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Everything posted by Geddy
What do I need to do to get node servers to show up on IoP?
Geddy replied to Chris McKean's topic in IoX Support
@Chris McKean Is your PG3 pointing to IoP or the ISY994? What do you see when you click on "ISYs" on the PG3 web interface? Here's how to setup the IoP for Polisy (PG3): https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs -
I've never had a hub so don't know for certain, but I've always read and understood that you can't have more than 1 controller involved. The hub seems to handle things directly with the Insteon devices. Whereas the ISY relies on the PLM to communicate to the Insteon devices. Somebody that knows more about the hub and/or the PLM will need to chime in. It's just always been my understanding that if you wen from something like the hub to the ISY+PLM that you should factory reset the Insteon device you're trying to link to the ISY. Otherwise old links might remain in the device and cause issues with the ISY+PLM. And to me, that's what your explaining. Intermittent issues make me think some devices are talking to the PLM, but others aren't. Not sure if it was this thread or another thread talking about checking the links (and @MrBill always has a great point about how this can be wildly inconsistent and inaccurate if not done properly). I think the quick way would be to unplug the Hub again. Open Admin Console and Event Viewer (set to level 3) Operate a device in the Admin console and see that it has a line for ISY/PLM with "ACK" in it. Mon 07/11/2022 07:00:29 PM : [Std-Direct Ack] 46.09.60-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 How did you originally set things up? (which came first? The ISY/PLM or Insteon Hub?) How did you setup the devices when you attached them to the ISY? Did you factory reset them or just link them in Admin Console? I think you're suffering from half links. Especially when the hub isn't operating in your situation. Again, as best I can figure (from a few years of reading other posts)...it's difficult (I'd almost suggest impossible) to have two controllers properly controlling an Insteon installation. Something is bound to be messed up...you just didn't know it until you had to go without the Hub. Proof is that when the hub came back online and you put it back in place...everything "worked". Without it...stuff didn't work. Those devices aren't setup properly with the ISY. (more than likely!)
@AndrewW yeah, looks like my reply was one that got eaten in the forum issue. That's okay. Looks like you've got things taken care of. The biggest issue is that you went from Insteon Hub to ISY/PLM and the links on the devices are still looking for the Hub rather than the PLM. I try not to ever suggest factory resetting the PLM, but rather factory reset the device itself. It's a pain if you have a lot of devices, but it's the simple way to get rid of any ghost links or half links. You said you got things to work earlier. Are you still having problems that you're thinking you will reset the PLM? Also, @Techman is suggesting line noise when he comments about new electrical devices. Sadly, OLD devices can suddenly cause noise too. It's been shown that something as simple as an old phone charger can suddenly introduce line noise in the system and you wouldn't even expect it. So it's not just considering NEW devices, but it could be something OLD causing noise. But, I think your biggest issue is that you had some (perhaps a lot of) devices that weren't linked to the PLM and now you're just expecting it to work through the Portal+PLM+ISY994. You need to reset the devices and properly add them to the ISY+PLM rather than just randomly resetting the PLM. The PLM doesn't know the devices even exist. Resetting it won't fix that.
While it can't be wall mounted as is there was a thread not to long ago talking about a 3D printed mounting bracket...see here... Based on the reply above from @Michel Kohanim it looks like the Polisy and ISY994 can use similar power supplies. There has been a lot of other posts about the specifics of the ISY994 power supply. From the wiki there is this about the power supply: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs.2FLights
@jkraus share a screen shot of what you see in the Admin Console (not UD Mobile) for the sensor. If there's a specific node for it perhaps there's a variable that can be used in the body of the email notification. Quite possibly even setup a network resource to push UD Mobile notification as well, but that's a little more involved (IMO). Since UD Mobile is able to show a temp it's getting fed back to a node somewhere. Just figure that one out and add as variable in the mail message. Pictures really do say a thousand words sometimes. For instance...this is an old attempt I had for a notification with lots of variables. I don't use it now, but think it worked when I did use it. Basically it told me what device did something and at what time.
Yeah, sorry I couldn't get more specific with it. I don't have anything that advanced to have the experience. So I'm just saying that it should be possible. You've just got to find the best way to find the data or make the data work for your situation. Perhaps others have the experience to help more detailed steps for you. What are you using to track the temp of the pool? A node server (which one?) or something else reporting temp back to ISY? About as far as I've gotten with variables was to have a generic notification telling me what light turns on/off and when it happened when the house is in "away" mode. Just so I have a general idea of what's turning on/off to give the house a lived in look. But those are specific variables available in the notification customization process. You're probably needing to get a little more detailed to find where the temp is being kept.
