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Everything posted by Javi
You would have to change the source as there is a bug causing 8080 to change to 1380. When I was looking at the source there was code to change ports for some of the other supported hubs. This is likley catching 8080 and converting it to 1380. You could hard code the web socket url as mentioned here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/34002-rest-subscriptions/?do=findComment&comment=321014
Meant to say 1380, from your screen shot
@kck, I would not link this to the other issue as the OP has screenshots of chrome logs are showing an incorrect port for HP. A quick search of the issues on python library may have a clue; due to the IPV6 address? https://github.com/websocket-client/websocket-client/issues/775
Hi @kck, I'll take a look when I get some free time, but if I had to guess I would say the library being used filters out the port. I've seen this many times with ws and mqtt libraries. @tazman, this is because the subscription socket is not connected as shown in the logs. In your case this is due to incorrect port. Here are the headers and code used in the example app which works with both ISY and Polisy: String credentials = Credentials.basic(credential.userName, credential.password); OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); String url = "ws://"; url = url + credential.ipAddress; if (credential.port != null){ url = url + ":" + credential.port; } url = url + "/rest/subscribe"; Request request = new Request.Builder() .url(url) .header("Authorization", credentials) .addHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "ISYSUB") .addHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13") .addHeader("Origin", "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy") .build(); webSocket = client.newWebSocket(request, listener);
Hi @kck, Looking at the OP's browser logs from house panel it is showing that it is using an incorrect port "3080" instead of "8080". While we do not develop House Panel, I took time to looked at the code and found the log line corresponding to the browser log. So until someone makes the change in House Panel, I have to operate under the assumption that the log is correct, and there is an bug in the House panel program causing incorrect port injection with ports other than "80". I believe PyISY is using websockets for Home Assistant and we have not had any issues reported with regards to Home Assistant connections. The open source test app referenced earlier in the tread also works on both ISY and Polisy. Is the app you are using open source? Can you verify the port is correct?
Hi @CPrince, I am the app developer for UD Mobile. There is an option to disable edits which can be used to hide items and not allow access to settings/admin features. The simple way is to add the devices needed to favorites, hide the System on the home screen, then hide all unwanted controls/status for devices on favorites, then lock edits. I'll let someone else respond to the z-wave question as it is difficult, although not impossible.
We have an Alexa integration included in ISY Portal, this also includes secure remote access. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Portal:_Integration_with_Amazon_Echo.2FGoogle_Home.2FIFTTT
I've notice some updates, especially if very outdated, took over 20 minutes to complete before the system was back up, usually you will hear Polisy issue a series of beeps in that time. I would recommend doing the update before bed then coming back to everything in the morning, so not tempted to restart during update.
# Usage Please see readme for complete details: https://github.com/JavierRefuerzo/iTach_IR_Node_Server/blob/main/README.md ## Nodes: 1. The Group Parent Controller Node "iTach IR". 2. IR Codeset. ## The Group Parent Controller Node "iTach IR" ### Status Values: 1. NodeServer Online: Displays status in Polyglot 2. Module Address: This is the index location starting at zero of the IR controller in the Global Cache device. Usually the first module, 0, is Ethernet/Wifi, and the second module is IR/Serial/Relay. Currently this is not changeable but may be in the future to support other Global Cache hardware with multiple IR/Serial/Relay modules 3. Module Type: This is the type of module associated with "Module Address" above. If this is not "3 IR", the iTach device will not work with this Node Server ## IR Codeset: ### Status Values: 1. Last Error: Values are None, Unknown (see polyglot logs for error details), or a human readable Global Cache error. ### Accepts Commands: 1. Send IR. 2. Stop IR. #### Send IR Parameters: 1. Button Name: Name for the Button code. 2. Alternate Codes: Some Global Cache Control Tower Database codesets have multiple IR codes for a single button. If there is no secondary code the first will be used even when selecting Button Code 2. 