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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. If you’re going to quote the release maybe post the WHOLE release…or at least the important part after what you seem to take issue with… I’d say that UDI even adding/acknowledging that some of the i3 support is available is a big step, and saying they are actively WORKING with Insteon is an even bigger step. Considering the focus of recent updates was squashing bugs the process to introduce the initial support for a brand new (to the wide public) product is HUGE! So don’t throw shade without acknowledging the line following your quote. Would you have rather waited for UDI to comment on i3 support until it was fully implemented? We already have posts here asking if i3 will work with eisy/Polisy, heck even some hoping it will show up on the “ancient” <grin> ISY994. I think this release addresses those questions perfectly. It’s in the works, they’re working with Insteon to have full support. And for those 994 users that want to add i3 now know they will need to upgrade to have support. No more questions and wishful thinking. Well done UDI! Thank you for addressing the i3 support question!
  2. Geddy


    @Javi on .24 (and probably earlier, but didn’t notice it). If you edit the name of the Geofence area then edit the location bubble or radius the name is not saved and needs to be edited again. Not sure if fixable, but I didn’t catch it until I saved the new zone and had to go up back and edit the name again. No big issue, but if able to add a check/save option when editing the name before going to a different setting to save the entry. No longer have duplicate zones added. Thanks!
  3. @f11 at this point you are probably better off with a support ticket to get direct help. I think it wouldn’t be wise for anybody to speculate what to do next other than UD Support directly. The current IoX release (5.5.9) has started adding groundwork to have PG3x on the Polisy. So what you’re seeing is probably fine. I would not randomly run SSH update/upgrade commands since UDI has suggested the best upgrade path is through Admin Console because they developed the scripts for what gets updated and works for their need on their hardware. Blindly upgrading things through SSH could cause issue. Please start a new ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  4. Don't know. I don't run the node server. But there was discussion about it in another post that worked out for them. It's all it what works for your needs/comfort.
  5. Yes, I think @apostolakisl found the long poll was keeping the vehicle awake and set it to either 24 hours or near 24 hours. Anything that's checking the status of the EV will keep the vehicle awake and use battery. It's just as though you're opening the Tesla app. It's waking the car up to get status.
  6. I've been told it does accomplish the same thing. Now, I can't verify this for this update since there is some groundwork for future changes to PG3x for the Polisy. But I think if you've successfully updated and things are back as expected then you should be okay. If you notice admin console, PG3, or node servers not loading then perhaps a full power cycle might be needed.
  7. Geddy


    @Techman the OP (@teverk) posted that needed cables have been purchased. @JP If they're currently unavailable from UD you can buy this cable from Amazon. Do you have the original RJ45 to DB9 cable that came with the serial PLM? If not you can then buy the adaptor too. Be sure you follow the pin out information on the UD site and in several posts found around the forums.
  8. @ABietsma Welcome to the forums. First, make sure the ISY has internet connection. Do you see it active connected to your router? (Log into your router and see if you have anything for "Connected devices".) If it's connected to your router then make sure that you can access the admin console while local. While in Admin Console check the status of the portal on the Configuration -> Portals tab. Make sure that your ISY Portal license hasn't expired. Logging into my.isy.io, click "Select tool..." -> Information -> ISY Portal Access License. If you confirm all the above let us know. It's probable that you might need to open a support ticket (https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets) to see what happened. My hunch is either license expired or something happened in the network to knock the ISY off your local network.
  9. @JP glad you got it figured out. This is the only reCAPTCHA that I see when submitting a new ticket. You weren't able to see/or click on that? Very strange.
  10. Geddy


