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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Hi @Charles Hall, I believe I found the issue and have uploaded Android version 1.0.26 to the Google Play Store. It may be a few hours until available to users. I believe this will fix the crash, although you may still need to add your portal account in settings if the same error is shown.
  2. Hi @Charles Hall, At what point does the app crash after reinstallation? Portal Login, Synchronization, backup import?
  3. What is the hardware and firmware? Did this start after a firmware upgrade?
  4. @universal1, I think this topic is not going anywhere. Others users have already pointed out offline only systems, including ours, that already exist. Some of these systems are open to investors. Eisy work similar to the ISY994, although our setup pushes users to Portal as most users just want the system to work without needing to open ports, install certificates, get a static IP or dyndyns service. So, from our mobile app you can select "I'm an expert" and manage everything yourself. The major difference is your client's (browsers/mobile apps) security. Most mobile browsers will throw errors or not connect if you do not have a valid certificate. Both Android and iOS will remove options to allow these connections in the future. The iOS App Store may reject apps that try to circumvent this security measure. Basically don't bring your knife (Self Signed Cert and open port) to the tank battle (modern hacking).
  5. Hi @fustesj99, Please go to Settings-Tab > Systems > Your System Name. When this screen is opened it will run diagnostic on portal connections. Do you get an error? If the app prompts to synchronized please cancel then press the Test Remote Connection button at the bottom of Remote Connection Settings. Do you get an error here?
  6. The THEN section did not run if the Status is false, the else section ran. Think of last run as last evaluated.
  7. Version 1.0.23 Added Program Schedules Quick Look on Home Tab. Added Linked Programs from Node's Dashboard. Quick Look: See all programs with schedules from the Quick Look > Schedules section. Quick Look section is on the same Home Screen as "Devices and Scenes" Folder. While Quick Look > Schedules should locate all programs with Schedules it is possible the app misses some with conditions or actions not yet mapped in UD Mobile. Linked Programs: See all programs linked to a node from the Node's Dashboard (Screen which shows all status and command values for a node)> Settings (Top) > Linked Programs. While Linked Programs should locate all program where the node is in the Status, Control, or Command conditions/actions it is possible the app misses some with conditions/actions not yet mapped in UD Mobile.
  8. I think it would be best if you had a wiring diagram. The micro modules work by rewiring the original switch to control the micro module instead of the circuit, then micro module controls the circuit. So, to use the additional wires you mentioned will need to know how these wires control the main circuit or show status, i.e. momentary, latching, normally closed/open, ect. It is also possible that both wires are separated circuits to open and close the window.
  9. Not out of the box, but the eISYIR Node Server support IR with Flirc IR dongle connected to a USB port on eisy.
  10. I run something similar for a small home and have for years. Some here may say this is not a good idea, but as long as you understand the limitations it may be better than no monitoring. I think most here would recommend ELK as it integrates with ISY and will not have these limitations. Some of the things I have encountered over the years are below. Keypads: Insteon keypads may not work to enter a code, while I've seen others do this it never worked well in my tests due to how the insteon protocol communicates. I found using keypad door locks work better. There are still a few times a year where the keypad doesn't communicate with ISY and the alarm would trigger. Unlocking the door again usually succeeds but having a button to disarm on your phone will save a lot of headaches. Battery backup: All automation equipment and networking equipment need to be on a battery backup. Error checking: While it is easy to write programs for arm/disarm/ect. It is much more difficult to have good error checking and display errors to users. Does the system still arm when a window is open? How do you show the user this error? How do you override this single sensor if a battery is dead or device is malfunctioning? Will writing all of these programs/variables/notifications save you more money/time than purchasing an Elk? Other users: Don't expect anyone outside of the house to understand the system and it's quirks. Your sitter/parents/children/neighbor/friends will encounter issues and will be irritated/confused when the alarm is triggered without a standard security system keypad there is no easy way for them to see or correct the issue. Wall mounted tablet: This may allow you to mitigate some of the issues above but has issues also. I built an Android app a while back to use the ISY as a security system. It worked well until the tablets battery starts to swell or needs to be reset/restarted for some other reason like it's not connecting to Wi-Fi. This could be the perfect solution if you purchase hardware made for this type of application....but would likely cost more than a all equipment needed for an Elk installation.
  11. I think I may have used this language when describing how UD Mobile implements nodes. It was along the lines of, if Elk Module where to be implemented into UD Mobile It would be similar to a faux Node Server. I said this as the app implements Programs and variable as faux Node Servers with respect to how Node Server developers define status and controls using Nodes Server definition files. I don't think, at this point, a faux Node Server will be built as the ELK Node Server already does the same or better and the ELK Module doesn't exist on eisy. If using ISY994 you could always set variables for status and use Programs to control the ELK module. Using custom mappings you will allow you rename the variables status and program command using UD Mobile Favorites.
  12. If not updating from UD Mobile wait 30 min. UD Mobile will check the upgrade status as soon as the system comes back online, as the system may be online but upgrade not compete. UD Mobile also suggest reboot if system doesn't come back online. Alternatively you could check /desc update tag (requires previous version > 5.5.5) if system is back online to verify upgrade is completed.