3. Connector: The Global Cache IR connector when looking at the iTach from the IR connector side. 4. Repeat: Number of times to repeat the IR Code (i.e. Volume). The max is 50. If setting this to repeat the Stop IR command can be used to stop repeating. #### Stop IR Usually used to stop a repeated Send IR command. For example Send IR param Repeat is set to max 50 on button down press for volume control, then stopped when button is released. This will soon be a feature in UD Mobile. Parameters: 1. Connector: The Global Cache IR connector when looking at the iTach from the IR connector side. # Global Cache Control Tower Database How to obtain Global Cache Control Tower IR Codes: Create an account and login to: https://irdb.globalcache.com/Home/Database Enter the Brand Name of the device you would like to control. Then Select a Device Type, then Select a Model. Note that you must Log-in for the "Send Code Set" button to be enabled. Now select the "Send Code Set" button next to the Device Model. SELECTING "Select function" WILL ONLY SEND ONE CODE, NOT THE ENTRE CODESET. After receiving the email verify that you can see all IR Codes when scrolling to the bottom of the page. Gmail will clip the message and have a "Message clipped" not at the bottom of the page along with a View Entire Message button. Copy the entire message from the commas in the last IR Code to the beginning of the "function, code1, hexcode1, code2, hexcode2" header then paste into a new custom param value. Set the custom param key to the device name. After saving Custom Params, Restart Node Server. There may be multiple code sets that need to be downloaded for a single device. Each Code set should be put into the Node Server Separately. This node serve is installed with the Onkyo Receiver Zone 2 Codes as an example. Note that when pasted into Custom Config from the GC e-mail the new lines are replaced with double space. The Node Server will parse the document using these double spaces. To input codes manually use a double space between button codes with the same format as the GC e-mail.
Yes, as long as the node/program/variable addresses remain the same. As always backup UD Mobile setup in case of sync issues with the new system. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Migration https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/31766-ud-mobile-release-announcements/?do=findComment&comment=325741
Please try the following. Temporarily change the the IP address to something invalid for ISY from all instances of polyglot and save. There may be too many network requests coming from polyglot, so we don't want it communicating with ISY/ISY-Service. Try to link. If that doesn't work, reboot ISY and try again. When finished fix IP address and save
TCP commands work with the flex devices also TCP Port: 4998 Timeout: 500 Mode C Escaped Body (single line note the last chars) sendir,1:1,1,38000,1,1,170,170,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63,20,20,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,1798,\r,\l If you are using Polisy, I just submitted a PG3 Node Server which supports the entire codeset for a device by copy and paste from the codesets emails from the Global Cache Control Tower Database.
Read file errors may be related to SD card failure, although you would likely see them when opening the Admin as well.
In Polisy the directories (EDITOR/NLS/etc.) are all lower case, 994i will accept both upper and lower case.
PG3 interface for OpenSprinkler. Controller: Status: NodeServer Online, Last Error (Network Codes or human readable configuration issues), Sprinkler Controller Enabled, Rain Delay Active, Rain Sensors (2), Running Program (including manual stations/programs) Controls: Set Rain Delay, Stop All, Reboot, Enable/Disable OpenSprinkler operations. Programs: Status: Program Enabled, Program running (status only for non-manually triggered run). Controls: Run (manually), Stop All, Enable/Disable Program. Stations Parent: Status: Stations Queued (stations queued to run) Stations: Status: Status (on/off), Manual Run Time (default in configuration), Station Queued. Controls: On (run for Manual Run Time duration), Off.
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Hi @kevbo If the URL shows the first image it should work, if the image changes then it would need to be stored in an accessible location such as google drive. The only other issue would be file size, as downloading a large file could add delay. iOS has very strict limits on background resource usage. If the app doesn't support Deep Links or Universal Links then it would not be possible to open on iOS, Android allows intents to open any app along with links, however for consistency among platforms we should probably only use the link method. Android user can route this through tasker to do this if needed. Many times App/Deep/Universal Links are not documented, so you may want to ask the developer if they exist or can be created. This would work similar to sending yourself an email link to amazon, when you click on your phone the Amazon App will open instead of a browser and can go to a specific location to within an app.
