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Everything posted by Javi
Hi @lhranch, I apologise for the setup difficulties and thank you for verifying the local connection error. It does appear your device has the required local connection permission. I'll have research this issue to see if we can find a solution as I am not able to reproduce the issue. At this point it looks as if we will need to verify connections manually. Can you verify Admin-Console>Configuration>System>Network-Setting "Http Port" and "IP Address" match, IP Address must me prefixed with "http://". Just for this test select "Only Use Local Connection" to bypass System Network Relations checks. After credentials are entered what error do you recieve when pressing "Test System On Local network". I do understand if you do not want to pursue the app due to the CERT requirement, we do try to provide all available options to users. ISY Portal does not require a Static public IP Address or Port forwarding. Static IP addresses are usually a premium service from ISPs or require a service (DYN DNS) to monitor your changing IP Address. The cost for either of these services is usually more than ISY Portal (≈$11 yr) not to mention the CERT or security implications by opening a port on the router. Most mid/high grade routers have the ability to run a VPN server which will remove the CERT requirement as the app will use HTTP. This still requires the Static IP Address or dynamic ip monitoring. This will allow connection to local devices without opening ports.
Hi @auger66, Thanks for the details, there does appear to be a bug. I have a few Insteon leak sensors and all report there status in the iOS app, so I can not replicate the issue. Can you verify you have tried performing a synchronization again? If the issue is not resolved by a new synchronization and you have a portal account we can run a remote diagnostic, send me a PM with your UUID and I will provide additional instructions.
Hi @auger66, All Nodes supported by the ISY are supported by UD Mobile so there is no need to setup a variable. Did you get errors during sync? If you did not get sync errors: Does the Admin Console also has a status for the device? If the Admin Console does have a status for the device please try to synchronize the app again, although rare sometimes data is dropped during sync. If the Admin Console does not have a status for the device please press the link button on the Device to trigger a status, this is needed if the ISY is rebooted or power cycled. If the issue persists please open a ticket. If the device does show a status and you are referring to the toggle indicator (blue dot), this is only available for devices which have a status (ST) value and have on (DON) and off (DOF) controls. If this is a favorite; status (ST) must be the selected value when creating the Favorite.
Hi @lhranch, The app will try to connect to a remote ISY for a security handshake. If you do not have a Trusted CA Signed SSL Certificate the SSL handshake fails and the app throws an error. We will try to get a better error message for this scenario in a future version.
Hi @lhranch, If you have "Only use local connection" checked (as evident from the red background on remote connection) the app is instructed to only use the local connection. This setting is for users who do not want to use remote connections or VPN. Can you post a screenshot of the error you are getting for the local connection search when you are on the same local network as the ISY?
Hi @lhranch, The app requires an iOS permission, "Local Network", to search for a Device on a local network, this is only needed to search for the ISY and not for direct local connections. A dialog should have been presented by iOS asking for permission, if permission was denied or dismissed iOS will not show it again and it must be granted from iOS settings. The app is not notified when the permission is accepted or denied, so if permission is granted during a search please use the Try Again button. If permission is denied all M-SEARCH request fail immediately, if the app has permission the search should continue until canceled or an ISY is found. There are issues on Android with M-SEARCH which can persist until a device reboot, I have not encountered the same on iOS but it may be worth trying.
Hi @lhranch, This is odd, can you verify the Http Port in Admin-Console > Configuration >System? Was the local IP Address found using the search icon?
Hi @lhranch, Local and remote connections are independent of one another but can be combined in the app as local connections will usually be a few seconds faster getting subscription data (node values) on initial startup. There is one thing that may be different in remote connections with UD Mobile compared to third party apps as we are a first party author. Our apps require a Trusted CA Signed SSL Certificate for direct HTTPS connections. Apple And Google have warned developers that bypassing SSL Security may lead to removal from their respective App Stores and may not be supported at all in the future. Apple set a timeline for this but is overdue in removing a developers ability to bypass SSL and states this option will be removed in the future and currently should only be used by third party developers whom do not control a server or device to which the app connects. Being as we are the first party this exception does not apply to us. Even if we were to find a way to to meet this requirement and bypass SSL it may be gone at any point in the future thus creating more support issues for us. Remote connection on UD Mobile can be achieved in 3 scenarios. First is our managed method using ISY Portal. ISY Portal has competitive prices of $23 for the first 2 years and renewals cost of $20 for two years. If your ISY has not been associated with the ISY Portal in the past we offer a 30 day free trial. Second is an unmanaged direct connection. The unmanaged method requires a Trusted CA Signed SSL Certificate. The Trusted SSL CERT is required for reasons stated in the following post (https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/32627-trouble-with-initial-setup-error-domain-code8-null/?do=findComment&comment=311979 ). Instructions on adding a CERT to your ISY can be found here: https://www.universal-devices.com/docs/production/ISY994 Series Network Security Guide.pdf . There are methods to add a Self Signed CERT to the Trusted Key Store on Android, however it is beyond the scope of our support and may require root on some devices. Finally a local connection can be established on a remote network if running a VPN Server on the same local network as the ISY. To use this method select "Only use Local Connection" in the local connection settings. Setting this option will instruct the App to ignore remote connection settings and only use the local network. Please do let me know if this answers your questions or if you need additional information.
