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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. First, I agree with @lilyoyo1 that if you don't have a z-wave 300 series board you should upgrade to 5.3.4 (latest build). At the very least if you DO have a z-wave 300 board is upgrade to 5.0.16C (the last build for 5.x supported the 300 series board) Yes, in 2020 there were issues with the default server option (mentioned in this post). That has later been fixed and if you upgrade to 5.3.4 you can use the default server again. Although, looking at how you've setup the server it should work unless you have added additional security to the Outlook.com account and need to make an app specific password (like @jec6613 suggests). Strange that your tests aren't popping errors, or being received anywhere. Are you trying to send to the same email that you're sending from? Sometimes these free mail providers shut that down after period of time of auto generated emails. So this could have also caused you issues if it wasn't an active account or if you were sending emails in a loop from/to same address too often. I've used Gmail since 2017 without issue, but make sure to have it on my phone to be an actual checking and sometimes send non-automated emails.
  2. Yes, the "Use Default" option had gone down back in 2020 (see this post) and it was suggested to use Gmail so not to tax the UD servers. Then, they updated the default settings and changed the method of sending. That was resolved in an update later than 5.3. So your updating to 5.3.4 corrected the "use default" settings. Although, I would still suggest using an alternate server to possibly avoid such issues in the future. Was the Gmail account you were using an inactive account? Sometimes Gmail will close access to accounts that just send messages (like ISY notices) if there is no actual logging in done by a user from a device. It's possible the account had been deactivated and just needed to be logged back in and updated the password/security settings to get it working again. Not sure where you got that the SMTP should be "googlemail.com", but I have it set as "smtp.gmail.com", port 587, TLS = checked and have zero problems sending tests or actual alerts.
  3. Thanks. I had intermittent working with Mobilinc HD if I opened the app shortly before starting out. But if I hadn't opened the app in a day (or several days) then it would never alter the location variable and wouldn't notify on the phone. I also updated to 15.3 last night and did the "update only" for Mobilinc and also reset the location settings for Mobilinc. I did NOT open it this morning before departing and received notification of exiting the geofence area. So that's a plus. Fingers crossed here too!
  4. @ISY Newbie You can read the multitude of posts about this issue on here and make your own mind up. Any replies from any of us here would be speculation, personal desires, SWAGS, or perhaps comedic replies. It's a big unknown.
  5. @Roman, did you do anything to Mobilink to get it to work for you? Like delete the existing geofence area or remove the app and download again? I haven’t installed 15.3 yet, but will tonight and see if I get alerts crossing the geofence tomorrow. Glad your initial testing appears to work better. Fingers crossed it keeps working.
  6. I don't dispute your claim, but where do you consider them calling each release "official"? Nowhere on the link you gave does it have the word "official" or "certified". To me it just seems that they're putting out releases and not identifying them in any capacity. So you (or the user(s) in general) assume they're "official". Of course @Michel Kohanim would know better how z-wave certification would need to identify versions, but simply by the link @io_guy provided I don't know if I'd consider any release they put out as "official". Also very strange that "Release 2.x" dates back to Aug 2019 and they just recently went to 2.3.0. So there are a bunch of minor builds along the way. That would drive me nuts considering an update that often.
  7. @DarkCanuck If you want to get back on the 5.x branch with the 300 series z-wave the highest version you can go to is 5.0.16C. Just a side note if you use the default email server to send notifications you need to start a support ticket with UD to get email server credentials as they were updated in 4.9 and a later version of 5.3.x. So you're not stuck with 4.9 if you wanted to get into the mix of the 5.x goodness. Just realize that you can't go any higher than 5.0.16C without upgrading the z-wave controller.
  8. @MHB Welcome to the forums. Let's get you running with this program, but also would suggest you upgrade to 5.3.4 firmware just to be on the most recent build. You're already on 5.3.3 so it's a fairly straight forward upgrade to the next version. You can find it and the directions to update in this post. Here is how I have my program to run what you're trying to do (turn on at sunset and turn off at sunrise): ----------- Front Light - Night - If From Sunset - 30 minutes To Sunrise + 20 minutes (next day) Then Set 'Front Door' On Else Set 'Front Door' Off ----------------- The important part is to have the "NEXT DAY" for the Sunrise time. This should also handle turning the light off at sunrise if it's manually turned on prior to my on timer, but I don't turn that light on manually so can't confirm. Also, as @DennisC points out the "copy to clipboard" then pasting here makes the program easier to read (like mine above). Please share the current program you have to turn if off in the morning. If looks like you're trying to turn on about 6 devices.
  9. @EVictory Do you happen to be running any firewall or antivirus software on the computer? Disable both and try again. It's odd because you were able to get a version of the firmware installed, but having the issues when you're trying to upgrade. Though I can see firewall or antivirus being the cause to that. Make sure both are off. Also, make sure that you're using the ZIP file that you downloaded of the firmware. Do not extract the files from the firmware and try to update that way. Did you clear java cache along the way then download a new launcher start.jnlp? Make sure you're selecting all 3 boxes in the clear cache process! (this should remove prior ISY Launcher icons) What type of computer are you using to try this? (Win/Mac/Linux?) The only other thing I can think of is perhaps the replacement SD card you are using was corrupt. Was it new from the package (even though you said it was a few years old) or had it been used for something else previously? It might be easiest to open a ticket with UD to get specific help.