    WOW! People use some close/small zones. I found about 1000-1500 meters to be ideal for my situation. But I just used geofence for lights. I guess some use it to open garages and unlock doors (too unsecure for my liking!). It also doesn't seem to be a battery drain by having larger areas (<1% in last 24 hours in background use).
  11. @JP the email method might not get you in the ticket system. If you get an automatic reply that a ticket has been generated then okay, but recently the email was removed as a method to generate a ticket due to site/system issues. Surprised the web is giving you issues. Do you run firewall or other web blockers that might be blocking something? Maybe try a incognito or private browser session.
  12. @ctviggen1 make sure you’ve added the eisy to your portal account and setup the trial portal subscription for the eisy. Wiki instructions to migrate the portal: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY If you have the eisy on the portal it needs to be approved in admin console on configuration tab then portals tab.
  13. You’re at 5.5.7 so no need to upgrade packages again (currently). You can follow the “current release” area to get notifications when new releases are posted. That’s when you would want/need to update. I usually suggest people don’t randomly hit update. Many have learned it has crashed their systems randomly hitting the upgrade packages process. It’s hard do hold off thinking you’ll get some random update, but best to wait until official releases are posted if you’re at the current level already. All your issues seem to be known issues and hopefully corrected in next release.
  14. Interesting. Can’t help on that then. My eisy is not in an area I can connect a monitor to so just use admin console.
  15. I imagine these are just the names of the devices. If you’re in admin console what is the first item listed in the tree for the eisy? Is it “ISY”? IoX Finder window will usually reference the “name” of the device you are connecting to. Since you restored the “ISY” backup into the eisy it is now named “ISY”. You can change the folder name to IoX and clear Java cache then reload start.jnlp and it should reference IoX again. I’ve named mine something else and it shows up in my Finder with that “name”. What is “start.win”? This is probably where you confused Michel. Not sure what app/service/device you’re talking about. Maybe a screenshot or more details. Sounds like you got everything else figured out and migrated properly. Congrats!
  16. I think this is a known issue and being worked on and hopefully corrected in the next release. I've seen @DennisC comment about this being known. I believe the other is also part of the same issue. I had the issue once and it hasn't returned (thankfully). I'm not sure if others that got this error still get it often. (@DennisC do you still get the alert?) You can check the subscriptions by using this URL: http://eisy.ip.address.here:8080/rest/subscriptions (replace the crossed out text with your actual eisy IP). It will ask for your user/pass this should be for local login to admin console. The result is an XML file showing the subscriptions to the isy process. <Subscriptions> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="36" sock="7" isReusingSocket="yes" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="no" isPortal="yes" sid="0" sock="28" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="39" sock="9" isReusingSocket="yes" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> <Sub isExpired="yes" isPortal="no" sid="-1" sock="-1" isReusingSocket="no" isConnecting="no"/> </Subscriptions> I would suggest you shutdown the eisy (6 button presses...wait for red light), pull the power, wait ~20 seconds, power it back up, wait ~60-90 seconds, and log into Admin Console.
  17. @waffles rather than waiting on the heartbeats why not try with water/wet test at/near the location of the sensor? Once tested and alert received you can dry off the sensors and reset them. You said Tuesday you went back to the original programs. Have those been sending daily notifications about the heartbeat? From the post you linked to: To me the programs from the thread you said you were copying should be sending you alerts twice a day. Are there issues with the sensors in those messages? Otherwise, you're doing your own thing and seems like nobody knows what you're doing to try to help further. I believe there has also been a few posts elsewhere about how the sensors are cleared. There were apparently a few different sensor versions and firmware for each that require a different method for clearing or resetting.
  18. @jaydrosy did you submit a ticket? What was the outcome? If they reply with "known bug" then post here to let others know. If there was something done to fix it also post here to help others attempt to fix their system. @JMcKain as suggested above, please submit a ticket to UDI support (link above in first reply). That's going to be the best way to get help and to help UDI figure out if this is a bug or expected and allow them to properly handle "fixing" it if it's indeed broke.
  19. Seems like a lot of work to get heartbeat notifications. My question now is... Why are you wanting to monitor/track heartbeats? The whole point of the heartbeat missed notification is if your leak sensor is offline. If you look at the original theory of the programs you were copying the whole thing is to use notifications to trigger a reaction from you. It seems that you're more worried that the ISY isn't recording the heartbeat than what the heartbeat even means to the system. Now you're trying to learn how to write information to a webserver when a simple notification would do the job. My thought is now you've got so many notifications you won't really pay attention to what they're saying and you'll miss the big alert if you have an actual water issue. You've got to step back and look at the big picture. 1) What are you trying to achieve? Track heartbeat? Known when water/leak happens? 2) Do you really care when the heartbeat happens or just that the sensor is communicating with ISY? Since you said you went to the basic programs as you linked in an earlier post on Tuesday have your notifications been accurate? If so, why dig deeper for something? If you don't think they're accurate then you need to change the system so that the sensors are communicating regularly, or else replace the sensors.
  20. Geddy


