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Everything posted by Techman

  1. Attached is an interesting paper comparing the various technologies. It was written a while ago but is still relevant. On page 37 it mentions that a Zwave network only supports one master controller. About how many Insteon devices do you have? Insteon compared.pdf
  2. You can't change the frequency, it's determined by the Country you reside in. Not sure if adding a second Zmatter board would create a conflict. The eisy should be able to support a large network. Are you experiencing an out of memory issue, or are you maxed out of the number of nodes that can be supported?
  3. Android 14
  4. If your email is configured as TEXT try changing it to HTML, if it's configured as HTML try TEXT
  5. @Beaker There's no logical reason why the above program shouldn't work. If you can turn on the sprinklers by turning on the device in the device tree, then the Sprinkler Controller is compatible with your eisy/polisy and firmware. When you run the then clause does the device tree show it running (solid green)?
  6. I't's probably best to submit a support ticket
  7. @ELA Is the issue with IR sensors (infrared sensor) or Motion Sensors? If it's with the motion sensors, are you referring to the older Motion Sensor 1 or the Motion Sensor 2? If you're referring to the older Motion Sensor you should have Jumper 5 (remote management) installed
  8. Try removing power from the eisy for a few minutes then boot it up. If that doesn't resolve the issue then it's best to submit a support ticket
  9. @Kevin Try uninstalling the Bluetooth Service, then reinstall it. The service has a glitch or two. UD is aware of the problem and is working on a fix.
  10. Excellent, now on to the next issue.............
  11. @Kevin I experienced the same issues you're having. I restarted the audio player service and the bluetooth service , paired my speakers, then rebooted my eisy and everything returned to normal After the reboot make sure the audio player output is selected to Bluetooth and the Bluetooth service is set to enabled.
  12. @Kevin There is a known bug in the Bluetooth service. An eisy/polisy reboot will usually give you a temporary fix. After the reboot make sure your audio player output has bluetooth selected.
  13. After you upgraded did you clear your java cache, checking all 3 boxes, then download the IoX Launcher from here: https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
  14. @GHenry It appears that the battery level may not be reported until the level changes. You can also try waking up the sensor by holding the set button down for 3 seconds then query the sensor. If that doesn't work then contact Aeotec support, they're very responsive. The folllowing is from Aeotec Battery level will be checked every time the device wakes up. These includes the wake-up timer, motion trigger, button click. When the battery state changed, a battery report command will be sent to the controller Engineering Spec - Aeotec TriSensor 8.pdf
  15. If the Polisy is working there's really no advantage in upgarding to the eisy at this time. The current firmware and UI is 5.8.4 You probably need to first upgrade PG3x 3.2.27,, then update your polisy firmware. See the link below. Polisy:User Guide - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com)
  16. In Advanced Status Configuration, if I set a State Variable value as "Not Equal To" it shows as "Equal to"
  17. @Beaker Use "copy to clipboard" then paste it in the forum
  18. @Beaker Can you post a copy the program that's not working.
  19. @ELA Can you post the program for one of the sensors that are active both day and night but that doesn't show up in the log. Are all the IR sensors identical, i.e. same manufacturer, same version.
  20. @ELA Can you post a copy of a program that's not working correctly.
  21. @MKonrad The most likey reason you had trouble adding the new keypad is that you incorrectly entered its address. It's very easy to misread B and 8. If you had intalled the new keypad and then right clicked on the old keypad and selected "replace with" and selected the new keypad, all your scenes and programs would have had the old keypad address replaced by the new keypad address. No programing would have been necessary.
  22. Factory resetting the dongle most likely won't resolve the issue, It's best to wait for a reply on your support ticket.
  23. So is there a way to see the history of the programs during the night like a log? The short answer is no.
  24. The status of battery powered devices won't show up in the admin console until a specific device node updates, i.e. battery level. Email configuration won't arbitarily change to default unless the default box was checked.
  25. The only other option I can suggest is to remove the lock, do a factory reset on the lock then re-install it. If that doesn't resolve the problem then it's best to open a support ticket as it's possible that the lock isn't fully supported by the eisy https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
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