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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. I think the key is in the versatility of the Polisy (and previous to that the ISY994). When I first considered home automation a friend of mine suggested the Insteon products, but directed me to the ISY994 as the controller. I saw there was a hub, but that person told me the ISY994 abilities were far superior. So I took the plunge. that was over 6 years ago. From what I've seen through the years of learning, and reading these forums, is that the abilities of the Polisy (and previous ISY994) are miles beyond what could be programmed via the hub. Add to it the node server abilities, and you control different devices and eco systems. The abilities are near endless! I think the biggest issue is the learning curve, but the second biggest issue is "what can I do now?". And that's where budget comes into play. How big do you want to expand your systems to handle more of what Polisy can control? If you're a small DIY or just want a neat way to tell your phone or voice assistant (Echo or Google Home) to turn things on and off then perhaps the hub is simple and all you need. But if that's the case many wouldn't be on Insteon devices in the first place, and might just use wifi devices available from the likes of Kasa. Many here have mentioned the issues faced with just a few extra wifi only devices and the problems it can create in the network. I think the only thing I'd say is really missing from Polisy is any tie in with Siri. But that's an Apple issue (in my mind). I'm satisfied having the ability to use Alexa to change settings if needed. But otherwise, after 6 years I've got things automated the way I need them without much interaction.
  2. Not that I think it would make a difference, but current PG3 version is 3.0.63. If you're familiar with SSH commands (through Putty or even Windows built-in) I might suggest going that route to force the PG3 restart. (Update instructions given in link for 3.0.63 release thread.) When you click on Profile -> Settings does it give you this window: When I type a new password in there it logs me out and asks for my Portal login then allows me to log into PG3 again. Even though you said above you are going through Profile -> Settings something doesn't appear to be going to the correct place.
  3. The Node Server is licensed per Polisy. It can support both ISY994 and IoP options. So no, you would not need to buy the node server again just to convert from ISY994 to IoP. It's just simply changing the setup in the PG3 to point to the IoP. Above @bpwwer mentioned the license being tide to the hardware. His warning is to your initial comment of having 2 Polisy. You wouldn't be able to sub in the backup/spare device and restore backup of purchased node servers. That's when you would need to buy them again.
  4. While some are on the topic of appearance changes and hopes/wishes for what's to come from the new Insteon... Surprised nobody has mentioned/complained about the change from the old style On/Off to the new On/Off. Used to the On/Off looked just like the dimmer with the LED rail up the side. Now the On/Off is just two LED dots (top and bottom). That bugged the crap out of me because it changed while I was getting into the system. Thankfully they still had some of the old style to swap me out with so all switches in the house have similar appearance. But my "spare" all have the "new"(er) design. With so many claiming that nothing had evolved in the Insteon line I'd say that was a big, yet insignificant difference. I do like the new(er) design because then you know for certain if your switch is an on/off or dimmer, but for visual continuity in our setting I wanted them all to look the same. Yes, they might need/want a new design to show some change over the years, but really...it's a (light) switch. It turns power on/off (usually) to a device. I'd rather it just be pretty than over developed. I think @AD8BC had a great thought about digital labeled keypads. Now that would be fantastic! Although, think of the market (and general population) age. If the font is too small on (digital) KPL buttons would people be able to tell what they were operating? While it might be a great idea I think digital icons would be better suited for use. But certainly mini-led screens in KPL could justify a higher price point. And if it's in an ecosystem that people are relying on they'll buy it. I just hope New Ineston (newston?) can get things into production and available for sales and be successful for all of us existing users (that worry about failing devices...some more than others), but also provide a product that competes with the impulse buy DYI-er that's looking to tell Alexa to turn a light on or off on a whim. They never really felt like a product that would compete in the $20-30 market, but that's where a large market of DIY has gone. Many of us here have certainly gone more advanced (and many WAY more advanced) with the true automation aspect of what Insteon was trying to achieve. But now people just want smart switches to perform dumb tasks. That's not automation!
