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Migration to ISY on Polisy: An attempt to collect, organize and share Simplified Directions.


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I am not a daily user, nor developer of ISY and related items. However, I have been watching over the last few weeks with excitement of the migration of ISY to the Polisy (IoP). Unfortunately, while there are lots of excellent tips / guidance etc, many of them at first read are "over my head" and are very scattered throughout the forums. So after studying the many posts, I have collated and developed a Simple Person's Guide to making the migration.  

For those of you that are the experts / daily users, please feel to suggest edits /corrections to this page for others to benefit from.

Disclaimer: I am still in the progress of this migration myself and will update with any corrections or new experiences. Lastly, many thanks to ALL the incredibly talented and smart people on these forums that I have "stolen" the information from. Here are a few: @Michel Kohanim @Javi @larryllix @bpwwer @tazman @lilyoyo1 @Jimbo @garybixler @kzboray


ISY on 994i Preparation:

  • Conduct a regular backup
  • Export a text copy of all programs: Go to programs and right click My Programs and select Copy Folder to Clipboard. Open text editor and paste, save.
  • All below are optional steps that are for protection and / or manual fix references:
    • UnderTab Programs / Summary, copy all cells and past into a spreadsheet. Add column header names,  and save.
    • Under Main, click on My Lighting. On table, click on column header labeled Address to sort table by address. This will group all your Z-wave devices together, x10 devices together and your node servers together, etc. Take screen shots of all this information for reference if needed.
    • ELK: If you have ELK module, click on Elk / Areas/ All Areas / Zones. Highlight all cells in table and paste into a spreadsheet, add column titles, save. Repeat for each area. Repeat for Keypads. Repeat for Outputs * NOTE : Elk module is not available for ISY on Polisy. The Nodeserver will replace that. Currently there is no migration tool for this and the Elk module data will not transfer to ISY on Polisy. Having the text copy of all programs in first step will be critical to restoring all the programs.
    • Under Configuration / System tab, take a screenshot of all information
    • Under Configurations / Emails/Notifications / Settings/Groups, take screen shot of all information
    • Under Configurations / Emails/Notifications /  Customizations, take screen shot of main screen. Labor intensive next step, do only if concerned: copy each name, past into text editor, open each Customized Content. Copy From, Subject and Body and paste into text editor. This will create a record of any system complex notifications you may have such as:
        • -Front: ${sys.node.ZW015_1.ST} and ${elk.zone.1.status}.
        • -Mud Room: ${sys.node.ZW020_1.ST} and ${elk.zone.15.status}.
    • Under Configuration / Elk / Configuration, if applicable, take screen shot of Elk Config.
    • Under Configuration / Networking / Network Resources, hit export and save
    • At top level menu, select Tools / Generate Topography. Save.
    • At top level menu, select Z-Wave / Backup


Portal Preparation:

  • If you use Alexa or Google or other voice systems, go to those tabs and Select Download (symbol) at the top and save a copy of the Spokens and their corresponding ISY programs / scenes etc.


Polyglot Cloud Preparation (PGC):

  • Log into above, and for any Nodeservers you have, go to Details / Configuration and save screenshots


Polyglot on Polisy Preparation (PG2):

  • Log into above, and for any Nodeservers you have, go to Details / Configuration and save screenshots
  • Go to System / Check for Polisy Updates.
  • Go to Settings / Polyglot Settings and select Download Backup, Save.