How to make Insteon 6-Button Ctrl status match Fan speed set with Alexa?
Geddy replied to kzboray's topic in IoX Support
@dbuss It has been a topic of much discussion in the thread you've posted in. You should read from the start and see how best to solve how you would like to handle this. The biggest issue I've always had was once Portal was able to send the fanlinc motor to Alexa as a Fan device the keypad is hard to keep in sync without a program (at least in my basic/simple setup). Also review the information in the portal forum - Ultimately, you can expose the Fanlinc directly as a FAN and then tell Alexa to adjust the speed accordingly. It works wonderfully! Now, if you want/need the keypad links to be in sync there's a lot of discussion in this thread and in the wiki links above your post that will give you guidance. You just have to work it out until you're happy with it. Otherwise, don't worry about the keypad lights and just let Alexa handle the speeds. Add into the process the possible inclusion of a mobile app (like UD Mobile) and things really get interesting. But you've created too much work by exposing the scenes specifically and possibly causing a lot of issues with the verbal commands for Alexa. Keep them short. Keep them simple. Alexa is really rather stupid at times and doesn't listen to long commands. (IMO) -
@jkraus You should be able to do that if the temperature is something being reported back to a node in the ISY. You would setup a notification with a variable and reference where the temp is being stored. See this about more information: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series:EMail_and_Networking_Substitution_Variables Setup the note in the Configuration -> Emails/Notifications -> Customizations It might be a multi-step process to get setup, but it could certainly be done. I don't go that far into writing programs so can't give you the full idea of method to achieve this, but can say it should be something that is possible. The Program itself is not editing the message, but the message you call in the program can use variables that can then tell you what the temp of the pool is.
@Chris McKean let us know what you hear back from support. Not sure if the SSH commands to go from 12 to 13 would still apply so think it's best to work with Support to get up to something that will run PG3 and IoP (ISY on Polisy). The July 2022 update process relates ONLY to IoP and as @MrBill says some recent underlying updates that were causing issues.
Doesn't appear to be anything official from UD, but I'd assume based on comments that if there are any updates to the 994 firmware they would be very small maintenance updates if/as needed. All development seems to be focused on Polisy (PG3 and IoP). I'm not sure why it wouldn't work for one and not the other unless there's just something with the timeout issue since @Michel Kohanim suggested a 10,000 timeout above. I've never taken the time to test with Outlook because it's just worked with Google (from the start), that I never saw a reason to try something else. I get that some might not like the thought of being "tied" to Google, but is it much different than being "tied" to Microsoft?
@jmlarson Haven't tried to setup with Outlook.com server. Why not just sign up for ISY based Gmail account? It's simple and works. Setup instructions are in the wiki and known to work...and be easy to setup. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account
@mwester - Here's the post you were mentioning. Thanks to @MrBill for remembering where it might have been and letting me know. It was in the old "Geek Batch" area that had been removed. Since this has come up again and might be needed for a reference point it's available for review. Just no more posts are possible in that section. Thanks @MrBill for the help and @mwester for this great post to refer back to!
Awesome news! Glad the repairs worked. Thanks for the update. I'm with the others...doubtful that the ISY caused the failure, but if you're worried then I wouldn't use the one you think caused the problem. If you need/want a backup/spare then buy a new one. Otherwise, save up and get a Polisy (it's now and the future).
Orphaned instances of admin console
Geddy replied to landolfi's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
@landolfi There's a daily program that was default that does the query daily. That's probably the best just to have maintain connection. There's no real result to it, but I think some have found a way to write other programs based on it. Look in your Program tree for a "Query All" If you don't have it you can recreate it: 00-Query All - KEEP - If Time is 3:00:10AM Then Set 'ISY' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') To find the "ISY" for the THEN action use "Your Devices" and look for ISY or what you might have called your ISY. Be sure to look all the way up and down the list as some have said it ended up below the scene devices in their list. It's more or less just to keep devices in sync. -
I might be wrong, but I don't think wifi is fully implemented on Polisy Pro yet to have it make a wifi connection and be available. The Polisy User Guide (in the wiki) only suggests using the Cat5 cable that comes in the box to make the connection. There's no mention/direction of being able to make a wireless connection. I know some might have been able to alter it in PG2 or SSH, but the most dependable way would be hard wired. If works with the wire and is in an acceptable location for you I'd suggest leaving it wired in for now.
@elite-rob The buttons to the left of the settings. It should update the "On Level" and "Ramp Rate" above the area once set.
