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Everything posted by mmb

  1. Local connection using UD Mobile did not work at all for me using an iPhone during the portal outage. It seemed like the Portal connection was interfering with the local connection. I don’t have remote settings configured as I use a vpn. My finger on the light switch did work thankfully. : )
  2. And Google…
  3. I’ve had to reauthenticate to portal a couple of times in the last few weeks which I thought was unusual. Not sure if it’s related. I’m having the same experience with UD Mobile.
  4. It never occurred to me but UD Mobile is down too (of course). I see the app has local network settings, guess I should set these up but local access should work. Maybe I’m missing something…
  5. Thanks @MrBillthat was it, for some unknown reason I had Polglot v3 pointing to the ISY with bad credentials. Of course that generated an error in the log. (should have thought of that) I don't run nodes on v3 yet. All good now.
  6. Good morning, I currently run my ISY in parallel with my Polisy, mostly because I need Polisy/zwave functionality for a zwave switch in my shop. I thought I'd check the logs in my ISY this morning and I'm seeing hundreds of these auth errors in my ISY Error Log. The address is my Polisy. [....] Sat 2022/11/19 08:50:33 AM System -170001 [Auth:-10103]>80, Num=3 Sat 2022/11/19 08:50:33 AM System -170001 [Auth:-10103]>80, Num=4 Is there any reason the ISY would repeated try to authorize itself to the ISY? Maybe it's early but it's not obvious to me why this is happening... Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the tip!
  8. I'm still seeing intermittent problems. This yesterday evening the Echo was offline but this morning ok.
  9. @larryllix thanks for clarifying your post.
  10. The bios lives on the hard drive? Interesting...
  11. The Cdn$/US$ exchange rate is terrible as well (35%). I'll hold off for a [quite] while...
  12. Edge has an Internet Explorer compatibility mode if needed...
  13. Zooz told me there were a number they had to replace. Fyi the replacement worked perfectly.
  14. I don't remember all the details but I ended up sending it back to Zooz for a replacement.
  15. I have an older Chamberlain and used Insteon equipment to do mine. Obviously that will be a problem. I presume you're asking for z-wave because your Chamberlain doesn't support MyQ?
  16. Thanks i didn't do any further testing because it was hard crashing the ISY and it was taking too long to recover. I just did the pita gmail procedure to disallow insecure apps.
  17. I think some ISY libraries are out of date because Polisy does work properly with Outlook.com. Have we hit the end of updates for the ISY?
  18. Thanks for my post, the point was the Outlook.com settings actually crash the ISY, like a full hard reboot and it didn't come back. A full power down was required to get the ISY to boot. I did replicate the problem several times. I did not pursue it any further and went thru Gmail process as noted. I use Gmail now with less secure apps off.
  19. I reported this a few months ago but got no response. I ended up going through Google's process for less secure apps.
  20. I found a handy slick little Windows program when I was setting up Home Assistant called Linknet that I used to reset my Insteon USB stick. You can use it to look at current links if any in the stick or PLM and there are other features as well. https://insteonsoftware.com
  21. Or are updates continuing to be released and I'm just missing them? Thanks!
  22. I tested my 2413U for quite a while on Polisy and it's fine, zero problems. I recently switched testing to a Insteon USB stick 2448A7 also on Polisy and it's fine as well. Most of my testing lately is with the Insteon Hub and HA with the Insteon Integration for my vacation condo, works perfectly. I was able to completely replicate my Hub's automations in HA.
  23. Excellent thanks!
  24. Interesting, I'd like to add a specific weather service to my automations which isn't possible using the ISY as no Poly is available. I can easily add the service to HA but do you think it's possible to feed the ISY weather data from HA by setting ISY variables?
  25. So you can buy them at discounted prices?
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