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Everything posted by mmb

  1. Those are the steps I followed, just to be clear on Step 8 you selected OTW and zwave controller then picked up the file? Also I didn’t do the Network/Add bit.
  2. Thanks, my Tools panel is identical to yours. It’s only after using OTW and the error that the background is greyed out. When I click Ok on the error it goes back to normal.
  3. I wish the process was more complicated then I would have something to blame, but really all it involves is clicking a button. I’ll try again tomorrow…
  4. That was my first thought but SS reported my Zooz at 7.15 and I think the upgrade Nadler provided is 7.17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe I'm wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Thanks, it would be interesting to see the release notes.
  6. I posted on another thread that I tried the update but there was an error in the update file.
  7. Thanks, I tried this out more for interest as my zooz dongle is working ok. I presume the controller version is 7.17? The instructions were slightly incorrect for me. Basically I did the install of the Simplicity sw and technology (used All) which also installs the drivers. I then selected the controller on the left then clicked the Tools icon on the right then scrolled down to Zwave Controller which launches the icon panel, then I selected OTW Firmware Update. I determined I was on v7.15 through the Simplicity sw and tried to update using OTW but got this error.
  8. Hi @K-bert, I'm on Polisy and have a Leviton Plugin Dimmer and I just tested by turning it on. Status is not updating as well. This is what I see in the Event Viewer. The module is sending information to Polisy but status doesn't change. The odd thing is it was updating properly at one point but that was several updates ago.
  9. seems the more I learn about z-wave devices the more I appreciate Insteon devices.
  10. I see them as well. My Z-Wave repeater has three additional associated devices which is obviously is wrong. Others have suggested creating a Misc Folder and move the miscreants to it. Out of sight out of mind.
  11. I have a Zlink plugin module that does not update status and a Leviton module that does. Buyer beware I guess.
  12. It would be nice to have the drop down labelled as Z-Wave | Set-Query Configuration Parameter.
  13. It would be interesting if you could post the event viewer communications for the Zlink module so I can compare.
  14. I have a z-wave test scene and it works as expected - off and on work fine. I don't have a z-wave wall switch to use as a controller in a full z-wave scene but as you noted an Insteon switch in a scene with Z-wave responders work fine as well.
  15. Last Update: Aeotec rather quickly responded to my ticket. For reference as follows: If you really want to break down Z-Wave byte communication then you can find out the meanings from the developers specifications of Z-Wave here: https://www.silabs.com/documents/login/miscellaneous/SDS13781-Z-Wave-Application-Command-Class-Specification.pdf More specifically Power Level is a protocol command class specification which can be found here: https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/miscellaneous/SDS13784-Z-Wave-Network-Protocol-Command-Class-Specification.pdf 0x73 = Command Class Power Level 0x06 = The command issued, 0x06 = POWER LEVEL TEST NODE REPORT FROM = the Node ID (Repeater 1 and 2 which are ZW026 and ZW028 which are the identifications of each device). We have the value 0101000A Breakdown: Test NodeID = 01 (controller) Status of Operation = 01 (Success) Test Frame Byte 1 = 00 Test Frame Byte 2 = 0A Or in other words: 10 Test frames were sent directly by each Repeater to the controller (Node ID 01) and they were successful. This indicates the communication to the Repeaters and controller have good communication without failure.
  16. Update: I followed the Aeotec Repeater 7 instructions for checking power levels and they do send a cryptic messages to the Polisy - so they are alive. Apparently these messages are an indication of power level quality. Repeater ZW026 Thu 01/20/2022 04:47:29 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW026_1] [73/06] CC=0x73 cmd=0x06 [0101000A] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x1A Repeater ZW028 Thu 01/20/2022 04:49:31 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW028_1] [73/06] CC=0x73 cmd=0x06 [0101000A] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x1C
  17. @Michel Kohanim or anyone else... I had to recreate my Query All program for Polisy and it seems to work well for the Insteon and initially for my Z-Wave plugin switch modules. I get the usual exclamation mark when I unplug them. I use "initially" because the exclamation mark seems to appear/disappear intermittently on successive Query Alls. The Query All Program with an unplugged Aeotec Repeater does not seem to generate any warning at all when unplugged. When I check the Event Viewer a Query All program command does not query either of two Aeotec Repeaters I have. When I Query a Repeater device directly, I see the Z-Wave Controller sending the Query to the Repeater but no follow up messages are received. Is this expected behaviour? Thanks!
  18. @Techman do you see this for Polisy's z-wave info?
  19. Interesting, I had a Zooz T&H sensor that worked perfectly except it reported temperature in F which complicates things here in Canada. Anyway I see a different string of messages for Tx when I query my switch. Are you on the latest firmware? It would be nice to have a guide to help decipher these cryptic messages.
  20. Haha ya, for Canadians with exchange and shipping that's about $600. I suppose if you're desperate and money's no object...
  21. Very good information, thanks!
  22. I’ll let my spare go for a mere $400 @MrBill how do you see all links in the PLM? When I check the links table it just shows connected devices.
  23. Just turned it off/on from the Scene window. The row of buttons across the bottom
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