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Everything posted by paulbates

  1. Chuck The light stays on until xx minutes after the last sensed movement. The program starts anew with each sensed motion. My yard lights over my driveway work this way. Paul
  2. Chuck I have my motion sensors set to "send on commands only". I keep the sensor and switches linked. Then I have ISY programs that watch for the "On", wait the right amount of time, then send the off. It never misses the off If ms switches on Then Wait xx Minutes Set scene light off, etc Else Paul
  3. Homekit is not planned as Teken mentioned, primarily due partnership requirements and their effects on UDI as a business. You can search the forum for Homekit, I believe that some folks have found workarounds for using homekit without specific UDI features. Honeywell's integration is proprietary, like Homekit. I recently saw that there ITTT support for Honeywell. Its still a cloud based solution, so if you lose internet, you lose control from the ISY. If you search the forum for Honeywell ITTT, you'll see recent stories about this topic. Paul
  4. Hi jeff You can't call a scene from a scene. However, you can get the same effect by creating additional scenes, and add all the necessary respondents to it Scene 3 = button c + button a + button B + lamplink 1 + lamplink 2 Paul
  5. paulbates

    Parse failure

    I'm guessing that you use @bpwwer's HS ISY Plugin? I would probably start on the HS board in his forum. I know in the past, ISY FW changes can affect his plugin Paul
  6. Scott, ok, I picked around in the java / bin folder. The settings seemed to have landed on javaws.exe . Change that and see if that works. Edit. now I see something else. After the first time I run the admin.jnlp, I right click on its icon in the task bar and add that to the task bar. It changes to the ISY icon (house on globe). My directions start by right clicking that. Paul
  7. Scott If you follow the steps in the previous post, when you right click on the admin console local icon, it applies the compatibility mode settings to the java environment (jp2launcher). Maybe W7 is different in that regard, I don't have a w7 environment. Paul
  8. Give that a shot. My door sensor can support either normally opened or normally closed via 2 different terminals.. What you are describing is the symptom for that being reversed.
  9. The ISY is most like a state machine, and modifying the program could change what is considered the current state. The ISY stops execution and begins evaluating state from there. I have consistently found that saving a program stops it, When that happens, as pointed out: 1) You can rerun the IF to force the state check, or run the then to get it going again 2) Alternatively, the conditions like a variable change make the program true and it restarts on its own I've recently been modifying programs that read a heartbeat value, those restart automatically due to the heartbeat. I have other programs that cycle hvac fans based on how long since the last cycle. I re-run the THEN of those if I change them, or I have to wait for the state to reoccur, which means waiting for the next heat cycle to run,and then complete, which can be a long time. Paul
  10. The automatic upgrade simply notifies you that a newer, official version of firmware is available greater than the one you have installed (as opposed to intermediary releases). The process requires you to separately download firmware, download the version matching admin console and download the version matching dashboard. The directions at the front of each release thread in the forum walks you through the multistep process. Paul
  11. Chuck You can restore your last backup, factory reset your new PLM, then follow the replacement directions in the link provided by Lee. You have to manually restore wireless devices like motion sensors one at a time, separately, after the restore. This is because Insteon's design for wireless devices requires you to put them in linking mode, one at a time. Also, you'll have to individually "restore device" for any devices that have a 1010 icon in front of them after the restore completes. Sometimes the restore PLM does not complete all of the devices, this has been normal for me on the ISY. Paul
  12. I plugged a spare phone charger in with the load of my led Christmas tree. That was the end of it of the glow. Paul
  13. The 2634-222 outdoor module is designed specifically for that purpose. As an alternative if you have on hand inventory, I put appliance modules in zip up heavy plastic sandwich bag if I can hide it from view so it does not get wet. I have one outside I use turn on a critter deterrent light under my deck.
  14. Yes, NodeLink is the v5 Nodeserver expression of io_guys products. Here is my venlink, its v 0.5.18. There was a problem getting humidity readings that was venstar firmware related, but mine seems to be working
  15. I run NodeLink now, but I still had VenLink on my server and fired up both copies. I get both setpoint and indoor humidity values reporting from my t5900 and t7900. You don't see both these values on your variables tab, or they don't copy to the ISY? Paul