How was the Ring information being passed to the ISY? The Ring cloud node server has been offline a long time so hasn’t been working. If using other methods then please post whole program as @MrBill suggested in first reply.
@larryllix I think @Murphy is trying to add it to an ISY994 as this is in the ISY994 area. In the Polisy the network resources is included in the product. What @kzboray means about the ISY Portal is that NR is actually included in buying the portal. Not so much superseded. @Murphy if you have ISY Portal already then you should already have Network Resources included. If not showing then you need to open a support ticket with UDI to have that corrected. From the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Portal:_Integration_with_Amazon_Echo.2FGoogle_Home.2FIFTTT Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com
@layten What's the current FW/UI versions? After you cleared cache and downloaded a new launcher (as suggested above). Rather than going to the programs tab go to Help -> About and checking that those versions match EXACTLY. Above they don't match. Oh....Got it! You've got the wrong Firmware loaded to your ISY! Your Firmware is showing "OADR". Are you running Insteon devices with a PLM? The OADR is usually for the firmware for those WITHOUT a PLM. You need to change the Firmware (just download 5.3.4 (from here). Get the file linked: ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support With a PLM the FW/UI should match like this: THAT is most likely your issue. Did you recently upgrade or has it always been this way? Hope that helps!
Are you using vlans on the unify product? Are you certain you can communicate between the two? Put the laptop/PC on the same network and try again. From the router can you see an ISY device? The MAC address should be the same as the UUID. If you have ISY Portal account does the ISY show online when you log into my.isy.io? The ISY994 doesn't use DNS, but should be fed an IP address from the DHCP device on your network. Unless, you had the device itself with a static IP and somehow changed your network to a different subnet. Then the ISY994 wouldn't be able to reattach because it is trying the static IP coded into the firmware. This is why it's always better to handle DHCP reservations from the router for the MAC of the ISY994 (or Polisy for that matter). Confirm that you can see the ISY994 from your router. If you see it is attached and still cannot get connected after trying the steps in the earlier post then it's time to open a ticket with Universal Devices and hope they can get you squared away. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com Good luck! Please post back what you finally do to resolve this...or if you go through support what steps are done to resolve this. So it might help others that might have similar issues down the road.
Orphaned instances of admin console
Geddy replied to landolfi's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
@landolfi admin console isn't intended to be left open 24/7. What's your reason for leaving it open for so long? The main function of admin console is simply to setup the ISY function. Once setup things should just work. And therefore no other user intervention through AC would be required. If you're looking for a different option then I would suggest getting UD Mobile and running on a mobile device. Still not expected to be kept "awake"/active 24/7, but seems to be much better for being left running in the background (at least on my iPhone) and opening and connecting on demand if/as needed. But again, the whole part of automation is not to require user intervention. There have been lots of reports (as I recall...several years ago) of issues similar to what you experience. It's a nature of the beast of Windows+Java. It's not meant to be constantly running. So what you are experiencing is "normal". Just close AC after each need and launch again when needed again. -
macOS Admin Console not loading
Geddy replied to ronlovetri's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
Glad that @Bumbershoot was able to provide the help. It seems that's similar to the directions in the ISY Wiki for MAC users found here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#MAC_Users EDIT: Moved from prior location as was new issue. Was attached to this post: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/37031-after-so-many-years-still-cant-connect-to-isy/ -
Somehow the cloud process isn’t matching FW/UI. You should clear Java cache (make sure you select all three boxes in the process), download a fresh start.jnlp (ISY launcher) and run that to get the icon on your desktop again. Once you’ve done that connect with the cloud method again and go only to menu -> Help -> About and make sure Firmware and UI match EXACTLY. Your current mismatch on the cloud option is what’s causing the issue with the program tab. Make sure you delete any old downloads of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp that might exist ANYWHERE on your computer. This saves you from accidentally using an old/outdated download. And make sure you’re using Java 8 downloaded directly from Java.com and not some random location or random version of Java.
@dpierre Thanks for the follow up. Good luck getting the time to get back to this. Post again if you run into issues and need help.
@dbwarner5 glad it works for you...hopefully the process remains timely. I wonder if could be risky of the delay that IFTTT connection used to be with Ring and ISY. I used to trigger a light if the doorbell rang. Often times it could be hours and a light would blink. The reliance on the web and so many possible time sensitive steps could induce similar delays...as you said...took 12-24 hrs before they started working. Just don't be surprised when a light goes on in the middle of the night because of motion 8-10 hours earlier! I'm adding a few Ring devices soon and was hoping to be able to trigger additional lights on motion alerts. Will be interesting to see how well it works in the long run.