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Everything posted by tlightne

  1. You should always do an exclude on any Zwave device before including. Even if it is new. Zwave devices can only include into one network and you never what occurred with your device before you opened the box..
  2. There is a Keep Awake node where you can adjust the keep awake time...
  3. I am having no issues with my ZSE44. Polisy 5.6.0... Zmatter board.. S2 security..
  4. Open one of the programs with the error. Left click on any line in the program then click save. Close Admin console then reopen admin console and check the program you just saved. I found this to work with a few of my programs after an upgrade.
  5. I do not believe you can activate a Smoke detector remotely but I am following this to learn..
  6. Upgraded my Polisy to 5.6.0 today. After upgrade IOX Finder still showed Polisy as 5.5.9 and Admin Console would not open received socket error. Pulled power on Polisy waited a few minutes and Polisy rebooted. IOX Finder now shows Polisy 5.6.0. all appears to be working. PG3 did not upgrade as reported by @JTsao Mine is still PG3 at 3.1.20. Still awaiting for my original ZWAVE issues to be fixed with the First Alert Smoke reporting V1 alarms in numerical values and my (9) KAIPULE Z-Wave Plus Wireless Door Window sensors that when door is open it reports as On not Open in Polisy and when closed it reports as Off not closed.
  7. What brand and type are the door locks?
  8. @dpierre Are you willing to share them here in case someone else can use them?? If not now maybe in the future..
  9. In your list of programs scroll down to the program you want to disable right click on it and in the popup you will see disable. Click on disable and it will disable to program.
  10. The Eisy can not connect to the PLM with the ethernet port that is only for the network. Need a cable from UD to connect the PLM to EISY. https://www.universal-devices.com/product/serial-plm-kit/
  11. The PLM is only used to communicate with Insteon devices not to Zwave devices. If you just changed your MAC os then I would suspect that is the issue. Did you clear your Java cheche and down load the latest Start.jnlp ??
  12. I had to use "use secure inclusion" to get my Kwickset 916 lock to include all the nodes correctly..
  13. Kwickset working and showing up fine..
  14. I was able to get my spare PLM to connect to Polisy. I did a Restore Modem (PLM) and my insteon devices do not update status when activated manually. They do talk to Polisy as my programs are working. I also tried a Restore Device with no luck. Suggestions appreciated. Thank you...
  15. I am running Windows 11 and Admin Console with out any issues.
  16. @DennisCThank you. My original PLM and the spare are both bad. I fired up my old 994 and it does not talk to the PLM either so that confirms to me they are both bad.. Guess I will be looking at Insteon's repair service...
  17. None of my Insteon devices are communication with Polisy. Event viewer shows PLM not initialized. I tried restoring the PLM and get cannot communicate with PLM. I have a second PLM that I bought used and tried to restore that that one but get: Do I need to delete PLM first before doing restore? Is there are process in the WIKI to replace the PLM? I could not find one. Thanks..
  18. I do not know for certain but to go back to the 994 I would think you would have to exclude the Zwave devices from Zmatter and then include them into the 994. But hopefully someone with more experience will chime in...
  19. Have you unplugged Polisy from power wait 30 seconds then power up?? Clear Java cache and down load a new start.jnlp and install...
  20. @ctviggen1 By the way, for both the locks and the fire/smoke detectors, it would be nice if the eisy would alert you to errors. Is this possible? If so, is there any documentation about how to do this? I use the Notification Node server with my Polisy and I get reports from both my First Alert Zcombo smoke/co detectors and the three Kwickset 916 Zwave locks. For the locks I get notified of when it is unlocked (manually of keypad with user code, locked manually or from pad, if lock is jammed. I do a status check on the lock status through the day.
  21. @Chris JahnReported with original ticket 20419. First Alert Smoke Detector (Not Zwave Plus and not Zwave Combo) reports V1 Alarm Types with numerical value and not text. First Alert Smoke Detector Zwave Combo was fixed with Firmware 5.5.9. The (9) KAIPULE Z-Wave Plus Wireless Door Window sensors that when door is open they report as "On" in Polisy but when closed they report as "Off" not closed.
  22. @Chris Jahn [Ticket #20419] now shows closed. Until we receive the next firmware I still have the issues with the First Alert Zwave Smoke Detectors and the proper reporting of the the (9) KAIPULE Z-Wave Plus Wireless Door Window sensors that when door is open it reports as "On" in Polisy but when closed it reports as "Off" not closed. I would think UD would like to verify the fix before closing the ticket.
  23. @ctviggen1Just a tip,,,, I take a picture with my phone of any stickers on any new device I purchase. Have them in folders on my home cloud storage as well as my phone..
  24. tlightne


    @carealtor I believe it is only available for Apple at this time..
  25. @gzahar Sorry I am running Holidays Node server not Holidays Google....
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