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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Thanks. The can be disregarded on Android as well and the message has been changed to a detailed warning, in case a user has Z-Wave devices but they are not found by the app. This should be reflected in the most recent Android production release.
  2. Hi @philgood, If this is on iOS and you don't have Z-Wave devices this error can be ignored. This should be fixed in the next update.
  3. Fix for issue #26 made it into today's build, should be live sometime in the next 48 hours.
  4. HI @apostolakisl, Thanks. I have replicated on the Home Tab, looks like a bug was introduced when saved position was implemented for back navigation. I'll try to get a fix pushed to beta early next week. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-Android/issues/26
  5. Our UD Mobile App has folders (Rooms) which can show a display node (such as a scene containing all lights). A folder (Room) can have 2 click options(top/bottom) if there is a display node. Clicking the top you can toggle a device/scene clicking the bottom opens the (Room) folder. Weather can be added from a node server and will display in the same way. See screenshot below where all rooms are folders and show the status of lights/weather in that area/room Depends on if your devices are supported by Node Servers.
  6. I'll preface this with acknowledgement that I may be biased ? . I prefer using home automation controls on my phone, both voice recognition and from App. Our wall mounted tablet works great for showing Google photos and thing that neighbors/friends need access to when we are gone. Young children are too loud when they are awake and I prefer not to speak at a Smart Speaker or have a Smart Speaker respond (usually in the wrong room) when they are asleep, not to mention letting a toddler have control of the house (Google's babble translating is amazing). We have GH in every room and its mostly used for timers, podcasts, and music (did I mention children are loud). I can use voice commands on a phone with 99% accuracy event when music/movie is playing which is not even close to Smart Speaker accuracy in a noisy environment. Although most of the time I just use the app for things in the house that are not in line of sight so I can be sure the change was made (i.e. locking the door). Also keeping ISY subscription alive until killed by the system makes the things I use most even faster than voice commands in most cases.
  7. This is on our list for UD Mobile, but after items of higher priority. Android is further along than iOS. Most programs conditions and executions can be viewed in app, no edits at this time. The Favorites Command Type option is similar program execution setup and Individual Status Mappings is similar Program Conditions. This was done to help us work out any bugs before moving code to Program edits.
  8. Amazon devices are showing a few crashes due to database upgrades. This will be fixed in 0.112 and only affects existing installs for version with versions less than 0.110. Will not affect new installations of 0.110 from today/yesterday.
  9. Android Alpha 0.112 (Closed Testing) Fixed subscription remaining connected in Backup Activity. Fixed database upgrade crash for database versions less than 6 (April 2021). Fixed default mapping comparison for NLS mapped icons.
  10. Thanks for checking. Please send me a copy of the backup.
  11. Hi Dave, I can not replicate this behavior. Can you check if the node has an Individual Status Mapping overriding the favorite Icon (Favorites Tab -> Click Edit -> Click Favorite -> Select Configure Colors/Values/Icons) ? I have updated our wiki to reflect that Favorite Icons have lower priority to Individual mapped values when there is a Display Node. Also note that Individual Status Mappings are linked at the Node Status level so it affects both Home Tab And Favorites Tab. So, if the Favorite Display Status is the same Status used on the Home Tab setting an Individual Status Mapping will override both when the comparison is matched. I also just noticed that both the Favorites Icon and Individual Status Mapping Icon have no delete option. So, if an Icon was set the only way return to Use Default Icon is delete the entire Individual Status Mapping then recreated. I also just noticed that the color edit dialog populating with the default value instead of the user input. I'll try to get these fixed in the next update.
  12. It's been a while for Amazon App Store updates. Updated version 0.110. https://www.amazon.com/Universal-Devices-UD-Mobile/dp/B08SKT5NM8/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=Universal+Devices&qid=1637251777&s=mobile-apps&sr=1-8
  13. Android Alpha 0.110 (Closed Testing) Added not null Status Mappings. Fixed existing Status Mappings not showing mapped values. Node Dashboard now honors Status Mappings. Updated wiki with Not Null mapping values.
  14. Hi @FuegoMCS, I recommend upgrading firmware first. Please backup before starting the process and take notes of password reset and program adjustments.
  15. Standard Hex Codes. I would like to offer a predefined set for the globals, but it is lower on the priority list. I noticed I forgot to remove Global test color values for Null and Zero for existing database upgrades, but this will be removed in the next update, only alpha testers affected. The same color code appearance varies too much on Android depending on screen type for light and dark modes so, as before, I ultimately decided to not set default values. I'll try to add "Not null and not equal to" comparison in the next update, probably as the lowest comparison priority so greater/less than values can be caught first. I was hesitant to add this in the beginning as I anticipated too many support issues as not equal could catch multiple unrelated states. I'll have to think about this one, currently there is no value in the NLS for color. This would require additional work during synchronization to insert new and preserve existing user defined values. I'll try to add mappings for existing values in the next update. A few other issues which should be fixed soon: Lock error on back top bar back button press shows lock. Node Dashboard does not reflect color.