  10. @WetCoastWillie I would suggest opening a ticket with UD to get help directly to the issue. I'd only be guessing at this point as I don't have z-wave and don't run this lock. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com @brians To your email issue - what firmware are you on? What are your email settings? If the default email server and old firmware please note some changes were made and you'll need to upgrade (to 4.9 if on 4.x or 5.3.4 if on 5.x (with 500 series z-wave board)) or open a ticket to get user specific mail settings. I would suggest starting a new thread so you can get specific help for that issue (if you want/need help).
  11. @WetCoastWillie I agree with @lilyoyo1 that you should upgrade to 5.3.4. Is appears that there were some z-wave lock fixes along the way above 5.3. So getting up to the current build of Firmware might get you to a working status. Once upgraded if you're still having problems further troubleshooting can be performed. Since you're already at 5.3 the upgrade process should be "simple". Find the release info here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/33287-release-534-test-build-is-now-available/
  12. You do realize that this is a repair service. Not selling repaired devices. You've got to send in the non-working devices for them to repair and they then send back to you. So just ordering 2 means you've got to send in 2 broken PLM to be repaired and returned to you. At least if you're ordering this item. And this seems to only be for PLM that don't power on. If they have communication issues they cannot repair that at this time. From the listing:
  13. MAC strikes again! Another oddity in the world of macOS and ISY/Polisy access. Good to know both options seemed to work. @dwengrovitz neat tip on the "thisisunsafe" process. I saw that mentioned elsewhere, but seemed to only be a temporary solution (next time Chrome launched it might have been a problem again) so thought the keychain issue was the best long-term corrective action. @bcdavis75 glad you're back in action w/ Chrome. Hopefully it's not a reoccurring issue, but at least you know the steps to resolve. (I assume you mean "And noW I have my proceed link back in the Chrome", rather than "not".)
  14. @bcdavis75 interesting. Appears to be a Mac centered issue. Are you running any firewalls? Perhaps first I would make sure that you've got the latest version of Chrome installed. Just to be certain. Quick (Google) search lead me to this page for possible help options: https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/10551759/net-err-cert-invalid-website-sent-scrambled-credentials-self-signed-certificate?hl=en Specifically this post (many seem to reply that it worked for them) Some of the suggested solutions in the link appear to be Keychain related. Have you ever been able to access the Polisy in Chrome? Perhaps it saved something in the past that it's now having issues with. Beyond my help with Mac issues though. Sorry. Good luck. If still stumped after trying a few things mentioned in the link above perhaps open a ticket with UDI and see if they can offer some assistance for macOS specific issues. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com
  15. @bcdavis75 in Chrome are you using HTTPS or just HTTP? I'm not no MAC, but on Windows if you just type "http://<polisy IP>" I don't get the option to proceed. Only if I use HTTPS does it give me the choice to proceed (at least the first time...then it doesn't bug me for future visits). What does your screen look like in Chrome when it doesn't give you that option? Mine looks like this if I just type http://<polisy ip>
  16. @chris.com typically the latest release will be pinned to this area for "Current Release, Betas, and Bug Reports". As such the current 5.3.4 release is the latest/current release for ISY994i (and those with Z-wave 500 series controllers). If you only have the 300 series z-wave then you must stay at the other pinned topic for 5.0.16C (RC1). Since those versions are the current supported releases they are pinned as such. The 5.3 "official release" thread has been moved to "prior releases" because the updates to get to 5.3.4 fixed some issues found in 5.3 and others along the way. Universal Devices support all of the Firmware releases and the forums help augment that support with user-to-user support. It's been stated many times (yes, maybe deep in the seemingly endless posts on the forums) that many "beta" builds and "test builds" are more stable than most beta/test builds that many software companies release. If there's a huge bug found/reported then UDI is very quick in resolving and releasing an update. While your request is valid it's just not feasible to keep an outdated "official release" thread pinned when there are clearly updates in subsequent releases that would help most users. Think of it from the support side. If you only installed the 5.3 release and had issues, the support side (as well as most users here offering support) would tell you "Step 1: Upgrade to 5.3.4". If you kept your heels in the ground and said, "I'm not upgrading to a test build.", you probably wouldn't get much more support to fix a problem that very well might have been addressed in the releases since 5.3 was labeled "official". The best suggestion would be to wade into the (fully) supported waters of what you consider "risky" by using "test builds", but know that UD Support as well as the user-to-user support here on the forums are here to help you should you run into any issues. That's why there are thousands of posts from other users to get help when they need it. You will also note the many posts on this forum that clearly point out that UDI has top notch support system that if you ever have a major issue that the forums cannot help you just open a support ticket and you'll be personally assisted to resolve you issues in a very timely manor.
