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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Hi @CandC, Please try to resync the app, do you receive any errors? If no errors are presented please open a Ticket and ask for Javier and we can diagnose the issue. The app uses the Insteon Node Server files from the editor, opposed to hard coded values in the Web UI, so if a sync does not fix the issue we will have to check the files on the ISY.
  2. Hi @apostolakisl, Have you been able to access these scenes before, or has this always been the case? If this has always been the case, your files may have an issue created by a bug in an older firmware version, assuming no errors were presented during sync. In rest/nodes can you check if the missing scenes have a parent tag containing a parent address. If they do can you search for the parent address, is this folder defined? If the parent address is not defined can you add the scenes to a new folder, at least temporarily, in the Admin console? This should remove the link to the non-existent parent.
  3. Javi


    Hi @auger66, Thank you. A there is no option for a selected ISY, they are all combined into a single interface. That said you can achieve something similar by adding a favorites folder. iOS is in testing, but we do not have a release timeline.
  4. Hi @only1miller, Do you also have the Hue Node server? If so please be sure it is updated as the OP had an older version causing the error.
  5. Hi @ddurrant, Is the issue with the UD Mobile App?
  6. Hi @dbuss, To keep the app as fast as possible the initial status for Programs, State Variables, and Integer Variables is not requested when the app is opened. This can be changed in Systems>Your-System-Name>Advanced. Status population speed may be affected on low-end/older Android devices or if you have many items in the additional request category.
  7. Javi


    HI @diggler, Thanks for finding the issue, I'll try to catch this in the next release for a better error message.
  8. Javi


    Does this happen on the local network also (setting>system>name>advance)? If it doesn't, or if unable to connect to the local network please logout of the portal account (setting>ISY Portal Accounts>Name> Delete). Then go back to you system and add login (setting>systems>name). If that doesn't work we can schedule a remote session to diagnose.
  9. Javi


    Was UD Mobile synchronized after the reboot? Is the problem only affecting this node or is it affecting all nodes?
  10. Javi


    Thanks. There is a firmware bug for firmware less than 5.3.2 which can cause issues with the app. Please let me know if reboot fixes the issue.
  11. Javi