Hi @ISY4Me, I'm not sure I understand, I see no way to disable a Scene. Some additional information: The Scene Estimated Status Calculation is a feature of UD Mobile and not the ISY. This may not work in every situation and/or may require nodes to be excluded from calculation in order to be a useful feature, this is true for some battery powered devices or controllers which are not responders. If you would like to remove an item from calculation press the calculator icon when the scene is opened in UD Mobile. Excluding all items from calculation will remove the calculated status and the toggle indicator. The app will have to be closed then reopened if all items are excluded as status is only updated when a new value is posted, closing the app will clear all values.
Thanks Everyone, This is a bug in the iOS version will be fixed in 0.2.9. Internal Commit: d78d2f0 Fixed hard coded column names in Node Dashboard Query
Hi @stevesreed, The status can be whatever you would like it to be. Currently there is no way to edit the current favorite but you could delete it and add a new one. During selection of the new favorite select whichever status value you would like to see on the Favorites page.
Does UD mobile on IOS work without a polygot server on an RPI?
Javi replied to PAstrachan's topic in UD Mobile
Please do let us know if this resolves the issue. I'm adding additional information below in the event another user has the same issue. We recommend firmware updates are only done when on the same network as the ISY and connected locally. Firmware updates from a remote connection may lead to packet drop during firmware installation, which may cause this issue. -
Does UD mobile on IOS work without a polygot server on an RPI?
Javi replied to PAstrachan's topic in UD Mobile
Hi @PAstrachan, The Insteon files are missing, so the ISY firmware will need to be reinstalled. -
Does UD mobile on IOS work without a polygot server on an RPI?
Javi replied to PAstrachan's topic in UD Mobile
Hi @PAstrachan, My best guess at this point is the firmware installation did not complete. If you are comfortable with making a browser request to verify please do the following, if not please open a ticket. We need to verify the firmware upgrade installed all files. To do this make the following request in a web browser with <ipAddress> replaced by the IP Address of your ISY. http://<ipAddress>/rest/profiles/family/1/files This should result in something like the following. If file names are missing firmware installation was incomplete, please try the installation again. <profiles> <profile family="1" id="1"> <files dir="EDITOR"> <file name="I_EDIT.XML"/> </files> <files dir="EMAP"> <file name="I_EMAP.XML"/> </files> <files dir="LINKDEF"> <file name="I_LDEFS.XML"/> </files> <files dir="NLS"> <file name="EN_US.TXT"/> </files> <files dir="NODEDEF"> <file name="I_NDEFS.XML"/> </files> </profile> </profiles> -
Does UD mobile on IOS work without a polygot server on an RPI?
Javi replied to PAstrachan's topic in UD Mobile
Hi @PAstrachan, Polyglot is not required. Did you get errors when synchronizing the app? What is your firmware version? -
Hi @oatflake, Please try to find the ISY with the search icon (magnifying glass) next to local IP Address as there may be an invalid character in the typed address. Note there is a bug in the current version which may require you to hit the search button a second time after you accept the iOS permission for the app to search for your ISY on the local network, this will be fixed in the next release.
Hi @SHM, We hope to have Geofence implementation at some point in the future for "UD Mobile", the current Geofence instructions are for a seperate Android only application "UDI Mobile". I believe most iOS users are currently using locative for geofence a search of our forum may provide additional information.
Android Alpha 0.58 Scene members are now displayed in Node Dashboard. Scene calculations now include precision and UOM. Scene members can now be excluded from estimated status calculation. This will bring Scenes in Android in line with iOS.
Hi @jwagner010, While the following is not the exact solution you are looking for, it is very similar. Enable program status at startup, Settings Tab > Systems > Your ISY > Advanced. Now you will have the status of your program at app startup. The Program Toggle works as follows: If program is not running, the toggle button will RUN IF. If programs is running (then or Else), the toggle button will STOP the program. Note: You must select "Status" as the visible control for the toggle to be present in Favorites.
Hi @GaryT, Currently it is not possible. We hope to have push notifications implemented at some point in the future. With that said, many users are currently using Pushover to get push notifications on their devices. Pushover notifications can be triggered from Network Resources or the Notification Node Server.
Thanks @asbril, This is expected behavior when a sync fails to find a node or node status definition. The app assumes the node or status has been removed from the ISY so it removes the favorite as well. This should be a rare occurrence so if it can be replicated we may be able to find a firmware, App, or Portal issue when running a remote diagnostic. Please send me your UUID in a Private message and I will provide additional instructions. EDIT: Sync issues related to items in this post should be resolved in UD Mobile for iOS version 0.2.1.
Hi Jim, Google Play will send us a small amount of crash data, although it can be very ambiguous. More often than not, it will show the system function that crashed instead of the App function or class. There is one crash in the last day related to SQL however as mentioned it is ambiguous. Can you please email me a copy of the current database (backup) so I can try to replicate?
It will take a day until we get the crash report, but I could not replicate in a quick test just now. I have been using this method for all folders as it has been been available from the initial release. Edit method was recently changed so this may have introduced a bug. Does it crash every time the folder is open? The empty folder message is correct as the new folder has no children.
We still need to make adjustments on Android so the process is the same. In Android click edit, then click the plus next to the favorite, there is an option to change a Node to a folder
Hi @asbril, The sync errors should not happen this often, if encountered again please send me an email and I can run a remote diagnostic to see if we can find the root cause of the issue. Try not to reboot the ISY before the diagnostic. As for the missing status, after you have created a folder click on the menu (three dots) on the right side of the folder. This should show the Node Dashboard which includes the current value for each node in the scene as reported by the ISY. Do the included nodes have values? Compare this with a folder which is showing the correct status, is there anything obviously different?