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Everything posted by Techman

  1. @Joe Casullo If they're battery powered devices, you first need to wake up the battery devices then click on write updates.
  2. Techman


    @DJonas Several of the cellphone carriers have been blocking email to text, most likely because that's a method the spammers use. Not sure if Verizon is one of them. Are you able to send an email to text message from your computer's browser? If not then your cellphone provider is blocking it and there's not much you can do to rectify it.
  3. Techman


    @DJonas For Comcast SMTP you need to use port 587, and select TLS. Try increasing your timeout to 8000 SMTP server: smtp.comcast.net USER ID: your email address FROM: EISY message: your email address (note colon before email address) If this doesn't work then post a copy of your error log
  4. When you purchase three of our plug-in modules (choose from On/Off Module, Dimmer Module, and Outdoor On/Off Module), you will be eligible for a free Mini-Remote (4-scene) - a $39.95 value. If you need technical support, please refer to documentation on our Support page. If you still need further assistance, you can email support@insteon.com. If you need help with an order or your Insteon store account, email us at orders@insteon.com. Lastly, if you have some feedback for us, you can let us know here. Every one of these submissions are read by our management team.
  5. @Geddy is correct. You'll need the internal zmatter board for complete compatibility. The Zmatter board is Zwave certified and it also supports Zigbee and Matter.
  6. The sensors send a heartbeat signal every 24 hours, so 25 hours is a safe bet. That's what I use.
  7. The only way to test the insteon leak sensor is from the sensor itself. You can put a wet paper towel under the sensor to trigger it. You'll then need to remove the towel and press the set button to clear the "wet on " node. Some of the leak sensors had different firmware and may not need the button press to clear the wet node.
  8. @CPrince Are you using the UD Zmatter board, or a 3rd party Zwave controller (which may not be fully supported)? Are both your Polisy firmware and UI on 5.8.4
  9. What zwave board (300 or 500) do you have in your ISY994, and is that the one you want to back up? Is Zwave currently functional in your ISY? Your ISY Zwave version should display, try removing power from the ISY for a minute then power it up.
  10. Have you tried doing a factory reset on the Aeotec device?
  11. In your Customizations tab, set it for text. If that doesn't resolve your issue then set it for HTML and place <BR> at the end of your sentence.
  12. Are you on an eisy or polisy. What is your firmware and UI version? A few things you can try: exclude the device from you controller, charge the battery, and then bring the device close ot your controller and include it.
  13. To upate the Polisy firmware, press the multifunction button once. See below: Multi Function Button There's a little multi function button behind the very small hole on the front of the unit. This button has multiple purposes outlined below. Every click on the button will cause the unit to beep. If the button does not behave as described below, please update Polisy. Update and Upgrade All the Packages Click the button once. Please consult support before updating this route. See link below for suggested update/upgrade process.
  14. Yes you need to take it down and bring it next to your admin console. When you press the set button 1 time it will wake up the sensor for 10 seconds, then you need to quickly write the new config parameters while the sensor is awake.
  15. To reduce its range you have to set the MS senistivity (parameter 1) to a lower number, somewhere between 1 and 5. The default setting is 6. In the configuration setting insert 1 for the parameter number, and a value between 1 and 5 for the Parameter Value. and 1 Byte, then click on set configuration. The Sensor must be in the linking mode before you press Set Configuration.
  16. @technoroom The PLM only supports Insteon and has no relationship with Zwave.
  17. @DJonas Glad to hear you got your issue resolved. How do you like the ZSE70, I was thinking of picking a few up to replace some of my Insteon MS. Are there any issues with the MS beta firmware?
  18. Techman

    Eisy infinite loop

    There's no option to roll back the firmware. You can try removng power for a minute, then boot up.
  19. Others are also having issues with the latest update, 5.8.4_1. It's best to wait for a bug fix.
  20. There's an issue with 5.8.4_1. It's best to open a support ticket
  21. There appears to be an issue with 5.8.4_1. You should open a support ticket
  22. It might be a Java issue. Try clearing your Java cache, be sure to check all 3 boxes, then download the current IoX Launcher from here: https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Nor sure where the 5.8.4_1 came from unless it was just released on the day you updated. My system is current and only shows 5.8.4 Are you on Windows or Mac? PG3x 3.2.27 is the current version.
  23. I think UDX was updated to Not sure what the prior version was. You can check your current version using this link (assuming your on an eisy). Let me know if you have a different version. eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt
  24. @Bill Morrow Post a copy of your ISY error log
  25. The EISY is the HUB. The Zmatter board which is part of the HUB supports the Zwave mesh network As I mentioned earlier, the ZSE70 is currently using beta firmware, so it's possible that it may not be fully functional until the final firmware is released. The Zooz products and the Zmatter board along with the EISY are all quality products. You can try bringing the ZSE70 closer to the EISY, if it then works you'll need to add a repeater to extend its range.
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