  5. @dpierre Are you sure you changed the port numbers? Did you change in PG3 or PG2? Are you running a ISY994 or are you running ISY on Polisy? Or do you have other devices on your network that might be listening to port 80 and blocking the Polisy? It's strange because it shouldn't really matter, but some routers might only allow 80 to be used by one device. So might need to unplug any other devices. I think somewhere I read people having issues with Hue listening on the same port that something else was using and it would conflict. Either way, if you can't figure out how to get back into it and don't want to perform a factory reset (instructions in the Wiki and linked in @MrBill's reply above). I would suggest opening a support ticket request and seeing if there is some magic process they can help identify. Either way...please post back how you get this resolved in case somebody else needs help down the road! Good luck! Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com
  6. Not completely, you should remove the device from the scene first then delete the scene. I don't think ISY can delete the scene if devices are in it. Haven't tried that recently. Somebody else can confirm. If you've always been ISY for the controller and you reset links when first connecting the device to the ISY then you should be decently okay. However, if you've come to ISY from Insteon Hub (or even some other hub/controller for Insteon) then it's possible devices had links from the prior setup if they were not factory reset and then linked to the ISY. That's strange. Shouldn't usually need to reset them more than once. You probably had line noise causing issues with connectivity to the ISY. Glad it went away though. If this happens again (for these or others) you should check for line noise in the system. Reviewing the Event Viewer (level 3) can help you troubleshoot commands from the ISY to the device and vice versa. I think the main answer to your question is that factory reset is a manual process. It is NOT something that can be triggered from the ISY. You should be able to Google Search by item number to find the user manual if you don't have any. Last checked the links to Smarthome were not working, but some cache sites will have links to the old manuals. Once reset then perform a "restore device" in the ISY and it should find the device in the system and apply what the ISY knows for links and settings. You can read more about this in the ISY Cookbook (found in the Wiki)
  7. @CPrince why not include a link to the topic you reference in the title for a little background? What is it you're asking and trying to achieve? Factory reset for any Insteon device can be found in the user manual. If it's not on the Smarthome site it's still usually able to be found in Google search for item number. I think @larryllix and many others, myself included, will typically suggest a factory reset for any device that might have been included in a previous system to clear out any prior programming. Some also think it is necessary for any "new" device as there is a chance some factory testing links could still remain in device memory. That's hit an miss, but always a good suggestion to follow...especially for many that might just be starting out. Linking from Admin Console has always been an option. It should still exist. I think with more background about what you're really asking and what context you expect a result will determine what kind of replies you get to your post.
  8. Support tickets are on UD's main site. When you log into your account there there should be "my tickets". I'm not sure how far back the current site goes for support tickets, but it might be worth a shot there if you had them connected to an account with UD's side. Otherwise, your post might have been archived and the only way to find that in search is with Google Site Search.
  9. @srm just wondering if you got this resolved. If so, what did support do to get this corrected? Just would be nice to get the resolution to this situation to possibly help others in the future.
  10. Yes, you should open a support ticket. If Portal isn't showing a request on ISY on Polisy then support might need to reset the request. I also didn't think that the IoP was able to change the DHCP setting. It shoudln't be set to static on the device (as you're showing) because that needed to be managed by the Polisy. You will need to have Support review that as well. Is there a reason you're trying to setup PG2? Since you are starting fresh with the Polisy I would suggest not setting anything up in PG2 and only use PG3 and IoP settings. To setup the IoP in PG3 follow the steps in the Wiki portion found here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Polisy_.28PG3.29_Dashboard But, wait until you have a support ticket to confirm the steps based on what you're showing above.
  11. The app specific password is not like the standard 2FA as you say needing to refresh if IP changes (or other factors change). I've had a spare Gmail account setup with the security settings since they were available (probably before 2016) so I've always used the more secure method. I've never had to change/update my Gmail settings. However, I do just because I think it's smart to change/update passwords (even system generated long (16 digit) passwords). But, if you didn't change it yourself then there's no need to change it. It just works. That is until Google changes their methods again. It's possible that you have advanced security on already, but the old way still worked until the end of May. I simply picked the Elk post because I remember it recently. There's also an area in the Wiki that has always described the "optional" method for setting up Gmail. That's just the required method at this point. This can be found in the wiki- https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account Yeah, I know Yahoo! changed their process a while back as well so I guess it would be only a matter of time before Outlook does the same thing.
  12. No. No issues using Gmail here. But I planned ahead and heeded the warnings that have been posted here a half dozen times. The most recent was in this thread: You can STILL use Gmail. Just have to use the more secure access to the account and thus an app specific password for sending email via the ISY. I've always had more secure on the account I use for the ISY so didn't have to edit anything when this started becoming an issue. Surprised more people didn't take the 5 minutes to do this when Google started warning everybody of this many moons ago. Gmail works just fine...like it always has...for me. Oh, and just so you won't be surprised...if you try to text yourself through the email server most phone systems will often delay the relay of email to text speed so if you're doing mission critical notifications of any type I would suggest using one of the node servers that can push notifications to your phone rather than relying on email and/or email to text options for notifications.
  13. @Tim McDermott Yes, seems that the servers came back online. As @lilyoyo1 points out this has been covered in existing topics - starting on Tuesday. Two threads to review - Closing this post as others are open for further discussion, if needed or desired.
  14. @TriLife z-wave 700 has much better range. I don’t know about getting through such construction, but from the board it should be better.
  15. @TriLife first on the ISY994 upgrade to 5.3.4…there were minor updates through the steps, but probably nothing major and since you seem to be running fine it might be okay to stay where you are. Read the release post for 5.3.4 and maybe prior releases to see if any issues you might have might be fixed. While I would typically say yes, it’s more difficult given your location as to if you would notice any difference. I assume you have the 500 series controller since you’re up to 5.3.0. Read the release posts and see what you think might help your setup. There is a recent post from @Michel Kohanim that UD is developing hardware for the Polisy for Z-wave and Matter. It will be released later this year. If might be worth waiting for that board to be relegated for your use (as you say given location and difficulty to get z-wave 700 dongle.
