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Program will not execute

Dogan Bora

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After Migration from Isy 994 to Isy on Polisy 5.4.3, my Programs I imported will not run when an "IF" condition is met (at Sunset or a specific test time to diagnose as example below.  After manually testing an existing scene and confirming that it runs:   If the scene is the "Action" of the program the scene will not run.  I am looking for ways to diagnose why the "Action" does not execute.  I viewed the event log while the test time approached and passed there was no communication.  I have verified the program is enabled.  This is an issue for my irrigation program running 8 valves starting at 4:00 am.

Any ideas on how to track this?  


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3 minutes ago, Dogan Bora said:

After Migration from Isy 994 to Isy on Polisy 5.4.3, my Programs I imported will not run when an "IF" condition is met (at Sunset or a specific test time to diagnose as example below.  After manually testing an existing scene and confirming that it runs:   If the scene is the "Action" of the program the scene will not run.  I am looking for ways to diagnose why the "Action" does not execute.  I viewed the event log while the test time approached and passed there was no communication.  I have verified the program is enabled.  This is an issue for my irrigation program running 8 valves starting at 4:00 am.

Any ideas on how to track this?  


As shown in your example, did you get the Notification?

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12 minutes ago, Dogan Bora said:

After Migration from Isy 994 to Isy on Polisy 5.4.3, my Programs I imported will not run when an "IF" condition is met (at Sunset or a specific test time to diagnose as example below.  After manually testing an existing scene and confirming that it runs:   If the scene is the "Action" of the program the scene will not run.  I am looking for ways to diagnose why the "Action" does not execute.  I viewed the event log while the test time approached and passed there was no communication.  I have verified the program is enabled.  This is an issue for my irrigation program running 8 valves starting at 4:00 am.

Any ideas on how to track this?  



What happens when you run the then portion by itself?

What does the isy show the officel status to be at 3? 

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New Clue:  The programs list has the "New Program" (test) under Folder My Programs and there is a If Sun, Tue, Thu 5:00 am condition on the folder for my irrigation program.  So the condition is the specific under New Program as well as the folder program.  So should this be in a folder with no conditions or is there a way to make the folder "no condition" and have the specific program in a folder rule the condition?


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30 minutes ago, Dogan Bora said:

So should this be in a folder with no conditions or is there a way to make the folder "no condition" and have the specific program in a folder rule the condition?

If it's in a folder with conditions like that even running then "THEN" won't do anything. The whole folder is being limited by the folder conditions. Typically the root (My Programs) folder should NOT have any "Folder Conditions". Click on the time and you should have a option/button to remove and then "save changes"



Note - none of the programs in "My Programs" probably work correctly because of the folder conditions. Will you confirm if they are working? (What happens if you right click and "Run Then" on those programs while the folder conditions are on the root folder?)

Do you have folder conditions set for your irrigation folder? If you do you shouldn't have any conditions on the root folder so all programs will run when triggered.

Also as info - you can copy/paste programs from admin console to the forums easily by right clicking on the program and selecting "Copy to Clipboard" (last option on pop up menu). Then pate the text into the forum message. That way you don't have to take screen shots or pictures of the monitor and try to paste into your posts.



Same can be done for the event viewer...click the clipboard button and it will copy the text and can then be pasted into the message (and thus be searchable in the future). 




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Bingo!  the conditions on the Folder were introduced unintentionally somehow and removing them instantly fixed the issue.  I do not remember reading anything about it but it does make sense if one has Global restrictions on every Program.

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1 hour ago, Dogan Bora said:

Bingo!  the conditions on the Folder were introduced unintentionally somehow and removing them instantly fixed the issue.  I do not remember reading anything about it but it does make sense if one has Global restrictions on every Program.

Although I use a few folder conditions they are dangerous for most people. They are obscure and can cause programs to stop unexpectedly midstream, and leave functions not complete causing other problems downstream. Most users would never even know they exist and their states are not very obvious.

Additionally IMHO UDI has changed how folder conditions work. A year and more back when you added a condition to a folder, it was always considered false and no programs would run, unknown to the programmer.  Now when you install a condition in a folder, the logic is run immediately (sometimes)  to update the state of the folder, and alleviate the previous problem I mentioned, and this may be an unexpected result also.

Another problem you just spent time on is programs inside a False condition folder, will not run when invoked manually with no indication of why. This problem has killed more space and time on this forum than most other problems. It should be removed from ISY programming primitive programming options, after variables were introduced many years ago that follow more modern structured programming concepts.

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