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Everything posted by Techman

  1. Can you post a screen shot of your scene. Most likely your scene is not configured properly. When you press a button on the keypad can you see its state change in the admin console?
  2. Techman

    ON/OFF wall switch

    The current Insteon switches are a bit smaller than the ones sold several years ago. Is your 3 gang box metal or plastic? Was it installed when the home was built or was it added later? What controller are you using. Do you currently have Zwave? Is your current installation all Insteon?
  3. When you replaced the keypads did you first add the new keypad, and then right click click on the keypad you're replacing, point to the new keypad and then click replace with? If you didn't replace the KPL using the above format, what steps did you take for the replacement?
  4. When you do your testing keep in mind that a X10 device does not send its state back to the controller. The controller assumes the state of an X10 device based on the command sent from the controller. For your test programs it's best to use Insteon devices.
  5. It's possible that you have a marginal communication connnection between the lock and the controller. Try moving the lock closer to the controller. You may have to add an Zwave repeater midway.
  6. Take a look at this article https://wiki.universal-devices.com/INSTEON_Random_All_On_Events Insteon Motion sensors with low batteries can wreak havoc on an Insteon network, especially the 1st generation sensor. What is the (6 digit) address of your motion sensors? Do they show any activity around the time your issue starts It could also be one of your older single band Insteon devices that's failing, especially if it's 15 years old. The newer devices have improved firmware and hardware and are less prone to failing.
  7. What's also strange is that the all events are all happening at the exact same time and affecting different devices.. It could be a device that's failing. You could try disabling the a few of the devices at at time to see if you could narrow it down. Do you have any programs that run around 4:52 am? Were all the devices purchased as new?
  8. Best way to work through this is to write some test programs using your Hall Light and Door Light.
  9. You most likely have a program that is either being triggered by a device or another program. Take a look at your log to see if there's any activity at the time your programs are being triggered. The log will only show if a device turned on, not program activity. You may have to go through each of your programs to track down the issue.
  10. In the example I gave your earlier, The IF statement looks at the existing state of the door light. If the door light is ON and the light swtch is turned on by pressing the switch paddle (control), the IF clause would be true. Both statements in the IF clause would have to be TRUE for the THEN clause to run. If you turned the Hall Light switch OFF or if the door light is OFF when the Hall Light is turned ON or OFF, the IF clause would be False and the ELSE clause would run assuming that it was populated.
  11. Control - when a device is manually turned on or off Status - is the current state of the device. If you wanted to check the status of a device and perform two diffenent functions depending on its state, then you would need two programs. One that would equate to true if the device was on, and a second program that would equate to true if the device was off. The following program will will trigger the THEN statement in the program if the light switch is physically turned on at the switch, and the door light is currently on. IF Door light status is ON and Hall Light is switched ON THEN do whatever ELSE
  12. If you run the Topology report, and scroll down towards the bottom of the report, it will show all the devices in a scene. For programs there aren't any real time options to view the associated devices.
  13. Anytime a condition in the IF statement changes, the IF statement is reevaluated. If all the IF conditions are true the THEN clause would run. If not all of the IF conditions are true the ELSE clause would run
  14. @Blackbird Will the Rachio controller and its app work without cloud access and the node server, i.e. local wi-fi only? I'm trying to stay away from devices that are cloud dependent.
  15. The device in not made by insteon. It's a Smartenit relay. Smartenit appears to have gone out of business. The manual is attached. Ir appears that the ISY is unable to communicate with the Smartenit modem. Perhaps someone on the forum may have more suggestions for you. I'm not aware of any device currently available that's comparable to the Smartenit. ezio8sa_quick-start.pdf
  16. @Michel Kohanim Is Zwave LR currently supported in the Zmatter dongle. if not, will it be in a future update?
  17. @skydvrz I had issues with the Earthlink ISP. Are you sending messages in HTML or TEXT format?
  18. @MarkJames Also take a look at this thread https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/43905-state-variable/#comment-385381
  19. It's possible that the eisy needs to sync with the time server. Be sure the eisy is conected to the internet. It may take a while to sync.
  20. @IndyMike My thinking was that link tables may be missing. He never mentioned whether or not the admin console showed the on status when the sensor was activated, If so then it should also show up in the log.
  21. If you used both the eisy and the polisy, each with a PLM, you would have a PLM link capicity of about 4000 Insteon links. If your PLM memory is filling up then by doing a factory reset on the PLM and a restore PLM, you should gain additional memory in the PLM as deleted data usually remains in the PLM taking up memory If you do a PLM link count, ideally when the system is not active, you can get a fairly good idea of how much space you have available. If you currently don't have Zwave devices and just now adding Zigbee then one Zmatter dongle should suffice. You could add repeaters in order to cover the entire house.
  22. Install jumper 5 (remote management) Select ON commands only in the ISY Put the sensor into linking mode and then click on write updates to device. The ON command should then show up in the log.
  23. @Javi I have device (door) in my favorites. I use state variables and advanced status configuration to determine if the door is open or closed. When I open favorites the door status isn't properly displayed until I press on the door icon. If I set the display node to the device rather than to the state variable then the device status displays correctly when the favorites screen is opened. Is there a way I have the door status correctly display using a state variable rather than the (battery operated) device
  24. If you can turn on the front lawn sprinklers by clicking on the device in the device tree then you don't need to re-install the device. Try right clicking on the device then click on restore device. That will update the device link tables with the data stored in your controller.
  25. My bad, I didn't see the strike through on the small screen.
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