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Everything posted by hart2hart

  1. hart2hart

    Schlage Encode

    Thanks for the deep dive. I’ve been loving the locks and wife appreciates the smaller inside footprint. I’d likely be happy using either method if the api goose 66 located will work for more integration. I actually added my two 300 series Schlage be469 locks back into service by putting them an inch from the zmatter zwave antenna and then once interviewed by iox moving them to basement and garage. Hi
  2. Found answer in NS Document. Thanks
  3. @DennisC it was the remote access you mentioned. I had turned it on and it showed enabled but had never connected. Michel coached me to go back and look again.
  4. I'm ashamed to admin it but I had the lat and long reversed in the params so if you see these error messages...
  5. I had the same issue and resolved it by loading from the LAN.
  6. Thank you. I’ll always help test.
  7. @Goose66 Great NS. I’d like to see a feature so i can disarm using multiple codes instead of just the one code that is in params. This feature would support sending the being forced to disarm code. Thanks.
  8. Does NS support the Caseta ceiling fan switch?
  9. Installed last week and working flawlessly!
  10. Thanks and that is an interesting solution. At this point, I'm using these two programs to catch and isolate Armed status into a State variable. If the programs have issues, I'll try your solution. Security:Set Armed If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Away Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Away Zero-Entry Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Zero-Entry ) And $Security_Armed is not 1 Then $Security_Armed = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Security:Set Disarmed If ( 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Ready Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Not Ready ) And $Security_Armed is not 0 Then $Security_Armed = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I have equivalent programs for Armed Away and Armed Stay.
  11. Again, Thanks for the insights, Goose66.
  12. Thanks for the insights.
  13. Bob, thanks for developing and supporting the node server. I implemented it just ahead of the weekend as part of move from ISY994 and Polisy to eISY. Working great!
  14. Goose66, thanks for another needed node server that is working well in first couple of days. Two quick questions: 1) Is there a form of Set Query for each thermostat (I have 3) to ensure they have most recent values from keypads? I've found this beneficial as we can make changes at the keypad and IOx will see the results and adjust accordingly. Form history though, they sometimes got out of date so I periodically queried each thermostat to keep all in sync. Is this feature this already there and I missed it and if not can it be added (or do you use techniques to keep them closer in sync)? 2) An additional issue is that sometimes a thermostat will lose WiFi. Other devices I have will signal through their iOS app that connection has been lost but not the Venstar thermostats. Looks like you have this covered- Thank you. Is this the Thermostat Online function.
  15. Goose66, I moved over to EnvisaLink-DSC from NodeLink. Glad to report success and thank you for the NS as all went well, but following are three questions and a request to ponder: 1) Is Panel "Force Update" a form of Set Query to the NS to update all data elements? 2) Is Panel "Alarm Panel Connected" the heartbeat that NS and Envisalink are talking? 3) I have not created firewall rules and in fact my security system is monitored by Eyez-On. In my case, is there an advantage either way to the NS param disablewatchdog? Which way would you set it? -- Why? Request to Ponder) I have many programs that use the status of the security system. An example and there are many others -- for that at home look, lights are turned on and off at times based on is the security system armed away. A big difference between EnvisaLink-DSC and NodeLink is that NodeLink represents panel status as Armed Away, Armed Stay and Disarmed so there was little traffic related to status changes. Envisalink-DSC has the armed statuses (with zero entry variants) and the very accurate Ready and Not Ready (vs Disarmed). I've got several interior motion sensors in the security system. The result is that every time you walk around, they turn on and then off. Given my setup, this translated to high volume of programs triggering (even if false) as the status changed usually between Ready and Not Ready. The result was multiple Random all on events an hour after I updated the NS dependent programs and restarted the node server. As I was converting the programs, I was a little concerned at the number of programs using the armed away construct as the list had grown over multiple years. However, I thought (wrongly) it had worked for years and I felt/assumed it would work with a different node server. When it quickly happened a couple times, I realized something was structurally different and isolated it to the status changes and how many/how fast they were occurring. I isolated the rapidly changing statuses to 3 programs that set integer variables (simple example below) and updated all