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Everything posted by Javi

  1. It is a little confusing as only the prefixed abbreviation is different. "UDI Mobile" a 3rd party Android app for Geofencing. This is the reference in the Occupancy V2 instructions. "UD Mobile" In house Android and iOS app for Control and Configuration of ISY which currently does not have geofence implemented.
  2. iOS Beta (Open Testing) 0.5.4 Added Polyglot Cloud functions including Delete, Start, Stop, and Set Parameters. Added Polyglot Cloud Store for PGC Add function. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Polyglot_Cloud
  3. Prior to about a month ago it only took a few hours for beta builds, however the last few versions have taken almost 48 hrs.
  4. Hi @DaveStLou, The app was ignoring the optional selections of parameters for command with multiple parameters, we also fixed a few issues which should make this less confusing in the Command Parameters Dialog. Android 0.102: Fixed optional parameter commands for commands with multiple optional parameters. Accepts Parameter value is now reset after UOM Selection for Accepts Parameters with multiple UOMs. Removed CANCEL button from Command Parameters dialog.
  5. Hi @DaveStLou, This is the first time I have seen a command with that many options and it does look confusing given that there is only one option for the On parameter with the "index" UOM. This is the intended behavior for ACCEPTS-CMDs which are not OPTIONAL and have multiple CMD-PARAMs. Please send me an email with a copy of the backup and I'll see if this should be an OPTIONAL (menu to the right of button) selection not honored by the app (i.e. "On" should be a command by itself with the option of selecting the exact parameters). Also to avoid confusion I think the button "UPDATE" on the first screen should be changed to "SEND" and the button "CANCEL" should be removed as there is a back button (I think this is how it was done on iOS) Some additional information if you want to geek out. I'll add this to our wiki soon for documentation. Brief definitions: ACCEPTS-CMD: A command the device accepts (such as on) CMD-PARAM: A parameter which adds a value to the ACCEPTS-CMD (such as "on" percentage). There may be multiple parameters for a command (i.e. Z-Wave Set-Configuration has both the number and value). Each of these parameters needs a VALUE. Default VALUE can be defined to matched to a current status (such as current "on" percentage VALUE), if VALUE can not be matched the app uses the lowest possible value. VALUE: A numerical value for the CMD-PARAM (i.e "on" percentage value). Sometimes this is mapped and shows human readable values (i.e. "off" for zero). UOM: Unit of measurement. Some examples include percentage/binary/index. Note UOM "index" is usually predefined values such as a thermostat mode (heat/cool/off). Some devices accept multiple UOMs for a CMD-PARAM such as percentage (0-100) and byte (0-255). Multiple UOM is usually just a calculation difference, i.e. UOM percent set to "50" and byte (0-255) set to 128 will both produce the same outcome. Changing the UOM will affect the accepted VALUEs OPTIONAL: The ACCEPTS-CMD can be sent by itself (such as "on") or with CMD-PARAM(s) (such as "on" to percentage. Not all ACCEPTS-CMD have OPTIONAL CMD-PARAMS. The app will show Commands which have an OPTIONAL as a button and a menu next to the button. In the image above: The title "On" at the top is the ACCEPTS-CMD Blue highlighted is the CMD-PARAM Green highlighted is the VALUE of the CMD-PARAM Red highlighted is the UOM. For most devices this is not selectable as there is only one defined UOM.
  6. Thanks. PM sent.
  7. Hi @CalPolyME, Thanks. Does issue persist after synchronization?
  8. Hi @CalPolyME, This class was rebuilt 0.98 and has issues in beta builds 0.98-0.100, so it could be related. This was done fix dropped queries for large/multiple systems and prepare for enhancements. 0.101 was pushed to beta yesterday and is still awaiting Google's review, but should be live soon. Please let us know if the issue persist after update.
  9. Hi @SteveT, It was a design change. Allowing users to specify the number of columns for each favorites folder is on our list.
