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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. Update: Happened again--> disconnected from AC panel, reload gets stuck on Starting Subscriptions. Went to the portal and opened the web access page. IoX is running just fine there. Cleared Java cache, redownloaded the Java start.. started the AC again. No luck. Stuck on the same spot. No access via AC. Latest error log from IoX ISY Error Log.v5.4.5__Thu 2022.12.15 05.51.14 PM.txt
  2. Spoke too soon.. Was connected via the AC for about 90 minutes, working on all my battery devices after the PLM change, and then got disconnected, now cant get past the Subscriptions starting screen when logging in. Attached is my error log if anyone has any ideas? Seems like it runs fine unless I spend too long in the AC.. then I have to reboot. Irritating at the least..:( ISY Error Log.v5.4.5__Thu 2022.12.15 04.36.52 PM.txt
  3. Understand.. Have modified the program as follows and will leave it disabled. Made the command to run the IF of this program. Works as a toggle perfectly Alert Start /Stop LD - [ID 0043][Parent 001C][Not Enabled] If 'KP Hall to Master.A: Alert' Status is Off Then Set 'Keypad Alert' On Wait 1 second Set 'Keypad Alert' On Run Program 'Alert Button2' (Then Path) Else Set 'Keypad Alert' Off Wait 1 second Set 'Keypad Alert' Off Run Program 'Alert Button Off' (Then Path) Also By the way, I finally spend the time to really understand UD Mobile. You have done an OUTSTANDING job with it. While it's a bit overwhelming at first, once you get the hang of the amazing capabilities, you can really do just about anything. Also like that I can lock out edits and hide things like resources for on my wife's phone so she really on can see the favorites which are all color coded green for "good", red for "bad".....(two battery devices not reporting due to writes needed from a PLM change, but will be green as well.) Thanks for all your work!! Cheers.
  4. Yesterday, awoke to find my IoX not responsive. Opening the AC, it was not communicating with any device. Checked PLM, said it was offline. Assuming the PLM had died, I replaced it with a backup that I had and did a restore PLM. Writing the updates took quite a while, battery devices writes were disabled. Took 2 or 3 attempts to get through it all. Throughout the whole day, I had trouble connecting to the polisy via AC: would get stuck on subscription services, or not connect at all. Portal would connect and could operate, but UD mobile and AC would not. A reboot would solve it, temporarily for 1-2 hours and then I would loose connections again. Did one last reboot at 430 yesterday and lo and behold, its been almost 24 hours and all is working as expected. Very very strange. So am now wondering if the original PLM really did go bad or not. Just throwing this out there. No further action needed at this point.
  5. Asking for a friend.. he is on an earlier version of 5.xx, and does NOT have the Matter board installed in his Polisy with zoozs dongle attached. If he upgrades his versions, will it jump all the way to 5.5 or will it only go to 5.4? I was planning on upgrading him to 5.4, but am worried that if I upgrade him, he will go to 5.5 and suffer this initial transition issues, which I want to avoid as he is a newbie to this world. thanks
  6. Agree, but I would rather not deal with bad migrations adn failures over a 6 week period if instead I wait another 2 weeks for a more seamless transition. Based on your history / posts of going to IoP, I think you would agree
  7. As was said in earlier in this thread, my understanding is that the Zmatter board in the Polisy has the same capabilities as the Eisy, albeit with slightly slower (iPhone 13 vs 14) components. So if you have a Polisy, running isy, pg2/ pg3, and you add the Zmatter board, you are relatively up to date and probably good for another 3-5 years. If you dont want to add the Zmatter board, you could eventually get the EISY for an incrementally higher investment than just the board, migrate over to it and maybe get 1-2 years more with slightly better performance, but most likely not noticeable.
  8. HAd a similar experience here but rebooted the polisy and all worked with the zoos stick and ZMatter card. Also, am not sure there is a "rush" for the card to be enabled as there is little impact at this point. I would rather see UD do their thing and make it as close to right upon launch vs rush it out and then sort through all the posts having problems. I have been with UD for so long BECAUSE their systems are generally rock solid, so with that as my expectation, patience is easy.