    Hi @diggler, The error appears to show an invalid device address (C 63 EC 1). Please post an image of this same screen with the header showing the device address (top left), and let us know your ISY firmware version. This image does not need to show the error. I want to check if the app has a valid address or if the address is being changed when sending the command. If this started after a sync, please reboot the ISY then resync. Thanks
  12. Hi @bikerbobhain, The icon-toggle functions similar to a button on a keypad link. Currently the home/favorite list icon-toggle needs a status (on/off, running/stopped) to execute a command. There is no way for the app to know which command you would like to toggle if the command is not based on a status. In my opinion we should keep programs and nodes appearing similar. This will avoid confusion and keep the home/favorite lists clean without too many buttons/switches/toggles. I understand this will not accommodate all situations, however many programs can be slightly changed to make it work by adjusting the IF statement. At some point we will also add the ability to name the commands, so when viewing the node/program dashboard a user could change the run-then/else to display on/off. The exception to this is network resources which has a static radio button, which executes a single command, as network resources have no status. On our to-do list we have a feature to allow a single, non-status related, command for all nodes. This would be similar to the network resources static radio button and allow the user to select a single command to execute when pressed (i.e run-if, run-then, run-else, stop). Even when this feature is ready you would need 2 favorites (run-then and run-else) to accomplish the same.
  13. Great! Currently there is no manual, just a youtube video. We have some changes coming which may help with onboarding.
  14. Hi @bikerbobhain, Did you select "status" as the status-control when picking devices? A device can have many status values, such as on-level and ramp-rate, if "status" was not selected as the status-control the toggle will not be present as, status-controls such as on-level and ramp-rate, can not be toggled. Toggle is only visible when selecting status as the visible status-control and the device accepts ON (DON) and OFF (DOF) commands. Program toggle is only visible when selecting status as the visible status-control also. Program toggle is run-if and stop. If a status-control other than status was selected, long click the favorite and release without moving position, then delete. Does this fix the issue?
  15. Hi @bikerbobhain, Thanks for verifying the issue, I'll make changes to accept empty names during sync. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-Android/issues/21
  16. Hi @bikerbobhain, Do you have any nodes,folders,programs, or variables without a name? I assumed that all of theses items had names, so there is an error check to verify a name is not empty. We may have to change this as it appears from you error this is not the case.
  17. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Hi Mark, CertPathValidatorException from the OP was a temporary internet connection issue to the ISY Portal. Java or a Java/Kotlin mix is the base for most Android applications, so If you have an Android device you are using apps written in java most of the time. ISY Portal, a valid CERT, or VPN is required to access the ISY from a remote network. Apple and Google have both warned developers that bypassing https may result in removal from their respective app stores, and may not work at all in the future. To avoid both of these issue the app will only use https for remote connections, this is not true if using a VPN installed on your router as this would be considered a local connection. If using VPN select Systems>Your_System_Name>Advanced>"Only use local connection". This requires valid credentials an you should have a static local IP Address entered into Advanced>Local_Connection_Settings. If you would only like to use the app on a local network the process is the same Systems>Your_System_Name>Advanced>"Only use local connection". This requires valid credentials an you should have a static local IP Address entered into Advanced>Local_Connection_Settings. Remote connection settings will use HTTPS, so it will not work on your local network. Unless your ISY uses https with a valid CERT on the local network.
  18. Hi @bgrubb1, Please remove your email address from the forum and send as PM. Thanks.
  19. CURRENT AVAILABILITY: ACCEPTING TESTERS Hi All, We are starting iOS testing with Apple Test Flight alpha testers. At this time the app supports multiple ISYs simultaneously, nodes (Insteon, Zwave, and Node Servers), Scenes, Programs, Variables, Network Resources, and Favorites. At this time we are looking for ANR (app not responding), crashes, sync errors, missing controls, and control update errors. Please hold feature requests until further notice as we are still in the process of adding features which are included in the Android version. To be added to our Apple Test Flight group please send me a PM. Include the email used with Apple, ISY firmware version, iOS version(s), and let us know if your ISY is connected to the ISY Portal . Users with ISY Portal subscriptions are preferred for the first round of testers as it will be much easier to diagnose issues. Minimum firmware requirement is 5.0.16 Regards, Javier Refuerzo
  20. The 500 error is the portal connection error for the restart request which will be fixed in the next update. If connected to the local network (Settings>Systems>Your_System_Name>Advanced>Local_Connection_Settings) it should be functional.
  21. Hi @ewind, Restart is in the app under Dashboard>ISY Help Menu>Reboot. There is a bug in the app when attempting to reboot when connected to ISY Portal, this has been fixed and will be functional in the next update.
  22. Hi @jmpnjimbob, There are correctly 2 apps on Google Play, UD Mobile (ISY Control) and UDI Mobile (geofence). Are you looking for the Geofence app or the ISY control app? Also note that the minimum requirements for UD Mobile is API version 23 so it may not be available for older Android Devices.
  23. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Hi @floodland, I have sent you a PM so we can diagnose Portal issues. This is the first time I have seen Cert Path Validation Exception.
  24. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Hi @floodland, Are you using ISY Portal or another method for remote connection?
  25. Hi @maverick2041, Below is a rest command to set the param you may have to change the uom (uom107) to the correct correct byte value (see uom definitions for corresponding numerical values, i.e the 107 in uom107). You may be able to set CONFIG as the command then NUM.uom107 and VAL.uom107 (with correct bit values) as the dict keys. I don't use Home Assistant but this may help you find the right path /rest/nodes/ZW014_1/cmd/CONFIG?NUM.uom107=0&VAL.uom107=1
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