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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Javi

  1. EDIT: Issue related to error "Could not get product updates" found fixed in 1.0.17. Version 1.0.16 Added firmware check, upgrade, and forced upgrade. Fixed network permission causing jump to favorites tab. Testers: This version will allows firmware upgrade from within the app from the Admin Tab. The upgrade command is the same as AC but the app will attempt to show upgrade progress. Once we have verified there are no errors in upgrade progress this will be added to onboarding. The firmware upgrade screen must remain open to track upgrade status, the app will attempt to keep the screen on, however if user navigates away from this screen the app will no longer track upgrade progress. The app ask users to wait 20 minutes, however in testing most upgrades completed within 5-7 minutes. If UD Mobile believes firmware can be upgraded an "Update Firmware" button will be shown. If UD Mobile believes the firmware is up to date then "Force Upgrade" button will be shown. This will force an upgrade to the latest version. Forced upgrades may upgraded to a version higher than the known available highest version. If upgrade progress fails: Report by ticket or start a topic in the UD Mobile forum. Wait 30 minutes for upgrade to compete. Note that any failures only relate to the progress shown in UD Mobile, the upgrade will continue as normal.
  2. The app's parser does not yet have mapping for anything not shown in app. We will be adding more conditions (if) and actions (then/else) as time permits.
  3. Great. Yes but only on the same platform. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Backup_and_Restore
  4. Assuming /desc is the url that can not be found. This explains why the App/AC-Finder can not find the system. Someone with experience debugging firmware will need to check this so please open a ticket. Although I recommend trying the 4 button press again to try to resolve this issue. The /rest/time url succeeded, this is the same call used by the test connection function. If this call works in the browser then the app should not fail unless the IP, port, username, password are incorrect or device is not on the same WiFi network. The error posted above can be replicated with an incorrect IP Address. Please check if the IP address is correct with port 8080 in Local Connection settings.
  5. I don't believe we have any other reports of this happening on 5.5.4 or after networking reset (press 4 times) on firmware < 5.5.4. So it may be best to open a ticket. If you can please include browser response from http://<ipAddress>:8080/desc and http://<ipAddress>:8080/rest/time where <ipAddress> is replaced with the local IP Address. Please include the response from these URLs as an attachment as our ticket system will strip some characters from XML.
  6. Please try resetting networking. Press power button 4 times then wait a minute and try again.
  7. The app can not establish a connection. Does the search function work? Do you see any error messages, such as reboot required, in the search dialog? If not please try reboot by pressing power button 5 times then wait a minute, then try again.
  8. I forgot to mention Local Connection Settings requires location permission is granted with "While using app" which may also have been the cause. Test Local connection and adding a WiFi network will prompt for permission. Permission prompt will not happen in normal operation as Android requires app to be in foreground. The app may try to establish/re-establish connection in the background or before the app is completely in foreground, so prompt would fail and may crash app. Permissions are not transferred with app backups.
  9. What is the error when pressing test connection?
  10. Thank for verifying firmware. What is the issue trying to add the Local connection? The local connection settings have a search icon next to the IP address, if that does not work then the address can be added manually in the form http://address. Do not add /desc. Add 8080 as the port. Add username and password. Finally press the test connection button to verify the app can connect to the local connection.
  11. Is the system firmware 5.5.4? If not please update from AC or by pressing the power button once then waiting 30 minutes. Your system may be partially accessible during this time but please do not attempt to restart or power cycle until after 30 minutes. If system is not responding after 30 minutes, please reboot by pressing the power button 5 times.
  12. Please verify the local connection is actually established as it appears only portal connection is being established, the error shows my.isy.io as the host. https://youtu.be/gmeVGXI2Vbg?t=56 Go to Settings-Tab > Systems > your system > Local Connection settings > Test Local Connection. Note: This should work with Android, iOS will not route traffic to a network without internet. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#WiFi_Connections_without_internet
  13. Thanks. Do you use ISY Portal and are you open to a remote diagnostic? If you are please open a ticket under the UD Mobile category and include your UUID. You can also send me a Private message and include your UUID. If you are able to create an app backup (Settings-Tab > Backup) please also attach this file in a Private Message. The backup file will not attach in our ticket system, so we will have you email after ticket is established. EDIT: This issue as caused by Stack Overflow where a program called runThen on itself in THEN action. This caused the program to run hundreds of times a second which eventually overflowed available memory.
  14. iOS or Android? Is the app crashing on fresh initial install without changing any settings? Does it crash only after changing a preferences?
  15. @oneklakes & @johnjces, Please try again. Let me know if any errors persist.
  16. Hi @SLP, Results may vary depending on OS/Device and where the internet outage occurred. If Mobile internet (5G/etc.) is down but WiFi is not then UD Mobile's local connection settings will allow local access. If Portal is down but WiFi has internet then UD Mobile's local connection settings will allow local access. If WiFi does not have internet access then it is dependent on your mobile operating system. Most Android devices can join WiFi networks without internet access as long as user accepts a popup prompt allowing the connection. Android devices will also route network traffic to the WiFi network. iOS devices may be able to join WiFi networks without internet access but iOS will not route traffic to this network. There are a few ways to force this behavior programmatically. However forcing this behavior causes other issues such as preventing iOS from routing to mobile network when the WiFi network connection is poor, and will not work for VPN. Some apple devices such as WiFi only iPads, do not route any traffic to WiFi connections without internet. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Local_Connections_and_Local_VP
  17. Hi @Jimbo.Automates, Added link to eisy migration for UD Mobile https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Migration
  18. Hi @vbphil 9.3.4 has 2 conditional arguments which allow the program to be stopped (is switched on and is not switched off). For control conditions the program is only triggered if the control is in the condition. So, in 9.3.4 the controls are both on and off.
  19. Thank you for isolating the issue. Will look into tomorrow. @johnjces error located no need to send or open ticket
  20. Thanks. Sounds like a server side error. Please send me a Private Message with the data/error returned from a browser request to the following URL https://my.isy.io/api/voice/amazon/link/status . Portal Authorization will be required. If you would like to open a ticket instead please choose UD Mobile as the ticket category, reference this topic, and provide the email address for your portal account. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  21. Not directly, but possible with a program as a favorite. Programs show last run time, so if the sensor is used as a trigger, then the program last run time will be the last time the sensor was triggered. In UD Mobile create a favorite with the program and change the display status to Last Run Time. Initial Program status is disabled by default, so this must be enabled in system settings (Settings-Tab > System > System-Name > Program and Variable Settings.
  22. Currently background color is determined by the OS light or dark mode. On my list but no ETA
  23. Hi @johnjces, Thanks. I should have worded the questions better, just needed to know if the account was main/sub. I'm still trying to isolate the error location so will need some additional information as I can not replicate with any of my accounts. I assume the error shown after selecting the portal account. If this assumption is incorrect please let me know. When the error is shown is the app still on the Admin screen or on the Alexa Smart Home Skill screen?
  24. Hi @johnjces, Alexa is tied to ISY Portal and should work with ISY994. Where is this error encountered? Is the portal account linked to UD Mobile a sub account or main account?
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