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  1. Javi

    UD Mobile Issues

    Hi @noobmuch, Is this for iOS or Android? Is this the first synchronization or have you been able to view your devices previous to this error?
  2. Hi Guys, Do you get errors with UD Mobile as well? We can narrow the issue (client/server) if only one client (AC/udMobile) has the issue. Timeout issue from the other thread relates to requesting Definition files (NodeDef). However, I believe the Admin Console (from jnlp) includes these files, which is one of the reasons Firmware and UI must match. UD Mobile does not include these (large) files in distribution and requests them during synchronization. Have you tried rebooting ISY and Polyglot? This may be needed after Node Server Changes to publish human readable values and may be the cause of 0s and 100s.
  3. Android Beta: 0.77 Disabled Nodes are now shown with disabled icon. Added enable/disable nodes. Nodes can now be added to scenes. 0.76 Folders, Scenes, and Nodes now have Rename, Delete, and Move edits from Home Tab. Home Tab Edits and Adds now update app database. Bugs Fixed. 0.71 Nodes/Scenes/folders can be hidden on Home Tab. Notes: Adding/modifying nodes/scenes/folders will update the Apps Database for the single item which was modified. If a node was modified on another device or Admin Console a Synchronization is required. Guards added when adding new scenes/folders, moving nodes/scenes/folders, and adding a node to a scene to prevent duplicates and verify address existence before action.
  4. Thanks. These items are on the list. There was a layout issue in the first grid view release. Can you verify the issue persists in version 0.71?
  5. Hi @rwsani99, Please copy the file from iCloud to the device storage then import. We will try to allow import directly from iCloud in the future.
  6. Android 0.67 Beta Favorites Screen is now a grid layout. There is an issue when clicking the icon of a Node set as Type-Folder which does not have a toggle indicator, this should open the folder but is opening the node dashboard instead (similar to clicking the menu). Node Dashboard will now show grouped nodes. Clicking on a node item on Home screen which has grouped nodes will now open the Node Dashboard. Clicking on the menu will show grouped children.
  7. Javi

    ISY hygiene

    Only call network resources from a program then use a variable to set day of the year ? All kidding aside some of this should be easier from UD Mobile soon. Although incomplete, basic program mapping has been implemented in UD Mobile for iOS (top bar in when viewing a program) testFlight version. A simple query change will allow the same button will be added to all nodes/variables/network-resources to show a list of programs which include the referenced node/variable/network-resource.
  8. Hi @mbking, I am unsure about the difficulty in switching between portals, especially on the Mobilinc side. I believe Mobilinc also has a one time fee which will allow the use of Mobilinc with ISY Portal without the Mobilinc subscription fee, which may be lower cost then subscribing to both for a long period of time. We do have many features planned, however it will take time. Request can be submitted on the forum or on our GitHub issue tracker. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-Android
  9. Hi Guys, Currently the Elk Module does not work with UD Mobile as the Elk Module does not have Node Server Files. If the ELK Module is integrated into UD Mobile in the future it will be as a faux Node Server, much like UD Mobile implements programs, variables, and network resources. Creating a faux Elk Node server is low on our list as, in my opinion, the Elk Node Server has greater functionality than the current Elk Module and already works with UD Mobile.
  10. Hi @mbking, While the following has not been tested it may work. If you have the Mobilic Portal installed on the ISY, uncheck "Use ISY Portal for remote connections" in UD Mobile. Use the remote URL as described on the Mobilic website for connecting to the Admin Console with the last path removed (i.e /desc) along with the mobilic credentials. Admin URL: https://{ISY's UUID without colons}.admin.mobilinc.io/isy/{ISY's UUID with colons}/desc Try this: https://{ISY's UUID without colons}.admin.mobilinc.io/isy/{ISY's UUID with colons} See the mobilinc website for detailed remote connections to the Admin Console and search for "Remote Admin Console Access" https://mobilinc.com/features/mobilincconnect/
  11. Hi @MTellevik, Please unhide Advance Settings then uncheck "Only use local connection". If you would like to combine a local and remote connection, which is recommended for faster connection speeds when on the local network, add a Wifi network to "System Network Relations" so the app knows when to user the local connection settings.
  12. Hi @johnstonf, I'll add it to our list although it has lower priority relative to other items. All of the items you mention are easily accomplished with Basic Auth and REST https://username:password@<urlToISY>/rest/nodes/<node>/cmd/<command> . This would be the HTTP Request Action in Tasker and would likely eliminate much of the boilerplate tasks when using Tasker variables to set things like <node>, <command>, and <value>.
  13. Hi @johnstonf, Currently there is no tasker plugin. UD Mobile includes shortcut to favorites. Control and Status query of most nodes can be accomplished from tasker using REST. Subscription (Node Status Observer) is only active while UD Mobile is open. Can you provide some additional information on the integration you desire? There may be a method to accomplish your tasks without UD Mobile.
  14. Hi Everyone, I did a quick read of this thread and I believe @asbril's issue is related to timeout. I've run a diagnostic on @asbril 's system in the past. He has a very large Z-Wave network and a timeout of 30 seconds is far too short for to download the definition files. Local connection should be at least 60 seconds remote connections 120.
  15. Hi @DaveStLou, The following is the intent the favorites launch screen shortcut uses. Tested in tasker and it appears to work there as well. Send Intent [ Action:VIEW Cat:None Mime Type: Data:udmobile://open_favorites_fragment Extra: Extra: Extra: Package:com.universaldevices.udmobile Class:com.universaldevices.udmobile.activities.mainActivity.MainActivity Target:Activity ]
  16. Hi @lhranch, Thanks for the feedback and WireShark capture. I'm glad it is now working. SSDP search failure may be a setting on the router (such as disabled UPnP) or iOS itself however it is difficult to debug. The iOS local network permission is not handled as most other permissions in iOS. iOS does not allow the app to check if ther permission was granted or throw an error when not granted, the call simply fails with no exit code. The permissions grant view should be shown when an app attempts to do an SSDP search (first time only) although there are documented iOS bugs with local network permissions view not being show. iOS does not notify the app that it is in the process of requesting permission, permission granted or permission rejected. Due to the app not being able to acquire the permission state it will always asks the user to try again. I do not see an SSPD protocol in the wireShark capture so it is either not sent (iOS) or not broadcasted because of a router setting. We do plan on further integrations and UI improvements in the future. Our initial goals are allow control of all nodes with an emphasis on Node Servers as this feature is currently missing from apps provided by our third party partners. We will be adding more Admin features, UI Improvements, and Portal integrations (Alexa/Google/etc) as time passes.
  17. Hi @lhranch, App Transport Security (ATS) is disabled by iOS for local loads (1), so this appears to be something out of the control of the app. My best guess is it has something to do with the private DNS causing iOS to flag the connection as not local. I do wish I had a better answer as this situation will be very difficult to debug without being on site. If your ISY has not been connected to our portal service in the past please try the free, no credit card needed trial, if you would like to verify functionality before you purchase an SSL CERT. While it is possible for the apps to disable ATS it would make all connections less secure and we would have to meet the exception requirements (2) during app review which we likely do not meet. (1) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/nsapptransportsecurity/nsallowslocalnetworking " ATS doesn’t block local loads by default in newer versions of the OS" (2) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/preventing_insecure_network_connections#3138036 "The app must connect to a server managed by another entity that doesn’t support secure connections." Portals provided by UDI and Third parties support secure connections, and UDI controls the firmware. So, this does not apply. Apple has also mentioned this will be removed in the future. "The app must support connecting to devices that cannot be upgraded to use secure connections, and that must be accessed using public host names.". ISY firmware does support secure connections, so this exception does not apply.
  18. Android Alpha 0.62 Rebuilt Favorites creation and edit screens to allow icon selection during creation. Rebuild icon selection with icon names. Other UI improvements and bug fixes.
  19. Javi

