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Support Thread for: IoX 5.7.1 (Nov 12, 2023)

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On 11/13/2023 at 5:13 AM, RRalston said:

Updated without issue. BIOS security update is stated in release notes. Is that update automatically included in the "Upgrade Packages" operation, or are we supposed to know to also push the "Upgrade BIOS" button?

sysconfig.txt makes no mention of BIOS version, so a bit difficult to know BIOS status.

Thank you.

Did you get an answer to this question?  i was wondering the same.

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3 hours ago, bigDvette said:

Did you get an answer to this question?  i was wondering the same.

I submitted a support ticket and found out the BIOS update is indeed a separate process and requires a monitor & keyboard connected to the eISY to complete. However, I also determined the intended method is not currently working as designed, but Michel provided a work around, which I completed successfully.

If you really want to get this BIOS update installed, I suggest you open a support ticket for specific guidance. Michel is very helpful and responsive.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed this morning that 5.7.1 is now up to _05

Release notes for: 5.7.1_05 - 11/29/2023
- Crash while initializing PLM (older versions)
Release notes for: 5.7.1_03 - 11/27/2023
- Zooz dongle issue
- Initial db
Release notes for: 5.7.1_02 - 11/15/2023
- Crash during restart
- Crash during usubscribe
- Z-Wave change from bridge to static  <br/>

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So the wife woke me up early this morning because my Polisy ZMatter 5.7.0_5 would not respond to anything - most notably she could not turn off the Alarm program and therefore could not go out the door (little did she know she could have left without anything going off). So I pulled up the already open Admin Console and was greeted with 'System Busy' and nothing responding. Checked the Event Viewer and noticed that it was stuck at 4am and did not get past the query..?

  So I closed the Admin Console and opened a new one. It started up, but did 3 full rounds of the timebar which took over 30 minutes. Finally gave up waiting and had to 'Restart IOX' which I hate doing as i now have to tour the property to open and close every door and window...

  Oh, check out this screenshot (below) I took of one of the timebars as i noticed this weird (?) statement on the second line "[ZW-INTERVIEW-38] Started Z-Wave Interview thread" - ???

  Any thoughts appreciated. Yes, I was actually going to upgrade this weekend to 5.7.1 but seeing Andy P's note directly above this one made me wait. Why are we continuing with these 5.7.x_x versions and not just upping to the next third digit??

Thanks. Shawn 


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2 hours ago, ShawnW said:

So I pulled up the already open Admin Console and was greeted with 'System Busy' and nothing responding.

Do you make a habit of leaving admin console open? That's not what it's designed to do. I would suggest always exiting admin console after you make adjustments. 

What firmware are you on if you were planning to upgrade to 5.7.1? It's possible something in the x.1 update fixed an unknown issue that you might have.

Otherwise, save the error log for IoX and maybe PG3 log package and open a support ticket for them to review what might have happened. More than likely it was an overnight internet outage and because the admin console was open something got hung updating and a full system power cycle might fix it. 


Out of curiosity: Why do you have to open every door and window after restarting the IoX system?


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While my upgrade from 5.6.4 to 5.7.1 (which turned out to be 5.7.1_03) went well, I've had 4 crashes in last 2 days.

1st crash during replacement of Insteon Motion Sensor, which did not complete and programs were not updated so all needed to be fixed later.

- Sat 2023/12/02 02:07:27 PM    0    -5    Start

Crashes during restart from 1st crash:

- Sat 2023/12/02 02:08:05 PM    0    -5    Start

- Sat 2023/12/02 02:08:30 PM    0    -5    Start

Did an upgrade (to 5.7.1_07) after upgrading my spare eisy and reading this in sysconfig.txt:

<strong>Release notes for: 5.7.1_07 - 12/01/2023</strong><br/>
- Fix for subscription hang
- Fix for 4.9 migration crash
<strong>Release notes for: 5.7.1_05 - 11/29/2023</strong><br/>
- Crash while initializing PLM (older versions)<br/>

Today IoX crashed when I was looking at Notifications in UD Mobile

Mon 2023/12/04 03:39:02 PM    0    -5    Start

A ticket has been submitted. Just wanted to warn people who are waiting for a stable release.

Edited by johnnyt
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4 hours ago, Geddy said:

Do you make a habit of leaving admin console open? That's not what it's designed to do. I would suggest always exiting admin console after you make adjustments. 