  16. Venlink works by querying the thermostat and populating that information into ISY variables. Here are the steps, and if there is a set button associated, you need to perform the entry, then press set, and then move to the next entry 1- create state variables in the ISY to hold the values you want. Look at the variables tab to see what is possible to retrieve. I would add what you are ready to use, and then add more later if you decide you need them. use a prefix naming scheme so you can sort them together later: v_heatsetpoint, etc 2- configure venlink to login into your isy.. ip, account and password (same as admin console login) 3- add the ip for the venstar 4- press the restart button on the system config tab 5- use the ISY variables tab drop downs to match the variables you created to the thermostat function See if the values show up in the isy, if not, restart it one more time Once you get that going, move on to special features like sending commands using the network module, humidity control, etc, if needed.. we can look at that next Paul
  17. I forgot to mention that there are 2 humidification modes. You can use one or the other. Humidify with heat. This is how most humidity systems operate. The humidify setpoint will indicate the humidity level where it will stop calling for humidity. It may or may not keep the ambient humidity at the setpoint evenly. Run fan w/ humidity demand. This mode will start the fan and turn on water to the humidifier when the humidity falls below the setpoint. This keeps humidity at your setpoint (with a couple % deadband). I use this one and it provides great comfort and better health, in my experience, for the residents. Things to be aware of: You want your system plumbed to hot water to increase evaporation / humidification You'll go through humidity pads more quickly If you live where the temps swing below 20, you'll want venlink (Isy v4) or NodeLink (isy v5). It will lower the humidity set point to match the temperature drop swings so the windows won't frost Paul
  18. Orest, I had to pick both XP service pack 3 and 640x480 resolution. Both were needed to get it to change I did it on W10, but I recall the settings being fairly similar to W7. Paul
  19. Weclome back! Probably the biggest news is the V5, 2 versions in beta and a number of us using it. Close, but not there yet on zwave multichannel. IIRC, you were a user of io_guy's programs on the pi. He now has node server versions out for many of them, including ecobee. And the final news down that path is polglot, UDI python libraries for building node servers. Zigbee has not gone anywhere as a basic PL technology... support for supported devices like stats, but not near the focus that is on zwave. There is certainly more, but I'm sure this will keep you busy for a while Paul
  20. Yep. Baffling & frustrating over what appears to be component quality for a few cheaper capacitors. I have insteon devices like lamplincs and inlinelincs from the beginning, still working away daily.....but plms for some reason..
  21. Chuck Restore PLM. It may help for a while, but your PLM has the classic symptoms of on its way to failure. Paul
  22. I don't know about the airgap part. I have had outlet lincs display odd behavior like this from noise and become non responsive. After filtering the noise, it behaves normally. In the case of a yard light transformer, it could take up to 20 minutes of being on before the behavior appeared, and then power had to be removed from the switch to get it back to operations Probably a snubber or XPNR on the load side will resolve this.
  23. Hi Jeff Yep. I have 3 outletlincs for my yard and Christmas lights, used them for a number of years. I'm in southeast Michigan and we can get down to -20F. Most insteon devices draw a small amount of current to operate and that keeps them operating, even colder than spec'd in my experience. The outletlincs are fussy about line noise. I have a low voltage yard lighting transformer that plugs directly in. If I don't have a filter in between, the outlet linc eventually stops responding. I'm not sure if dual band changes that, my outletlincs are fairly old. Paul
  24. You're pretty much there. Start with the sunset to sunrise (next day). Add the zones. I would use control to catch them going on, but you may want to use status in case that they are on. They may be from an elk, use whatever statements tell you that the zone is violated. Then add the Add And (..) using the buttons on the right in the admin console. Use the Move Line Up button on the left to put the parens around the code for the zones: You'll want And, because both things need to be true. Using Or, either event will cause the program to run, which doesn't meet your requirement. New Program Copy - [ID 004B][Parent 0001] If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And ( 'Zone' is switched On And 'Zone' is switched On ) Then - Your Stuff Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Paul
  25. Based on how its written, it will take 10 minutes for it to come back with a 25 minute wait (as opposed to 30). Its not running again after 10 minutes, or 35 minutes after starting the program? Control - [ID 005D][Parent 005B] If $Allow_to_Run is 1 Then Repeat Every 35 minutes Set 'Main Bedroom / Bedroom Humidifier' On Wait 25 minutes Set 'Main Bedroom / Bedroom Humidifier' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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