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Michel Kohanim

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Everything posted by Michel Kohanim

  1. I am glad you voted. Not strange because you have Polisy + millions of devices. So, Polisy is already busy and then it has to also compile this package. Time to "upgrade" to eisy. For me, it took about 5 minutes. With kind regards, Michel
  2. Hello everyone, please try again: 1. Upgrade Packages 2. Install Dev Packages 3. <Restart IoX> 4. Reinstall Kasa (you must reinstall) 5. Ignore timeout ... compilation of kasa module takes about 5 minutes on eisy and 10 minutes on polisy With kind regards, Michel
  3. @macjeff, Are you being patient? This process will try to recompile the required package. So, before saying "This didn't do anything for me", check the logs and make sure it's being compiled. Or, at the least, attach the logs. With kind regards, Michel
  4. @cmccartney, @sjpbailey developed one but soon realized that they want to charge $$$ per month for access. You might want to contact him directly. With kind regards, Michel
  5. Hello everyone, We are looking into all these issues: 1. The UI is wrong on the first day after DST end 2. current day of the week is 0 instead of 1 3. Next scheduled run time is 1 hour ahead @ShawnW, Please upgrade (Admin Console | Configuration tab | Upgrade Packages). With kind regards, Michel
  6. As of right now, everyone with this issue has the correct next schedule time. Do we have anyone that does not? If so, we desperately need access to that system. With kind regards, Michel
  7. @johnstonf, Forum is not our medium for support. You don't want to submit a ticket, so be it and good luck. With kind regards, Michel
  8. Hello all, Apologies for the problems. The UI in the Admin Console is definitely incorrect. This said, the program should be fine. Does anyone have any example (screenshot) of programs having the wrong next runtime (ether sunset/sunrise or both)? With kind regards, Michel
  9. @whywork, 1. UD Mobile WiFi Setup is only for eisy 2. If you move to PG3x, and although you keep your WiFi configuration, you can no longer configure your WiFi setup using PG3x If your WiFi configuration works, please upgrade to PG3x as we are no longer maintaining PG3. With kind regards, Michel
  10. @Panda88 is very active and engaged. With kind regards, Michel
  11. @johnstonf, So, those correspond to your commands to GH? With kind regards, Michel
  12. @AnthemAVM, they should be supported. The first thing I recommend is to go to Z-Wave | X-Ray | Choose DH Controller from the drop down, and then click on the Go button. Look for Frequency and make sure it's set to US. If it is, please submit a ticket. With kind regards, Michel
  13. @johnstonf, Are you controlling ZW_009? With kind regards, Michel
  14. @maxnorth, Have you contacted the author of the MQTT plugin? I will post your question on Discord. With kind regards, Michel
  15. Hi Fred, It's not a rabbit hole. Just trying to see what the event viewer shows. With kind regards, Michel
  16. @maxnorth, Apologies, it's gen.mosquitto.ud This is a plain mqtt broker. There are no documentations above and beyond those you can get from: man mosquitto With kind regards, Michel
  17. Hi John, Based on what you are saying, I think it's signal/noise related. i.e. ISY retries 3 times during which time GH times out. The next experiment: 1. Open Event Viewer, change the Level to 3 2. Issue the commands again 3. What do you see in the Event Viewer? With kind regards, Michel
  18. @Lore, Is it just the Hue or other node servers too? Also, does it come back on its own? With kind regards, Michel
  19. @johnstonf, What's common between these devices? For instance, are they all dimmers or switches? What if you create a program that controls these devices and then call the program (using a differnet name). Does this work? With kind regards, Michel
  20. @maxnorth, If you have the latest version of isy/udx, then the generic mqtt already comes with it and gets started automatically. It's called mosquitto.gen (as in generic) You can do whatever you want to configure it. You can also start/stop it using: sudo service mosquitto.gen start/stop/restart With kind regards, Michel
  21. @737simguy, What error do you get? We have tested these units and they should work. With kind regards, Michel
  22. @Irakandjii, We do not have any tickets from you. With kind regards, Michel
  23. @DualBandAid, No. Please respond to the ticket. With kind regards, Michel
  24. Here? Regarding the name change, with increasing demand for eisy and integrations with other things, I just got tired of explaining what a node server is. So, apologies for the change. With kind regards, Michel
  25. @DualBandAid, It's best to submit a ticket. With kind regards, Michel
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