Hardware Preparation, Polisy:

  • Ensure latest version of ISY is on the Polisy. (IoP):
    • Most recent versions of Polisy come with isy service already installed. So, the question is how old is your unit. If you have doubts, click the button behind the little hole on the front only once. This will download and upgrade your Polisy (if not very old). Once you hear the beeps, then isy on Polisy can be accessed through the ISY Launcher.
    • If Polisy is old, you will need to SSH to the Polisy and update it manually. You will need the IP address of your Polisy.
  • PLM Prep. The Polisy can use any of the PLMs available:
  • Z-Wave: If you utilize Z-Wave, you will need a USB z-wave dongle to attach to the Polisy such as   https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/collections/shop-by-brand/products/zooz-usb-700-series-z-wave-plus-s2-stick-zst10-700 . Attach this dongle to the back of the Polisy.
  • Connect to ISY on Polisy (IoP):
    • Ensure Polisy is running and updates above have been made.  No need to connect to PLM at this point, still in preparation stage.
    • Open the ISY Finder and see if it finds Polisy. If not, Add the following IP addresses, one at a time: http://myPolisy:8080/desc and https://myPolisy:8443/desc, where myPolisy is your IP address of you Polisy.
    • Once the Polisy is found, open the Admin Console (Cloud or Lan):
      • Sign in for the first time with User ID and password as admin
      • Go to File / Set User ID/Password and change.
      • For isy to support INSTEON and/or Z-Wave, go to the Admin Console / Configuration and check INSTEON/Z-Wave support checkboxes, click on save, and then click on the reboot button.image.png.d8b75a2cfb8adc6db3e74427fffc868d.png
  • Add Polyglot 3 (PG3) to Polisy. PG3 is the future development site for Nodeservers. Support for PG2 appears to be ending as developers look to move to PG3.  To install PG3 on Polisy, create a SSH and enter the following:

sudo pkg install pg3

sudo service pg3 enable

sudo service pg3 start

  • Once it is installed, you can access it at https://<your polisy's IP>:3000/ . It has the standard default login of 'admin' / ‘admin’.
  • Change password by going to Settings / Profile.
  • This will not affect your current PGC or PG2.


Migration of ISY:

  • Unplug 994i and Polisy from power
  • Connect Polisy to PLM, and reboot Polisy. If PLM is new or has been reset to factory settings, you will need to restore it later the process
  • Open ISY Finder, and then the Admin console for ISY on Polisy. Once opened, select File / Restore ISY. Select the ISY backup you prepared earlier from the 994i..
    • Everything is migrated except Z-wave at this time. Recommended approach is to be sure to print Tools / Topography. Then, using the topology,  exclude then include your Z-Wave devices in ZW order ie ZW_01. This way, whatever programs you already have will continue to work and whatever Alexa spokens you have will point to the same devices
    • (Network resources may need to be individually opened and re-saved, or can be deleted and reimported from file exported in prep stage if they are not working)
    • NOTE: my ISY immediately disappeared. Upon reloading into it, the user id and passwords had reset to admin/admin, even though I changed them up above. Also Programs become randomly Disabled or Enabled. Need to check. I also lost my Query All Program details.
  • If restoring or factory reseting or using a  new PLM follow these directions Restore PLM


Migration of PG2 to PG3:

  • Both PG2 and PG3 can run at the same time and point to the same ISY. Since PG3 is still in development as is the nodeservers, it is unclear the best path forward, in this regards, but a migration / cleanup of duplicates between PG2 and PG3 may be best done prior to migrating either to the Polisy. User choice.
  • On PG3, go to Settings / Polyglot Settings and select Restore Backup from Polyglot v2 to ISY on Polisy xxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxxx is the UUID of the ISY on Polisy. Select the file you backup up earlier from the Polisy, PG2. However, there are things to note about this process.
    • The node server must exist in the PG3 store.  It can't restore node servers that don't exist for PG3. Efforts are underway to create matches.
    • The node server in PG3 must have the same name as the node server in PG2.  If the name has changed, it won't be able to find it under the new name.
    • If the node server in PG3 is not a free node server, you'll need a license for the PG3 version or it won't restore.
    • Configuration parameters will only carry over if they are the same.  If the PG3 configuration is different, it can't translate.
    • Any node servers that exist in both can be deleted from PG2 at this time, prior to migration to ISY on Polisy.
    • Note: Time for integration took 20-30 minutes.
    • All, there was a big bug with migration which wiped out portal connectivity. A potential fix (which did not work for me. A ticket was required for UDI to restore):
      • 1. sudo rm /var/isy/FILES/CONF/PORTALS.PSF
        2. sudo service isy restart



Migration of Polyglot PG2 to new ISY on Polyglot:

  • Open Polyglot PG2 on Polisy and under Settings / Polyglot Settings, change ISY Settings to reflect the IP address of the ISY on Polisy. Should match the IP and port address used in the Admin Console to open ISY on Polisy, or host: localhost, port: 8080, uncheck HTTPS.