the programs to use the variables as the programs real triggering event (except for one as we will see) was the other part of the If and the security status was secondary. The restructuring stopped the random all on events. Security:Set Armed Stay If 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Or 'Security System / Security System:Partition' Partition State is Armed Stay Zero-Entry Then $Security_Armed_Stay = 1 Else $Security_Armed_Stay = 0 I quickly made several program updates to stabilize my lighting setup. However, by doing this, I could no longer see and diagnose the issue looking at the actual problem. However, through a review of text file of all programs (supported by a log and event capture), I isolated the source of the problem to one program being triggered on both the true and false side. The program was only updating a scene and a device but the number of times it was occurring and likely the much faster speed of the eisy executing the event translated to random all on events. I'll restructure that program, so it is only triggering a couple times a day and put Wait between the scene and device updates for when it does occur. The ponder moment is -- could another status be maintained by the node server that only presents armed and disarmed so this kind of "hidden" event is less likely to occur for me and others? Finally, I really like the new setup and thanks for the hard work to develop and support. Paul
  16. Thanks Bob. I’ll look forward to the update.
  17. I just got created a situation that would cause them multiple times in an hour. Diagnosed and fixed it this weekend. It was caused by way I was using a specific node server. Which if any do you utilize?
  18. In general, almost all devices and programming will transfer. All Insteon will come over and depending on your zwave controller choice and compatibility with your devices, all or most of zwave will come over. To be clearer, all programs will come over but some device specific parameters may not.
  19. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. I’m all migrated and upgraded to eISY and PG3x - great hardware and software. It and the UD staff are world class. Michel and everyone else connected with UD set the bar high and then achieve even more! I planned to purchase another eISY to have as an onsite backup but they just went out of stock. I don’t want to compete with those needing their first unit. As luck would have it, it appears that with latest release that PG3X now runs on the Polisy. Am I correct in my understanding that a Polisy (for now) can be that backup? If so, I will keep it updated and then purchase another eISY when the demand is not as high.
  20. Do you have DHCP server turned on in your router?
  21. Started it at same setting with same emitter that had been in the ISY994. I turned it up and down a bit with no luck. Even pulled it off and held it near. The eISY is next to my media PC so I was able to test the learn feature with the IR emitter attached and it didn’t seem to have an issue learning. Thanks again. I’ve got another great solution in place.
  22. Yep, they’ll get me to the promised Ring land and I’ll come back with the results. The entire UD team is excellent from Michel to all staff.
  23. Felt like this was going to be a gimme - NOT. I've abandoned my efforts after a few hours of getting nowhere. It clearly is one of those if it works it works but if not you have to shake the black box from every angle to attempt to locate the issue. The Dongle would learn on a PC so its seeing IR and the NS could detect when it was and was not connected. Creating a new Flirc file did not help. No combination of any of this came close to working so I simply give up. My goal was to move existing programs quickly but, in the end, I used another method to resume IR. I’m not being critical. It just didn’t work for me. By all means, if interested give it a trial mode try. Thanks for the help! Know anyone that wants to buy a slightly used Flirc dongle?
  24. Thanks Geddy. Agreed so I created a new program but alas it does not trigger either: Front Porch:Motion Detected TEST DELETE IT - [ID 0005][Parent 00E3] If 'Ring / Ring / Front Porch (Motion)' is switched Motion Then Run Program 'Front Porch:Motion Processing' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Eleven nodes were newly created when I authenticated to the Ring server from the NS. I'm with you on the old PGC having potential for causing an issue. Through a ticket I messaged with Michel for that very reason. He had me delete the PGC one from the eISY and then I purchased and installed the new version. There were no nodes after the delete and a boot and the new ones were created after I authenticated. Also, I confirmed that motion detection and alerts were configured in the Ring app for the doorbell.
  25. Thanks. It is under Control. I’m running PG3X. I did not catch needing remote access enabled. I configured it and it rebooted my eISY and was busy for about 20-30 minutes. It now says it’s enabled but not current talking with UDI. Do you have other advice on this? It’s all new to me. I did a restart with debug mode of log and got several entries. Do you have time / desire to review them?
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