What firmware are you on if you were planning to upgrade to 5.7.1? It's possible something in the x.1 update fixed an unknown issue that you might have.

Otherwise, save the error log for IoX and maybe PG3 log package and open a support ticket for them to review what might have happened. More than likely it was an overnight internet outage and because the admin console was open something got hung updating and a full system power cycle might fix it. 


Out of curiosity: Why do you have to open every door and window after restarting the IoX system?


Yes, yes I do. Lol. I have it open almost all the time and frequently forget to close it at night. While the console window on the computer does freeze often at night, it has never actually affected anything with the actual Polisy or its workings - this was a first.
  As I mentioned i was at 5.7.0_5. 
I likely won't hassle UDI about it unless it happens again. 
As for my doors and windows, yes, most of them have battery-powered Insteon or Z-Wave open/close sensors which remain blank until they are opened or closed. Many wouldn't care but in addition to the "Alarm System" programming I've created that uses the status's, I also have programming for a colour-changing light in my livingroom that displays status of all those sensors (green if all closed, orange if some specific windows only are open, red if any doors are open - also if its already orange or red and an additional door/window opens it will flash for 6 seconds before returning solid). 
   I started this "Security Light" programming about 6-8 months ago when one of my main garage doors started opening randomly, once even at 4am!! It happened 4 times in total and obviously freaked me the hell out. While I could not trace the cause of the openings ( I don't even have any functional remote openers aside from the wired one and my IoX), I did "confirm" that it wasn't opened due to any IoX commands. 
  In addition to my light status I've also placed all garage door openers on Insteon power switches and created an additional Alarm Status that is basically disarmed except the garage doors are powered off. They're only powered now in one Alarm State of Full-Disarmed. Since putting in these power switches & programming I have not had another instance of the door opening uncommanded. 
   Longgggggg story short, I'd rather not stare at a red light for the many hours it takes waiting for each to actuate or receive an update from every sensor. 

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Upgraded to 5.7.1_07 yesterday. :( Brutal. Easily the most difficult update I've ever had to perform, but to be fair almost all have been very easy. 
  I'm really not sure what went wrong. I actually followed the Oct 2nd Forum post "Update Process" just to be extra safe. When I clicked on Upgrade, it did ask me if I was sure, and after clicking 'Yes', nothing else happened. It just sat there for a good while. So finally I closed the Admin Console myself (again, NO other popups after the yes/no), then logged in again. Checked my version, and I was still at 5.7.0. So I clicked 'Upgrade' again, same thing. Closed Admin, logged in again, and same. So this time I clicked on 'Reboot'. That's when it really took a turn for the worse. It said there for a good 45 min - gave some beeps early on, but otherwise no response. When I started to try logging in after that, the admin console wouldn't open - it gave me this frightening message:

I tried and tried over another hour always with the same effect. So finally I pulled the power and let it sit a couple minutes. That started the recovery, but still problems. When I logged in to the Admin Console it would take forever to finish the opening "Initializing System" timebar/percentage bar to get to 100%... and when it did finish, it started another one, and another one, and another one - at least 5 times. Gave up and restarted the login process and it happened again. It was many attempts before it actually completed and let me use the Admin Console. In the end I have no idea what changed but at some point it did return to normal and let me in. 
  Still, no good. Nothing Z-Wave would work despite the new "on-off-auto" switch being on already. So to get past that I rechanged it from on to on, then hit 'save'. I had to "Restart IoX" before Z-Wave items would work again. And I think at that point things were finally back to normal. 
  Not here to complain - UDi does an excellent job, but I had to post my experience. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL - Got home tonight and cranked up the Admin Console on my Polisy Pro 5.7.1_07 to add a new Zigbee LED strip controller that I just purchased, and nothing (zigbee) is working right. For some reason it added a single node called "Main" when it should and usually does add 2 nodes - on/off & colour (as it did 2 days ago when I added an identical led controller) .... So I figured I'd check my other zigbee items just to make sure and low & behold (did I use that right?), nothing zigbee is even working.

  I immediately logged onto the forum here expecting to see a bunch of people who've had the same issue......Nope. Not only am I alone, but I was the last comment in this here IOX5.7.1 over a week ago. So clearly my issue is my issue and not everyone's issue. I haven't dug into the problem much yet, but I forsee the night ending with re-re-setting the Configuration Zigbee setting to ON (yes, has been on forever), then saving, then restarting, at which point, since i have to tour the house opening all the doors & windows (if this causes questions please see the previous postings above), I might as well re-Upgrade Packages as I thought I read in another post that 5.7.1_07 is unbelieveabiy 'not' the last 5.7.1....

