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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Hi @johnjces, Alexa is tied to ISY Portal and should work with ISY994. Where is this error encountered? Is the portal account linked to UD Mobile a sub account or main account?
  2. Maybe something like this with 2 variables and 2 programs. The Folder_count variable to count the number which are on (status > 0) The Temp_calc variable is first set to the device status. Then use the Math program to convert status to 1 or 0. This is not disabled as Temp_calc is an int var Math - [ID 017C][Parent 017B] If $Temp_calc > 0 Then $Temp_calc = 1 Else $Temp_calc = 0 This example has 2 devices. You may be able to move the $Folder count += to the program above to eliminate wait actions. Variable Test - [ID 0084][Parent 017B] If 'Devices / Basement / Basement Bathroom' Status is not Off Or 'Devices / Basement / Basement Bathroom' Status is Off Or 'Devices / Dinning Room / Dining Fan / DiningFan--Light' Status is Off Or 'Devices / Dinning Room / Dining Fan / DiningFan--Light' Status is Off Then // reset folder count $Folder_count = 0 // Set variable to status for first device $Temp_calc = 'Devices / Basement / Basement Bathroom' Status // Convert status to boolean 1 or zero Run Program 'Math' (If) // Wait a second to allow 994 to set variable value. May not be needed for eisy Wait 1 second // Add 1 or 0 to folder count $Folder_count += $Temp_calc // Set variable to status for second device $Temp_calc = 'Devices / Dinning Room / Dining Fan / DiningFan--Light' Status // Convert status to boolean 1 or zero Run Program 'Math' (If) // Wait a second to allow 994 to set variable value. May not be needed for eisy Wait 1 second // Add 1 or 0 to folder count $Folder_count += $Temp_calc Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. Hi @leecast, Please try updating firmware. Press the front button once wait 30 minutes then press 5 times to reboot. We hope to have this automated in app soon. WiFi setup will not work on WiFi only ipad (iOS bug). WiFi setup will not work if the network was manually added to any Apple device (icloud remembers), so it must be forgotten manually it it was added manually. Finally the RJ-45 port is Ethernet only, not compatible with (serial) insteon modem. Please see our website for a USB conversation kit.
  4. Javi

    UD Mobile on W11

    Not yet. Still need to acquire a W11 hardware to test to verify user input is accepted. I have removed the notification tab per Amazon's requirement.
  5. Please open a ticket.
  6. To anyone else having issues with WiFi configuration. It appears the app fails WiFi configuration when Global User Preferences for launch type is set to anything but Default. This is caused by iOS's prompt to join the wifi network notifying the app that it is being removed, upon selecting join or cancel an app restart is triggered. Until we have a fix please set the Global user preference to default for WiFi Configuration. Edit: WiFi config with non-default launch type fixed in version 1.0.14
  7. Please try resetting networking by pressing the power button 4 times. Wait a minute then reboot by pressing 5 times. Wait a few minutes then try to approve again.
  8. Hi @ISY4Me replied to ticket.
  9. What error message is shown when you hover over the circle (green/yellow/grey/red) next to the UUID on my.isy.iol? Have you approved the trial?
  10. These are seperate functions. You should be able to setup WiFi for a non-linked eisy if you had another. So both manual and from Settings-Tab > WiFi configuration should not affect UD Mobile. You are experiencing the need to reset the network also which is a different issue which we are looking into. This should not fail, however it is possible the OS will not route network requests to a network without internet. This works with Chrome on a Mac but I have not tried Safari/Firefox. Please try again as soon as 1.0.12 is available. While I don't see Apple docs saying the request to join a WiFi network needs to be on the Main Thread some of your issues make me think this may be true along with the fact that it is returned on the Main Thread. So, I changed the call to connect to the network to the applications main thread and created a new thread for the response. Not published if it does exist. But will ask if the next build does not get us any further. It would also be great to see the logs if you can get them working.
  11. Try resetting networking by pressing the front button 4 times. We are looking into a few similar reports.
  12. Version 1.0.12 will try to fix iOS not asking to join the network. Although because I can not replicate the issue I'm not sure if this will work. I will need logs to try to diagnose the other issues. Version 1.0.11 of the iOS app now has logging available to the user for WiFi configuration classes. If the logs are capture please send them to me as a Private Message as the logs may contain your WiFi credentials. There also appears to be issues with WiFi only devices, such as iPads, not working. This appears to be a bug on Apple's side. I'll need to report to Apple. If having connection issues after starting WiFi or switching to ethernet please first try to reset networking by pressing the power button 4 times. How to capture logs on IOS: Video: https://youtu.be/-tNDYX4n860 Directions: Start debugging by physically connecting your iPhone into your Mac, open the Console App, Select your iPhone on the left panel, enter "UDMobileNSLog" without quotations into the search box on the top right, then press Start Streaming button in the center of the window, finally start WiFi configuration. When finished Select Edit → Select All, Select Edit → Copy then paste the output here or in a text file. Note that if eisy's wifi access point is active and the power button is double pressed again then eisy's access point will become disabled. So if the app failed verify the access point is still active, if it is do not double press power button again. This is an iOS limitation, iOS will not allow Devs to read WiFi access points unless the app falls into a small number of categories.
  13. Javi