  17. @JWBDolphins I did exactly the same thing this year. I don’t think it’s trying to write anything to the device. I disabled an outdoor plugin device and the ISY994 doesn’t squawk about not being able to reach it when I load admin console. So just disable them and you won’t get those notices anymore. Doesn’t seem to impact anything else. Remember to also disable any programs calling on those devices!
  18. As @Techman says you just need the launcher and it will do all the "work" for you. (Read about its release here) The main thing if nothing is happening then it sounds like you don't have Java installed or are using a browser that isn't java "friendly". Since you just clean installed Win10 what browser are you using? Make sure you go to https://java.com/en/ and download/install Java. Then go back and download the launcher from the wiki you linked to. Most browsers will have a warning that the file might be harmful, but it's okay and save it. Then go where you downloaded it and double click the start.jnlp and allow it to run (you might get another Java warning) I just tried this in Edge and it does warn you... Click the "..." to get the following menu and select "KEEP" Then you should be good to go! The key is having Java installed before running the start.jnlp. Once it runs you should have an icon on the desktop like this: From there you'll get the "ISY Finder" window. As long as you're on your local network with the ISY994 it should auto find and put the UUID and other information there. Then anywhere on that line you can click and get this menu: Click on the Admin Console for either LAN or Cloud (depending on your location relative to the ISY994) and it will load the correct Admin Console relative to your firmware. Key from that point...always make sure you User Interface (UI) and Firmware (FW) match. (Admin console -> Help -> About). Good luck! Report back how you progress.
  19. Rather than try to help you in two places this thread is locked and you can get the help in your other thread.
  20. Yeah, sorry...can't help on that side. I'm sure it's something like Google doesn't allow you to see outdated apps if they aren't specifically rated for your OS. (Or the older versions have been removed and only Mobilinc X remains) Have fun using UD Mobile. @Javi has done a great job getting that up and running.
  21. @ingeborgdot It's been a while since I went through the update process, but now looking at the notes for the 5.3.4 update find a few issues with how they're presented. Step 8 shouldn't be involved at all. Currently the most suggested way to launch the admin console is through the launcher process (found here and referenced in this post). What computer OS are you using? Windows or MacOS? In Windows once you've got the latest version of Java and have downloaded the launcher you should be able to get into the admin console with every click. The launcher puts this icon on your desktop: When you run the launcher it typically will open the "ISY Finder" window. That should automatically find the ISY as long as you're on the same local network as the ISY. If not, you will need to add it manually. When you see your ISY listed you should be able to click anywhere on that row and will get another pop up menu to launch the Admin Console (lan or cloud) or Dashboard) [see below] There is no difference for Admin Console here as long as you're local to your ISY. The "LAN" option lunches the admin portal directly from your local ISY. The "Cloud" option will download from the web to make sure UI/FW match (user interface and firmware). What you're trying to do in step 8 is what many will consider the "old" method of getting the admin console directly from the ISY994 firmware package. That's great, and the best way to make sure you match, but starting with 5.x UDI developed the launcher to help take that guesswork out of the process. It's somewhat a failsafe, but we have seen issues with it working for some people on MacOS (it sometimes works, but sometimes doesn't work). For most Windows users the launcher works 100% of the time. So if you've been able to upgrade the 994i to 5.3.4 and verified that firmware and UI match using the launcher...that's far enough. I wouldn't suggest the step 8 you mention of getting the admin console only directly from the ISY. I too have found it an issue after the first time launch is successful. The Launcher process works for me 100% of the time and the most simple way to access the admin console and assuring that UI/FW match.
  22. @Ray What phone OS are you using? iOS or Android? If in iOS you should be able to still find it in the app store. If not then look at your purchases (in the app store click your icon in top right then purchased then my purchases. You should be able to find it in there. Sorry...don't know about the Android app store. At least to be able to get it installed on the phone again. (for iOS anyway) Since you were using the Mobilinc Pro version you could use the UDI Portal for remote access. Otherwise, the "old" method of port forwarding would be an option. Probably the reason you would suddenly have issues connecting was if your IP changed if you weren't using a DDNS options. Other situation could have been local IP changed if you didn't have DHCP reserved for the ISY or didn't have ISY setup as static on the LAN. (sorry...weeds...don't get lost in the weeds of the technical side) However, I think you're going the right direction of going with UD Mobile. The ISY Portal is a deal at less than $1/mo to give you so many additional features (remote access, network resources, and Alexa/Google Home).
  23. Thanks @Bumbershoot for pointing that one out. Just added that to the forum list.
  24. @stevehoyt the PG3 forums have been made available for posting now. The list should have all the PG3 nodeservers that were available as of a month ago. If more are developed/released and don't have a dedicated forum yet please let me know.
  25. @dbwarner5 That's "only" 15.2" that's been out for a few weeks at this point. You said 15.2.2 and might have gotten a few of us excited. I can confirm this is NOT fixed in 15.2. At least not with Mobilinc Pro. It appears that other geofence systems are running more accurately, but I haven't made the switch to using those hoping that Mobilinc will work as iOS updates. But I don't use them for mission critical automations so I'm not worried about it...unlike some that seem to have more dependencies on location services.
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