The current production version on Apple's App Store is 0.6.5 which should be listed under "What's New" when clicking UD Mobile in the App Store. If this is not the case try rebooting the phone. Does this work? If the app was obtained from TestFlight download from the TestFlight App.
Hi @asbril, We plan on creating a web app, but I do not have a time frame. Until that time the new M1 Macs support iOS apps, and the Android app will work on Android emulators, such as bluestacks.
Hi @kevbo, Tile sizing is on our list. We are still looking into the best way to accommodate cameras. With regards to opening another app, I believe the only method which works for both Android and iOS is app url intercept. URL can be a custom schema or associated site URL. Opening a url should be an easy feature to add to favorites, this would allow it to open any app which intercepts a specific URL. Do you know if your camera app has a URL will open the application? Image capture is more difficult. Allowing user icons is on our list, maybe at that point we can allow an image URL, so if the image can be saved to an accessible URL it should populate.
I think in time the Elk Node Server will be more capable than the current Elk Module, and is already in some areas. Also being decoupled from firmware allows for bug fixes and improvements at a faster pace. UD Mobile currently supports multiple ISYs simultaneously, for viewing/controlling multiple ISY. UD Mobile also allows commands which can control multiple ISYs with a single button press. If nodes from one ISY are needed in another ISY the network resource solution works well for a few nodes. This should work with Portal/VPN/CERT to get data from a remote ISY to a local ISY. There are currently Node Servers, such as Hue, which subscribe to ISY. So, it is very possible to create a similar Node Server which subscribes to an ISY, even a remote ISY if using Portal/VPN/CERT. This would allow monitoring, control, and programs conditions for nodes from a separate ISY.
Hi @sjenkins, After saving a system the user can select cancel, which will save settings without synchronization. This setting is mostly used by Node Server developers with test systems. Although we should probably make it more obvious that sync is not required after saving. When migrating with backup I suggest that that only the System URLs be changed, this way all favorites are preserved, or at least all nodes which migrated are preserved. I don't think this is documented anywhere, but it is fairly easy. First backup UD Mobile in case of errors this way Favorites and User Preferences will not be lost. Local Connection change should be fairly obvious. Portal URL change would involve hitting the delete button in the Systems Portal window, then selecting the Add button, then select your Portal Account, then select the replacement system from the list of ISY connected to ISY Portal.
Hi @asbril, If I recall you are using Home Assistant. Try disconnecting this service or any other service/Node-Server using the PyISY library. This library can cause issues when ISY is under heavy load as it does not send unsubscribe, which has a snowball effect causing many errors. @Jimbo has been testing a fix so hopefully the issue should be resolved soon. See the following issue for details. https://github.com/automicus/PyISY/issues/244
Hi @msoileau, This is due to a new node server profile check performed in app. There are various Node Servers with the issue, check the GitHub repo an I may have already submitted a pull request to the Node Servers author. I think a few of @bpwwer 's V2 node servers have this issue, including weather node servers. This is usually related to a NodeDef Accepts Param init value set to a Status value that does not exist. Can you post or link to your NodeDef? Also specify the nodeDefId for this node and it should be easy to spot. It would be the string from the Control in the screenshot. Example: init="GVP". GVP is not a defined Status ID. <nodeDefs> <nodeDef id="controller" nodeType="139" nls="ctl"> <editors /> <sts> <st id="ST" editor="bool" /> </sts> <cmds> <sends /> <accepts> <cmd id="DISCOVER" /> <cmd id="REMOVE_NOTICES_ALL" /> <cmd id="UPDATE_PROFILE" /> <cmd id="DEBUG"> <p id="" editor="DEBUG" init="GVP"/> </cmd> </accepts> </cmds> </nodeDef>