    Error 503

    Do you still have the error? If you do can you verify there is only a single system in Settings-Tab > Systems?
  14. Javi

    Error 503

    Try swiping app from recent apps or reboot iphone. Maybe just an old entry?
  15. Javi

    Error 503

    Based on the system name I would say yes. Either disable or delete from settings tab > Systems.
  16. There is factory reset, but will wipe everything, press 10 times. I've also seen a few systems that were power cycled during update causing issues. You could try update by pressing once and waiting 30 minutes. The system may be partially available during this time, but that doesn't indicate update has completed. If system is not available after 30 minutes press 5 times to reboot. Aside from those things I suggest opening a ticket so someone with better firmware knowledge can troubleshoot.
  17. Try resetting networking by pressing the power button 4 times.
  18. Javi

    Error 503

    503 is system is not online or not communicating with Portal. Added better error message in next release.
  19. I'm not sure, you could open a ticket and Chris may know. My only reference is the previous Z-Wave implementation. If you attempted to re-include the device it would simply update the existing device.
  20. Any one with WiFi setup issues on iOS please let me know your iOS version. I have located a bug report to apple with similar behavior. Some developers are reporting it is fixed in iOS 16 which may be the reason I can not replicate. If you are experiencing the issue and have an iOS 15 device I would like to test a few workarounds but need users to test this function.
  21. It's on our list, just have items of higher priority.
  22. No need for third party app. If you have ISY portal for remote connection, or if you only want on your local network. Use shortcut URL, then Get contents of URL To create the url get "URL to ISY" from Portal or use your local IP Address, then append the rest command i.e. /rest/nodes/<nodeAddress>/cmd/DON Create a header in "Get contents of URL" with your authorization. i.e. Key: Authorization and text: Basic base_64_Encoded_password. You can add variables if needed and also have the encoding done for you. See the following for examples: https://community.openhab.org/t/sending-commands-to-rest-api-via-siri-shortcuts-whilst-outside-of-lan/84458
  23. Maybe I have an early batch. The barcode is a standard WiFi Access Point barcode. Any scanning app can scan and see the following. WIFI:T:WPA;S:eisy.setup.XXXXX;P: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;; Where xxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the password. Some devices will try to automatically save and try to connect to this Access point if scanned (i.e. iOS/Android camera apps). So if your device/app used to scan the qr code adds the access point to your saved AP list it needs to be forgotten or will cause errors if attempting to set WiFi from app. Also changed my WiFi SSID and password to contain a hyphen and onboarding worked on my side.
  24. If you have ISY portal I believe this will work
  25. Please try reboot (press power button 5 times). If this does not work please open a ticket.
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