  16. Adding a color picker is on the list, I'll also try to add a saved colors table at some point to avoid the copy/paste for user defined hex codes. Adding 'not equal to' should not be an issue. Comparisons were limited to prevent user created loops and complex logic which could dramatically reduce the speed of the already complex home/favorites queries. Do you think "not equal to" should include NULL values?
  17. Android Alpha 0.109 (Closed Testing) Note: Sync will be required to change mapped Icons/values for folders and Scenes. Added Customizations and Edit Locks. Colors can be changed based on Status values at the Global, Individual and Favorites level. Status mappings available at the individual level. App can now lock all Top menu edit, Admin Tab and Settings Tab access. Customizations: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Customizations.28Currently_Android_Only.29 Edit Locks: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Edit_Locks_.28Currently_Android_Only.29
  18. Android Alpha 0.107 (Closed Testing) Note: Favorites shortcuts will have to be recreated as the old shortcuts will be unavailable. This was needed to prevent subscription from closing if it was not closed with the new subscription enhancements. ISY Subscription improvements. Subscriptions will now remain active during app pauses and screen rotations for up to one minute (default). Subscription duration can be changed in Advanced settings. Added Dynamic Shortcuts to prevent subscription close with Static Shortcuts. Removed Static Shortcuts and Widget please use Dynamic Shortcuts going forward. Created user preferences table. Rebuilt Systems Activity and Network Picker screens. Systems Activity will now use newer fragment pickers. Improved onboarding in Systems Activity. Please give feedback on Subscription duration if you think the default of one minute should be changed. Set to -1 to not close the subscription until device low memory warning.
  19. Hi @GJ Software Products, The numbers you are seeing are unique address numbers which will not change. Most users rename the node after creation, you can prefix the name with a new number if your goal is to have a sorted list of nodes.
  20. @tazman, You could try hard coding the webSocketUrl in housepanel.js. change line 495 from: wsSocket = new WebSocket(webSocketUrl); to: wsSocket = new WebSocket(""); This is right below the console message: console.log("Creating webSocket for: ", webSocketUrl); which is showing the incorrect port. If it works you will have a reproducible fix if someone wants to correct the error.
  21. Some file managers do not allow install or require a setting to allow install of non store apks. But based on your screen grab I do not think it is an issue with Polisy. This was just to verify that the Polisy's websocket is working. Looking at Console it looks as if HP is injecting an incorrect port as both 1380 and 3080 are listed and it does not match the HP log of 8080. I searched his source and found both hard-coded and default 3080 port values but am unsure how HP is pulling 1380 although it may just be misrepresented in the log.
  22. Added java source, apk build, and installation instructions for Sample Dev App to GitHub. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UDWebSocketExample-Android
  23. @tazman, Below the lines quoted above are console.log error messages. Can you open the the Chrome dev tools (google console.log) to see if an error is presented. Basically this is opening dev tools, clicking Console tab, then reload. For process of elimination we have an Android dev app for Websocket logs, if you have an Android device it will log output for a WS connection, this will eliminate server side issue.
  24. Does HP have PORT field? I took a quick look at the source (hpserver.js lines 8119 and 8399) and it does not appear the PORT is injected. ISY uses port 80 Polisy uses 8080 for local connections. If there is not a port field try adding the IP address with the port i.e. where "" is the IP of Polisy and ":8080" is the port. If that does not work you may be able to hard code this somewhere below. hpserver.js Line starting 8119 // if user provides hub access info, use it // for ISY hubs we know the endpoint as /rest so use it if ( body.hubType==="ISY" ) { body.userAccess = body.clientId + ":" + body.clientSecret; body.userEndpt = hub["hubHost"] + "/rest"; hub["userAccess"] = body.userAccess; hub["userEndpt"] = body.userEndpt; } hpserver.js Line staring 8399 var hubhost = hub["hubEndpt"]; if ( hubhost.startsWith("https://") ) { wshost = "wss://" + hubhost.substr(8); } else if ( hubhost.startsWith("http://") ) { wshost = "ws://" + hubhost.substr(7); } } // set up socket for ISY hub if one is there if ( wshost ) { var wsclient = new webSocketClient(); var buff = Buffer.from(hub["hubAccess"]); var base64 = buff.toString('base64'); var origin = "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"; var header = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "ISYSUB", "Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13", "Origin": "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"}; wshost = wshost + "/subscribe";
  25. Hi @tazman, The Polisy does accept both old and new SOAP bodies. The client code for the UD Mobile apps is still using the original SOAP requests and is working. I ran a test with web sockets (ws:// and it works on both ISY and Polisy. Is the port missing? If your running on the same box it may need localhost.
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