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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. I agree with @Bumbershoot that I think the ticket is the best option now. Had you already run the "migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" on the Polisy? I'm not 100% sure if that was ever an option on the eisy, but might have been in an early firmware. It might have been removed, but don't know. Reading the wiki the "migrate to ZMatter" is the only time it would give you a migration backup option (seems like anyway). Otherwise, I'd think like a normal backup if you ran the Z-Wave dongle backup first then backed up the IoX that it should restore everything on the eisy. But if you've tried it that way then I'm not sure the next steps to try. Good luck! Hope it's a simple fix. If it is...or even if it isn't...try to make some notes and post the fix here so it might help others should they run into the same issue.
  2. @jdm5 For reference please let us know what IoX version you are running. Admin Console -> Help -> About If you've turned on Z-wave support do you now have a Z-Wave menu in admin console? If you're making a Z-Wave backup on the Polisy you have to also backup the IoX system. The Z-Wave backup is fed into IoX then your backup should include Z-wave information. I did not have Z-wave before having the eisy and it's been almost a year since I put things into service so don't remember the steps, but it's possible if you've just always had the Z-Matter dongle attached that it might not need that step. I think the migration was more for people coming from Polisy with different Z-Wave controller.
  3. @NewTech As @Brian H says the reset button has multiple options "associated" with it. You can see on the wiki some steps in resetting: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Resetting_Your_ISY
  4. @x046866x, @Goose66, & @Whitehambone I suspect this is part of a known issue with a recent "behind the scenes" update that is causing issues. There's another post about it where @Michel Kohanim says a fix is in the works.
  5. It’s all in one update process. I’m not sure if UDI pulled the IoX update that had an issue or if it’s still being worked on. Might be worth opening a ticket to ask directly. Otherwise, if not mission critical to have this node server running now you could wait until UDI makes a release announcement or updates on the issues.
  6. Try here: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt If not on eisy remove that and put "polisy". If the qualified domain doesn't work try the IP of your device in place of "device.local"
  7. Not sure. I never recall trying the reset button on the ISY994. I would have just performed a power cycle. If you reset the router (or modem/gateway) make sure you’re using DHCP reservation for the ISY994 so it will reconnect to the same IP address. If you have the device set to static and there is an IIP conflict it’s possible it didn’t reconnect to your network correctly. The ISY994 should be set to Auto DHCP and the router/gateway should handle the DHCP reservation for the device.
  8. You might need to hit "Refresh Store" at the top of the page. It only updates the list automatically on a schedule within PG3. Updating plugins is only performed through the Polyglot web access. It does not update them when running "Upgrade Packages" in the IoX admin console.
  9. First you should troubleshoot the ISY994 to determine if it's salvageable because there's no real "plug-n-play replacement". Review this from the wiki as first step of troubleshooting: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Depending on what the lights do (or don't do) on boot determines next step. More than likely it's simply the power supply failed. Replacement power supply information in the wiki link above. Questions for us to help further: Is anything working (programs, scenes, Google commands)? Have you changed any home networking equipment lately? What computer OS are you using to try to connect to admin console? Do you have a "recent" backup? (i.e. from the last time you made adjustments to the ISY994) It's unlikely an ISY994 just fails. Let's try to get it running/working again before you go looking for a replacement. However, to give you an idea of a replacement - if you're going to stay in the Universal Devices system they have the eisy. You can read more about it on UDI's site and the wiki. That would be the closest you could get to a "plug-n-play replacement", but that needs a recent firmware backup from the ISY994 (4.9 or 5.x). Or you could look for a used ISY994 (see the coffee shop forum area or maybe ebay) and if you had a backup could try restoring that.
  10. Geddy

    WIKI Down??

    @tomho no worries where it was posted. Just made more sense here. Also, FYI looks like the wiki is back up.
  11. Geddy

    WIKI Down??

    @tomho & @DennisC, Yes, it’s down. They’re working on getting it back up.
  12. Geddy