Migration of Polyglot PG3 to new ISY on Polyglot:

  • Open Polyglot PG2 on Polisy and under Settings / Polyglot Settings, change ISY Settings to reflect the IP address of the ISY on Polisy. Should match the IP and port address used in the Admin Console to open Isy on Polisy.


Migration of Portal:

  • Open your portal. Under ISY / Add ISY, add the UUID of the ISY on Polisy. This can be found either on the ISY Finder, or in the Admin Console / Help / About.
  • Once entered, you will be asked about a license. Select Free Trial.
  • Follow directions and back at ISY under  Help / Manage Modules to add the Portal. ISY will reboot.
  • Once rebooting, re-open admin console and go to Configurations / Portals and approve access for the portal.
  • Go back to the Portal, refresh and you should see a green dot next to the UUID.
  • Do NOT delete your old ISY as it is required to be there for the next step.
  • To migrate Alexa or other commands, follow these directions while BOTH UUIDs are still in the portal. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY


Migration of Elk:

  • If you have the Elk module on the ISY994 you will need to install the ELK Node Server to restore ELK functionality. The node server version will have different node addresses and some slightly different naming.
  • Programs that used the ELK have to be reconfigured for the new ELK nodes.
  • After rebooting the ISY post migration and the ELK NS install, the programs that need attention will be highlighted in yellow as they show up on the programs/summary page. Refer to Program text file if backed up earlier for rebuilding.
  • At that point it is just a matter of restoring the new ELK nodes back into the programs.
  • Speak and query aren't available on version PG2 but will be added to PG3 in the future.


Migration of Z-Wave:

  • Currently there is no migration of z-wave, so the extra backup steps above will help you recreate your z-wave network. After all Z-wave devices were added, i notice many were in "different slots". Using the Find / Replace at the top My Programs worked like a charm for many of them. Saved me about an hour or two!.


  • Reboot your ISY and relaunch the Admin Console and begin any final work in the migration.

WIki 994i to Polisy.pdf

Edited by dbwarner5
Updated 1/31/22 to reflect input from others
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On 1/10/2022 at 2:12 PM, dbwarner5 said:

NOTE: my ISY immediately disappeared. Upon reloading into it, the user id and passwords had reset to admin/admin, even though I changed them up above. Also Programs become randomly Disabled or Enabled. Need to check. I also lost my Query All Program details.

I also lost my Query Routine.  How do I restore it?

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First of all, fantastic guide,  Thank you!

I'm not certain I should have jumped in with both feet but what can I say, I'm weak.  Anyway, I got as far as getting PG 3 loaded and successfully bought and installed a PG3 node--that was cool.

But problem now is that the process did something to my PG2 nodes.  They all show disconnected and I cannot get them to reconnect.  I'm attaching the logs from my MYQ PG2 node (I don't think a PG3 version exists yet?).  If anyone has a suggestion on how to troubleshoot, that would be much appreciated.


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8 hours ago, bcdavis75 said:

But problem now is that the process did something to my PG2 nodes.  They all show disconnected and I cannot get them to reconnect.  I'm attaching the logs from my MYQ PG2 node (I don't think a PG3 version exists yet?).  If anyone has a suggestion on how to troubleshoot, that would be much appreciated.

Looks like MyQ was running fine this morning but failed with a "OSError: Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle, invalid path: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem" error. Did you do something to the Polisy that was running Polyglot v2 that would have replaced something in the Python library? Alterantivel, just try restarting Polyglot v2.

