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Everything posted by Javi

  1. I believe Forum Login was moved to ISY portal for better security. I don't think this can be changed manually, try opening a ticket.
  2. Hi @PLCGuy, Thanks for reporting. Values appear to be saved correctly but displayed incorrectly in list and are reset during edit. Issue affects both Android and iOS. GitHub issue created. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS/issues/50 Edit: Appears to be limited to UOM Action Values, however if one icon is defined and the current status matches a defined icon, then all icons in list will show defined icon instead of default.
  3. Look into itach, I've had the IR and serial versions for 10 years, both WiFi and Ethernet. They are rock solid, I have never had one fall off the network. The WiFi versions are difficult to setup or must be reset when you change your router, so I eventually ditched the WiFi versions as my router fails about once every 1-3 years. I've tried to ditch all wifi devices for the same reason. When everything is ethernet I just need to set the reserved IP addresses in the new router instead of trying to find every WiFI device and reconnect. Global Cache has an IR database, if I remember correctly you can download upto 3 Device Codesets per day. IR version has learning mode and you could send commands to any of the 3 ports, in case you have devices which have overlapping ir codes. They can be controlled with ISY network resources.
  4. Hi All, We have reported crashes on 0.6.3 test build, which appears to isolate the issue on iOS 15.2. Please let us know if you encounter a crash while the app is not running or during startup. Specifically if your data remains after the crash. Hope to have a permanent fix next year! Happy New Year!
  5. Hi @theitprofessor, Thanks for confirming. I'll try to update the Wiki with more detailed information. Favorites of Type Nodes will automatically open the node dashboard, unless the node supports toggle. If the node supports toggle pressing the (top) icon will toggle the node, pressing the (bottom) name will open the node dashboard. Favorites of Type Command and of Type Folder with a Display Node should show the menu link to the node dashboard. Favorites of Type Folder with a display node which allows toggle will toggle when the top icon is pressed and open the folder when the (bottom) name is pressed. There are a few additional options on Android and we have a few additional Favorite Types coming in the future which will allow this to be more customizable. Edit: Menu issue fixed in version 0.6.4
  6. Hi @theitprofessor, Assuming this is a Favorite of Type Command and on iOS, it looks like it is missing. We will get it fixed in the next update. Are these assumptions correct?
  7. HI @peterathans, UD Mobile is free to use on your local network and does not require or conflict with other Portal integrations. Use option 2 in the following link. UD Mobile does not currently have geofence features, but it is on our list. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Local_Connections_and_Local_VPN
  8. Thank you. If you do not get a reply from us soon please check your spam folders.
  9. Hi @viertaxa, Do you have the same issues during synchronization or just the popup error? Please backup UD Mobile before trying synchronization if you have not done so already.
  10. Do you have ISY Portal? If you have ISY portal and are open to remote diagnostic please open a ticket. If not please post the output of the requests GitHub requests and I'll provide you with another URL so we can check the directory contents for missing files/data. At this point I'm still unsure if missing files is the issue. To answer your question about firmware reinstallation; users who have had the issue also had missing/incorrect files in other locations which resulted in other less obvious errors.
  11. Hi @chris.com, Thanks for trying reboot. This error is unique to UD Mobile as the Admin Console has these file pre-packaged into the program, this is the reason Admin Console UI and Firmware must match and requires a new version for each firmware release. As far as I know Mobilinc uses hard coded values for limited node commands. UD Mobile does not pre-package these files and makes a request for these files during synchronization. UD Mobile does not have hard coded values and does not require firmware/UI matching. After file requests are completed UD Mobile should show all available commands for each node, the same as the Admin Console. Please see the following issue for self diagnostic instructions. If you have ISY portal and prefer remote diagnostic please open a ticket. When we run a remote diagnostic we will check the same url for missing files. If there are missing files, a firmware reinstallation will be required by the user on a local network. Firmware reinstallation is the same as manual firmware upgrade. This is a known issue usually, but not always, caused by remote firmware upgrades. Issue Documented here: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS#missing-data I'm unsure if this issue has been reported on the Forum in the past, so please update us if this resolves the issue as it may help others in the future.
  12. Hi @chris.com, Thank you. The app is not able to get a list of files from the ISY. This is usually caused by a communication issue or incomplete firmware upgrade. Did you updated firmware sometime after the app was working correctly? To check if this is a communication issue, please reboot ISY and Mobile device then after a few minutes try synchronization again.
  13. Hi @chris.com, Have you tried synchronizing the app with the ISY after seeing the error? Additional status mapping and validations were recently added which may have caused a new error check. Please also be sure you have the most recent version of the app.
  14. Hi All, We have multiple reports of issues with iOS 15.2 + causing user data to be deleted. Please be sure to backup UD Mobile in case your device encounters the issue. It appears that users which experience the issue one time will experience the issue again on the same device every few days. This appears to be a bug in iOS and we are currently testing work arounds. None of our development devices are experiencing this issue. If you encounter the issue please help us by opening a ticket or commenting in our issue tracker on GitHub. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS/issues/49 Regards, Javier Refuerzo Edit: Link to this post has been sent in push notification to all iOS users.
