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Everything posted by asbril

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/17/realestate/smart-home-devices.html?unlocked_article_code=ked3PnauFHsxKKujX8o8XbFNIzB45CZzwDwPkPswbZmrLKpb1kI4Rq_Ex8Wns7dJifQkKZIzL8wwAWaycQP3ToczJZBbuXay5qn-SshcHkyYNhBsLO5zpN_XQryNHEi8wFkdzW7PgaRoezAOn4Z9MpaEMplngXUuewJrqUd60D_ndX0C_9Er3tZOL-vsZiiQyPMqiVPjSwi0GmP4JLdfaRWK5cRen19FY-cbbEYxltPU8pR8MlIv6HETCrwUo2GIDADL5OVtYOWbevHKhTXYw8DV14KqOdR1-9Rj_o51QDHX0zFTYHTgqdOHjmq_68QzhVee1iYeLLO6MwnopWpu&smid=url-share Is Your Smart Home Controlling You_ - The New York Times.pdf
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  2. My 2 Zooz ZEN 34 initially migrated well from Zooz/Polisy to eisy/ZMatter, but the related programs stopped working after update 5.5.6 . One of the two programs was easily resolved with IF Basic Control is ON (or OFF) but the second ZEN 34 just did not register clicks in eisy. The issue appeared to be that I was not able to "write" updates to the device, even though I set it to stay awake. Finally after numerous tries the updating worked and then the ZEN 34 responded. Weirdly one of the two has Scene nodes but not the other. I have noticed that with these devices the Synchronize Update with Interview can creates problems with nodes disappearing, so I won't try that again and anyway the programs do what I want, so no need for the Scene nodes. But weird that only one of the two has Scene nodes.
  3. @shbatm can you remind me how to upgrade to new version ? Thanks !
  4. I use and like HA as well, but I find programming much more powerful with ISY. Having the 2 working together works for me.
  5. I understand your frustrations. You are not alone in having issues with the migration to eisy. Michel and Chris are working hard at resolving the bugs and they have already made significant progress. In the meantime they spend hours or should I say days... in helping users resolving issues. As has been posted by others, UD ran into supply problems with Polisy and decided to move to updated and more powerful hardware, which is eisy. Hindsight is 20/20 and they should probably have waited longer with the roll-out. It is what it is and I have full confidence that it will all be resolved so that eisy becomes the stable environment that we are used to.
  6. That did not work. Michel told me to press eisy button 5 times and that did it., though about an hour for all my Zwave devices to come back. Michel remote confirmed that update was complete, but I still get a message that I need to update. I will ignore that message for the time being.
  7. I upgraded yesterday to 5.5.6 and this afternoon when opening the AC there was a message that there were new updates. I clicked on the Upgrade Packages. Now my eisy no longer shows in the IoX launcher. However eisy does work as I can control it through ISY Portal -ISY Web Access and the ISY Integration also works with Home Assistant. I cleared Java and downloaded "start" again, but no luck..... Nothing in the IoX launcher. BTW PG3 does work.
  8. That is a better Valentine than the one from my wife
  9. MY BAD....... I mixed up ZEN 32 and ZEN 34....
  10. This is interesting. I do not having Scene nodes : I am up-to-date with IoX (5.5.6)
  11. 2b. Kitchen Remote A OFF - [ID 0017][Parent 000E] If '17. Kitchen / Wall remotes / ZY 149 SC Basic Control' is switched Off Then Wait 1 second Set '17. Kitchen / 1. Kitchen Ceiling' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Now it actually shows OFF, as it should. I do not have an option for FAST ON or FAST OFF : It works, so no worries
  12. I'll just wait for the PG3 upgrade.
  13. The Tesla NS runs fine but I keep getting blue message in PG3 telling me to restart for upgrade to 0.2.19. However every time I restart the NS (and PG3) 0.2.19 shows for a couple of seconds and then it goes back to 0.2.18 and then (hours later) the upgrade message comes back. As mentioned, the NS runs fine, so not a big issue, but just wondering.
  14. Thanks... That did the job.
  15. When launching IoX from Lan I get : When launching IoX from cloud the Administrative Console opens normally. Where do I find the 5.5.6 AC ?
  16. I agree 100%. All my new switches are Zooz.
  17. You are probably right. I saved those instructions somewhere for if & when I goof up.
  18. I am puzzled..... I have my Zooz ZEN 32 working with the main button (no load) to run a program which turns ON/OFF various devices. The 4 lower buttons each correspond to a different device with 1 click ON and 2 clicks OFF. It came over from Polisy with the migration. What puzzles me is that when I look at the lower buttons programs they do not seem to make sense : ON OFF Though here it only shows "switched" in the condition window of the AC for both ON and OFF it shows the same ON : I expected the control to be ON for ON and OFF for OFF, but apparently it is also ON for OFF. I would have to look up the manual, but maybe the double click is automatically OFF.
  19. I have not tried as we were advised against doing this. I current have HA on a RPi 3 and (hopefully) soon on a Yellow Box.
  20. I have had GE/Jasco switches for several years and generally I have no issues with them. In fact GE/Jasco and Zooz are my preferred Zwave switches, well before Inovelli, which often have issues.
  21. Everything seems to work on my HA.
  22. I believe that one of the issues is that each ZWave manufacturer has its own properties. We have seen this problem with the eisy/ZMatter migration/upgrade and I'm sure that UD will take its time to make sure that the next firmware upgrades have been tested to work with as many different ZWave brands as possible.
  23. The Include window remains open without a message and nothing in the event viewer beyond showing that Iox is in inclusion mode. Maybe the sensor has just gone bad.
  24. Unfortunately no, I don't get any nodes. I tried exclude/include again and also put in a new battery. No luck.
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