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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Hi @Gunn, You are correct that the instructions should be updated, these instructions are for firmware versions less than 5.X. Although the issues your having may be related to your other post were old Insteon links remain from manual or Insteon Hub Scenes. For 5.X firmware only one Scene needs to be created and links should be adjusted. See the highlighted scene member from the folder structure for link adjustments The Scene Links (all buttons off, except High button. Fan High), This setup will allow UD Mobile to control the fan scene with toggle (high/off) and keep buttons synchronized. Note that Scene Member calculation for UD Mobile should be disabled for all keypad buttons: High Links (all buttons off, except High button. Fan High): Med Links (all buttons off, except Med button. Fan Med): Low Links (all buttons off, except Low button. Fan Low): Edit: I've updated our wiki with 5.x instructions https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994i:INSTEON_Device:FanLinc-KPL_FanLinc_KeypadLinc_Configuration
  2. Hi @mbking, Thank you! We have no plans to remove manual HEX input, color picker would be in addition to manual input.
  3. Hi @stimpy2k, Please first try upgrading to the latest version of UDMobile (version 0.117 as of 12-19-2021) and running synchronization. The original poster has a failed firmware installation with missing node definition which required reinstallation of firmware. This issue may be caused by remote firmware installations so we encourage all users to install firmware from a local connection and not from ISY Portal or any other remote connection. Firmware reinstallation is done in the same way as a firmware upgrade, and as always please backup your system before attempting upgrade. If UD Mobile upgrade and synchronization does not fix the issue we can run a remote diagnostic or you can run self diagnostic with instructions below. Please open a ticket for remote diagnostic. Remote diagnostic requires ISY Portal. To run self diagnostic request the Z-Wave Editor file from the ISY with the following url in a browser. Replace ipAddress with the IP Address of your ISY. http://ipAddress/rest/profiles/family/4/profile/1/download/EDITOR/EDITORS.XML Now search the page for "ZW_UNLOCK_NT". The page may contain something similar like "ZW_UNLOCK" but it is not the same editor. If "ZW_UNLOCK_NT" is not present firmware will need to be reinstalled. Tags (for future form searches): Could not get Editor Object , Cursor is empty
  4. iOS Beta 0.6.0 Added Global User Preference for Favorites-Tab/Home-Tab/Default launch types due to Apple's limited widget sizes. Synchronization required to obtain missing Editors listed below. Added encoded editor parsing and insertion for Node Def Status Editors. Fixed Deadbolt UOM Action human readable values. Fixed NLS for encoded editors with underscore in NLS definition. Other bug fixes. Android Production 0.117 Synchronization required to obtain missing Editors listed below. Added encoded editor parsing and insertion for Node Def Status Editors. Fixed Deadbolt UOM Action human readable values. Fixed NLS for encoded editors with underscore in NLS definition. Other bug fixes.
  5. On most Android devices, including Google's Pixel, notifications only show as a dot, so the number must be an addition by the device manufacturer. UD Mobile presents a silent notification until the user specified subscription duration has ended or for 1 minute if not specified. Recently the Android app was changed to allow users the specify the duration of the subscription after closing the app. Android requires developers to notify users with a notification when an app is using resources in the background, most android devices will allow users to ignore notifications based on type. So if this is ignored, and we implement push with a different type ID, push will still be presented. If you do not see the notification, It may have been hidden so check the device settings for the App. On iOS this badge should be removed within a few seconds after closing the app when the app is finished saving state, at some point we hope to have a similar user preference as Android. I've updated our wiki with information on how to change this setting. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Global_Settings
  6. Hi @apostolakisl, Replicated on Android. It appears the app is trying to send commands to each device instead of the scene, does not appear to affect iOS. I'll try to get this fixed in the next update. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-Android/issues/28 Edit: Commit # 04bfc18. Fixed Favorite Type Commands for Commands with no optional values. Fixed in version 0.116
  7. Thanks @bpwwer, Calculating on the app side is somewhat expensive at app start especially with more than one system. UD Mobile has app defined Node Server files for Scenes, Programs, Variables, ect, so they appear the same as any Node. At some point we may be able to add a second status definition to scenes.. Keeping the current Estimated Status with percentage so it appears as a "Group" and a second Scene Status calculated with Link Type. I think link type would have to be static after synchronization as querying this at startup would cause a few seconds of delay, but may satisfy most situations. UD Mobile currently queries the scene relations table when values are updated for all "ST" values with UOM 100 (0-255) and UOMs 51, 78, 79 (0-100). Then takes the matched relations rows and runs 2 queries one for UOM 100 / 2.55 and and one for UOMs 51, 78, 79 with precision calculations. I never could get SQLite to do all calculations in the same query with division for 255 and percentage precision values.