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Hey Goose.  

2 hours ago, Goose66 said:

Did you do something to the Polisy that was running Polyglot v2 that would have replaced something in the Python library? Alterantivel, just try restarting Polyglot v2.

I followed the steps to install PG3.  Specifically:

curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/update121.sh | sudo bash
sudo shutdown -r now 
cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash
sudo shutdown -r now

sudo pkg install pg3

sudo service pg3 enable

sudo service pg3 start

Also I tried restarting polygot on polisy in PG2.  No go


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12 hours ago, bcdavis75 said:

Log attached.  I don't know what I'm looking for exactly.

Ya, there's a lot of stuff in that file, including some ping'ing which does fail, then running:
curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/update121.sh | sudo bash
cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash

and a lot of other stuff, then finally the PG2 log at the end.  Which only shows a date of 2021-6-24 so nothing recent.  Not sure why PG2 would not be starting up and writing to the log.  Does

sudo service polyglot status

say that it's running?



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1 hour ago, Jimbo said:

Ya, there's a lot of stuff in that file, including some ping'ing which does fail, then running:

Yeah.  Sorry about that.  I should have trimmed the txt file.  The ping failures were me testing something unrelated.

I'll run "sudo service polyglot status" when I get home this evening.


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15 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

There was definitely a bug with udx. Please:

1. sudo pkg upgrade udx

2. cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash

With kind regards,

Bash script should end with instruction

sudo shutdown -r now

Without sudo it never complies.

Edited by larryllix
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I am going to attempt moving to Polisy this weekend. I have about 20 z-wave devices.

Couple questions:

Should I remove each z-wave from current ISY994i first before adding to Polisy? Or should I just do remove on the Polisy and add? (I am thinking the latter makes more sense).

When migrating over (eg. export from isy994i and import to polisy), do the programs that referenced z-wave devices show the old name of the z-wave device, or a device not found message. I am not sure I understand how the find and replace would have worked unless the original name was copied in during the import of backup.


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Hi @brians,

Regardless of what you do, once you restore your backup to Polisy, your Z-Wave devices are removed. So, what you want to do is this:

1. Backup 994
2. Print Tools | Topology
3. Restore backup on Polisy
4. Use the topology and Exclude then include your Z-Wave devices in that order. This way, whatever programs you already have will continue to work and whatever Alexa spokens you have will point to the same devices
5. Last step is migrating your ISY Portal accounts (do this last): https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY

With kind regards,

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@Michel Kohanim Ok I went to tools, generate topology. The devices in topology are in alphabetical order so I am not understanding the importance of adding them to the Polisy in that order.


Here is a partial snip of my topology show two Z-Wave devices with a large gap in nodes number.



I thought the programs reference the node number internally, not the name.

Do you mean to go through the topology and sort the Z-wave nodes myself, start at lowest ZWxxx node in the topology and add them back in order of the node numbers and make sure they match in Polisy? eg. if there are gaps in my z-wave where I previously excluded/included a device, I would then do do multiple exclude/includes to increment the node numbers?



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1 hour ago, brians said:


Do you mean to go through the topology and sort the Z-wave nodes myself, start at lowest ZWxxx node in the topology and add them back in order of the node numbers and make sure they match in Polisy? eg. if there are gaps in my z-wave where I previously excluded/included a device, I would then do do multiple exclude/includes to increment the node numbers?



This is where a device may not end up in the right number, gaps etc,  and a find /replace will work.

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27 minutes ago, dbwarner5 said:

This is where a device may not end up in the right number, gaps etc,  and a find /replace will work.

That makes sense.

I just went through all of my ISY and only have 15 Z-wave devices and my highest ZW043. I will see how it goes with the find/replace, and most likely will just not worry about filling in the gaps since my stuff is not overly complicated with too many programs. My critical program is the WaterCopZ which shuts off on z-wave leak sensor, water float switch etc...

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