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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Thanks. One more check before we can be sure firmware will need reinstallation. I will need to see the exact response for this request to verify this is not a timeout and is corrupted. To get the exact response please do the following. With the same request in the browser left click an empty space then select "inspect" . Click the Networks Tab, then click Clear (crossed circle net to red dot). Refresh the page. Click the Response Tab. Click EDITORS.XML under name. Copy the entire response (all lines next to the line numbers), then past as code in the forum (<> icon when posting).
  2. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    The same "Could not parse data..." error on the local connection after a reboot suggests there is a corrupted Z-Wave Editor File. If you are open to remote diagnostic please open a ticket. For self diagnostic make a web request in chrome to the following , does this request fail? If the ISY has been rebooted and this request fails firmware may need to be reinstalled. Note this will only work for ISY not Polisy. <IpAddressOfISY>/rest/profiles/family/4/profile/1/download/EDITOR/EDITORS.XML
  3. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Let's start with the test timeout issue as this is a self diagnostic check, if there are errors running the test it may cause issues during synchronization. First reboot the ISY just to eliminate the possibility of a module needing to be installed. Try the test again, if you have the same issue continue reading. I see you have both remote and local connections, so let's start with the local connection If your iOS device and ISY on the same network. Please remove the local port as 80 is default, make sure the local IP Address does not end with "/", and check "Only Use Local Connection" (just for this test). Do you get errors when pressing "Test System on local connection"? Does synchronization finish without errors? Disregard the Network Resources error if you have none. Uncheck "Only Use Local Connection" and run the "Local connection test" again just to verify the app is linked to your wifi network. If local connection works we can then diagnose the remote connection issue by running the same tests on the Remote connection with Wi-Fi turned off on the iOS device.
  4. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Hi @JimTurner, Are there any errors when pressing "Test System on Remote URL" at the bottom of the "Remote Connection Settings"? If there are no errors above, what is the error message presented during synchronization?
  5. All, iOS version 0.3.8 will fix issue with devices not showing status/controls. Thanks.
  6. Hi @mmb, All looks well from the requests. I'll have to check the App's database to try to find the issue. Please send me a PM with the backup file. If anyone else has the same issue (missing insteon controls) after creating at least one program please send me a PM with a copy of the app's backup file. We only need a backup from one user, so will update here when no longer needed. Thanks.
  7. Hi @mmb, Thanks, all appears to be well there. Can you send me the nodes as well? This should be the last one, just need to be sure the node has a (correct) definition. <ipAddress>/rest/nodes
  8. Hi @mmb, Yes. Thank you. One more please <ipAddress>/rest/profiles/family/1/profile/1/download/nodedef/I_NDEFS.XML if that does not work please try: <ipAddress>/rest/profiles/family/1/profile/1/download/NODEDEF/I_NDEFS.XML
  9. Hi @mmb Can you post the output of <ipAddress>/rest/profiles/family/1/files ?
  10. Glad it's working. There is a bug in the error log as the index did not change, it will be corrected in the next update and include the node address (if present). The two first errors may be safe, the 31 replicated errors may be an issue. #1) Do you have zwave devices? If you do not then disregard. #2)Which Node Server do you have in slot 4? There appears to be a missing editor file, I take a look to see is this should be defined. It may be the case it is not need. #3)It appears that your system has 33 nodes which are missing a node definition. If you subscribe to ISY Portal we can run a remote diagnostic, if you do not we will need the output of <ipaddress>/rest/nodes to see if this is in fact the case. Please open a ticket, include the output of /rest/nodes if not a portal subscriber, and we will look into this issue. According to the notes for this error it has only been encountered with a corrupted system, so if the app is not functioning correctly this may be the cause. <node flag="128" nodeDefId="RelayLampSwitch_ADV"> <- nodeDefId appears to be missing <address>2D 86 94 1</address> <name>Office Lamp</name> <type></type> <enabled>true</enabled> <deviceClass>0</deviceClass> <wattage>0</wattage> <dcPeriod>0</dcPeriod> <startDelay>0</startDelay> <endDelay>0</endDelay> <pnode>2D 86 94 1</pnode> <ELK_ID>A02</ELK_ID> <property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="100"/> </node>
  11. Hi @JGoldstein, Is this iOS or Android? Are there any synchronization errors which do not say "disregard if none exist"? If there are please let us know the error message. If you are only using the local connection do you get errors when pressing "Test System on local Connection" under Local Connection Settings? Also make sure the IP Address does not end with "/". If this is iOS please be sure you are on the latest version as the previous version had a refresh bug after initial setup which left the screen blank. This was not a major issue as users would just need to press the home screen tab again to show their system, and only need to be done one time.