  15. Hi @CLipman, Glad you are liking UD Mobile. I think you just need to turn on variable requests at startup. See Settings Tab > Systems > Your System > Advanced.
  16. Hi @Jimbo, I'll take a look. @inovermyhead, This appears to be unrelated to this thread. UD Mobile lost login creds somehow, it should have prompted for login, but a few of these classes were updated recently so there may be an issue. Logout of all portal accounts in the app, then login. After login then go to Systems and for each ISY reestablish the portal connection as it was removed when logged out.
  17. Hi @Jimbo, Can you check the ISY error log to see if a new subscription ID is created during each "PyISY reconnected to the event stream." log event? Also looking for unsubscribe events.
  18. Hi @shbatm, Thank you. Reconnect looks correct, although I do not use reconnect as mobile disconnects are mostly due to poor network conditions. I find it easier to unsubscribe when encountering network issues in case the device loses network soon after, this way no subscriptions are left hanging. @Jimbo , I have found that a good test for subscription closing is to set your heartbeat value to a low number, such as 10-15 sec. This will force a reconnect loop. Being that ISY is less powerful than Polisy, ISY may eventually throw an error but should recover quickly and allow subscriptions again in the next loop iteration. The reconnect loop should have a short delay. I have found that 3 second works well as a stress test and only throws the occasional error, shorter delay throws many errors, longer delay rarely throws an error. If ISY does not recover quickly after an error is thrown, it is very possible the program needs to unsubscribe and is creating too many new subscriptions without closing existing subscriptions.
  19. Thanks @MrBill, A reboot would not close the subscription gracefully. If there are plenty of other subscription slots available then nobody would notice and eventually the ISY will terminate the subscription if it does not get an ACK. The problem would arise if the library loses connection or misses a heartbeat, at this point it should send unsubscribe with the subscription ID on another thread. If it does not unsubscribe and somehow gets in a loop of subscriptions without unsubscribing the subscription queue may fill causing already subscribed error. Our app was guilty of this in the early days, and days of debugging this single issue is memorable. I don't use anything with this library so I'm unsure if it is unsubscribing correctly when it loses a connection/heartbeat. The unsubscribe function is incorrect so even if the library is calling unsubscribe it is not happening.
  20. Are any of you using software which has the PyISY library? I believe the Home Assistant Plugin and Hue emulator use this library. I have seen reports that this library was causing issues with subscriptions. I took a look last week and the unsubscribe call was incorrect, so it is possible that this library has never closed a subscription correctly. I put in a pull request, but this may not be the root cause of the issue. If anybody encounters this issue please first try disconnecting any services which use PyISY to isolate the issue. Reboot may be required if there was a subscription loop without closing gracefully for a long duration of time. Note that we are still waiting for a pull so the user which isolated PyISY as the cause can see if fixing the unsubscribe function fixed the errors.
  21. Unfortunately the FanLink can not act as a controller as it only sends status values, not command values. If you regularly set the fan to a specific speed, consider using the single scene for on/off voice commands. This would keep all KPLs in sync. If your speed preference changes by time of day/year a program can alter the Scene links to set the fan to another level for the ON command. I think programs would be the only other route. Adding 4 scenes (High/Med/Low/Off) with only the KPLs as a responders and without the FanLink, will allow programs to monitor the FanLink and send the Scene On Command to adjust the kpl buttons. Just set the Scene links for each scene to turn on/off each KPL depending on FL value.
  22. All, Please ignore users if you do not agree with them and refrain from posting this type of content as it is no help to anyone.
  23. Hi @mbking, It looks like the search button still points to the old BASIC auth functions, so this is a bug as all portal connections are now oAuth. As for getting the Remote URL, a list of your ISY Linked to ISY Portal should popup after selecting your ISY Portal account., so there must have been an error, dialog canceled, or portal creation canceled. Please click the delete icon next to the Portal window above the URL search, this will not delete the portal just remove the link for the system in app. Now click "Add" in the ISY Portal window and select your Portal account. Note that the app supports multiple Portal accounts so if a Portal account was already entered into the app it should populate as a list item. If this is on a different Portal account select "Add New Portal". Then the list of available ISYs should be shown. After clicking you ISY the remote url should be automatically populated.
  24. Hi @Gunn, Thank you, fixed punctuation. If you would like an off button to show OFF STATUS there are a few ways to accomplish this, although I think it would cause too much confusion if added to our wiki. Below is one example, I'm sure others here will have different/better methods which vary in difficulty. Add the off keypad button to another scene as a responder. Due to insteon limitations non-load keypad buttons can only be controlled by the ISY when they are in a scene. Now setup a program IF to monitor the STATUS of the FAN MOTOR when OFF. In the THEN part of the program turn ON the scene with only the off button. Note that a second or two delay may be needed ahead of the ON command, this will account for brief STATUS off values. The ISY will stop running the program if the status changes in this brief delay.
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