    Java Problem

    MacOS doesn't play well with *.jnlp files like the IoX Launcher. You need to allow non-app store developers to approved list. I think it's easier than that these days, but not a mac user so can't give specific directions. If working on another mac and a PC is it possible to use those regularly or is this on a primary machine you use that you want the admin console ability? What macOS are you running? As @apostolakisl I would remove Java and download again. Just get the generic Java available from java.com (currently Version 8 Update 391 - https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp). Then try. It might give you a warning that it's not able to run a file from a source other than the app store. I think you can click more info and still run it. I had limited access to a very old install of macOS that took a few extra clicks (and reading the alerts) to get things to run, but it ran without much trouble. And then ran without effort each time I attempted to launch admin console while I had access to that computer. You can search the forums for other posts about this for tips/tricks to try. I know @Bumbershoot had several help posts related to this issue that helped me when I tried the process.
  13. @JRobbins probably not because that's not a "normal" issue to experience and need to overcome. If a PLM is working correctly then there's no need/reason to randomly reboot it. I've read tons of posts about unplugging the PLM and making sure you unplug/reboot the ISY (old models 99 and 994) and power them back up after the PLM has stabilized. If you're forcing the PLM to reboot it's possible it could put the IoX system into safe mode and it wouldn't know to recover once the PLM was stable again. Your issue is probably something better suited to ask UDI directly. You can refer to their website for "contact us" and send an email to ask them directly.
  14. @Techman since it's an unannounced update you should probably open a ticket and see if @Michel Kohanim or @Chris Jahn can troubleshoot. Have you performed a full power cycle? https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  15. Do you make a habit of leaving admin console open? That's not what it's designed to do. I would suggest always exiting admin console after you make adjustments. What firmware are you on if you were planning to upgrade to 5.7.1? It's possible something in the x.1 update fixed an unknown issue that you might have. Otherwise, save the error log for IoX and maybe PG3 log package and open a support ticket for them to review what might have happened. More than likely it was an overnight internet outage and because the admin console was open something got hung updating and a full system power cycle might fix it. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Out of curiosity: Why do you have to open every door and window after restarting the IoX system?
  16. Shouldn't impact it, but I've never tried a filter plugged into the same outlet as a PLM. I would unplug everything from the other part of the outlet the PLM is connected to and see if you still have issues. If still having issues it could be a failing PLM. How old is the PLM?
  17. This is a known issue with the start.jnlp file that had some issues released a few months ago. Resolution: Clear Java Cache (checking all three boxes) Delete any start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files on your computer Download fresh copy of start.jnlp from UDI website (or wiki or forum announcement post) Run start.jnlp Should be fixed for that "Not Found" issue. As for not being able to control devices it shouldn't matter if a computer is "closer" to the ISY. What do you mean "it's behind a filter"? Erratic control of devices seems that noise has been introduced to the system. Doesn't always mean a "new" device was added as many have found that even a failing power supply or wall-wart of another device has added noise. For one that is giving you issues open admin console and start the event viewer. Set it to "Level 3". Try controlling the device through admin console and see what events happen. Then physically control the device and review the event viewer. It's probably easier to save to a text file or copy to clipboard and paste to a text file so you don't have to keep having it scroll on other activity. Review the wiki troubleshooting steps for noise: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=INSTEON_Signal_/_Noise_Troubleshooting Fix issue 1 ("not found") first. If still having 2nd issue look for noise issues. Report back if you can give better description of the issues or the other error messages you get popping up.
  18. If this is for a lot of programs make sure you've updated your UI. If you went through the migration and didn't clear the Java Cache (temp files) you need to run that process (make sure you check all 3 boxes!). Download a new start.jnlp from the UDI site, UDI Wiki, or the forum post for IoX Launcher. Tip to what @Techman says above about the "Query" program, if you've renamed the Polisy (look at the folder under "Polisy" in the main device tree) to a different name look for THAT name. It's probably at the end of your device list. It might also have a different icon that looks like a monitor.
  19. @ShawnW this would probably be better addressed by contacting UDI directly. https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/ From a user standpoint I try to keep my names as short as possible. When they get too long you can't see the whole name in some of the drop down options. So long names and nested names become unusable. IMO
  20. the ISY994 takes the micro SD so it's not just an "SD Card" that many might consider it being. Here are the steps in the wiki that @paulbates was referencing: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card Be sure to read the "NOTE" at the top of the page Perception might be altered since it's working. Glad you got things working again. Make sure you make a current backup!
  21. Did you troubleshoot based on the previous post? How old are the devices that are turning on? Did you read the information @Techman provided about the (old) Insteon "All On" issue? Please advise: What ISY device are you using? What is your firmware? Have you factory reset and restored devices that have randomly turned on? How old is your PLM? Are any of the 5 devices you changed now turning on? Or are you seeing this on different devices that you haven't replaced?
  22. Change to "Action" and then "Your Devices" Press "Add to 'Then'" and it will show up: Then Set 'Exhaust' Off If you're "behind" on programming please take the time to review the ISY Cookbook or the wiki areas about setting up programs. The ISY Cookbook can be found in the links of the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php NOTE: The cookbook was written on a prior version of ISY firmware and some information might be outdated, but the overall general ideas remain the same.
  23. @GSutherland I was afraid of that looking at your screen shot. Mac doesn't play nice with .jnlp files even if you have Java installed. Open Finder and navigate to the location where the JNLP file resides. Likely, the Downloads folder. Then right-click (or hold Ctrl key and left-click mouse) and choose Open. This will now pop-up a box where you can read the warning and this time click Open again to allow it to run. The JNLP should then launch using Java. This could have changed since I tried this in the past. I don't use macos and only tested on a very old version recently and was able to get it to load thanks to prior posts from other mac users. If the above doesn't help search the forums for your error and try some of the posts made. It's an Apple "security" issue not allowing such files to be run since they're from outside the app store.
  24. @tmorse305 make sure in Profile (top right) you have the preferred ISY for what you want to work on selected. Then below that for Echo should be “Use all ISY in account”
  25. @GSutherland what computer operating system are you using? It looks like Java association has been messed up. Please review this post I recently made for similar issue:
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