  9. @Javi Continue to play with how to make a program become a toggle: run then if false, run else if true. Looking at the rule above, if the program is NOT running, then it will run the IF. If the IF is empty then this will return a True and run the THEN. So in the original program below, I had no IF statement, so the toggle would only run the THEN. So I added the If as shown in green, thinking that the IF will always be evaluated upon any toggling and it will vary the prgroma running the THEN and the ELSE. This did not work, it only ran the ELSE, even when the program status was false, contrary to what the rule says of running the IF. So I then disabled the program and did the same test. This time, each toggle only ran the THEN.... Based on this, I made the final addition of Disable / enable program as shown below in orange. Now its working, each press alternates between the running the THEN and running the ELSE... Just not clear how this behavior lines up with your previous communication. Thanks. Alert Start /Stop SD - [ID 0043][Parent 001C][Not Enabled] If Program 'Alert Start /Stop SD' is False Then Enable Program 'Alert Start /Stop SD' Set 'Keypad Alert' On Wait 1 second Set 'Keypad Alert' On Run Program 'Alert Button2' (Then Path) Else Set 'Keypad Alert' Off Wait 1 second Set 'Keypad Alert' Off Run Program 'Alert Button Off' (Then Path) Disable Program 'Alert Start /Stop SD'
  10. It seems to me this setting is intuitively like a light switch "on" setting: ramp rate + level. If I set a "default" on value and ramp rate for a light, whenever I turn that light on, that is how it responds. Would think this should act the same way. If I set a default on setting, in this case "seconds", then whenever I turn on that device, I would seem to think that's how it should behave. Just my opinion...thanks.
  11. @Javi Have been customizing my UD Mobile app and have run into two questions: I have a folder of programs that I use to Enable / Disable variables which then subsequently enable /disable certain functions around the house. I have changed all the program icons / colors and response texts. All is fine there, however 2 things I have noticed need clarification / help to better understand: 1) some of the programs when I touch the toggle circle on the program screen, will run the Else, while others run the THEN. To run the opposite, I click on the broader area (not the toggle) of the program and it opens up the choices of Enable, Run If, Run Then etc. What is making one run the else and the other the then? 2) for many of these programs that I want to put into a favorites folder, I want to keep them simple and only see the Run Then, or Run Else, so I selected edit / Hide the other commands. However, while I am doing this INSIDE the edit of one program, it changes ALL my programs to these limited selections. That is not what I would have expected or desired. Shouldn't that be a global preference setting but when I do it within a specific program, maintain that ONLY for that program? thanks!
  12. @Jimbo.Automates Hi Jim. I have three outputs that run a garage remote. An on value is meant to simulate the press of one of the three buttons on the remote. I use programming to run this normally but am trying to set up favorites in UDMobile and found that when I press "on", (at the bottom), the elk output stays on infinitely. I would have expected it to only stay on for the set default value of 2 seconds. Am I missing something? See screen shot below. When I press the "turn on for" button in the middle it correctly only stays on for 2 seconds. But pressing the on at the bottom of the screen seems to ignore the 2 second setting as the default on seconds. thanks.
  13. oh.. ok., bummer.. thanks for the quick reply. Am slowly working my way through your extensive Wiki to finally spend the time customizing UDM adn thought it might be easier on my Mac than iOS to set up..
  14. @Javi It looks like above you developed / utilized UD mobile on an Intel Mac with later migration to M1. I have an intel MacBook Pro, and the app "isn't compatible for this device" in the App Store. AM I doing something wrong or did you eliminate the older version? thanks
  15. Try opening each program, hitting any line and Update, such that you have to resave the program and see if that resolves the issues.
  16. Some of those instructions are dated as the IoP has moved forward since then in ease of conversion. Compare those notes, using the backup info etc, to UD's official Wiki on how to do it for updated procedures.
  17. The portal was down and is back up now.
  18. Lesson learned for me on this thread: - when Alexa is down, check the portal via the AC. Luckily for me, when I noticed Alexa wasn't working, I had just finished installing my new matter board and doing backups etc, and it time for a nap, so I didnt waste any time trying to "fix" the Alexa problem. As stated before, UD is generally so stable, I would not have thought of the portal immediately. Thanks @bmercier. while I sleep, the elves were busy.......
  19. @garybixler its the MCA-88. thanks
  20. @bpwwer FYI.. happened again yesterday. Russound becomes unavailable even directly through their app. Need to unplug and reboot and all is fine.
  21. As mentioned above, I am using the RussoundRio on PG2. Works great.. occasionally though for some reason it will cause the MCA to lock up and I have to reboot it. Not sure why. Very infrequent, but worth mentioning.
  22. 24 hours later, still seems to be working correctly.
  23. Same here.. I just added this plug to my system and same result here. flips momentarily to On, but then shows off. Restarted NS and now is operating as expected and as it did when I first installed it earlier today. thanks. Jim.
  24. Does the Update Packages button always stay "lit up" or does it grey out if not needed? thanks
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