, but good point. The "color" shown isn't the actual color I use, which is just "cool white" (of course)! [emoji41] Ordered 10 more "mini" UFO LED controllers on eBay and got them today. 10 for $10each ($100 total) with the remote, US seller so they came within a week!
  18. So one of my Italian Greyhounds is having issues seeing at nite. So I put a ZWave Aeotec Multi-sensor and a led strip under the dresser. So now when they get up it automatically turns on so they can see. Then auto off. Nothing groundbreaking here just trying to make it easier on my girls.
  19. If you have to ask then your probably doing it wrong [emoji13]jk
  20. Well I am just speaking for myself but I assume others want the same thing. I just want a simple notification when the generator is on or off. Maybe your not home and you just want to be told the power is out at home, then again when its back on. I agree load shedding and such should be handled differently with other hardware.
  21. I been procrastinating on this very same thing. Do you have the Generac auto transfer switch? Specifically the "SIEMENS GENTFRSWTCH Automatic Transfer Switch For Use In SIEMENS Genready Load Center"? There are terminals on the side which may work for "sense" for you. I have a Brultech energy monitorting system so thought about tying into it. Not sure yet the best route to take.
  22. Oh yeah Magic Home App is Amazon Echo Skill - no need for the ISY unless you want to. Forgot about that Larry!
  23. If you have the portal you have network resources. Or you can just buy the addon by itself. Then you can send it a special string of commands to turn it on/off and colors (presets only no dim/brightness). Then you can add any switch you want or Keypadlinc. Then a program that says if KPL button A is on send this network command - the command that triggers on the strip. Pressing off turns it off. Press "B" for blue, press "C" for Orange or whatever. Make sense?
  24. I have bought the cheap $15 Ledenets LED controllers on ebay and they work fine with the ISY network resource module.
  25. Sad but the only reason I still use MobiLinc is because the Geofencing actually works for me.
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