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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Hi @bhihifi, Understood. This feature should be live on iOS within the next 2 weeks.
  2. Hi @bhihifi, As of today Alexa Configuration from UD Mobile is only available on Android. The same feature should be live on iOS in the very near future. Until that time ISY Portal can be used. Portal and UD Mobile use, or will use, the same Alexa database. Although, if I understand correctly, the issue is the device is not showing in ISY Portal. If this is true, does refreshing the web page work?
  3. Hi @bhihifi, UD Mobile or ISY Portal can be used to add/edit/remove devices linked to Alexa. If added from ISY portal they will be shown in UD Mobile, if added from UD Mobile they will show on ISY Portal. In addition to a pull down list of devices, you will also be able to add/edit/remove the Spoken Names from the Devices screen in UD Mobile.
  4. Hi @bhihifi, Alexa configuration is available for Android in Beta, this should be released soon to production. We are in the process of adding the same for iOS now. ISY Portal is required and must be linked to UD Mobile. Configuration in ISY portal will match the configuration in UD Mobile.
  5. Hi @sumguy, I understand your issue, and I'll see what we can do at that time. Some geofence issues are caused by OS limitations and can not be changed by app developers. I estimate 3/4 of used cases can be covered by basic geofence implementations. About 1/8 of used cases will require workarounds with added permissions, keep alive, and wake interval settings. The final 1/8 of cases may never be resolved. In the case of poor internet connection we have a few issues. The first is the OS may limit the amount of time an app has to perform background tasks, this includes sending a web request or saving data to persistent storage. If the data is saved to persistent storage when a request fails, something else would have to wake the app to check if the connection is available. Even if we have timers set to wake the app every X minutes, which Apple may reject as it would defeat battery preservation, do we still send the request X minutes or X hours later? If we do send the request late it should include a timestamp. The server (ISY and/or Node Server) needs time verification so that it does not trigger and incoming request if it has a later timestamp than the previous request.
  6. Insteon battery sensors will not show status until there is an update. Updates are usually around every 24 hours unless triggered.
  7. Hi @asbril, Although I have not personally tested the following integrations they are available. Windows 11 now has the Amazon App Store. So if your PC meets the hardware requirements UD Mobile can be downloaded from Amazon. New MACs with an M1 chip support iOS Apps. The app has been tested with the Blue Stacks emulator and does work. Blue Stacks is available for both Windows and MAC.
  8. Android (Open Testing) 0.124 Systems View Advanced Settings replaced with individual groups of settings. Added alexa configuration for ISY Portal. Add/edit/view individual Alexa Spoken configuration from a Node's Dashboard by clicking the voice icon at the top. Add/edit/view all spokens from Admin Tab. Legacy Elk Module configurations (non-Node Server) is implemented but not tested. UD Mobile does not support the Legacy Elk Module so these types can only be accessed from the Admin Tab.
  9. Hi @photogeek54, The instructions are for UDI Mobile, a third party app, which appears to have been removed from Google Play. Geofencing for UD Mobile is on our list but not yet implemented.
  10. PM Sent
  11. Anything in the NodeServers log when set to debug? Maybe try to restart or install another instance to see if the nodes are being created without Warnings/Errors. Also verify the nodes are shown in Polyglot, not just in ISY. If you ISY is connected to portal we could run a remote diagnostic if your interested.
  12. Hi @glarsen, I was looking to install one of the offending Node Servers on my system. Check if I receive the same errors to eliminate the possibility it is related to the specific ISY or Polyglot instance. If the URL is throwing the same error it's not an issue with UD Mobile, so I think at this point we can eliminate the client. I still think the ISY is under a heavy load somewhere as I have Node Servers with UOM 25 an no issues. Do you have multiple instances of Polyglot (2/3) connected to the same ISY/ISY-Service? If you do does temporarily disconnecting all other instances fix the issue? Changing the address of the ISY in the instance and saving should be fine, without the need to shutdown.
  13. Hi @glarsen, Will any of the node servers with the error work without hardware, if so which one(s) and what is the command which is failing?
  14. Just updated to 3.0.40 from 3.0.38 and can not replicate, can you send a copy of the ISY error log? I read there were issues with 3.0.39, did you update to 3.0.39 at any point before 3.0.40? We can get to the next items after the error log. There are reported issues with older versions of PyISY (used in the Hue Emulator). Does the issue persist if the Hue Emulator NS is disabled? There is also a report involving ELK, but just a correlation and not verified as the cause of any issues, so please also disable both Node Servers if disabling Hue does not work.