  8. iOS Beta 0.5.8 Adjusted top Navigation Bar buttons. Fixed missing Custom Mappings for node folders. Added Folder creation in Devices and Scenes. Added Scene creation in Devices and Scenes. Added ability to Add/Remove Scene members. Created Scene Edits view. Added Scene Links View. Bug Fixes. Edit Scenes view can be accessed from Home Screen Edit or Node Dashboard.
  9. @bpwwer are you making this calculation somewhere? I can foresee making a similar calculation for the ISY Scene Member (Controller) based on link type Command , but even this could be difficult if the scene link type or command values is adjusted from a program.
  10. I'm not sure this is true, ISY does not have a value for scene status. We do have estimated status in App. As our app developer I have a few questions and observations, which may help future app development. What happens when a member of a Group is out of sync or does not support the sync value (i.e. binary on/off vs dimmable)? Would this not lead to the same issue? Is the goal to show a status? There may be too many variables to make this "better" than the current implementation. The Group definition sounds similar to having (1) all Controllable devices in a Scene as controllers of the Scene, (2) all devices must not be responders to any other Scene, and (3) all devices support the same values (binary or dimmable). How would your description of Scene handle a non momentary device event (i.e. kpl on/off)? What is the difference between your Scene description and a program which executes THEN on device command? A program can control a Scene with no hardware controllers so the command ON value is always executed and command OFF is never executed. The Program case can also handle the non momentary events.
  11. Hi @mbking, Thank you. We have no ETA for push at this time. I'll ask the team to see if there are any updates.
  12. Hi @Geddy, Yes, iOS has the same bug, it is corrected in our open Beta build now. Only one issue reported in the latest build, so we will likely push to production soon. Beta testing: https://testflight.apple.com/join/xHtzI5R3
  13. Hi @fmk2, Glad the backup worked, I've add an issue so we can change backup names. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS/issues/44 As for the error the screenshot, the resolution is too low to read the error, can you please upload a better quality image if not corrected. The errors should remain in the notification center, similar to a text message, while the app is running. Errors shown here are usually related to connection issues and likely due to the import or internet connectivity. Sometimes Apple's keystore may attempt to restores passwords. If importing onto an existing setup, which was not imported itself, keystore may use the old setup for password restoration. The system ID's may be different on the two versions of the app causing failed or incorrect password restoration. The easiest way to fix the issue is to logout of ISY portal (Settings-Tab > ISY Portal Accounts) then go to Settings-Tab > Systems and re enter the portal account for each ISY. Also check that the local connection has the correct username and password. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Backup_and_Restore Edit: There is also currently an Amazon AWS outage which could affect remote connections.
  14. Hi @fmk2, It should work, however I have encountered issues with iCould versioning backups instead of saving the file, which results in a previous backup being downloaded. This usually happens when uploading backups within about an hour of a previous backup. On the iCloud website this is usually evident as the new file will show a time/date which is before the time/date you saved the file, it is a very annoying "feature" of iCloud. Can you try renaming the file to a unique name before it is saved then try import again? We may have to set unique names, such as append time/date, to the backup file to get around this "feature".
  15. Do you have both ISY and Polisy or only Polisy? We have had support requests where the UUID for one was being used for Poral and the user was accessing the other for the Admin Console Module installation. The Portal Module will not install until the ISY/Polisy is licensed, so please check this from my.isy.io. First verify UUID is correct, is there an error icon next to the UUID? If there is click the error icon for more information. If this is a new system and a subscription was included with the terms of purchase please open a ticket so we can add the license to your account as it is not automatically added. If a subscription was not included with your purchase a Free trial is available. Free trial is only available if a portal license or trial license has not been issued to the hardware UUID in the past.