  12. Yes
  13. Hi @MrBill, This could have been writing better. The note is in context of the whole release, and only related to Polisy. Without a patch iOS may hang during synchronization. This will not happen on Android due to how XML parsers are implemented. "Node definition files will now accept lowercase directories and NLS file names, fixes POLISY. NOTE! Firmware patch needed as of 07/29/21 for missing programs tag."
  14. Hi @apostolakisl, This error will not cause favorites to be lost as it cancels the synchronization. My guess it there was a poor connection or ISY needs to be rebooted. Needing reboot is rare but I have encountered a very small number of systems failing to send data to clients until rebooted. There are widgets/shortcuts which will open favorites directly, for Android the shortcut is prefered. Long press app icon then drag the shortcut icon (next to the word Favorites) onto the home screen.
  15. No Problem, the delay, if present, will be in the form of time until value is shown in app. I almost never see this on the local network, but is present from remote access.
  16. Hi @apostolakisl, Can this be replicated? If "test system on local network" is successful will sync fail when tried again? Please create a backup before trying again as some failed synchronizations may remove favorites, SQL foreign key is removed as the app believes a value no longer exists.
  17. Hi @apostolakisl, Sync is not needed if nothing has changed, the app will prompt to sync after save as most of the time users have just setup a system. Cancel can be selected if this is an existing system with no changes. This check was recently added and I think your issue may simply be a "/" at the end of the IP Address, I'll try to get this fixed soon. If that is the case please remove the "/" at the end of the address, if this is not the case please continue reading. Have you upgraded firmware since your last successful synchronization, or is this on POLISY? The app is checking for required files. We have reports of missing files when upgrading from a remote location or from Portal. See the link below to see how to manually check if files are missing. If this is the issue reinstallation of the same firmware can be done in the same way as a manual firmware upgrade. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS#missing-data
  18. Hi @LFMc, Thank you. We will be working on a web version in the future although it will be some time. Speed of the Android device, speed of internet connection, and number of nodes can all affect duration of initial status population. The portal connection is very fast although not as fast as a local connection. I have encountered may who believe they are using a local connection when they have only been using Portal. So, first lets make sure you are in fact using the local connection. When connected to your local network go to Settings-Tab > Systems > Your-System > Advanced. Now press "Test System on local connection". Do you get a success message? An error will be given if you are not on the local network or if a parameter, such as SSID, is missing. Also in Advanced-Settings there is a switch to enable variables on launch, this will request the status as soon as the app is opened. Although this could slow the app if you have hundreds of variables. As for an emulator, Android Studio has emulators of many devices and sizes. Some of these devices have the play store included (evident by the play store icon next to the device). If using one of these emulators UD Mobile can be downloaded from Google Play just like any other android device. I believe the emulator will continue to run after Android Studio is closed, however I may be wrong. In my opinion it would be easier to buy one of the higher end Amazon tablets then just leave UD Mobile running. Install the Google Play Store for more functionality. UD Mobile is also available on the Amazon App store however we still need to update to the latest version. Amazon tablets will not have push notifications when implemented. If you go the Amazon route let me know and I'll try to get the latest updates pushed to Amazon.