    @Javi @sjenkins I had the same issue on initial install and setup. It was happening if I changed the distance. It didn't seem to happen after first setup. I ended up with 3 areas. I deleted all three and setup again and did not have the same issue, but I also didn't change the distance more than once as I knew the size I was going for. What seemed odd was that when I created the geofence (even though I was inside of it) the status appeared to show me outside the area. I wasn't going out again after setting it up, but did today and it now shows correct status for inside and outside zone. I haven't attempted any further control or programs yet. Will test later today or tomorrow. Excited that this won't need Occupancy. I currently use Mobilinc with ISY Portal and eisy and haven't had any issues with geofence. I have been looking forward to having this function available in UD Mobile. Nice job!
  21. Geddy


    @carealtor only iOS so far…. Wiki Instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Geofencing
  22. There's no need to edit the ISY in the PG3x setup. The eisy uses the IoX user/pass in all locations. So whatever you set to be the admin password for the Admin Console to IoX will be how you log into the eisy dashboard (as you found out). The ISY service running on eisy should load automatically. There's no need to add user/pass on the screenshot you provided. As @DennisC covers you need to sign up for Portal for the eisy. Either setup the trial (probably done during initial setup if you used UD Mobile). If you are migrating from ISY994 or Polisy the portal migration is very simple and takes almost no time to complete. A portal account is needed to be able to buy/install Node Servers to the eisy.
  23. Best way to contact UDI is through the support ticket website - https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets They're really good about handling tickets so if you opened a ticket this way and it took "a week" to get a reply that's not normal. You should be able to log in and review the ticket status. It might be "waiting from customer update" (or other wording). That's the best method to work directly with UDI for support. The Forums are really more user-to-user help. And since it doesn't seem like many are using the process you are using there might not be much help here. Does Homebridge have any support you could get from their side? Since the github you linked to hasn't had any updates in several years and references ISY Firmware 5.0.16+ it's very possible that it's not working with the latest eisy IoX firmware. While I think doubtful because most underlying function appears to be the same it's still possible. You never replied to @MrBill's comment above. What is the result when you try his URL? Home Assistant connects to ISY completely different. It's also currently supported and actively updated. You can learn more about it by reading the Home Assistant area of these forums or from the HA side.
  24. What is your desired outcome? You asked about programs now you're talking about switches controlling other switches. @gzahar suggested scenes. Do you have ONE program, or a program for each switch? Perhaps paste your program(s) to review. On the program(s) right click select "Copy to Clipboard" (last option on menu) then paste as text. If you handle all the lights as a scene you could simplify your program to be: Test Program If From Sunset - 15 minutes To 11:00:00PM (same day) Then Set 'OutsideScene' On Else Set 'OutsideScene' Off This would simplify everything. Then, if your scene does have traffic issues you can attempt the repeat that you were looking for. Note that this handles both the ON and OFF given your first post (turning lights on 15 minutes before sunset, and off at 11pm). You don't need 1 program to turn them on and 1 program to turn them off (or multiple programs for each switch).
  25. Rather than band-aid the issue find out why the lights aren't turning off. Sounds like a noise issue. Sure, adding waits and running the command again is a way to make it work, but what happens when you have 4 or 5 repeated lines and it STILL doesn't turn off? Just add more lines? No, fix the problem! It's possible that the switch is going bad. It's possible line noise is causing a missed command. Even if you say, "but I haven't added anything to my system", there are plenty of reports that something as simple as a phone charger going (or has gone) bad adds line noise to your system. Even an appliance has been known to suddenly add noise blocking Insteon commands. FIX THE PROBLEM! Adding waits and repeating the command just masks the issue. By not finding out what's causing it could lead to other issues. Good luck.
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