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Everything posted by tlightne

  1. Did you just do an upgrade? Give us a little more information please. What did you do just before this error?
  2. tlightne

    Z wave gone

    Is your Eisy using the Zmatter/Zwave dongle? If not what are you using for Zwave?
  3. Yes you do lose PG2 ...
  4. I am using the Notification NS to get my Ambient Weather sensors with no problem. I am not home so can not copy my body of text but here is the end result. Inside Tempature 85.8°F Inside Humidity 51% Outside Tempature 88.3°F Outside Humidity 81% Feels Like Temp 107.95°F Wind Speed 0 mph Wind Dir 192° Wind Gust 2.2 mph windspdmph_avg10m 0 mph winddir_avg10m 247° Max Daily Gust 3.4 mph Rain Rate 0 inches/hour Rain Event 0.047 Inches Rain Daily 0 Inches Rain Weekly 0.047 Inches Rain Monthly 2.378 Inches Rain Yearly 23.307 Inches Lightening Strikes Per Hour 0 Lightning Strikes Per Day 0 Lightning Distance 19.26 Miles Solor Rad 438.94 Watts/m² UV Rays 4 UV Index
  5. @saclarkdocThis link will give you a lot of help with UD Mobile. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile
  6. @oskrypuch Sorry guess I did not clarify, the Load does not keep the Theme settings. Wish it did..
  7. @Andy P My laptop does that every Sunday. It resets the theme data back to default also. So like you I just do a load on my saved file and all is good...
  8. If I understand is correctly you can load your POLISY backup to Eisy and then UD will have to move the Node server licenses to the Eisy. But I could be wrong. Maybe @bpwwer can clarify..
  9. If you right click on the program you want to copy and select copy it will add it to the list of programs with the letters "copy" added to the name.. There is no paste needed.
  10. No argument that the Eisy will be supported longer than the POLISY. It is newer..
  11. @JTsao The Polisy DOES NOT have an expiration date.... @Michel Kohanim stated earlier this week in a post that POLISY will be supported until AT LEAST January 2027. I too had no issues moving my POLISY from PG3 to PG3x..
  12. Not sure on Sledge locks but there has to be a button to wake it up. I have Kwikset Locks and they have an inclusion button.
  13. It is the same board whether it is in the USB enclosure or not. You can either use it as USB or internal to POLISY.
  14. I would like to be able to sort the drop down list for customized content. The customized content list is sortable in Email/Notifications tab Customizations is sortable by clicking on Name header but resorts back to sorted by ID number as soon as you leave that tab. The sort needs to hold there as well as the drop down list. With all the additions to the Notify Node Server my list is getting pretty long and it goes by the order they were generated in the list. Thank you...
  15. What does this have to do with Automation and ISY?????
  16. @Jimbo.Automates Did not think you could but thought I would ask. Thank you for all you do here and with the Notification NS it is an awesome tool.
  17. @Jimbo.Automates The Emails/Notifications/Customized Content list can be sorted by selection the names header, is there anyway to sort it in the dropdown List when creating the message? Thank you
  18. tlightne

    MY ISY994 Died

    EISY is out of stock but from an email I received yesterday they should be back in stock by the end of the month.. For education on the EISY read through the WIKIs and and search these forums. If you only have insteon then EISY is your only choice to replace.. The 994 is usually rock solid and dies when either the power supply or SD card go bad. I would try replacing the power supply first.
  19. @mmb Yes when EISY was introduced UDI offered a $75.00 you needed to purchase your Polisy in 2019 or 2020 to qualify but I never saw EOL announced. If Michel responds we will have our answer. From UDI https://www.universal-devices.com/product/eisy-home/ Discounts? Yes, in the form of trade-in and the offer expires on 01/31/2023: ISY994 purchased in 2019 or later: $36.00 Polisy2019 | 2020: $452021: $602022: $75 Polisy PRO2019 | 2020: $602021: $752022: $90
  20. @Michel Kohanim Can you set the record straight once and for all on the life of Polisy??? I have asked @mmbwhere this was documented but as of today he has not produced that documentation. If us Polisy owners only have 3 years before EOL then I would like to start planning now to move to Eisy...
  21. @bpwwer Thank you for the updates. This is perfect...
  22. @bpwwer Backup and running again.. Thank you..
  23. When you query them make sure they are still awake. They are battery so they sleep quickly..
  24. @Techman He is on the 994 and if memory servers correct that uses the Ethernet cable..
  25. @bpwwer I upgraded Ambient to the 2.0.9 in PG3x 3.1.36. Station online status in lox is false. I restarted the node server in PG3x and still see the same status. PG3 x shows it as running and UD mobile notifications say it is online. All the new nodes show up in PG3x dashboard. I have attached an error log. Getting parsing errors name ' raw' not defined. It also took the name from my Ambient weather station and added a new node in the proper slot to loc with all the new nodes. Can I just delete the old Node in lox? AmbientWeather_7-17-2023_63318-PM.zip
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