  13. This is by design. The force update will upgrade to the latest version even when not showing as available. Think of this as staged rollout, with those following the forum having the ability to jump to the top of the list with a forced upgrade. Note: this is the same as upgrade from AC.
  14. The program would be If light is on, then turn off, else turn on. This program would be the favorite command. The light switch would be the the status node. The program must be disabled same as the linked example. If you are on firmware 5.x you could also try adding the switch to a scene as a responder set the command to fast on, the off command will remain the same. Now use the scene in the app for toggle. This should solve the fast on but would need testing to see if the off work in this case
  15. Does setting the ramp rate to the shortest interval correct the issue? While not impossible linking the status automatically would be an issue. If setting the ramp rate does not work the app's custom toggle would work for this situation. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Favorite_Custom_Toggle Yes
  16. Beta Version 1.0.20 Added Program Schedules Quick Look on Home Tab. Added Linked Programs from Node's Dashboard. Fix Favorites Move and Move enabled for iOS running on Mac (i.e. M1). Quick Look: See all programs with schedules from the Quick Look > Schedules section. Quick Look section is on the same Home Screen as "Devices and Scenes" Folder. While Quick Look > Schedules should locate all programs with Schedules it is possible the app misses some with conditions or actions not yet mapped in UD Mobile. Linked Programs: See all programs linked to a node from the Node's Dashboard (Screen which shows all status and command values for a node)> Settings (Top) > Linked Programs. While Linked Programs should locate all program where the node is in the Status, Control, or Command conditions/actions it is possible the app misses some with conditions/actions not yet mapped in UD Mobile. Favorites: Favorites can now be added from Home tab from both the Node List > Edit > Select Node > Add to Favorites or from the Node's Dashboard > Settings > Add To Favorites. Tried to fix Favorite Move on M1, requires testing. Fixed Favorite move always active on M1.
  17. Attempted to fix favorites move for Mac (M1) in Beta Version 1.0.20. Please let me know if this corrects the issue as it appears to be an Apple Bug. Due to debugging limitations on M1 I cannot verify if this works before production.
  18. I don't use OH but from the error message it appears OH has a parser which is crashing on this <Event>. This would have to be reported to whom ever maintains the ISY binding as it is not limited to eisy. Based on other third party integrations, some users had issues as the port changed. eisy is port 8080 , ISY994 is port 80.
  19. Hi @trevorst, If the only thing that change is the firmware upgrade, it is the likely culprit. Please open a ticket under the UD Mobile category. If you have a portal account please include your UUID and we may be able to run diagnostic.
  20. Javi

    reboots required

    This is not normal behavior, the system should reconnect automatically. There have been a couple of users who had a program which triggered the same program-THEN in the THEN action which is an infinite loop without waiting. The constant program status change caused a buffer/stack overflow. So please check your running programs. If a program is not the issue please open a ticket.
  21. I pushed an update which corrects this in app a couple of hours ago. So it is very likely you installed the latest version. This may still cause issues if you try to rename the system. If you can, please send the requested data so we can try to find the root cause.
  22. Version 1.0.18 Add to favorites can now be done from Home Tab in both Device list edit mode or Node's Dashboard settings (top bar). Fixed Reboot from portal. Fixed system name for empty string. Fixed adding new variables when no variables exist. Restrict Node Dashboard section moves to same section. Created new Node Add and Node Edit Views. Node Edits actions are now available within the Node's Dashboard. Creating a new Program will now show Program Edit. Bug Fixes. New ways to add default favorites without needing to set all parameters (options 2 & 3): https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Add
  23. Hi @Silent Circle, Welcome to the UD forum. The system requires a name. This should be populated automatically if you select the system from the popup dialog. My guess is this may be empty in Portal. Correct this issue by dismissing the error then adding a name at the top of the screen, then press save at the top right. This may reoccur, to find the root cause please send me a Private Message with the response from a browser request to https://my.isy.io/api/isys , this will prompt for your Portal username and password. If you would prefer to open a ticket instead of Private forum Message please select UD Mobile as the category and write that Javi ask you to open a ticket. Edit: Fixed System Name for empty string in Android version 1.0.20 and iOS 1.0.18.
  24. Version 1.0.19 Added firmware upgrade on Admin Tab. Fixed reboot for Polisy/eisy. Testers: If you have Local Connection settings defined in the app and using eisy.local as the IP Address please let me know if a firmware update status fails with an error similar to the following. My initial test on my personal device failed and the Android System stopped routing to eisy.local. This was related to the Android OS as chrome also failed to route to .local addresses. This required a reboot of the Android Device. I would like to know how frequently this occurs or if it was a one time issue. I've added an error message for systems using eisy.local in the next version, although I can no longer replicate the issue.
  25. You can achieve something similar with a favorite. Set the type to Command, set the display node to the Scene, Set the command to OFF for the same scene. Now the favorite will show scene status and on press will turn the scene off.
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