  16. Hi @fmk2, Currently we have a manual backup and restore option. I've just added instructions to our Wiki (linked below). Please let us know if additional instructions are needed. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Backup_and_Restore
  17. iOS Beta 0.5.7 Added Edit, Admin, and Settings Locks. Bug fixes. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Edit_Locks_.28Currently_Android_Only.29
  18. Hi @ewind, This was a design change for the Favorites screen. Currently there is no way to change this, however allowing users to choose the number of items per row for each Favorites Screen is on our list.
  19. Most developers will report issues when found. My position involves front end and app development. Issues I encounter are with ISY Portal and local subscriptions, and not with third party portal providers. We run stress tests to balance app speed with request success rates, to avoid similar issues. Our alpha testers did see brief connectivity issues, usually lasting a few minutes, with early versions of our app. This was related to subscription loops or too many large file requests simultaneously exhausting available resources. With that said, most developers including myself, prefer to isolate issues before assuming the problem belongs to someone else. If the problem disappears when a third party portal is removed, reappears when portal is re-established, and does not appear with another Portal, I assume the correlation would warrant a report as the issue can be replicated.
  20. iOS Beta 0.5.6 Note: Sync will be required to change mapped Icons/values for folders and Scenes. Added Customizations. Colors can be changed based on Status values at the Global, Individual and Favorites level. Status mappings available at the individual level. Customization Wiki Instructions will remain as Android Only until pushed to production. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Customizations.28Currently_Android_Only.29
  21. Hi @bjs, Thank you. We have have been able to replicate network issues after bombarding the ISY with network request (i.e. denial of service), most of the time ISY recovers within a few minutes after bombardment has ended. In rare situations some issues continued until a reboot. For context, a few years ago Google Chromecast was flooding local networks with much less traffic causing issues with routers. There is a large amount of data transferred during the initial subscription request and ISY can handle many sockets. However, if many subscriptions or portal sockets are started simultaneously, sockets are abandon or not closed gracefully while data is in queue, ISY is waiting for timeout from these clients, then the result could be similar to the stress tests above.
  22. Hi @dennisric and @bjs, Can both of you try to using our Mobile App with only local connection (Second option here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Local_Connections_and_Local_VPN) by selecting Advanced -> Only Use Local Connection ? During initial synchronization the App will check the ISY for missing files or a few other common issues such as network connections. If all is well during initial synchronization please open our app when the issue is presented and it may show us a more detailed error. Connections errors should pop or show as a notification, depending on user setting you may need to pull down your notification panel to see current error status.
  23. Is the fixture wired to the switch? Based on your description of the LED On Level it sounds like the switch is controlling a scene.
  24. Javi

    Feature Requests

    It is on our list but a slightly different implementation. The current plan is to have any Favorite available as a widget, so a Favorite of type Command would achieve something very similar. When Command is a Program it can toggle a device without the app needing to knowing status because status is referenced in the ISY program. See the custom toggle example here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Favorite_Custom_Toggle The difference lies in the status updates as there is no good way to implement this without things getting out of sync. Our options are Interval-Status-Checks, Background-Push, and leaving the subscription connected. Background Push will be throttled and/or delayed after too may updates. Throttling and delay is determined Operating System and Platform Push Service (Apple/Google), we as developers do not have control/warnings about throttling or delays of Background Push. This will also require server side setup so Portal would be required. This may work for a couple of devices, if any device is updated too frequently or if there are too many devices updating status will be out of sync. This will also inherently be out of sync as there is no persistent connection and only triggered on status update. So unknown value, such as no/poor internet will not trigger status. We may have this option at some point but it is currently low priority. Interval Status Checks are inherently out of sync as they are request/response driven. This is not currently on our list. Leaving the subscription connected is the most accurate option and is currently a user preference on Android. This will use more data/power, so may not be a great option if your device is connected to mobile data more often than Wi-Fi. This solves the status issue by only showing status when we are subscribed to ISY. If used in with Favorites Command type toggles can still be functional even when the app does not have status. I have been running a persistent connection and Android for about a month and on average it uses 5% of battery daliy, I'm mostly on WiFi so I do not have good data on mobile data usage with this option. This is on our list for iOS and can be changed (-1) on Android in Advanced System Settings.
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