  16. @TriLife - I split your post out of where you had it for hopes of getting some individual attention. You bring up a lot of questions and ideas that are more specific to your system rather then general migration path topics. My only suggestion is don't try to migrate to Polisy or IoP with a deadline in mind. It will never fail that something will cause you strife and perhaps delay your enjoyment. As for the z-wave specific question I think others with more experience of the process will be better able to answer your question. Perhaps others have their own take on #2 and 3 questions as well, but my thoughts... I don't know "the point of no return", but YES, IoP and current 994 can operate at the same time. HOWEVER, controlling the same devices from two devices will be an issue (i.e. don't do it). I have 100% Insteon and still have it on ISY994i, but have IoP running just for testing and review of PG3 node servers. I'm waiting for family to take a vacation for me to make the switch to IoP where I have several days to make sure any kinks are worked out. (that and my system works as is...I'm a little worried about breaking it, but it might finally be time soon) The only "what if" on this...if you're currently using the Polisy with PG2 (polyglot v2) node servers and you try to update the Polisy to get PG3 and IoP running. You could run into issues...see below... There were reports of a chip issue in some very early versions of the Polisy. I don't specifically know if there's a batch that @Michel Kohanim could identify as having a problem for sure or not, but it might be worth either opening a support ticket with UDI just to check if your unit has the chip in question. Otherwise, keeping everything off the Polisy and just setting it up and getting it updated and current you'll know if/when it has issues. Make sure you're checking the ISY Wiki for the Polisy User Guide and watch for the 3rd light problem. Hope that helps. Perhaps others can now see this better and chime in with additional assistance.
  17. @Panda88 Thanks. Just changed.
  18. @jkraus Unsure how to help, but tagging @Panda88 as the Node Server author to see if they might be able to assist.
  19. Based on @CactusJ post and picture (in another thread) and a couple of tweets and maybe a couple of posts on reddit it does appear the hub is connecting and back to life.
  20. Glad you've got the experience to work on the devices yourself. Having a working PLM and a spare is helpful. I think you'll be able to use your system for a long time to come. Sadly, I don't think the pandemic directly played into the loss of Insteon, as many have speculated the writing was on the wall a while before Covid happened. It's just the nature of some businesses that fail for various reasons. But, that's been a topic beaten far too long in other places to be brought back up here. Currently, my system is working. Like you, I have a few spare devices and a spare PLM. I'm not looking for anything to change to at the moment, but have certainly started that extra "rainy day fund" for if/when an automation change is needed. I'd rather save up the funds now and then explore the options available at the time something is required to change. Ultimately, going back to the "dark ages" of manually turning lights on and off is a simple stop-gap measure if it ever comes to that. However, I suspect that I'll be in a different house before my current system fails.
  21. @eduardo_garcia Yeah, it's been hard news to handle with the loss of Insteon devices. But, it's been a topic of discussion for a while. As for replacements there's been a lot of discussions in this area (since the official shutting down of Insteon) as well as in the Coffee Shop area of the forums. Since you're international the best bet would be to find a local automation professional and discuss options. The overall feeling is that nothing has had the success and reliability that Insteon has over the years (for most people). There's no one fix solution for what to attempt next (without going a more professional/high cost route...at least for US/Canada based options). Depending on how old existing devices are their longevity seems to work for most people, but everybody is different.
  22. The issue is marked solved because it solved the issue OP had. Op had multiple issues that were resolved by simply rebooting the ISY. While rare, it does happen that, communication can become flummoxed and a simple reboot will sort things out. This is indeed what "SOLVED" the issue for @paulw (topic OP). The others that have posted that they are having issues are, in fact having DIFFERENT issues than the OP. For those issues to be handled with different resolution there needs to be more to consider. If you have a Mobilinc Connect issue then I would suggest you post in the Mobilinc forum and tag @InsteonNut to hopefully get their attention and support. Meanwhile, other users will attempt to help the best we can. If the typical troubleshooting steps have been performed, there might be bigger issues that the developer (and owner) of the servers will be the only one that can help resolve the matter. It appears that there might be issues with Mobilinc Connect. If multiple users have sent a message to @InsteonNut and Mobilinc Support then hopefully a resolution for those issues can be handled soon. And it's all possible that Wes is on vacation and therefore unable to respond immediately. Just an assumption given that it's that time of year that most people do try to take a vacation break. Finally, as @MrBill stated (as a Mobilinc Pro user - through ISY Portal) the app worked fine for him. I too can confirm that Mobilinc Pro/HD works just fine through UD ISY Portal.
  23. So you changed the actual content in the custom notification? If you go to the Configuration -> Emails/Notifications -> Customizations tab then click on the area for "Customized Content" it should open up the actual message that it is sending. Make sure you fixed the typo in there. Either the notification didn't change if you had it specific to a device rather than a node variable. It appears that your typo is in the email account setup itself. It's showing a from "Spriniler System". That is more than likely an email system issue. What is shown in your "SMTP Settings" area?
  24. Glad you've been able to repair one. Hopefully it will last you a long time. I know I have 3 fanlincs running. I have a spare for each as I have no electrical skills to attempt a repair like you did, but nice to know it's serviceable and repairable. Thanks for the follow up!
  25. It's there now! https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/377-wake-on-lan/
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