  15. Hi @glarsen, The URL looks good, and I've only encountered a persistent 404 when the ISY is under heavy load. Does anything stick out in /rest/log/error? Is this for PG2 or PG3? What is the PG version number? What is the Pol-ISY firmware? Does the error persist after Polisy is rebooted? Do you have the Hue Emulator or ELK NS installed?
  16. Is this for Android or iOS? I don't see predefined errors within the app with this exact text, so it may be coming in at the Mobile Device OS level. Is this the error displayed when pressing the Test Connection button dialog, or is this a Notification pop-out from the top of the screen? If a pop-out this error is only because the app lost the subscription, which will happen if you turn on/off wifi/mobile-data but the app will try to connect again in a few seconds. Test the local connection without the app accessing SSID or Remote Connection as follows. Temporarily turn on "Only use local connection" then press the Test Local Connection button. If all works there then turn off "Only use local connection" and try again. This could narrow the issue to SSID or local credentials.
  17. Javi

    Update Password SSH

    Have you first logged into the admin user i.e. ssh admin@192.168.X.X? Then change user to polyglot with the password "admin" ?
  18. I reviewed the Local and Portal Error codes. Portal will return 403 for invalid credentials and Direct will return 401. So based on one of the comments above this appears to be a direct connection (401). If you would like to proceed in private please open a ticket and reference this thread. If you would like to continue here: Verify your app version number (Settings Tab > About), and ISY firmware. Verify the color of the Remote Connections Settings section is not red. Verify that there is no user data (URL/username/password/ect.) in Local Connection Settings. Local Connection Settings can be found under Remote Connection Settings in Advanced Settings.
  19. Do you also have the local network connection enabled? If you do then the credentials there need to match your local credentials. Go to Settings Tab > your system > Advanced. Edit: Using the test connection button for both connection types will give an error if connected to the other connection type.
  20. Hi, The error is an incorrect username and/or password. The remote connection test is the username/password/url for your ISY Portal, first please verify your ISY is linked and connected to ISY Portal (my.isy.io) and there are no errors. If ISY is connected to porta and the error persists, try to go to the UD Mobile settings tab > ISY Portal Accounts > Select your portal Account > Logout. Now go to Settings Tab > Systems > your system, then select "ADD" in the ISY Portal Account box.
  21. The file names match rest/profiles/family/<familyNumber>/profile/<profileNumber>/files. However something looks off with the family and profile number, unless the Node Server developer copied the Insteon File Names. Can you post the response of rest/profiles/family/10/profile/11/files ?
  22. @tazman, Node.js is not my strong point so this is just a guess. Remove the protocol here: var header = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "ISYSUB", "Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13", "Origin": "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"}; change to: var header = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64, "Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13", "Origin": "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"}; Then remove the protocol(s) here also wsclient.connect(wshost, "ISYSUB", origin, header); This may require a couple of tries such as: wsclient.connect(wshost, "", origin, header); or wsclient.connect(wshost, , origin, header); or wsclient.connect(wshost, null, origin, header);
  23. Hi @tazman this object: var wsclient = new webSocketClient(); calls this function: wsclient.connect(wshost, "ISYSUB", origin, header); so find where webSocketClient() is defined and it should have a function called connect the connect function accepts the parameters (wshost, "ISYSUB", origin, header) If you find the connect function post it and I'll take a look. @kck , good to hear. We are looking into why this was removed, so it may be restored. I ran tests on both ISY and Polisy and the server (ISY) will work as intended without the sub protocol header on both platforms. So it all depends on if the client/ws-library is checking for a sub protocol. There is only one protocol, and we have no plans to add another. It should be safe to remove this header if the client or library is not checking for this value in the event it is returned in a later firmware update.
  24. I'll report tomorrow. As for making the change yourself, it looks this would require finding the wsclient.connect function and removing the second parameter and any references.
  25. @tazman, Thanks for being persistent. All libraries I use can handle the error, but I could replicate in Postman. It appears not all headers are returned, so removing the following header should fix the issue temporarily. "'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'", "ISYSUB"
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