  10. Hi @CalPolyME, Currently not possible. Disable of Admin/Settings/Edits is on our list.
  11. Hi @Envirogreen, As mentioned above the app will work with both of these item as Node Servers. Alternatively you could add programs/variables/network-Resources using the apps Favorite Command Type to control these devices. See command type instructions and example here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Favorite_Custom_Toggle
  12. Hi @mbking, This was a design change, it was originally implemented to help users find grouped nodes in node picker dialogs. Grouped nodes are now expanded in the same list on the Home-Tab and Node/Status pickers have been updated. In addition there has been much user feedback that the Node's Dashboard display is too text heavy and they would like things to be simplified. With that said I see how it is useful in your example. The Node Dashboard screen is very similar to the first release and will be updated soon to address some layout and Query-Speed issues at that time I'll try add the grouped nodes in some capacity. Another way to do this is to have a Favorite Folder with a Display Node with the desired grouped nodes as items in the folder, this will allow the user to select the Display Status for each child. The App's database now has a table to add custom mapped names and icons for (#1) exact values and/or (#2) null/negative/zero/positive value mappings. This has not been implemented in the UI but will be at some point in the future. When implemented it will allow status values to have user defined mapped names and icons. This feature will put highest priority on user defined exact status value matches, secondary priority on user defined null/negative/zero/positive mappings, then current mapping priority. This will be implemented at the same time as the Node Dashboard rebuild (above) as this is the most logical place for status value edits. Note there is a bug fix for expanded nodes in 0.51.
  13. Hi @patryk.szady, I believe some of the early Polisy firmware requires manual intervention for firmware upgrade. Are you familiar with ssh? If not are you on PC or MAC? https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/32449-polisy-has-become-musical-when-rebooting-is-this-normal/?tab=comments#elControls_312789_menu
  14. Please send me a PM with the exact changes and we'll make the corrections. For official views of Universal Devices please submit a ticket. Unofficially our Wiki has instructions for Locative.
  15. iOS Beta (Open Testing) 0.4.9 Added Favorite Commands. Bug fixes. Add a Favorite Command by selecting "Command" as the Favorite Type, then select add ("+") next to the command header to add a command. Commands include support for commands with multiple parameters. Favorite Command Type supports multiple commands from multiple systems. Commands can be for any node and do not have to match the optional "Display Node" Known issues include : Command List shows raw numerical values as opposed to mapped names. Default variable values with prec may be saved incorrectly if not edited (i.e. app shows current value as default, if available, "0.033" may be saved as "33"). This can be corrected by manual typing of the prec value. Display nodes with toggle incorrectly override commands.
  16. The instructions you have followed only pertain to Android. There are 2 apps in the Android app Store UD Mobile (Built by UD) and UDI Mobile (Built by a 3rd party developer). UDI Mobile is the app which works with the V2 occupancy node server. Results may vary with occupancy and UDI Mobile as it has not been updated in many years. Using Tasker is probably a better option on Android. If this is on iOS I think most users are using Locative (some can correct me here if that is wrong). We have geofencing on our list, however it may be a seperate app due to the extensive permissions needed. IMHO we should not burden most users of UD Mobile with these permissions or power consumption related to this type of tracking.
  17. Thanks. Issues with both UD Mobile and Dyson Node Server found. The next version of UD Mobile will no longer stop synchronization for failed UTF8 encoding. Created pull request to fixed unsupported chars in Node Server https://github.com/exking/udi-dyson-poly/pull/4
  18. Hi @jwagner010, We only have one crash reported on version 0.4.7. so this may be something on the local system or an install issue. I recently had a similar crash in development which was related to an installation compile problem. If this is the same a reinstall may fix the issue. Before reinstall please first reboot the device and the ISY then try sync again. If that does not work please backup you setup then uninstall the app, reinstall run sync. If everything syncs ok reinstall the backup and try sync again. I will provide additional instructions if the above does not resolve the issue.