    Folder crashes

    Hi @Pcarp, Please send us an email and let us know which folder has the issue and attach a copy of the app backup so we can investigate. Our email is located in the app in Settings-Tab>About>Email-Support. Backup can be created from Settings-Tab>Backup. Backup copies do not contain credentials as they are stored in the device keystore. Thanks
  20. Hi @DPerry, We are still working on setup instructions for existing ISY's, there is automatic discovery, setup, and ISY Portal account creation for new ISY's. Minimum firmware is 5.0.16. Local Connections on UD Mobile should work in any situation, including with the MobiLinc Portal installed. Local connection settings are below Remote Connection settings in Advanced. If you are only using on the local network you can select "Only use Local Connection" to avoid wifi checks. The search icon should find you ISY. Remote requirements are in the link you posted. The ISY Portal has Smart speaker, IFTTT integrations, and Remote Connection capabilities. ISY Portal and UD Mobile work together and will have a greater integration in the future, however ISY Portal is not and will not be a requirement. See here for more information https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Portal:_Integration_with_Amazon_Echo.2FGoogle_Home.2FIFTTT
  21. Hi @auger66, Thanks for verifying. If it is encountered again please create a backup and notify support (Settings>About>Email Support).
  22. Hi @lhranch, It could be helpful if you can capture your phones network this may require routing your phones connection through the device running WireShark (MitM). Below is a sample of a successful rest/time request for the local network is the ISY. This is local network search (M-SEARCH): I'll try to get version 0.2.9 pushed to Alpha testing Monday or Tuesday to remove the hard coded "code=8" error, this should show the actual failure cause. Based on our conversation I gather the remote connection is trying to connect then failing because of the CERT (immediate code=8). The local connection appears to time out (delayed code=8). If you would like to join our alpha test group and check if the error messages on version 0.2.9 please follow instructions here https://testflight.apple.com/join/xHtzI5R3
  23. Thanks for verifying. At this point I am not sure of the cause, the app should function similar to a browser for the rest/time (test connection) call as it is a high level call using iOS defaults (HTTP). I'll ask around to see if anyone else has insight into the issue. ISY Subscription sockets (TCP) are managed by the app (low level), however these are not started until after the application has synchronized with the ISY.
  24. Great! I am wondering if the private DNS is not allowing a direct local connection and instead using the https settings. I based on a previous comment made about your router's connection warning when you were away from home and I assume you MobiLinc connection does not specify port 80. So I do have a few additional questions. Was a security warning presented in the browser? Was the numeric local IP Address used for this connection and did it specify port "80" ?
  25. Looked at the code base and "Code 8" was hard coded at some point for some errors...I'm sure I had a good reason at the time ?‍♂️. Version 0.2.9 will have better descriptions of the errors, although it will be at least a week before it is in production. I ran some additional tests and can only produce a delayed (10-30 sec) "Connecting to Network...." when the IP Address in not assigned (time out), attempting to connect to any device on the network which does not accept requests at the specified port or contains invalid credentials causes the app to immediately fail and return. DNS lookup is provided by the OS, so we can start at this point. When using the "Test System on Local Network" button the app sends a rest request to the ISY (rest/time) to verify a valid response. Can you make a request from your phones browser to verify the iOS can communicate with the ISY? This should also prompt for the local credentials, if there is not prompt for local credentials please use an incognito tab so we can also verify credentials. Where is your local ip address and 80 is the port. In the example above the exact address entered into the app is "", port would be empty or set at "80". Thanks
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