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Everything posted by vbPhil

  1. I'm running 3.0.45 and there is no Check for Polisy Updates in my System menu. Strange. I've been using SSH to do updates, so I rarely check for that menu.
  2. Ok, thanks. So it's a percentage and the value isn't agreeing with the NS, i.e. the WT shows 12% and the NS 70.
  3. I'm not sure what the Transmit power represents. I don't see that value anywhere in the WirelessTag application. My values are all over the place from nothing to 70. (2, 2, 4, 5, 12, 12, 15, 16, 70) It sort of follows the distance from the Tag Manager, with the 70 probably the farthest away tag.
  4. @JimboAutomatesWas there anything we have to do to the NS to effect the change? I did a restart and verified that my Quad Sensor URL Call has the full value including signal dbm and power. So far, no emails from the Tag Manager so it looks like it may be fixed.
  5. @JimboAutomates@bpwwerThanks. I was able to re-install version 3.1.4 and it appears to be running fine. A couple observations. It doesn't indicate any nodes found until setting Monitor Tags to True in the Admin Console, this is as designed but I forgot. Also, the Short and Long Poll settings don't agree between the what's shown in PG3 (60,600) and Admin Console (5,60). Still getting Quad Sensor messages so I've edited the URL Calling value.
  6. Did you find this post?
  7. Yes. After upgrading polisy my 3 NS were connected but there was no data in ISY for WT. Also, the log wasn't being written. I tried a re-start but I was getting a message saying it wasn't running. As a last resort I uninstalled WT. Now it won't install. It messages that it's installing but nothing ends up getting installed.
  8. @JimboAutomatesI re-started WT NS and it looks like the Quad Sensor is getting all data now? At least I don't see the error emails like before. Oooops, I may have spoken too soon. Didn't have my email client running. I now see some of the same emails so I guess we're still not functional.
  9. Here's what I see in IoP on my screen for the WirelessTag Node Server. You can see parameters cut off at the bottom and no way to scroll. If you ask me the font type for values is way too large. The field labels look appropriate. Not sure what determined what is used here, the Node Server, IoP or JAVA defaults.
  10. I checked PG3 info and I do have 3.0.44 installed. Weird. Not sure what happened this morning. Something got updated because I saw the messages roll by. I did do a PG3 restore to an earlier backup and now when I check on doing an update it says my packages are all up to date. So much for that Restore. Anyway, I stopped the WT emails by stopping the NS and unchecking the URL Calling entry in the Tag Manager. Just stopping the NS didn't stop the emails.
  11. I performed the 3.044 update to PG3 and it created some problems. Relating to WT is; I'm now getting emails from the Tag Manager every couple of minutes. Could not call URL for 'Quad Leak Sensor' at event update due to following error Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list., URL attempted to call:{0}&tagid={1}&temp={2}&hum={3}&lux={4}&ts={5}&batv={6}&signaldBm={7}&txpwr={8} I logged on to PG3 and found I couldn't get any Details for any of my Node Servers. So with that and the WirelessTag emails I tried to Restore PG3 to an earlier version. I'm not sure the Restore took because PG3 is still labeled as 3.044. Now I can see Details for the NS but I'm still getting the emails from the Tag Manager. Seems to be hosed pretty good now. Any ideas on what to do?
  12. So you're talking about the ISY Portal. I think all the Migrate To does is move your Portal License from one ISY to another. You probably have the temporary license for the IoP and one you bought for the 994i. Anyway, I had trouble with that so I put in a Support ticket and UDI fixed it for me. I wanted the paid license I had with my 994i transferred to the IoP. I didn't need the 994i to be licensed. After they fixed it for me I deleted my 994i entry in the Portal. UDI can fix it from their end. hope that helps. -phil
  13. Yes understood. But, when the Admin Console opens the file in Excel it should filter out the extra lines. Even so that doesn't explain the purpose of LF CR Tab LF.
  14. Checked the Admin Console(LAN) Log file this morning to see if my motion sensor triggered. It's getting quite large, 25MB, 528,801 lines. Does it really need to capture all of that? The WirelessTag node Server is quite busy. Anyway, it seems that it has changed from a Line Feed terminating each line to now Line Feed, Carriage Return, Tab, Line Feed. It's not only the WirelessTag entries but all the log entries have the LF CR Tab LF termination. Here's a snippet from the file using NotePad++ editor. You can see when it changed on 2022/03/01 07:35:08. I must have performed a system upgrade/update then. My System configuration: Version 3.0.42 Status: Connected Frontend Version: 3.0.42 ISY Version: 5.3.0 (actually 5.4.0, PG3 Dashboard shows the wrong version) Uptime: 3 Day(s) 21 Hour(s) 9 Minute(s) 14 Second(s) (c) 2022 UDI Running on Polisy Documentation
  15. I see now that the "pkd upgrade" command produces this message: Installed packages to be UPGRADED: cyrus-sasl: 2.1.27_2 -> 2.1.28 [udi] harfbuzz: 3.4.0 -> 4.0.0 [udi] isy: 5.4.0 -> 5.4.0_2 [udi] npm: 8.3.2 -> 8.4.0 [udi] p5-CGI: 4.53 -> 4.54 [udi] pg3: 3.0.41 -> 3.0.42 [udi] readline: 8.1.1 -> 8.1.2 [udi] So it looks like that gets them all. thanks
  16. @Michel Kohanim I'm getting confused with all the updating/upgrading going on coupled with all the SSH commands thrown about in the forum. I had these commands in my notes to use for upgrading. What are they used for, if anything, anymore? sudo service polyglot stop sudo service udx stop sudo pkg update sudo pkg upgrade sudo service polyglot start sudo service udx start
  17. Is there a SSH sudo command to learn if UEFI is in effect?
  18. @GeddyYou say version 13. How do you know what version Polisy you have? I bought mine in June of 2021 and don't see it labeled with a version number on the case. The bottom label just has Polisy Pro and the mac address.
  19. This may have been mentioned earlier but this thread is getting awfully long to re-read it. When you say reboot, how/what are you rebooting? There's a Reboot command on the IoP Configuration/System tab and a Reboot ISY in the System menu on PG3 and finally a Restart Polyglot 3 in the System menu.
  20. Polisy is in the garage near distribution panel for PLM concerns, so I didn't notice. But, yes, I have the blinking LED as well. I upgraded via the IoP Help menu link.
  21. Updated using IoP Help menu link. IoP did update and is running okay. Polisy still showing ISY as version 5.3.0.
  22. SMTP still wasn't working so I put in a support ticket. @Michel Kohanimresponded with setting the timeout to 10,000 with port 587. The 10,000 timeout fixed the issue. Michel always makes this stuff seem so simple. I tend to get blinded by what's right in front of me. Old age I guess. -phil
  23. @JimboAutomatesyou're kind of busy these days, BTW.. the link to the github documentation for HueEmulator in the PG3 NodeStore returns a not found. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-hue-emu/README.md
  24. @JimboAutomatesYes I can confirm the Profile Status does show messages during the Discover. Thanks for that. I also tried a Purge Check and saw an error message in the NS Log. I can message you the full log if you'd like. interface:_handleInput: _parseInput: failed harmonyctrl.runCmd(PURGE_CHECK) 'Controller' object has no attribute 'removeNoticesAll'
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