  If i'm on the wrong solution path here PLEASE let me know - Thanks!! Hope you're all well.


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@ShawnW  For the heck of it I went ahead and ran Upgrade Packages again and my eisy just came back to life and I was fooling with it, I saw your post come up, it looks like after running Upgrade Packages again for _7 my eisy I think is behaving better...  I'd say make your backups & run Upgrade Packages again.   -Grant

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37 minutes ago, GJ Software Products said:

@ShawnW  For the heck of it I went ahead and ran Upgrade Packages again and my eisy just came back to life and I was fooling with it, I saw your post come up, it looks like after running Upgrade Packages again for _7 my eisy I think is behaving better...  I'd say make your backups & run Upgrade Packages again.   -Grant


58 minutes ago, ShawnW said:

LOL - Got home tonight and cranked up the Admin Console on my Polisy Pro 5.7.1_07 to add a new Zigbee LED strip controller that I just purchased, and nothing (zigbee) is working right. For some reason it added a single node called "Main" when it should and usually does add 2 nodes - on/off & colour (as it did 2 days ago when I added an identical led controller) .... So I figured I'd check my other zigbee items just to make sure and low & behold (did I use that right?), nothing zigbee is even working.
...... read in another post that 5.7.1_07 is unbelieveabiy 'not' the last 5.7.1....

  If i'm on the wrong solution path here PLEASE let me know - Thanks!! Hope you're all well.


As a quick test, I re-re-re-set the Zigbee Support box to 'On', then "Restart IoX" 'd, and unbelieveably after many beeps, Zigbee items started responding, but ALL my Z-Wave items are now NOT responding!! This is frustrating. 
Going to do the full Upgrade Packs again and go from there. 

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I'm not sure why but everytime I Upgrade P's it takes some time and makes beeps, but never gets higher than 5.7.1_07 (I thought based on Michel's Dec 7th comment of something new being fixed) that there existed at least a 5.7.1_08 or higher?? Can anyone please comment?
So I keep having to reboot or restart or unplug and restart because whenever I get into the Admin Console either Zigbee OR ZWave devices are not responding (they keep swapping). 

So, this is now a full request for opinions & help. 


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14 hours ago, ShawnW said:

I'm not sure why but everytime I Upgrade P's it takes some time and makes beeps, but never gets higher than 5.7.1_07 (I thought based on Michel's Dec 7th comment of something new being fixed) that there existed at least a 5.7.1_08 or higher?? Can anyone please comment?
So I keep having to reboot or restart or unplug and restart because whenever I get into the Admin Console either Zigbee OR ZWave devices are not responding (they keep swapping). 

So, this is now a full request for opinions & help. 



The current firmware release is 5.7.1_7

What do you mean by "they keep swapping"?

Are you using an external or internal Zmatter dongle?

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10 minutes ago, Techman said:


The current firmware release is 5.7.1_7

What do you mean by "they keep swapping"?

Are you using an external or internal Zmatter dongle?

Hi @Techman,

By swapping I mean that (for e.g.) after reboot attempt #3 Zigbee items will be unresponsive (Z-Wave good), so then after reboot #4 Zigbee items will be working but Z-Wave items are unresponsive, and so on for several reboots (maybe 5 total-ish).  

  Finally after many reboots I landed (apparently randomly) on one where both ZB & Z-W were working. 

I am using Z-Matter internal. 

Thanks! Shawn 

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2 minutes ago, Techman said:


Could it be that the Zmatter dongle isn't seated properly. You may want to try removing and reseating it. 

Worst case scenario, the dongle is defective.

I think that's very unlikely - I've had the dongle ~11 months, has been installed and working that long, and this problem has only happened during the last couple-ish weeks (never before). Also, I haven't physically moved the Polisy in months as well. Once I get up and going, it works nostop no problem except for the couple mentioned times recently and after recent reboots/UpgradeP's. 
  So I think the odds of that are very small but if it happens again I will pop her open and take a look as well as open a ticket. 
Thanks for the suggestion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From the config file:

   Release notes for: 5.8.0 - 01/01/2024

  Fixed system crash (for Insteon users)
  Fixed subscription causing crash when bombarded
  Misc bug fixes
  Integration of sqlite database for recording events/property changes
  Node property history database - disabled by default


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