  19. Alpha 0.85 Fixed negative number raw input. Changed Favorites Tab query method to fix dropping queries for large systems. Added equality verification before Favorites Tab query data refresh, fixes unresponsive click. Increased heartbeat timeout to 2 minutes to fix large systems not completing initial socket data transfer within 60 seconds. Database socket insertions will no longer continue insertions after ISY Subscription service is destroyed.
  20. Thanks @Jimbo, I can not reproduce either issue, although it could be related to the complex sql queries. The only unresponsive click I can reproduce has a progress bar on the center of the screen as the app is waiting for the query to complete, and only on the older android device for the first 15- 25 seconds after open. This is caused by slow process time on database insertions for Status values (about 150 nodes and 700 status values). After initial subscription insertions the progress is less than one second. As mentioned this would completely lock up iOS, so it could just be failing silently on Android resulting in no update. My logs suggest this is not happening, but if it is silent it is not showing. Changing this would be a fairly large change, so I would like to be sure this is the case before changing anything. Can you please email me a copy of the backup and we will continue by email, I may need to connect to your system(s) to reproduce the issues.
  21. I'll see if we can add a Verified Command type in the future. A command without a display node would cover most use cases as the Display Node is optional. Removal of Display Node is still on the list, so if one was added simply delete the favorite then create a new favorite without a Display Node by selecting "New Favorites Command". Adding a Display Node to a command is useful in the following scenarios: #1 Sensors which do not have controls (i.e. Door Sensors or Power Sensors). For example, setting a power toggle command for a tv which is controlled by a Network-Resource (or Program). The TV has no power status available to the ISY, so a power sensor is added to determine status. The Display Node is the power sensor and the command is a Network-Resource (or Program) to toggle power. #2 Multiple Commands. For Example, changing light bulb colors for multiple lights and turn on the scene containing all lights. While this can be done with multiple commands in the app it is probably better as an ISY program. Either way, I assume we would want the Display Node to show the status of the scene and not the status of the Program.
  22. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Thanks @MrBill, Fixed for both iOS and Android. The iOS app uses IQKeyboardManager to handle keyboard operations as the native iOS keyboard has too many issues and is a project in itself to fix. So, it looks like we will have to live with the .numbersAndPuctuation as adding +/- as an accessory view may cause issues with IQKeyboard. This may be a good addition to IQKeyboard if it doesn't already exist in some capacity, I'll investigate when I get some free time.
  23. Is there a spinning progress indicator when this is happening? If a progress indicator is present the app is awaiting query completion. Older/slower devices or adding programs/variables to the initial status request will have longer delays. When testing with the original Pixel XL the delays are about 15-25 seconds for my main system, testing on a Pixel 4XL has fractions of a second delay. Does this happen with a specific node or all nodes? I recall this was happening in the past but the app was deleted before a backup could be sent to us. The node dashboard query is very complex, iOS would completely lockup with the same query, however I have not see the issue on Android even with my original Pixel as the main test device. This is fixed in 0.84. should be available soon.
  24. Version 0.83 Will have a Status Only Type. Also added icons for all types (top left of favorite tile) except for status only. This is now possible with Command Type Please let me know if it persists in 0.83 Version 0.83 should be available later today or early tomorrow.
  25. Android Beta: 0.81 - 0.82: Added Favorites Command Type. Added Favorites Commands and Favorites Command Params tables. Added user interface for command selection. Please report any issues, many of the command picker classes (i.e. command parameter selection) where rebuilt to accommodate reuse in Favorites Command Tile creation. Notes: Favorites Commands support no parameter commands, single parameter commands, and multiple parameter commands. Favorites Commands support multiple commands in a single instance, these commands can be from seperate ISYs. Video Demo Examples: Rename a Node on Home Tab Create Favorites Folder Tile Create Favorites Node Tile Create Favorites Status Folder Create Favorites Command Tile Create Favorites Status Command Tile Delete Favorite Tile Edit Favorite Tile Add multiple commands to a Favorite Command Tile
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