  19. T Hi @apostolakisl, This error is due to there already being one instance of this portal account entered into the app. The app supports multiple Portal accounts but each must have a unique user id. ISY Portal uses oAuth so this unique constraint is in place to prevent multiple authentication requests for the same portal account. There is no need to login to the Portal Account again to add the second ISY. See "Adding Another ISY (Existing Portal Users)" here https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile. Local Connection Settings can be found under Remote Connections in Advanced (Settings-Tab > Systems > Your-System > Advanced). Relationships between SSID and local connections can be set in Local Connection Settings. This is in case you have multiple ISYs are at different locations and would like to use local connections when at each location. See "Local Connections and Local VPN" at the same wiki link above.
  20. Hi @Tango, An ISY from 2017 with the first gen 300 series board is compatible with firmware 5.0.16c. For context my production ISY from 2012 with added first gen 300 series board had been running 5.0.16 for the past year, although I have recently upgraded to the 500 series Z-Wave module to run the latest firmware. Some new Z-Wave devices require a new hardware controller for full functionality, but most are backward compatible. Our new and more powerful Polisy hardware will soon be available as an ISY replacement, so if all of your current Z-Wave devices are functioning with the 300 series board there is no reason to upgrade hardware at this time, only firmware update is needed to use UD Mobile. The ISY994 hardware has been around for about 10 years and is still very capable and has outlasted many competitors. When you decide to upgrade your Home Automation hardware we hope you consider our Polisy controller, if our product history is any indication it will be around for many years with both hardware and software upgrade support. Notes: Z-Wave module was in stock yesterday, but now appears to be out of stock, please check back at a later date.
  21. Hi @Tango, First thanks for trying UD Mobile. UD Mobile is still in development and does not yet have all features of our Desktop Admin Console, but we hope to have most of the same features available in the future. Our firmware upgrades have no monetary cost. There are hardware dependencies for some Z-Wave firmware versions, for which we sell an upgrade module. UD Mobile will work with both the older 300 series (firmware 5.0.16) and newer 500 series (latest firmware) Z-Wave modules. The SSL Certificate (or SSL Portal) requirement is only for remote connections and is due to Apple's and Google's push for security. Some third party developers can offer options to bypass SSL with exceptions from Apple/Google. However because we control firmware and the ISY is updatable we do not qualify for these exceptions (see link below for Apple's exception requirements). If we bypass this without the proper exemptions from Apple/Google it may lead to removal from their app stores. For more information on local and remote connections, including all remote options, please see the following link. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile
  22. iOS Beta (Open Testing) 0.4.1 - 0.4.2 Note: 0.4.1 should be live sometime today or tomorrow, however there are a few issues which were discovered in internal testing after app was submitted to App Store. These issue have been fixed in 0.4.2 which will be submitted after review of 0.4.1 is completed. 0.4.1 Favorites are now a tiled grid. Favorites should now be much faster on initial load, on a good connection load times should be about 2 seconds local and 5-7 remote. Added custom favorites database observer (speed improvements), crated new favorites, node, and nodeStatus object builders from cursor. Added new favorites folder move-to-folder picker and Edit-type picker. 0.4.2 Fixed Favorites tile width on screen rotation, fixes both width and number of items per row. Fixed Favorites move-to-folder and edit-type dialog image clicks. Fixed release notes for 0.4.1 showing as duplicate 0.4.0.
  23. Javi

    Feature Requests

    Thanks. Hiding nodes has been implemented in Android, coming to iOS. Still need to add automatic hiding with (~) prefix during synchronization. We'll look into getting hepatic feedback on iOS.
  24. Android Beta (Open Testing) 0.94 Polyglot cloud is now functional. Install from PGC NodeServer Store. Start, stop, delete, and upgrade-config for PGC nodeServers. Real-Time-Log non-functional. Added icons.
  25. Also on our list
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